Friday, March 7, 2014

Galaxies should be flying apart?

-  1658  -  Galaxies should be flying apart?  Newton’s laws for the force of gravity may be incomplete?  Stars and galaxies rotate too fast to stay together, according to his equations. Something is amiss?
---------------------  -  1658  -  Galaxies should be flying apart?
- In 1933 it was first discovered that galaxies were spinning so fast that they should be flying apart?  Gravity rapidly grows weaker with distance, 1 / R^2.   That is not what happens in galaxies.  Why?
.  Our Sun orbits our galaxy center, a Blackhole, at 135 miles per second, 486,000 miles per hour.  Our Sun is halfway towards the edge of the galaxy disk.  However, stars near the edge rotate with the same velocity as those closer to the center.  The disk is more like a phonograph record, not, like a solar system.  In a solar system the inner planets rotate faster than the outer planets.
--------------------------------  Planets  -----------  velocity  --------------  period  -------
---------------------------------Mercury  -------------108,000 mph  -------  88 days
---------------------------------  Venus  --------------  78,700  ------------  224 days
---------------------------------  Earth  ---------------  67,000    ------------- 1 year
---------------------------------  Mars  -----------------53,700   -------------  1.881
---------------------------------  Jupiter --------------  29,000    -----------  11.86 
---------------------------------  Saturn  -------------  22,000  -------------  29.42
---------------------------------  Uranus  ------------  15,000  -------------  84.01
---------------------------------  Neptune  -----------  12,000  ------------  164.8
--------------------------------- Pluto  ---------------  11,000    -----------  248
---------------------  Velocity  =  1  /  R^½ 
----------------------  Period^2  =  Radius^3
--------------------   Velocity  =  R  /  T
---------------------  Velocity  =  R  / R^3/2 
---------------------  Velocity =  1 / R^½ 
-.  Gravity grows weaker with distance, therefore more distant orbiting objects must orbit more slowly, or they will fly off into space.
-  In order to explain this astronomers have theorized “missing mass“, that is Dark Matter.  More mass in a spherical halo around the galaxy would allow stars to all have the same orbiting velocities.  Could Dark Matter be:   more stars that we can’t see, more dust clouds, were nebulae, more black holes, more brown dwarfs.
-.  All of these possibilities can not add up in total to explain the “missing mass” required.
-.  W I M PS,  Weakly Interactive Massive Particles, are new undiscovered particles that could be pervasive enough in space to account for missing mass.
-.  The Standard Model of Particle Physics identifies 34 fundamental particles.  There must be some more particles we have not yet discovered.
-.  Neutrinos are so small they are nearly massless.  No matter how many there are there are not enough to be the missing mass.
-.  With no matter, no particles to be found, maybe there is another explanation?  Maybe the laws of gravity are not what we think?
-.  Can we modify Newton's law of gravity?
.  The force of gravity is directly proportional to the mass and inversely proportional to the distance squared.
.----------------------  F  =  M * m * G  /  R^2
.  MOND, Modified Newtonian Dynamics,  theory assumes that luminous galaxies spin faster.  MOND's equations can work well for individual galaxies with these assumptions.  But, it does not work well for galaxy clusters.
-.  So the truth of what will explain observations still eludes us.
-.  Gravity is the warping of space time created by matter, or mass.  There are five states of matter:
---------------------------  1 plasma
---------------------------  2 gas
---------------------------  3 liquid
---------------------------  4 solid
---------------------------  5 Bois- Einstein Condensation
-.  This ordinary matter has fine defined states.
---------------------------  1 Quarks are fundamental particles that combine to form protons and neutrons, the strong nuclear force holds them together.
---------------------------  1 electrons combined with protons to form atoms,  the  electro- magnetic force holds them together.
---------------------------  1 electrons or ion nuclei se[arated from atoms form plasma.
---------------------------  2  loose atoms form gas
---------------------------  3 weakly combined atoms form liquids
---------------------------  4 strongly combined atoms form solids
---------------------------  5 at absolute zero temperatures atoms merge into a single state called Bois-Einstein Condensation.
-.  Is there more states of matter yet to be discovered?  Could a new state of matter  be Dark Matter?
 -  So the mystery persists.  We still do not know what holds our Milky Way galaxy together?  Investigations have discovered small satellite galaxies orbiting our Milky Way.  We can also find them around our neighbor , the Andromeda galaxy.  These dwarf galaxies all sit on a thin plane, seen on edge, roughly perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy’s spiral arms.
-.  All the computer simulations for Dark Matter put the satellite galaxies in a sphere totally enveloping the galaxy.  This perpendicular alignment that has been found is peculiar.
-.  Galaxy clusters have individual galaxies orbiting at thousands of kilometers per second.  These velocities should rip clusters apart.  But it doesn't?
-.  Both these observations have caused astronomers to theorize that Dark Matter constitutes 80 % of all matter.  That Dark Matter outweighs normal matter by 5 to 1.  The Dark Matter is everywhere, we just can't see it.
-.  Computer simulations result in predicting thousands of small galaxies, yet we observe only dozens.  Maybe thousands of dark satellites are devoid of stars?  Or, the stars may be too faint for our telescopes?  Maybe, the disk of our Milky Way is blocking our view?
-.  Maybe the satellite galaxies are not formed according to the computer simulations.  Maybe, they are simply clumps of debris resulting from long ago galaxy collisions?
-.  The Milky Way galaxy has a crisp structure and a thin disk.  There is no indication of major collisions in the recent past.
-.  When the cosmos is viewed on the grandest scale, a structure, or, cosmic web, of sheets and filaments appear.  Sheets of millions of galaxies, hundreds of millions of light-years across.  Cigar shaped filaments interconnecting the sheets.  Between the filaments are massive voids.  Large galaxies appear to form where multiple filaments intersect.
-.  Because the Milky Way lies in a node where filaments intersect dwarf galaxies could have traveled through the filaments where they were born.  Maybe the dwarf galaxies were not formed with Milky Way but joined our galaxy sometime later.
-.  Astronomers are trying to reapply their computer simulations on the Andromeda  galaxy.  They want to see if they can match those observations with the same simulation that works for the Milky Way galaxy.  The real discovery would be to learn the source of Dark Matter, if there is one.  If we knew the answers it would not be science.  An announcement will be made shortly, stay tuned.
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RSVP, with comments, suggestions, corrections. Index of reviews available ---
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 ----  , “Jim Detrick” -----  ---
 ---- , ---   707-536-3272    ----   Friday, March 7, 2014  ---

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