Saturday, May 4, 2019

he Birth of the Universe.

-  2352  -  The Birth of the Universe.   It took only 3 minutes for the Universe to be born.  Yet,  it took 70 years before the prejudices were overcome and the community accepted the model worked out by a Catholic priest and mathematician.  In 1933 Lemaitre said,            “ There is no conflict between religion and science“. He was both a priest and a mathematician, I guess he should know.  He certainly was far ahead of his time.
---------------------------- -  2352  -  The Birth of the Universe.
-  It was not until 1998 that astronomers discovered that the expanding Universe was actually accelerating in its expansion.  Up until that time astronomers thought that gravity would eventually slow the expansion down and the Universe would at some point in time stop expanding and reverse itself into a Big Crunch. 
-  Ever increasing expansion means that the Universe will eventually expand faster than our limit of observation.  Galaxies that we see today will go out of sight.  Our Observable Universe will get less and less as the expansion makes the Universe bigger and bigger, but less dense and less dense.
-   As light no longer reaches us it is like LIVING INSIDE A BLACK HOLE.  This is not what we expected the evolution of the Universe to be.
-  However, there was a Catholic priest and Belgian mathematician named Georges Lamaitre (1894-1966) who predicted just such an evolution for the Universe.  He described the birth of the Universe as a burst of fireworks spreading out in an ever expanding sphere from the center of the burst.
-    He believed the burst of fireworks was the beginning of time and it occurred on a “”day without yesterday“.  Lamaitre believed that the Universe would for ever keep expanding.  No one else believed him at the time.
-  At the time of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity in 1916 most all astronomers believed the Universe was stable and unchanging.  Lemaitre studied Einstein’s equations and concluded that a static Universe could not exist, it either had to be shrinking or expanding. 
-  To be static was setting a pencil on its point.  He decided it was expanding after observing the reddish glow of galaxies observed outside our own galaxy.  Known as a redshift, it told Lemaitre that all the galaxies were moving away from us.
-    He published these conclusions in 1927 but no one took notice.  In fact, Einstein himself told Lemaitre that “ your calculations are correct, but your grasp of physics is abominable”.
-  In 1929 Edwin Hubble put Einstein on his heels with a systematic confirmation that galaxies were redshifted.  Einstein referred to his cosmological constant used to keep the Universe static in his equations as “ his greatest blunder”.
-  Lemaitre wrote to Sir Arthur Eddington that the world had a definite beginning in which all its matter and energy were concentrated at one point.  If the world has begun with a single quantum, the notions of space and time would altogether fail to have any meaning in the beginning.  They would only begin to have sensible meaning when the original quantum had been divided into a sufficient number of quanta.  If this suggestion is correct the beginning of the world happened a little before the beginning of space and time.
-  By 1933 Einstein was convinced and called Lemaitre’s theory “the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened”
-  It was not until 1944 that Fred Hoyle, an astronomer at Cambridge coined the term        “ BIG BANG”
-  In 1964 the discovery of the cosmic background radiation at 2.7 Kelvin confirmed Lemaitre’s theories.  That radiation was the remnant of the Big Bang that occurred on a day without yesterday.
-  In 1998 Stephen Hawking said, “considering the observations, they look quite good.  This led me to reconsider my theoretical prejudices“.  He too agreed that the evidence of receding Supernova explosions in the distant past confirms the Universe to be expanding at an ever increasing rate. 
-  It took 70 years before the prejudices were overcome and the community accepted the model worked out by a Catholic priest and mathematician.  In 1933 Lemaitre said,            “ There is no conflict between religion and science“. He was both a priest and a mathematician, I guess he should know.  He certainly was far ahead of his time.
-  The first 3 minutes of the birth of the Universe could be a television commercial.  Or, it could be the time it takes to cook an egg.  It is also the time it takes to make a Universe.
-  In the beginning all the energy for the Universe was condensed into a black hole from which nothing could escape.  It was so dense as to be a single point, a “Singularity“. 
-  Something caused it to go boom.  God only knows.  But, after it went Bang everything escaped and the Universe started expanding with all this energy dispersing outward into space as fast as space and time were expanding.
