Tuesday, June 30, 2020

ASTRONOMY - learning from most distant stars?

-  2769 -  ASTRONOMY  -  learning from most distant stars?  -  Everything we see has happened in the past.  When you see the Sun it is as it was 8 minutes ago.  When we see our nearest star that image is 4.3 years old.   Stars in our galaxy can be 100,000’s years old.  Stars in far away galaxies are now billions of years old.  The oldest that our telescopes can see are stars that are 4,000,000,000 years older today.
--------------------  2769 -  ASTRONOMY  -  learning from most distant stars?
-  It is thought provoking that we can actually see backwards in time.  What can we learn from the past?
-  The Hubble Space Telescope has seen the formation of the first stars and galaxies in the early Universe that took place as far back as when the Universe was just 500 million years old.
-  The exploration of the very first galaxies remains a significant challenge in modern astronomy. We do not know when or how the first stars and galaxies in the Universe formed. Especially so soon after the big Bang.
-  Population III stars are these first stars that were forged from the primordial material that emerged from the Big Bang.  Population III stars must have been made solely out of hydrogen and lithium.  These were the only elements that existed before processes in the cores of  stars could create heavier elements, such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and iron.
-  The Hubble's Space Telescope observed six distant galaxy clusters from 2012 to 2017 and produced the deepest observations ever made of galaxy clusters and the galaxies located behind them which were magnified by the “gravitational lensing effect“. This new image revealed galaxies that were 10 to 100 times fainter than any previously observed.
-  The masses of foreground galaxy clusters are large enough to bend and magnify the light from the more distant objects behind them. This allows the Hubble telescope to use these cosmic magnifying glasses to study objects that are beyond its nominal operational capabilities.

-   “Gravitational lensing” has allowed astronomers to discover galaxies with lower masses than ever previously observed with Hubble.  These galaxy distances were corresponding to when the Universe was less than a billion years old.
-  At this earliest point in cosmic time, the lack of evidence for exotic stellar populations and the identification of many low-mass galaxies supports the suggestion that these galaxies are the most likely candidates for the ‘deionization” of the Universe. This period of reionzation in the early Universe is when the neutral intergalactic medium was ionized by the first stars and galaxies.
-  These results have profound astrophysical consequences as they show that galaxies must have formed much earlier than we thought. And that low-mass, faint galaxies in the early Universe are responsible for this reionization.
-  Telescopes are our "time travelers." The farther away an object is, the longer its light takes to reach Earth. Peering back in time requires us to collect “infrared light“.  These longer wavelengths in the infrared were initially emitted by stars and galaxies as ultraviolet light more than 13 billion years ago  The light waves traveled though the expanding universe and the wavelengths were stretched, or redshifted, into the infrared light.
- The Hubble Space Telescope has previously created "deep fields" by staring at small areas of the sky for significant chunks of time. The Webb telescope that will be launched this year , 2020, will observe the first galaxies even closer to the Big Bang. 
-  Surveys like the Hubble Deep Field have allowed us to map the history of cosmic star formation in galaxies within a half a billion years of the Big Bang all the way to the present in surprising detail.
-  The Webb infrared telescopes will take us further by delivering the unseen.  What was the early universe like? There are certainly many data points, but not enough to create an exhaustive census of its conditions. Researchers' knowledge and assumptions are updated frequently, each time a new deep exposure is released.
-  The universe was more compact at this time, which means stars and galaxies could have formed at a greater efficiency.  Some models predict we will find 50 galaxies at earlier eras more distant than Hubble can reach, but others predict we will only find a few. In both cases, the data will help us constrain galaxy formation in the early universe.
-  The Webb Telescope Survey  hopes to identify an abundance of distant objects, including the most distant galaxies in the universe, early galaxy mergers and interactions, the first massive or supermassive black holes, and even earlier quasars than previously identified.
-  These data will help demonstrate what the structure of the universe was like at various periods from its beginning.  More than 13 billion years ago, during the Era of Reionization, the universe was a very different place. The gas between galaxies was largely opaque to energetic light, making it difficult to observe young galaxies. What allowed the universe to become completely ionized, or transparent, eventually leading to the “clear” conditions detected in much of the universe today?
-  The James Webb Space Telescope will peer deep into space to gather more information about objects that existed during the Era of Reionization to help us understand this major transition in the history of the universe.
-   The Big Bang set off a series of events, leading to the cosmic microwave background, the dark ages, the first stars and galaxies, and then to this Era of Reionization. During this period, the gas in the universe transformed from mostly neutral, meaning it was opaque to ultraviolet light, and became completely ionized, which allowed it to be transparent. Ionization means the atoms were stripped of their electrons leading to the "clear" conditions detected in much of the universe today.
-  Many questions remain about this unique time in our universe. For example, what was responsible for converting the gas from neutral to ionized? And how long did it take before the universe became significantly less opaque and much more transparent?
-  We think this happened when ultraviolet light escaped young, forming galaxies.  There may be other factors. For example, early accreting black holes may also have emitted ultraviolet light that eventually helped transform the gas.
-  Where the galaxies appear on the sky allows astronomers to  examine reionization-era galaxies to see if they are clustered together in the same regions or if they are more isolated.
-   Astronomers  have a lot of ideas about what causes galaxies to grow and become more massive, but we need more comprehensive information about these galaxies to fully understand how they initially grew and evolved.
-  The telescopes light spectrum provides invaluable data since to help researchers identify the colors, temperatures, motions, and masses of each target, and provide a much more in-depth look at the chemical makeup of distant objects.
-  Researcher can use the data to analyze the masses of galaxies, galaxy shapes, and photometric redshifts.  This tool will take us back to the formation of the Universe.  Where did we come from?  How did we get here?  Stay tuned there is much more to learn.
-  June 29, 2020                                                                                  2769                                                                                             
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 ---------------------   Tuesday, June 30, 2020  -------------------------

