Tuesday, November 13, 2018

History of the Universe from seconds to years.

-  2166 -  The big picture.  Time lapse of the birth of the Universe to forever.  The big picture details the time from the creation of the Universe to the death of the Universe.  Because this time scale is so large, our existence here on Earth is a mere spec of time.  In order to resolve human events in these Universal events the time has been magnified 10,000,000,000 times.

 ------------------  2166  -  The Big Picture, History of the Universe from seconds to years.
-  This really is the big picture.  It starts with the beginning of time and ends with the end of the Universe.  The beginning is a Planck Second, 10^-43 seconds.
-  These numbers are so small and so large they can only be dealt with using exponents.
 So, 10^-43 seconds is the decimal followed by 42 zeros then the 1.
-  The big picture details the time from the creation of the Universe to the death of the Universe.  Because this time scale is so large, our existence here on Earth is a mere spec of time.  In order to resolve human events in these Universal events the time has been magnified 10,000,000,000 times.
10^-43 seconds.  The Big Bang, Universe was born, First instant of time and space.
10^-42             Temperature is 10^32 degrees and gravity evolves.
10^-41             This is the shortest quantum of time called Planck’s time.
10^-39 =  This is 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds
10^-37             Inflation begins.
10^-36             Radiation only, no mass, just energy.  Strong and weak forces freeze out.
10^-35             Microscopic fluctuations become the seeds of galaxies
10^-34             Temperature cools to 10^27 degrees and matter/anti-matter emerge as quarks and electrons.
10^-32             Inflation ends
10^-30             Matter and anti-matter annihilate each other
10^-23             Hadron era.  Massive particle soup.
10^-12             Four forces emerge.  10,000 trillion degrees Kelvin
10^-10             The electromagnetic and weak forces become separate.
10^-6               Quarks freeze out.  10 trillion degrees Kelvin
10^-5   seconds           Temperature cools to 10^12 degrees, 1 trillion degrees Kelvin, the quarks form protons and neutrons and anti-       quarks form anti-protons.  Protons and anti-protons collide annihilating each other.  But a small number or protons outnumber the anti-protons causing the emergence of photons, the first light.
10^-4                           Lepton era
10^-2                           0.01 seconds, Nucleons appear as free particles.
10^-1 seconds = 0.1 seconds
10^0 = 1 sec>>>Electrons and anti-electrons collide, but a small 10^1 number of electrons outnumber the anti-electrons.  Universe becomes transparent to neutrinos.  1 billion degrees Kelvin      ( positrons) and mostly the electrons survive .Synthesis of light elements, hydrogen-2 (deuterium), helium, lithium.  An electron would quickly be knocked free because it is so hot.  Radiation interacts with particles of matter.  This radiation is today the Microwave Background Radiation, redshifted to 2 Ghz.  This radiation was discovered in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
10^2    >>>>3 minutes.   Nucleosynthesis Era.  Helium, Deuterium, Beruillium, Lithium appear, having 1,2,3,4 electrons, atomic weight                    
10^3    >>>>>60 minutes.  Free neutrons vanish from the cosmos.
10^13  >>>>300,000 years.  Radiation Era ends, Cosmic Background radiation  =  3,000 degrees Kelvin.  500,000 years. Cold Universe.  Dark Ages begin. No stars yet
10^16  -  300 million years.  3.16 * 10^16 seconds Formation of the Galaxies.  Now most of the energy in the Universe is nuclear fusion.  9.5 * 10^16 seconds.   Matter within galaxies forms distinct stars and solar systems.  Heavy elements start to appear.
-   400 million years.  Hydrogen in cosmos is reionized by the stars.  
-   600 million years.  Objects similar in mass the Large Magellanic Cloud become common.
-   700 Million years.  Formation of oldest stars in Milky Way.
-   850 million years.  Dark Ages have ended.
-   900 million years.  Galaxy 53W091 already has stars 3.5 billion years old.
-  13 billion years ago.  Hydrogen is fully reionized by this   time.
