Thursday, March 30, 2017

The human brain, is a challenge for physics

-  1962  -  The human brain, is a challenge for physics to explain down to the level of quantum mechanics.  At the same time into meta physics and deep into philosophy.  (Metaphysics = abstract theory with no basis in reality.)  We are navigating the narrow path between solid ground and the edge of a swamp
----------------  -  1962  -  The human brain
-  Science is supposed be the tool that describes our natural world.  Things are not all black and white, not all 1’s and 0’s.  The natural world lies between the digital and the analogue. We are just  learning that even our brains have figured this out.  Whether we realize it or not.
-  Your brain was thought to work like a digital computer with the neurons being a network of switches snapping on or off.  Science knew that these dendrites were long branch-like structures attached to a roundish-body called a “ soma”.  Together they formed the neurons which made up the switching network.
-  the dendrites were thought to be the conduits that carried a spike of electrical activity sent to the other soma of other neurons.  What we are now just beginning to realize is that the dendrites are “ active”, not just conduits.  They are generating their  own spikes of electrical activity.
-  Dendrites make up over 90% of all the neural tissue.  They are 10 times more active than we thought.  This discovery changes the whole nature of our understanding of how the brain computes information.  It is operating as both a digital and an analog computer.
-  Dendrites can put our longer lasting voltages that in their sum total actually are more powerful than the spikes of the somas.  The brain just does not work with all or nothing signals. It also processes analog flows that affect computing.
-  Dendrites are hybrid cells doing both digital and analog computing at the same time.  The are generating digital pulses and large analogue fluctuations at the same time.    They are 100 times larger in volume than the somas.  Does that mean that our brains are 100 times more powerful than we thought.  ( It is ironic to me that we are here thinking about thinking.  It is a strange closed loop to be in.  Like staring at our navel and thinking where did that come from?)
-  A study made on lab rats found that dendrites were 5 times more active when the rats were sleeping .  And, 10 times more active when the rats were awake and moving.
-  This all tells us that learning takes place with much more “ flexibility” than we thought ( thinking about thinking again).  This whole revelation is changing our understanding of how the brain’s neurons actually work.
-  This science gets us closer to how the brain works philosophically.  It gets into the question of how does the brain have a conscience?  What is conscientiousness?  What creates it?
-  Materialism is the idea that all phenomena  is reducible to the behavior of matter, to physics.  The mind is simply  computing using meat.
-  Ontological is the branch of the metaphysics that studies the nature of existence.
-  Epistemological is the branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge.
-  We now are dealing with the intersection between science and philosophy.
-  The brain might possibly be explained in terms of matter down go the weirdness of quantum mechanics.  Or, it might it might explained by Newtonian physics operating in a complex information operating system.  Could the mind be simply biological?
-  The relationship between the mind and matter?  It is difficult to convince us that the mind is purely a biological phenomena.  Maybe quantum phenomena occurring in the brain are the root of our conscious experiences?
-  Maybe only God can fill in the gaps in our argument between science and philosophy.  We still like to believe that the design would not have required any supernatural intervention.
-  Our job of thinking about what science has learned about the world and what meta physical theories are telling us will wander from solid ground into the swamp.
-  Mans conscience is the oracle of God.  An oracle is a person considered to provide wise and insightful counsel, and prophetic predictions
-  It is far more important to preserve an unblemished conscience than to gloat in accomplishments.
-  There is no dungeon so dark as one’s own heart.  Conscience is the voice of your soul.
-  There is not witness so terrible, no accuser so powerful, as the conscience that dwells within us.  Conscience warns us as a friend, before it punishes us as a judge.
-  Note :  Request any of the Reviews by number to learn more……………
-  #1610  -  be thankful for your brain,  cooking made us human.
-  #1403  -  How to become an athlete?
-  #1405  -   What makes your brain conscious
-  #1024  -  Brainology mindset.
-  #1014  -  The brain works.
-  #922  -  Understanding yourself.
-  #868  -  Seeing with ½ your brain.
-  #801  -  The brain.  What was your memory just before you became conscious of it?
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------   Thursday, March 30, 2017  -----

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