--------------------  Zero seconds to 10^-43 seconds  >> 3*10^28 eV
-  If we treating the Universe as a Black Hole:  A Black Hole has a radius determined by gravity, mass, and the speed of light squared:
-----------------  Event Horizon Radius = G * m / c^2
-  The smallest radius an Event Horizon can have is one wavelength determined by Planck’s Action Constant, mass and the speed of light.
--------------------  Wavelength  = h / m * c
-  So, if the smallest Event Horizon is the wavelength and the radius is the wavelength then we can put these two equations equal to each other:
-------------------  G*m/c^2  = h/m*c
-------------------  m^2 = h*c/G
-  G is the gravitational constant of proportionality that depends on the units we use.  In our case:
------------------ G = 6.674215 * 10^-11 m^3/(kg*sec^2)
------------------ c = 2.998+10^8 meters / sec
------------------ h = 6.625*10^-34 kg*m^2/sec
-  Substituting into the equation and solving for mass:
-----------------  Planck Mass = 5.455*10^-8 kilograms
-  This mass is about the mass of an amoeba or the mass of the period at the end of this sentence.
-  Substituting Planck Mass back into the Event Horizon Radius equation:
--------------------  Planck Event Radius  = 4.05 * 10-35 meters
-  This is the wavelength for a very high frequency and very high energy.  Gamma Rays begin at a frequency of 3*10^21 cycles / second and this frequency is 7.4*10^44 cycles / second.  That is a one followed by 23 zeros times higher frequency.
-  The time it takes for light to travel across this Event Horizon :
-----------------  Planck Time = c * Radius  =  1.35 * 10^-43 seconds.
-  So, this is where the 10^-43 seconds comes from.  Our calculations can not go back any further than that.  At that time, in the beginning,  all four of the fundamental forces were combined into one force inside the Black Hole.  After the 10^-43 seconds the Universe continued to expand, temperatures cooled, and particles lost energy.
---------------------    The Universe expands, energy disperses and each particle has an average energy  =   10^28 electron volts
Gravity was the first force to separate out from the other three at this energy level.
--------------------  10^-36 seconds  -  10^23 electron volts
-   The Strong Force separated out from the Electroweak Force.  This triggered the Inflationary Period to begin.  The Strong Force was distinct from Gravity but the energy level was too high for the Strong Force to hold protons together.   ( See Review #633 to learn about the “The Force Carriers”)
The Universe is still a sizzling sea of Quarks.
--------------------  10^-36 to 10^-32 seconds was the Inflationary Period.
-  During this period of .0001 seconds the Universe expanded from 10^-50 meters to 10 meters radius.  This expansion of space is much, much faster than the speed of light.  This rapid expansion carried the same material in all directions and allowed the Universe to be homogeneous in all directions.
-   It also allowed the Universe to be isotropic, which means it looks the same in all directions regardless from where you observe it.
--------------------  10^-32 to 10^-12 seconds
-  The Universe continues to be a sizzling sea of Quarks
--------------------  10^-12 seconds  -  10^11 eV
-   The Weak Force separates from the Electromagnetic Force.
--------------------  10^-6 seconds  -  10^9 eV  -  10^13 Kelvin.
-  The Universe has expanded and cooled to where the Strong Force could hold on to Quarks and form protons and neutrons.
--------------------  .02 seconds  -  8.6*10^6 eV  -  10^11 degrees Kelvin
-  The Universe was mostly radiation.  Gamma Rays consumed everything.  The temperature was 100,000,000,000 Kelvin.  It was so hot that electrons and anti-electrons, or positrons, of matter came out in pairs and were destroyed at equal rates. 
-  Only about 1 neutron or proton existed for every 1,000,000,000 gamma ray photons.  Gamma rays colliding with protons or neutrons would create a pair of particle and antiparticles.
--------------------  .11 seconds  -  2.6*10^6 eV  -  3^10^10 Kelvin
-   Free neutrons decay into protons so there begins to be an excess of protons.
--------------------  1.04 seconds  -  8.6*10^5 eV  -  1,000,000,000,00 degrees Kelvin
-   The fireball of radiation and gamma ray light becomes transparent to neutrinos.  Neutrinos escape but light and electromagnetic radiation still can not escape.  The fireball remains opaque and very hot.
-  During this first second all space was full of protons, neutrons, electrons and their antiparticles immersed in high energy gamma rays.  After the Universe expanded and cooled a little more past 1 second, gamma ray photons no longer created particles and antiparticles. 