-   4.73 * 10^ 17 seconds LAST 12 Billion years expanded below.
-   5.5 * 10^17 seconds the sun will heat up enough to expand and swallow the Earth.
10^18  >>>>> 30 billion years, Sun exhausts its nuclear fuel and becomes a White Dwarf.
10^20                          NOW TAKING 10 BILLION SECOND STEPS >>>>>
10^100 seconds = 10^10^2 seconds ( Increasing the time multiplier or we will never get to the end of the Universe)
10^10^15        Last red-dwarf star dies.  Red-dwarfs have half the mass of our Sun and live a long time.
10^10^17        Most planets become detached from stars.
10^10^19        Cosmic temperature is a few degrees above absolute zero.
10^10^20        Most stars have left their galaxies
10^10^21        Brown dwarfs are failed stars with too little mass to fuse hydrogen
10^10^22        Supernovas are stars exploding with a mass > 8 times the mass of our Sun.
10^10^25        Remaining dark white dwarfs absorb and deplete Weak Interacting Massive Particles
10^10^26        Annihilation of dark matter is the energy source that            replaces nuclear burning in the
10^10^27        Universe.  It burns at 64 degrees Kelvin, colder than liquid nitrogen
10^10^30        Weak Interacting Massive Particles burn out
10^10^31        Brown dwarfs, neutron stars, dead planets, stray rocks are all that is left.
10^10^32        Protons decay, nothing made of ordinary matter will last.
10^10^33        Protons have decayed into positrons, neutrons, pions, gamma ray photons.
10^10^44        Axions decay into photons
10^10^48        Black holes are the only remaining concentration of mass    
10^10^49        Black holes are not totally black because there is still the Hawking radiation at the rim      
10^10^65        Stellar mass black holes evaporate due to Hawking radiation.
10^10^99        Largest Galaxy -mass black holes evaporate
10^10^100      Red shifted photons of low frequency
10^10^101      There are a few neutrons, electrons, positrons left but they are far apart.
10^10^120 seconds    Higher order proton decay process. The Universe is empty, cold, dark and void
-                       WE ARE HERE, BETWEEN 2.7 AND 27 BILLION YEARS
-  2.5 billion     Formation of Milky Way disk population.  Oldest dated Star.
10^17 seconds = 3 10^9 years = 3 billion years Matter within galaxies forms distinct stars and solar systems
-  3 billion years           The oldest Pulsar is born.  Most stars in elliptical galaxies and the bulges of spiral galaxies have formed.
-  4 billion years          
-  5
-  6 billion years.          Universe begins period of accelerated expansion.
-  7
-  8 billion years.  The star Beta Hydae forms. 8.2 billion years, Alpha Centauri A forms.
-  9
10 billion years            (3.15 *10^17 sec)        Earth is born , Moon splashed off the Earth
10.43                           Jovian planet formation ceases.  Terrestrial planets    still forming.
10.45                           Core of Earth formed
10.50                           Age of Martian meterorite ALH84001.  Oldest moon rocks.  Lunar highlands are formed.
10.60                           Oldest rock.  Zircon crystal.  First crust.  Sun spin     is 45 days.
10.65                           Mars has dense primordial atmosphere during formation.
10.70                           Earth has liquid water.
11                                Blue-green algae pumping oxygen into the world of the next billion years, first traces of life, hemoglobin appears, Sun is 25% dimmer, oldest rocks in Greenland. 11.3  Heavy bombardment era ends.  Mars atmosphere stops evolving.
11.5                             Cyanobacteria appear and respire oxygen.  Earth day is 15 hours long.
11.8                             Moon orbit is 20 days.  Earth year is 550 days.
12                                Proterozoic era.  Jellyfish and worms, all life shares a common RNA, ribonmucleic acid.
12.4                             Atmosphere is methane, ammonia, stromatolites are common.
12.5                             Abundant living organisms, bacteria and Archaeans.
12.7                             First ice age, coninentsnear equator glaciated.  Earth is a snowball.
13                                Single cell anaerobic prokaryotes, the oceans began to breath with floating organisms, red beds. Oxygen present, nitrogen is 96% of atmosphere.