Sunday, June 28, 2020

DARK MATTER - What is the Universe Made of?

-  2768  -  DARK  MATTER  - What is the Universe Made of?  Since 1970 astronomers have believed Dark Matter existed because studying the orbits of galaxies and stars around galaxies could not be calculated based on the stars and matter they could see.  Either Kepler’s and Newton’s formulas for the laws of gravity and motion were incorrect, or there was matter there that they could not find.
------------------  2768 -   DARK  MATTER  -  What is the Universe Made of?
-   In August 2006 astronomers found the first direct evidence that Dark Matter really existed.  Studies of the Bullet Cluster of galaxies, two galaxies that have been colliding head-on in the Constellation Carina. 
-  The studies showed that when galaxies collide all matter inside them does not behave the same way.  Stars represent only 1 to 2% of the material and they are spread out so thinly that they pass by each other with almost no collisions and only a very small slow down in velocity due to gravity. 
-  However, the hot interstellar gas represents 5 to 15% of the total mass.  It is electrically charged ions, referred to as ionized plasma, are significantly affected by the electromagnetic forces and significantly slows down in velocity.  As the galaxies pass through each other the stars and the interstellar gas get separated with mass of the stars leading the gas in the shape of a Bullet.
-  Astronomers then used gravitational lensing to measure the affects of gravity on light beams that are coming from distant stars behind the galaxies.  Gravity bends light and as the light beams pass the mass of the two galaxies the stars appear to shift position.
-   The amount of shift and the outline of shifting light beams tell astronomers how big the mass is and where it is located.  The conclusion was strong evidence that the mass was much greater than what could be seen.  And, the position of the mass was around the stars, the ordinary matter.  It was Dark Matter.
-   The unseen mass was not around the ionized gas so it was not affected by electromagnetic forces in the same way the gas was.  In other words the gravity detected was greater around the 1 to 2% mass of stars than around the 5 to 15% mass of gas.  The stars must have had some help that we can not see.
-   The collision occurred 150,000,000 years ago.  Much of the astronomy was done with X-ray telescopes because the shockwave from the gas collisions created temperatures of 70,000,000 C plowing through gas at 100,000,000 C with velocities of 6,000,000 miles per hour.  These high temperatures emitted X-rays and gave astronomers a good picture of the ionized gas. 
-  Since 1970 astronomers have believed Dark Matter existed because studying the orbits of galaxies and stars around galaxies could not be calculated based on the stars and matter they could see.  Either Kepler’s and Newton’s formulas for the laws of gravity and motion were incorrect, or there was matter there that they could not find.
-   The rotational velocities of stars around galaxies are nearly constant from stars near the center of rotation to stars near the edge of rotation.  At least, the edge that we can see.  All of the formulas require the near in stars to be traveling faster than the far out stars.
-   Just like the planets orbiting the Sun.  Mercury is traveling much faster than Pluto.  If Pluto was traveling as fast as Mercury it would fly out of the Solar System.  The same with galaxies.  If there was not some unseen mass the galaxies would fly apart.  The only way to make the formulas work is to believe there is an unseen mass surrounding galaxies in a giant halo.  The unseen mass is called Dark Matter.
-  How much Dark Matter is there?    Astronomers are just now answering this question with all the evidence pointing to Dark Matter representing 85% of all the matter in the Universe. Here is what they get adding up all the mass and energy in the Observable Universe:
-----------------  Heavy elements, heavier than helium -----------  0.03%
-----------------  Neutrinos  -------------------------------------------  0.30%
-----------------  Stars, mostly hydrogen and helium  -------------  0.40%