-  Particles and antiparticles collided together and converted their masses back into photons.  Somehow, for every 1,000,000,000 antiprotons 1,000,000,001 protons formed.  And for every 1,000,000,000 anti-electrons 1,000,000,001 electrons formed.
-  This small amount of asymmetry allowed the Universe to form with matter as we know it.  If this imbalance, or asymmetry, did not happen than an equal number of particles and antiparticles would have annihilated each other and all matter would be back in the form of energy.
--------------------  13.8 seconds  -  2.6*10^5 eV  -  3,000,000,000 Kelvin
-   Electrons and anti-electrons are no longer produced in pairs.
--------------------  3 minutes, 2 seconds  -  8.6*10^4 eV  -  1,000,000,000 Kelvin
-  Electrons and anti-electrons are nearly all gone.  Photons and neutrinos contain most all the energy in the Universe.  Neutrons decay into protons leaving 86% protons and 14% neutrons, but these represent only a small fraction of the total energy.
--------------------  3 minutes, 46 seconds  -  7.8*10^4 eV  -  900,000,000 Kelvin
-  Neutrons and protons now combine to form the atomic nucleus of Deuterium.  This is called Heavy Hydrogen because it is the Hydrogen nucleus plus one neutron.  Two Deuterium nuclei combine together to create Helium.
-   Neutrons no longer decay because they are stable in the nucleus, held together by the Weak Nuclear Force.  The Helium nucleus has two neutrons and two protons. 
-  The protons have a positive charge and are repelled apart by the Electromagnetic Force, but the Strong Nuclear Force is 60 times more powerful and is able to hold the protons together.  Helium at this point is 26% of the mass of the Universe.  No nuclei heavier than Helium are formed because the Universe has cooled down to much.
--------------------  34 minutes, 40 seconds  -  26,000 eV  -  300,000,000 Kelvin
-   The temperature has cooled to 300,000,000 Kelvin.
--------------------  700,000 years  -  .26 eV  -  3,000 Kelvin
-  The Universe is 3,000 degrees Kelvin and it is now cool enough for Hydrogen and Helium nuclei to collect electrons and become neutral atoms.  Once these gases collect electrons they are no longer ionized. 
-  The neutral environment created now allows the photons of light to escape and the Universe is no longer an opaque fireball.  It is this light that later becomes the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
--------------------  13,700,000,000 years  -  .0001 eV  -  3 Kelvin
-   Today the temperature of the Universe is 3 Kelvin (2.73K).  We see it as Cosmic Background Microwave radiation and human beings on Earth first begin to analyze this process. 
-  The Gamma Ray radiation that was released when the Universe was no longer opaque has lost so much energy it is now microwave energy, in the radio spectrum.  The mass of the Universe is made up of 73% Hydrogen and 25% Helium and only 2% for all the other elements. 
-  The Earth itself contains only .15% Hydrogen and Helium.  We are a unique concentration of heavy elements not found everywhere in the Universe.
-  This ratio of Hydrogen to Helium very closely defines the expansion of the Universe as just described.  If the expansion had been faster there would be more neutrons and therefore more Helium.  If the expansion had been slower more of the neutrons would have decayed before Deuterium could have become stable, and therefore, there would be less Helium.
-   The Universe has expanded to where there is only 1 Hydrogen atom per 3 cubic meters of space.  There are 10^79 electrons in the Universe and that works out to 1 electron per 1 cubic meter.  However, the microwave background radiation from the Big Bang still has 400,000,000 photons per cubic meter of space.
-  Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium are the 3 lowest mass elements.  They were all created in the first few minutes of the age of the Universe.  And, they exist in the same ratios today.  All the higher mass elements will have to wait for 500,000,000 years for the first massive stars and supernova explosions to create them.  Supernova explosions will be the first time carbon and oxygen will have formed.
-  Then we still have to get from carbon and oxygen atoms to human beings to analyze this process that was set in motion in only 3 minutes and  13,800,000,000 years ago.
--------------------------  (1) wavelength * frequency = speed of light
-------------------------   (2)  energy = Planck’s constant * frequency
-------------------------         Planck’s constant = 4.136*10^-15 eV
-  May 4, 2019.                                                                  634     652                                                                             
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 ---------------------   Saturday, May 4, 2019  -------------------------

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