13.15                           Sudbury crater in Canada, 250 km across, formed by asteroid.
13.4                             Animals, plants, and fungi diverge from common ancestor.
14                                Simple DNA evolves, first animals appeared.  Oldest fossil raindrops.
4.3* 10^17 sec =          15 billion years            
-                       WE ARE HERE, BETWEEN 14 AND 15 BILLION YEARS
-  4.42*10^17 sec = 14,000,000,000 years
14,100,000,000           Day is 18 hours.  Year is 481 days.   
14,250,000,000           Ice covers Earth to the tropics.
14,300,000,000           Multicellular plants, land plants,fungi and animals appear.
14,340,000,000           Hyades galaxy cluster in Taurus forms, 150 light years away.
14,350,000,000           Precambrian great extinction occurs.
14,400,000,000           Cambrian period appearance of animals with shells and skeletons, trilobites with the oldest eyes known,  sponges, slim of bacterial mats.  Mars climate system collapses.
14,450,000,000           Breakup of older super continent prior to Pangaea. At least four major extinctions occurred during the Cambrian.
14,470,000,000           Earliest fish fossil found in Yunnan, China. Myllokunmingra.
14,500,000,000           Snails, clams, scorpions, algae, fungi mosses, corals, starfish, conodonts, great ice age centered in Africa.  Oldest footprints ever found of centipede.
14,580,000,000           Surface UV intensity tolerable for living systems.
14,600,000,000           Land based plants evolve, carboniferous insects, reptiles, seed ferns introduced sex to the world, spiders, amphibians, jawed fish, sharks, ferns.  Oldest insect known, winged Rhyniella precursor.
14,610,000,000           Supercontinent Gondwana, rest is ocean.
14,670,000,000           The star Sirius is born.
14,680,000,000           Mammal show up
14,690,000,000           Birds and mammals diverge
14,700,000,000           Crocodiles, frogs, turtles, dinosaurs, mammal like reptiles, fin-backed reptiles cycads, snakes had four legs and lost them, Pangaea was the super continent in the Jurassic.
14,745,000,000           Pangaea surrounded by single ocean, desert conditions.
14,765,000,000           Fullerenes suggest asteroid caused mass extinction, 96% of all species died out.  Flowers evolve.
14,770,000,000           Mammals evolve, small, nocturnal, relatively rare.
14,792,000,000           True animals appear, Late Triassic.
14,800,000,000           Dinosaurs and mammals, Stegosaurus, Pterosaurs, birds changed two limbs to plants with flowers, Tyrannosaurus, triceratops
14,805,000,000           Breakup of Pangaea beginning
14,810,000,000           dinosaurs rule
14,830,000,000           sharks were present
14,840,000,000           Gondwanaland was a single continent, brontosaurus, salamanders, marsupials
14,900,000,000           Dinosaurs die and  mammals develop.  Pleiades star cluster begins to form.
-   4.3* 10^17sec =      15,000,000,000 years
-                           WE ARE HERE   EXPANDED BELOW last 100 million year
14,900,000,000           million years
14,908,000,000           Oldest ant discovered in amber.
14,920,000,000           Mammals develop
14,930,020,000           The Chicxulub Crater in Mexico.  170 km diameter from asteroid 12 km in diameter.  Dinosaurs become       extinct, leading to rise of mammals, primates, horses had five toes and lost four, rodents, sycamores.
14,935,000,000           Cretaceous extinction. 85% all species disappear.
14,940,000,000           Whales, penguins, roses, bats, camels, elephants, dogs, cats, weasels. Primates begin to evolve in forest environments.
14,943,000,000           Trees grow in Artic and Antarctic.
14,945,000,000           Methane gas frozen beneath sea floor releases and heats Earth.  Hoofed animals appear.
14,950,000,000           Human genome begins.          
14,960,000,000           Deer, pigs, saver cats, monkeys.