-----------------  Free hydrogen and helium gas  -------------------  3.50%
-----------------  Dark Matter  ----------------------------------------  23%
-----------------  Dark Energy  ---------------------------------------  73%
-The Big Bang basically only created hydrogen and helium.  25% hydrogen and 75% helium.  This comes from the fact that the hydrogen nucleus is one proton and there are four protons in the helium nucleus.  But, it must have created a lot more because hydrogen and helium are only about 4% of the Universe.
-  All the elements heavier the hydrogen and helium, and there are 116 elements, were created in the nuclear reactions of the cores of stars, or in the supernova explosions that occur when the cores run out of fuel, the star implodes, and rebounds into a giant explosion called a supernova. 
-  The shockwave from the explosion slams into incoming gas and interstellar gas creating more nuclear reactions and heavier elements.  These are all the elements that make up us and everything we see around us.  All these elements are less than 0.03% of what makes up the Universe.
-  All the stars in all the galaxies only make up 9% of ordinary matter.
-  Ordinary matter itself only make up 16% of all the matter.  84% of all the matter is Dark Matter.  It is that 84% of the mass of the Bullet Cluster galaxy collision that the astronomers detected in gravitational lensing.
-  If we assume that Dark Matter and Dark Energy are made up of particles like the rest of the Universe, how many particles make up the Universe?

--------------  Matter, that is protons and electrons  --------  10^78 particles  ---  17%
--------------  Radiation, that is photons  ---------------------  10^87 photons  ---   19%
--------------  Neutrinos ----------------------------------------   10^87 neutrinos ---  19%
--------------  Dark Matter  ------------------------------------   10^77 particles  ---- 17%
--------------  Dark Energy  -----------------------------------   10^118 particles  --- 26%
------------------TOTAL  ----------------------------------------10^447 particles  ---  100%
-  If Dark Matter and Dark Energy are particles they represent 43% of all particles.
-  Photons and neutrinos are massless and nearly massless and they represent 38% of all particles.
-  Protons and electrons must be of equal numbers because the Universe has a neutral electric charge, so protons = 10^78 particles and electrons = 10^78 particles, but an electron is only 1/1860th the mass of a proton.
-  Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.  Now we have evidence of presence, but we have little knowledge of what the presence is.  Dark Matter is most likely a sub-atomic particle that we have yet to discover.  It is most likely a very heavy particle or it would have shown up in our particle accelerator experiments.  -

-  Dark Energy was not known until 1998 so we  have only 30 years to think about it.  The most likely answer is vacuum energy.  A vacuum is not really a vacuum but a see of virtual particles and anti-particles going into and out of existence in such a short time they do not defy the laws of physics and cannot be detected using the laws of physics.  The hope is that higher energy particle accelerators may discover some of the answers. 
-  It is interesting that astronomy with the theory of Relativity studying the biggest things in the Universe, now depends on the particle physicists with the theory of Quantum Mechanics studying the smallest things in the Universe.
-  Mathematicians have the other big problem of bringing Relativity and Quantum Mechanics together.  Neither math will work in the others scale.  The new mysteries in the Dark are bringing everyone together to solve the same problem.  What is the Universe made of?  We are still trying to figure that out?
-  June 27, 2020                                     827                                     2768                                                                                                                                       
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 ---------------------   Sunday, June 28, 2020  -------------------------

Saturday, June 27, 2020

DARK MATTER - confirmed by new measurements?

