Thursday, July 7, 2011

Index of reviews available upon request

If you like these reviews and want to read some others here is an index to choose from. I will post these upon request, or send an individual e-mail. The main purpose of reviews is the productivity of learning. You can read in 10 minutes what it took 10 hours to research, write, type, edit and post, which is a hobby of mine.
-803 - Transcendental Numbers : “e” and “pi”. - Transcendental numbers and Irrational numbers have a unique place in our language of mathematics. Math somehow is as much discovered as it is invented. Much of what we find in math is inherent in the natural world. Nature obviously got there first. Here is some interesting stuff about these numbers if you like this sort of thing:

-1023 - The Number Pi - Our history tells us that the number “Pi” was first approximated in 1,900 years before the birth of Christ. “Pi” was known to be the ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter. The calculation was done to the base 60 not to the base 10. To the base 10 their calculation was a little greater than 3. Pi has a long history of discovery. It was not until ---1761 that Pi was recognized as an Irrational Number. There are so many equations used to describe nature and natural laws that have this unique number included.

-1072 - Avogadro’s Number. - This review tries to calculate the number of atoms in the air using Avogadro’s Number and the number of breaths available in the Earth’s atmosphere. Enter if you like to play with numbers.
-1241 - How Can Space and Time be Related?. - Space and time seem to be absolute quantities to us. It is hard to see their interrelationship until you take their ratio as velocity and extend that ratio to its limits. In order for the speed of light to be a constant physical law in the Universe, regardless of the relative motion of all observers everywhere, then space and time must change in a compensating way to keep the velocity constant.

-1242 - How Does Spacetime Change at the Micro-level?. - Space and time change at the macro-level to keep the velocity of communications a constant. At the micro-level space and time become lumpy with uncertainties and seem to avoid this limitation all together. We live in the middle of these extremes and only recognize them at the frontiers of physics and astronomy.

-1243 - What is Behind the Man in the Moon? - After U.S. astronauts have landed on the Moon 6 times and 9 more robotic missions have completed more measurements on the Moon, what more have we learned? Using lasers and seismographs science has formulated how the Moon likely formed and what its interior is like below the surface. That surface is what we see today and it has not changed much over the past 3 billion years.

-1244 - Blackholes Explained? - The attached picture is of 2 merging galaxies and the resulting creation of Blackholes in the massive star formations that came out of the collision. What are the conditions that create these astronomical mysteries?

-1245 - Can Dust in Outer Space contain Life? - What creates the dust we find in space throughout our Solar System? Could life have started in the dust of outer space? Once life got started in space how did it survive the radiation that destroys life? Regardless of how we got here aren’t you glad you landed on Mother Earth?

-1246 - Radiation in Space and Dangers to Life? - Space may have the ingredients for the start of life but, it also has the radiation to destroy life. See Review #1245 - Dust in Space Ingredients for Life. We do not know when chemistry became biology, but, when life leaves the protection of Earth it enters a space bathed in radiation that can destroy life.

-1247 - The Solar Wind Dangerous, or, a new Form of Energy? - The Solar Wind gets captured by the Earth’s magnetic field creating a powerful source of electricity high above out heads. Is there a way to tap into all this energy that the Sun sends us.

-1248 - How Does the Magnetic Field Protect Us from the Solar Wind? - This review has the physics and math to explain how the Solar Wind of charged particles are captured by the Earth’s magnetic field. The charges bounce between the North and South magnetic poles and create the Van Allen Radiation Belts that are far above our heads and shielding us from the Sun’s more dangerous radiation.

-1249 - How Does Fusion Work in the Stars? - The fusion in the core of stars can be analyzed as simple hydrogen nuclei, which are protons, fusing together to create heavier elements. Each fusion process up to the element Iron releases some amount of energy. Knowing how much energy our Sun puts out we can estimate the lifetime of our star, how long it will take to “burn up” all of this proton fuel.

-1251 - Did You Realize the Your Are 1 in a Million? - Kepler Space Telescope has discovered planets orbiting other stars. Based on this find astronomers conservative estimate is that over 1 million other Earth-size and habitable planets reside in our Milky Way Galaxy. Here is how the discoveries were made:

1252 - New Worlds Discovered when Cassini Visits Saturn. - The Cassini spacecraft has made some amazing new discoveries visiting the planet Saturn, its rings, and its moons. This review is a short summary of these discoveries.

-1253 - Japan’s Tsunami Moves the Earth. - This review illustrates the power of the Japan earthquake and the resulting tsunami wave that occurred March 11 this year. It uses some math and physics lessons to show how the Earth can change its speed of rotation, the length of a day, and a shift on its axis of rotation.

-1254 - What Happens When You Cool an Atom? - Getting to the very small enters the Quantum World where physics takes on strange behavior. But, also, getting to the very cold enters the same unusual world of Quantum Mechanics. Today science is exploring more of this world near temperatures of Absolute Zero, (-273 degrees Centigrade).

-1255 - What Have We Learned about the Electron? This review covers the many things we have learned about the electron. It is a fundamental particle in our Universe that is responsible for electricity, electronics, chemistry, biology, and the neurological thinking that goes on in your brain. So, in a way, in reading this review your electrons are studying themselves.

-1256 - Why Do I Have Earthquake Insurance? - The Pacific Tectonic plate has been moving lately. Chile received an 8.8 Magnitude in February, Christchurch, New Zealand a 6.3 in February, Japan a 9.0 in March. Earthquakes appear to occur in bunches since 1900. Here is a review of record and predictions for the future.

-1257 - Are the Natural Forces Combined into a Single Equivalency? - The forces of nature, we take for granted in our natural world. They may have come from a single universal force. And, they may not be forces at all but a warped geometry in space and time. What we perceive as forces may be movements in space and movements in time. Not only could all the forces be combined into this fabric of distorted space, but, everything in our natural world could be interconnected in this geometric fabric of space - time.

-1258 - How Much Space is in our Solar System? - The Universe is a very big place with lots of space. We really do not know what space is, or, what’s it made of. To visualize how much space is in the Solar System let’s scale the Sun down to the size of a grapefruit, 4 inches in diameter. With everything at this scale how much space is in our Solar System?

-1259 - Distant Quasars and the Early Universe? - Quasars are distant galaxies that are extremely active because they have massive Blackholes at their centers. The spinning Blackholes have rotating accretion disks of high energy material that emits enormous amounts of radiation energy. These active galaxies are so bright they can be seen over astronomical distances. Astronomers are using them to see the early evolution of the Universe.

-1260 - Measuring the Space-Time Warp of Earth’s Gravity? - Einstein’s Theory of Relativity predicted that gravity would warp the geometry of space-time just like acceleration would. If a satellite orbits the Earth it would follow the least energy path through this modified space-time. This would in turn cause the plane of the satellite’s orbit to wobble, or precess. The effect of precession is very small, one part in a few trillion. This review tries to learn how the calculations were made and what the measurement results have been to prove Einstein is right.

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