14,965,000,000           Popigai Crater in Russia, 100km diameter from asteroid impact.  Chesapeake Bay Crater formed.
14,970,000,000           Advanced primates, monkeys and apes appear, seals, dolphins, grass daisies, asters,             sunflowers, lettuce, giraffes bears, hyenas
14,985,000,000           First humanoids appear
14,990,000,000           Homo Habilis walking on two legs, using tools.  Opposable thumb appears.
14,994,000,000           Mammoths, sloths, armadillos.
14,994,200,000           Mediterranean basin becomes an arid desert through continental drift.
14,995,000,000           Atlantic Ocean bursts through Gibraltar Straits. Earth warms.  Trees grow in Greenland.
14,996,500,000           Walking on two feet in Africa.  First stone tools found in Ethiopia.
14,998,000,000           Homo erectus domesticates fire, uses language and weapons.  Mammoths enter N. America across Bering Strait.
14,999,000,000           Homo sapiens emerge distinguished by the ability to create technology.
14,999,900,000           Homo sapiens neaderthalensis emerge, bison, beavers, hoofed animals.
14,999,910,000           Homo sapiens sapiens emerge.  Migrate to Flores, so are seafaring.
14,999,250,000           Earth’s magnetic field switches to current polarity.
14,999,500,000           Fire used in China, Hungary, France.
14,999,760,000           Glacier covers United States for 1000 years.
14,999,923,000           Oldest cave art in South Africa.
14,999,940,000           Homo sapiens found in Australia.
14,999,947,000           Northern Europeans descended from 50 individuals who survived the ice age.
14,999,951,000           Barringer Crater formed from asteroid impact in Arizona.
14,999,960,000           Homo sapiens sapiens subspecies, only surviving humanoid on Earth.  Humans were in South America.  Language emerges.  Cro-Magnon man has stone working methods.  First Venus figures.
14,999,961,000           (35,000 B.C.) Lascaux Caves with moon and star symbols.  Engraved bone flute in France.
14,999,968,000           Neanderthals vanish abruptly.
14,999,983,000           Humans cross the Bering Straits.  Northern continents under ice 3 kilometers thick.  Sea level down 130 meters.  San Francisco Bay is a valley.
14,999,988,000           (10,000 BC)  Ice melts.  Modern era of technology begins with agricultural revolution.  Neanderthals use tool kits.     
14,999,990,000           (8,000 BC) Jericho has 2,000 inhabitants.  The first cities emerge in Mesopotamia.  Total human population estimated at a few million.  First plants and animals domesticated.
14,999,992,500           Wheels, rafts, boats and written language are in use
14,999,991,000           (7,000 BC)  First known lunar phase diagram  The abacus is developed in the Orient, performs arithmetic computation, man's first computer.
14,999,992,500           Agriculture, animal husbandry, Indo-European language emerge.
14,999,993,347           2650 BC  Astronomical observations begin in China.
14,999,993,764           Earliest Egyptians devise a 365 day calendar.
14,999,994,500           (3,500 BC) First writing, Sumerian.  Proto- Europeans build Stonehedge.  Invention of the wheel.
14,999,995,497           First written story of the Flood by the Sumerians.
14,999,995,000           (3,000 BC) Babylonians identify the constellations in the night sky.  Egyptians are using hieroglyphic writing.  Bronze age begins.
14,999,995,231           Earth’s oldest living inhabitant, Bristlecone pine in Inyo Mountains.
14,999,996,000           Babylonians recorded the motions of the planets, identified the ecliptic.
14,999,996,392           The fall of Jericho.
14,999,996,622           Earliest eclipse recorded in Babylon
14,999,997,800           (200 BC)  Egyptian water clock, Greeks knew Earth and Moon were spheres.  Eratosthenes measured the circumference of Earth. Babylonians predicted lunar and solar eclipses.  Chinese record astronomical observations.
14,999,997,998           1 AD.  Population is 150 million people.
14,999,998,030           33 AD  Crucifixion of Christ.
14,999,998,700           725 ad Chinese build mechanical clock that   is water driven. Asians and Persians develop astronomy, star charts, Earth size, calendar.