-  2767 -  DARK  MATTER  - confirmed by new measurements? -   The first Fast Radio Burst detected came from a galaxy that is about 4 billion light-years away from Earth.   Using  dispersion measurements for these FRB’s, astronomers are able to make a rough calculation of how much dark matter the radio waves passed through before reaching earth.
-------------------  2767  -  DARK  MATTER  - confirmed by new measurements?

-  It is the year 2020 and one of the biggest mysteries to have occurred over the past several decades is still little known.  We live in one of many billions of galaxies and outside of our local groups of galaxies all these galaxies are accelerating away from us and each other.
-  The acceleration itself is increasing in acceleration.  It is caused by some unknown energy in our Universe called Dark Energy appears to occupy all of space.
-  The counterbalance to this accelerating expansion is the gravity that is holding our local galaxies together.  If the Universe were created from “nothing” these two energies should cancel out.   “Mass” is only “concentrated energy” according to energy equals mass times 9*10^16.  That number is the speed of light squared in meters^2 / second^2.
-  But the strength of gravity decreases with distance.  Dark Energy remains constant with distance.  The expansion is going to win out.  The math in all of this tells us that 75% of the mass / energy in the Universe Dark Energy and 25% is Dark Matter and Ordinary Matter.  What percent of this  total “Matter” is ordinary matter?
-  By 1998 cosmologists had made a prediction about how much “ordinary matter” there should be in the universe. They came up with about 5%  should be regular stuff that is everything we know and think we understand. and the 95% is a mixture of “dark matter” and “dark energy“.  Neither of these “dark’ things are understood.  We just believe they are out there.  The math says so.
-   But when cosmologists counted up everything they could see or measure at the time, they came up short of even this 5% number.  By a lot.  The sum of all the ordinary matter that cosmologists measured only added up to about 2.5%, not the 5% what the math said to be in the universe.
-  This is known as the “missing baryon problem” and for over 20 years, cosmologists have looked hard and wide for this matter without success.  “Baryon” is a classification for types of particles that encompasses protons and neutrons and electrons, the building blocks of all the “ordinary matter” in the universe. Everything on the periodic table and pretty much anything that you think of as the material universe is made of “baryons“.
-  Cosmologists have surmised that dark matter must exist in order to explain these gravitational patterns in space.  Dark matter makes up most of the matter of the universe with the rest being baryonic matter. 
- In 1997,  scientists used the ratio of heavy hydrogen nuclei, that is hydrogen with an extra neutron, to normal hydrogen to estimate that baryons should make up this 5% of the mass-energy budget of the universe.
-  Other astronomers were reporting that a direct measure of baryons in our present universe, determined through a census of stars, galaxies, and the gas within and around them,  added up to only half of this predicted 5%.
-  Provided the law of nature held that matter can be neither created nor destroyed, there were two possible explanations for these missing baryons.  Either the matter didn’t exist and the math was wrong, or, the matter was out there hiding somewhere and we have not found it.
-  Remnants of the conditions in the early universe, like the “cosmic microwave background radiation“, gave scientists a precise measure of the universe’s mass in baryons.  Their computer simulations from these measurements predicted that the majority of the missing matter was hiding in a low-density, million-degree hot plasma that permeated the universe. Plasma is another word for charged particles.
-  This was termed the “warm-hot intergalactic medium” and nicknamed “the WHIM.” The WHIM, if it existed, would solve the missing baryon problem but at the time there was no way to confirm its existence.
-  In 2001, another piece of evidence in favor of the WHIM emerged. A second team confirmed the initial prediction of baryons making up 5% of the universe by looking at tiny temperature fluctuations in the universe’s cosmic microwave background, the leftover radiation from the Big Bang.
