Friday, April 29, 2022

3560 - COSMIC RAYS - Are Cosmic Rays Really Rays?

  -  3560  -   COSMIC  RAYS  -  Are Cosmic Rays Really Rays?    Cosmic Rays are not really rays at all.  They are ionized “particles“.  Ionized means they are carrying an electrical charge.  Cosmic Rays are sub-atomic particles, electrons, protons, or atomic nuclei.  

----------------  3560 -   COSMIC  RAYS  -  Are Cosmic Rays Really Rays?

-  Cosmic Rays are extremely high energy because they are often traveling near the speed of light.  Because they are carrying an electric charge they are influenced by a magnetic field.


-  The Earth’s magnetic field , called the magnetosphere, protects us from most Cosmic Rays.  Cosmic Rays entering the Earth’s field tend to spiral since the magnetic force is at right angles to the direction the charged particle is traveling.  Because of the spiraling directions it is difficult for astronomers to identify the source of these Cosmic Rays. 


-   Where do the particles come from?  Our ordinary physics can not explain how these particles can be pumped up to such enormous energies?  Some of the Cosmic Rays have been named “Oh my God Particles”.   One was recorded on October 15, 1991 to have the energy of 3*10^20 electron volts.  15 of these OMG particles have been recorded to date.


-  Astronomers believe Cosmic Rays are generated in Supernovae and in Blackholes.  Blackholes can create  tremendous jets of energy emitting from its poles of rotation.  Some of these Blackholes are spinning at the limits of relativity, up to 99.9999% the speed of light.


-    Intergalactic gas can go spiraling into these jets as ionized particles and then get accelerated out by the Blackhole’s magnetic field.  Astronomers will see the photon of light and then only 46 nanometers behind it will be the proton after traveling over millions of lightyears.


-  These high energy Cosmic Rays are going to be a serious problem for astronauts in space.  They have no magnetic sphere to protect them during interplanetary travel.  Mars and the Moon does not have magnetic spheres either.  Astronauts have returned from the Moon and reported strange flashing of light in front of their eyes.  These were Cosmic Rays going through their brains.


---------------  90 % of the Cosmic Rays are protons, hydrogen nuclei.


--------------  9% are helium nuclei, also know as alpha particles which cause radiation sickness.


-------------- 1% are electrons


--------------  Cosmic Rays range in energies from 10^9 electron volts to 10^20 electron volts.  The lower energy particles reach Earth’s surface at the rate of 1 per square meter per second.


-------------  The high energy particles reach Earth’s surface at the rate of 1 per 1,000 square meters per year.


-------------  Our current particle accelerators can produce Cosmic Rays, accelerated charged particles, up to 10^13 electron volts.  This is the same amount of energy as a tennis ball traveling at 94 miles per hour, only it is in a particle the size of a proton. But, it is 10 million times less than the energy of the highest energy Cosmic Ray, 10^20 eV.


-  When Cosmic Rays are hitting the Earth below the 10^10 electron volt level the Earth’s magnetic field causes them to spiral.   This sends the charged particles into the Northern Lights or into the Van Allen radiation belts surrounding Earth, for the most part protecting us at the surface of the Earth.


-  Of course, some Cosmic Rays get through.  Ice core samples have tracked the intensity of Cosmic Rays over history.  When Rays peak there is also a peak in cancer deaths 28 years later.  When Rays are at minimum, 28 years later cancer deaths are at a minimum.


-    Cosmic Rays tend to follow the Sun’s 11 year sunspot cycle.  Further correlations have been made with lightning intensity and even with climate change.  Cosmic Rays may have even played a major role in life’s evolution on Earth.  Mutations caused by Cosmic Rays may have been key to “survival of the fittest“. 


-   Many Cosmic Rays go right through you and hit nothing because human beings are made of atoms and mostly empty space.  Or, a Cosmic Ray may hit a DNA string and change evolution.


-  Cosmic Rays from the Sun are believed to be created when the magnetic loops on the Sun’s surface break.  The charged protons trapped in the loops get flung out into space at enormous energies.  


-  Particle Accelerators work by getting protons up to enormous speeds using pulsed magnetic loops around a circular track.  Cosmic Rays are detected in our atmosphere because when they do strike a gas atom they create a shower of descending pions, muons, neutrinos, and Gamma Rays that are detected on the surface.


-  Very recently astronomers have traced back the source of extremely high energy Cosmic Rays, 10^18 eV, to a pair of colliding galaxies.  5 particles were detected between 1993 and 2003 and traced back to these galaxies 450 lightyears away.  


-  Only about 100 of these high-energy Cosmic Rays have been detected in the last 10 years.  They are traveling so fast they do not get bent by the Earth’s magnetosphere, so, astronomers an triangulate to their source.  The spread of 1993 to 2003 for the 5 particles was because they took slightly different paths to reach here.  They left at the same time but a very slight deviation from a straight line adds up over such huge distances.


-  There is not a lot of data but enough to convince astronomers that high energy Cosmic Rays come from active galaxies that host violent Blackholes.


April 28, 2022        COSMIC  RAYS   -   Are Cosmic Rays Really Rays?     3560                                                                                                                                              


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