14,999,998,897           Collapse of Mayan civilization due to drought.  Viking civilization begins to expand.
14,999,999,003           Supernova seen in China, Japan, Europe.
14,999,999,051           1054 AD  Crab Supernova seen in China and Japan.
14,999,999,400           1400's  Leonardo da Vinci draws a clock with a pendulum
14,999,999,500           1500's  Nicolas Copernicus states Earth.  The Spinning wheel used in Europe Gregorian calendar introduced
14,999,999,600           1600's  Blaise Pascal invents automatic calculating machine to add and subtract.  Isaac Newton laws of motion and universal gravitation. Lippershey, Dutch spectacle maker invents telescope.  Galileo discovers moons of Jupiter.  Keplers laws of planetary motion. Newtonian reflecting telescope.  Romer measured the velocity of light.  Jupiter’s red spot seen by Robert Hook.
14,999,999,700           1700's  1769 hydraulic spinning machine found first factory, Life expectancy is 32 years.  Halley discovered proper motion of stars.  Herschel discovered Uranus.  Population at 600 million people.
14,999,999,800           1800's  Wollaston observed absorption lines in solar spectrum
14,999,999,807           1810's  Eruption of Tambora.
14,999,999,817           1820's  Babbage's machine to compute math tables, steam engine locomotive, typewriter,
14,999,999,927           1830"s First fuel cell, Morse code, Bessel determined distance to 61 Cygni star.  Stellar photography.
14,999,999,937           1840's  Babbage's Analytical Engine, the lock-stitch sewing machine, telegraphs use             punched paper tape.   The Dobbler effect discovered. Discovered Neptune.
14,999,999,947           1850"s Paris to London connected by telegraph, Charles Darwin principle of natural selection.
14,999,999,857           1860's  Telegraph San Francisco to New York, generator for alternating current, Huggins began spectral analysis of stars
14,999,999,867           1870    Per Capita GNP is $530 (1958 constant $) 2% in US have high-school diplomas
14,999,999,868           1871    .Charles Babbage dies with drawings at his feet for his Analytical Engine
14,999,999,869           1872   
14,999,999,870           1873   
14,999,999,871           1874   
14,999,999,872           1875    .
14,999,999,873           1876    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone
14,999,999,874           1877    Lord Kelvin demonstrates machines can solve math problems.  Hall discovers Mars satellites Phobos and Deimos
14,999,999,875           1878   
14,999,999,876           1879    .Incandescent light bulb
14,999,999,877           1880   
14,999,999,878           1881    .
14,999,999,879           1882    Thomas Edison electric lighting
14,999,999,880           1883   
14,999,999,881           1884    The fountain pen
14,999,999,882           1885    New York and Boston connected by telephone.
14,999,999,883           1886   
14,999,999,884           1887   
14,999,999,885           1888    Hertz transmits radio waves
14,999,999,886           1889    .
14,999,999,887           1890    Electro mechanical information machine uses punched cards
14,999,999,888           1891    .
14,999,999,889           1892   
14,999,999,890           1893   
14,999,999,981           1894   
14,999,999,892           1895   
14,999,999,893           1896    Tabulating Machine Company founded, will become IBM
14,999,999,894           1897    Thomson discovers the electron
14,999,999,895           1898    Alexander Popov transmit radio wave, Guglielmo Marconi receives radio patent
14,999,999,896           1899    Sound recorded magnetically on a wire.
14,999,999,897           1900    Telegraph, 1.4 million telephones, 8000 cars, 24 million light bulbs in US
14,999,999,898           1901    Electric typewriter                 
14,999,999,899           1902    Electric hearing aid
14,999,999,900           1903               
14,999,999,901           1904   
14,999,999,902           1905    Marconi's directional radio antenna. Einstein special theory of relativity.