-   With two separate confirmations of this number, the math had to be right and the WHIM seemed to be the answer. Now cosmologists just had to find this invisible plasma that somehow permeated space.
-  Over the past 20 years, many other teams of cosmologists and astronomers have brought nearly all of the Earth’s greatest observatories to the hunt. There were some false alarms and tentative detections of warm-hot gas, that they eventually linked to gas around galaxies. If the WHIM existed, it was too faint and diffuse to detect.
-  An unexpected solution was found in “fast radio bursts”.  Fast radio bursts (FRB‘s) are extremely brief, highly energetic pulses of radio emissions. Cosmologists and astronomers still don’t know what creates them, but they seem to come from galaxies far away.
-  As these bursts of radiation traverse the universe and pass through gasses and the theorized WHIM, they undergo something called “dispersion“.
-  The initial mysterious cause of these FRB’s lasts for less than a thousandth of a second and all the wavelengths start out in a tight chirp. Therefore we would expect all the wavelengths would arrive here simultaneously.
-  But when radio waves pass through matter, they are briefly slowed down. The longer the wavelengths, the more a radio wave “feels” the matter. Think of it like wind resistance. A bigger car feels more wind resistance than a smaller car.  Longer wave lengths experience slightly more resistance.
-  The “wind resistance” effect on radio waves is incredibly small, but space is incredibly big. By the time an FRB has traveled millions or even billions of light-years to reach Earth, dispersion has slowed the longer wavelengths so much that they arrive nearly a second later than the shorter wavelengths.
-   By measuring the spread of different wavelengths within one FRB, astronomers could calculate exactly how much matter, that is how many baryons, the radio waves passed through on their way to Earth.
-  To precisely measure the baryon density, astronomers needed to know where in the sky an FRB came from. If they knew the source galaxy, they would know how far the radio waves traveled. With that and the amount of dispersion they experienced they could calculate how much matter they passed through on the way to Earth?
-  It was 11 years later before telescopes improved enough to be able to localize the first FRB. In August 2018 this new telescope could watch huge portions of the sky, about 60 times the size of a full Moon, and it can simultaneously detect FRB’s and pinpoint where in the sky they come from.
-   Once astronomers knew the precise part of the sky the radio waves came from, they could  use the Keck telescope in Hawaii to identify which galaxy the FRB came from and how far away that galaxy was.
-   The first FRB detected came from a galaxy that is about 4 billion light-years away from Earth.
-  By July 2019, astronomers had detected five more events. Using these dispersion measures for these six FRB’s, they were able to make a rough calculation of how much matter the radio waves passed through before reaching earth.
-  The data fall right on the curve predicted by the 5% estimate. They had detected the missing baryons in full, solving this cosmological riddle and putting to rest two decades of searching.
-  The excellent correspondence confirmed the detection of all the missing matter.
This result, however, is only the first step. They were able to estimate the amount of baryons, but with only six data points, today they can’t yet build a comprehensive map of the missing baryons.
-  They have proof the WHIM likely exists and have confirmed how much there is, but they don’t know exactly how it is distributed. It is believed to be part of a vast filamentary network of gas that inter connects galaxies termed “the cosmic web”. 
-  With about 100 more fast radio bursts cosmologists could build an accurate map of this cosmic web.  We have much more to learn.  Now you know how little I know.  We are playing with low percentages here.
-  June 26, 2020                                                                                    2767           
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 ---------------------   Saturday, June 27, 2020  -------------------------

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

UNIVERSE - expanding or not?

-  2765 -  UNIVERSE  -  expanding or not?  Since the Big Bang, the universe has swollen in size. It was thought that this increase in size was occurring evenly in all directions. Astronomers have put the isotropy hypothesis to the test for the first time with new methods that allows more reliable statements than before.
--------------------------  2765 -  UNIVERSE  -  expanding or not?
-  No matter where we look, the same rules apply everywhere in space: countless calculations in physics are based on this basic principle.  The physics is the same everywhere if the theories are right.
-  Since the Big Bang, the universe has swollen in size. It was thought that this increase in size was occurring evenly in all directions. Physicists call this "isotropy." Many calculations on the fundamental properties of the universe are based on this assumption.
-  According to new theories some areas in space expand faster than they should, while others expand more slowly than expected.
-  Based on the observation of galaxy clusters.   The galaxy clusters emit X-ray radiation that can be collected on Earth.  This was done by the satellite-based telescopes Chandra and XMM-Newton. The temperature of the galaxy clusters can be calculated based on certain characteristics of the radiation. Also, their brightness can be measured. The hotter they are, the brighter they glow.
-  In an isotropic universe the further away a celestial object is from us, the faster it moves away from us. From its speed, we can therefore deduce its distance from us, regardless of the direction in which the object lies. That is the theory anyway?
-  This is because the amount of light that reaches the Earth decreases with increasing distance. So, anyone who knows the original luminosity of a celestial body and its distance knows how bright it should shine in the telescope image.
-  It is precisely at this point that scientists have come across discrepancies that are difficult to reconcile with the isotropy hypothesis: that some galaxy clusters are much fainter than expected. Their distance from Earth is probably much greater than calculated from their speed. And for some others, however, the opposite is the case.
-  There are only three possible explanations for this result.  Firstly, it is possible that the X-ray radiation, whose intensity we have measured, is attenuated on its way from the galaxy clusters to Earth. This could be due to as yet undiscovered gas or dust clouds inside or outside the Milky Way.
-  In preliminary tests, however, we find this discrepancy between measurement and theory not only in X-rays but also at other wavelengths. It is extremely unlikely that any kind of matter nebula absorbs completely different types of radiation in the same way.
-  A second possibility is that these are groups of neighboring galaxy clusters that move continuously in a certain direction due to some structures in space that generate strong gravitational forces. These would therefore attract the galaxy clusters to themselves and thus change their speed and their derived distance.
-  The third possibility is that the universe is not isotropic after all? What if the galactic distribution is so unevenly distributed that it quickly bulges in some places while it hardly grows at all in other regions? Such an anisotropy could result from the properties of the mysterious "dark energy," which acts as an additional driving force for the expansion of the universe.
-   However, a theory is still missing that would make the behavior of the Dark Energy consistent with the observations.
-  The current study is based on data from more than 800 galaxy clusters, 300 of which were analyzed. The remaining clusters come from previously published studies. The analysis of the X-ray data alone was so demanding that it took several months. The new satellite-based eROSITA X-ray telescope is expected to record several thousand more galaxy clusters in the coming years. At the latest then it will become clear whether the isotropy hypothesis really has to be abandoned.
-  Scientists have known for almost a century that the universe is expanding, meaning the distance between galaxies across the universe is becoming ever more vast every second. But exactly how fast space is stretching, a value known as the “Hubble constant“, has remained stubbornly elusive.
-  Another new measurement for the rate of expansion in the modern universe is suggesting that the space between galaxies is stretching faster than scientists would expect.
-  As more research points to a discrepancy between predictions and observations, scientists are considering whether they may need to come up with a new model for the underlying physics of the universe in order to explain it.
-  The Hubble constant is the cosmological parameter that sets the absolute scale, size and age of the universe; it is one of the most direct ways we have of quantifying how the universe evolves.  The jury is still out on whether there is an immediate and compelling reason to believe that there is something fundamentally flawed in our current model of the universe.
-  Their new observations, made using Hubble Telescope, indicate that the expansion rate for the nearby universe is just under 70 kilometers per second per megaparsec (km/sec/Mpc). One parsec is equivalent to 3.26 light-years distance.
-  Kilometers per second per megaparsec can be put in more familiar units.  The rate of Universe expansion is 49,300 miles per hour per every million lightyears distance.  So a billion light years away the galaxy is receding 1,000 time faster , or, 49,300,000 miles per hour.  At the edge of the visible Universe, at 13 billion year distance, it is receding so fast that light will never reach us. 
-  The Hubble Telescope measurement is slightly smaller than the value of 74 km/sec/Mpc recently reported using Cepheid variables, which are stars that pulse at regular intervals that correspond to their peak brightness.