14,999,999,903           1906   
14,999,999,904           1907    Grandpa Detrick was born     
14,999,999,905           1908    Orville Wright one hour flight
14,999,999,906           1909   
14,999,999,907           1910               
14,999,999,908           1911    Grandma Detrick was born
14,999,999,909           1912   
14,999,999,910           1913    Principia Mathematica publishes new methodology  
14,999,999,911           1914    Hertzsprung and Russell H-R diagram, luminosity vs temperature of stars
14,999,999,912           1915    Alexander Graham Bell=s transcontinental telephone.  Adams discovers White Dwarfs.
14,999,999,913           1916    Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
14,999,999,914           1917   
14,999,999,915           1918   
14,999,999,916           1919   
14,999,999,917           1920    Slipher discovers redshifts in galaxies.
14,999,999,918           1921    .
14,999,999,919           1922               
14,999,999,920           1923    Hubble proved galaxies were outside the Milky Way.
14,999,999,921           1924    Thomas Watson starts IBM               
14,999,999,922           1925    Niels Bohr quantum mechanics
14,999,999,923           1926    .Goddard fired liquid fuel rocket.     
14,999,999,924           1927    Heisenberg uncertainty principle:  electrons have no precise location but rather probability clouds of possible locations.
14,999,999,925           1928    First television
14,999,999,926           1929    Hubble discovered linear relationship between galaxy distance and radial velocity.
14,999,999,927           1930    60% of US homes have radios, 18 million Tombaugh discovers Pluto
14,999,999,928           1931    The electron microscope. Jansky discovers cosmic radio waves
14,999,999,929           1932   
14,999,999,930           1933                           
14,999,999,931           1934   
14,999,999,932           1935    First heart lung machine         
14,999,999,933           1936   
14,999,999,934           1937    First radio telescope   
14,999,999,935           1938    First ball point pen
14,999,999,936           1939    Commercial airlines across the Atlantic.
14,999,999,937           1940    First electronic, non programmable is built.
14,999,999,938           1941    Jim was born, with world’s first programmable digital computer the Z-3    
14,999,999,939           1942   
14,999,999,940           1943    Britain's Colossus computer breaks German   war code.
14,999,999,941           1944    Vacuum tube and punched paper tape computer. Interstellar hydrogen emits radio            waves at 21.1 centimeters wavelength.
14,999,999,942           1945    John von Neumann describes stored program concept.
14,999,999,943           1946    ENIAC army's programmable computer. TVs in the home.
14,999,999,944           1947    Shockley's transistor
14,999,999,945           1948    Cybernetics published
14,999,999,946           1949    George Orwell book "1984" computers enslave the world..
14,999,999,947           1950    UNIVAC used in US census, color television
14,999,999,948           1951    EDVAC first computer with a stored program
14,999,999,949           1952    UNIVAC computer predicts Dwight Eisenhower will be elected, first transistor radios,             IBM's first scientific computer.
14,999,999,950           1953    Discovered chemical structure of DNA
14,999,999,951           1954   
14,999,999,952           1955    William Shockley's semiconductor lab, Remington Sperry Rand corporation competes             with IBM, IBM introduces 2,200 transistor calculator. Space program defines computer needed to launch rocket to the moon.                
14,999,999,953           1956    IBM invents FORTRAN language, first computer defeats chess champion, first battery watch, Artificial Intelligence first conference.
14,999,999,954           1957    Kenneth Olsen found DEC.  Russians launch sputnik
14,999,999,955           1958    Jack Kilby, Texas Instruments, integrated circuit, LISP AI language, Semour Cray's first transistorized supercomputer.      Americans launch first satellite.
14,999,999,956           1959    Jack Kilby and Robvert Noyce develop computer chip, COBOL computer language, Xerox first commercial copier.  Lunik II lands on Moon.
14,999,999,957           1960    First ruby laser, 6000 computers in the US
14,999,999,958           1961    First time sharing computer, John F Kennedy Apollo program to go to the Moon.  Gagarin first man in space.
14,999,999,959           1962    First industrial robots, Jim graduates with Engineering degree  John Glenn first American in orbit.  Quasar is discovered.
14,999,999,960           1963    DEC PDP-8 first successful minicomputer.
14,999,999,961           1964    IBM 360 series computers, BASIC software language, Gordon Moore's law IC's will             double in complexity each year
14,999,999,962           1965    .Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University is founded, prediction that by 1985 machines will be capable of doing any work a man can do. Penzias and Wilson discover remnants of the Big Bang,            Microwave Background Radiation.
14,999,999,963           1966    Amateur Computer Society is formed.   Luna 9 and Surveyor I land on the Moon 
14,999,999,964           1867    First internal pacemaker, uses integrated circuit, IC.  Pulsars discovered.
14,999,999,965           1968    Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce found Intel.  Borman, Lovell and Anders fly around Moon 
14,999,999,966           1969    Armstrong and Aldrin land on Moon
14,999,999,967           1970    Per capita GNP is $3,500 in 1958 dollars.      Floppy disk introduced for storing data.              Xerox Palo Alto Research Center introduces the first personal computer.
14,999,999,968           1971    Intel 4004, first microprocessor.  First pocket calculator.  Russian probe lands on Mars.
14,999,999,969           1972    Dreyfus publishes What Computers Can't Do, arguing that symbol manipulation cannot be the basis of human intelligence  Gamma rays first observed..
14,999,999,970           1973    genetic engineering, DNA's strands are cut, joined, and then reproduced by             inserting them into bacterium. Pioneer 10 transmits images from Jupiter.
14,999,999,971           1974    Creative Computing magazine for home computer hobbyists.  Intel 8 bit 8080.
14,999,999,972           1975    Altair 8800 first PC introduced with 256bytes of memory, 5000 PC's sold in US.   BYTE magazine is published 
14,999,999,973           1976    Apple computer founded.  Print to speech reading machine, optical character recognition, scans and reads aloud printed material
14,999,999,974           1977    The film Star Wars, fiber optics in the telephone system, Apple II with color graphics ( I had one, serial number 200)
14,999,999,975           1978    speak and spell computerized learning for kids, TI's   electronically duplicate of the human vocal tract on a chip Charon, Pluto’s moon discovered
14,999,999,976           1979    expert system in medicine diagnoses cases of meningitis, Visicalc, the first electronic spreadsheet.   
14,999,999,977           1980    AI annual revenue is 2 million dollars
14,999,999,978           1981    Xerox introduces the Star computer, Apple   The laser printer.
14,999,999,979           1982    Compact disk players, Lotus 123 spreadsheet
14,999,999,980           1983    Fax machines a necessity, musical instrument digital interface         
14,999,999,981           1984    Apple computer bit mapped graphics, icons, and mouse
14,999,999,982           1985    116 million jobs in US vs 12 million in 1870, per capita GNP increased 600%
14,999,999,983           1986    Electronic keyboards are 55% of US musical keyboard market, life expectancy is 74 years in US, 3% of work force involved in food production, 76% have high school            diplomas,7.3 million students in college. Challenger space shuttle disaster.
14,999,999,984           1987    NYSE stock, greatest loss in single day due to computerized trading, speech systems with large vocabulary.
14,999,999,985           1988    Computer memory costs 100 millionth of cost in 1950, 4,800,000 computers sold in US, Connection machine capable of 65,536 computations at the same time, notebook computers replacing laptops.  Quasar discovered 17 billion light-years away.
14,999,999,986           1889    Intel 16 Megahertz 2.5 MIPS microprocessor.  Magellan radar map of Venus.  Voyager 2 at Neptune
14,999,999,987           1990    http, hypertext markup language developed for www, CD-ROM magazine published, Hubble            space telescope.  Keck telescope.
14,999,999,988           1991    cell phones and e-mail are popular
14,999,999,989           1992    First PDA, handheld computer by Apple COBE satellite proves existence of temperature fluctuations in microwave background
14,999,999,990           1993    Pentium 32 bit microprocessor with 3.1 million transistors.   Endeavour mission corrects Hubble space telescope. Gamma Ray Bursts discovered. 
14,999,999,991           1994    world wide web, America on line has 1 million subscribers.  Comet Shoemaker-Levy crashes into Jupiter.
14,999,999,992           1995    America on line has 1 million subscribers. Galileo reaches planet Jupiter.
14,999,999,993           1996    Scanners and CD ROMS widely used, Compac , NEC ship handheld computers with Windows CE NEC ships PDA with touch screen interface
14,999,999,994           1997    DEC introduces 300 MHz CPU at 1 billion instructions / sec Continuous speech dictation software, video phones, face recognition
14,999,999,995           1998    phone verbal dialogue with humans, evolutionary algorithms and neural nets to             make investment decisions, www is ubiquitous, animated faces that speak with realistic mouth movements, virtual retina display projects image on your retina, bluetooth and wireless high bandwidth connection to web
14,999,999,996           1999    .Age of Spiritual Machines, When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence
14,999,999,997           2000    Computer defeats Gary Kasparov, world chess championship
14,999,999,998           2001   
14,999,999,999           2002
15,000,000,000           2003    WE ARE HERE, 15 BILLION YEARS AFTER THE BIG BANG.
15,000,000,001           2004
15,000,000,002           2005
15,000,000,003           2006
15,000,000,004           2007
15,000,000,005           2008
15,000,000,006           2009    A $1000 PC can perform a trillion      calculations a second. 
15,000,000,007            2010   Visual displays imbedded in clothing and      jewelry.  Wireless to the web.  Business transactions with virtual personality that looks like a human face.
15,000,000,008            2011   reading machines for the blind, listening machines for the deaf
15,000,000,009            2012   computer controlled paraplegic limbs
15,000,000,010            2013   translating telephones for many languages
15,000,000,011            2014   human musicians jam with cybernetic musicians
15,000,000,012            2015   bioengineered treatment for cancer and heart disease
15,000,000,013            2016
15,000,000,014            2017
15,000,000,015            2018
15,000,000,016            2019   A $1000 ( 1999$) computer is equal to the computational ability of the human brain.
15,000,000,017            2020   computers are embedded everywhere, largely invisible
15,000,000,018            2021   3D virtual reality displays
15,000,000,019            2022   nano-engineering in manufacturing
15,000,000,020            2023   most learning conducted through intelligent, simulated software-based teachers.
15,000,000,021            2024   Blind have eyeglass reading, navigation systems.  Deaf read lips through lens displays.  Paraplegic walk and climb with computer controlled nerve stimulation
15,000,000,022            2025   Business transactions use simulated person
15,000,000,023            2026   People begin to have relationships with robots.  Automated driving everywhere
15,000,000,024            2027  
15,000,000,025            2028
15,000,000,026            2029   A $1000 computer has the computing capacity of 1000 human brains.  Eye implants allow interfacing with www   computing.  Neural implants enhance sight, hearing, memory, reasoning.  Most communications does not involve a human
15,000,000,027           2030   computers are given legal rights
15,000,000,037           2040    machines claim to be conscious
15,000,000,047           2050    nanoproduced food with correct nutritional value
15,000,000,057           2060
15,000,000,067           2070    picoengineering becomes practical
15,000,000,077           2080    there is no longer a clear distinction between humans and computers.
15,000,000,087           2090    software based humans exceeds neuron cell based computation.  Information can be instantly understood
15,000,000,097           3000    femtoengineering. Life expectancy is no longer a viable term in relation to intelligent beings.  While we consider the fate of the Universe.
-  Planck time is the shortest interval of time.  It is the time it takes a photon of light to travel across a Planck Length.  Planck time = 1.70863 * 10^-43 seconds.  T^2  =  G h / 2*pi*c^5.
-  Planck Length is 1.61599 * 10^-35 meters.  L^2  =  G*h / 2*pi*c^3
G is the gravitational constant.  H is the Planck Constant = 6.626076 * 10^-34 joule * second.
-  November 13, 2018.   -    354     The Big Picture - Jim’s Universal Calendar
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 ---------------------   Tuesday, November 13, 2018         -------------------------


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