-  How many ways have we measured Universe expansion?  In 2001 using the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project team measured the value using Cepheid variables as distance markers. Their program concluded that the value of the Hubble constant for our universe was 72 km/sec/Mpc.
-  Other scientists have taken a very different approach, building a model based on the rippling structure of light left over from the big bang, which is called the Cosmic Microwave Background. These measurements allow scientists to predict how the early universe would likely have evolved into the expansion rate astronomers can measure today. Scientists calculated a value of 67.4 km/sec/Mpc, in significant disagreement with the rate of 74.0 km/sec/Mpc measured with other Cepheid stars.
-  Astronomers have looked for anything that might be causing these mismatches. We would like to get the same answers.  So, astronomers sought to check their results by establishing a new and entirely independent path to the Hubble Constant using an entirely different kind of star.
-  Certain stars end their lives as a very luminous kind of star called a red giant, a stage of evolution that our own Sun will experience billions of years from now. At a certain point, the star undergoes a catastrophic event called a “helium flash“, in which the temperature rises to about 100 million degrees and the structure of the star is rearranged, which ultimately dramatically decreases its luminosity.
-  Astronomers can measure the apparent brightness of the red giant stars at this stage in different galaxies, and they can use this as a way to tell their distance.
-  The Hubble Constant is calculated by comparing distance values to the apparent recessional velocity of the target galaxies, that is, how fast galaxies seem to be moving away. The team's calculations give a Hubble constant of 69.8 km/sec/Mpc.
-  NASA's upcoming mission, the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), scheduled to launch in the mid-2020s, will enable astronomers to better explore the value of the Hubble constant across cosmic time.
-   WFIRST, with its Hubble-like resolution and 100 times greater view of the sky, will provide a wealth of new Type 1a supernovae, Cepheid variables, and red giant stars to fundamentally improve distance measurements to galaxies near and far.
-  There is another theory that the Earth, solar system, the entire Milky Way and the few thousand galaxies closest to us move in a vast "bubble" that is 250 million light years in diameter, where the average density of matter is half as high as for the rest of the universe.
-  The universe has been expanding since the Big Bang occurred 13.8 billion years ago.  This was first proposed by the Belgian physicist Georges Lemaître (1894-1966), and first demonstrated by Edwin Hubble (1889-1953).
-  The American astronomer Hubble discovered in 1929 that every galaxy is pulling away from us, and that the most distant galaxies are moving the most quickly. This suggests that there was a time in the past when all the galaxies were located at the same spot, a time that can only correspond to the Big Bang.
-  This research gave rise to the Hubble-Lemaître law, including the Hubble Constant (H0), which denotes the universe's rate of expansion. The best H0 estimates currently lie around 70 (km/s)/Mpc.
-  The calculation based on the “cosmic microwave background“, which is the microwave radiation that comes at us from everywhere, emitted at the time the universe became cold enough for light to be able to circulate freely, about 370,000 years after the Big Bang.
-  Using the precise data supplied by the Planck space mission, and given the fact that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic, a value of 67.4 is obtained for H0 using Einstein's theory of general relativity to run through the scenario.
-   The second calculation method is based on the supernovae that appear sporadically in distant galaxies. These very bright events provide the observer with highly precise distances, an approach that has made it possible to determine a value for H0 of 74.
-  These two values carried on becoming more precise for many years while remaining different from each other. It didn't take much to spark a scientific controversy and even to arouse the exciting hope that we were perhaps dealing with a 'new physics.
- Maybe the universe is not as homogeneous , a hypothesis that may seem obvious on relatively modest scales. There is no doubt that matter is distributed differently inside a galaxy than outside one. It is more difficult, however, to imagine fluctuations in the average density of matter calculated on volumes thousands of times larger than a galaxy.
-  If we were in a kind of gigantic 'bubble, where the density of matter was significantly lower than the known density for the entire universe, it would have consequences on the distances of supernovae and, ultimately, on determining H0."
-  All that would be needed would be for this "Hubble bubble" to be large enough to include the galaxy that serves as a reference for measuring distances. By establishing a diameter of 250 million light years for this bubble, the physicist calculated that if the density of matter inside was 50% lower than for the rest of the universe, a new value would be obtained for the Hubble constant, which would then agree with the one obtained using the cosmic microwave background.
-   However the probability that there is such a fluctuation on this scale is one in 20 to one in 5, which means that it is not a theoretician's fantasy.
-  There are a lot of regions like ours in the vast universe.  Obviously, we have a lot more to learn.  Stay in school.
-  June 23, 2020                                                                                    2765           
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 ---------------------   Wednesday, June 24, 2020  -------------------------

UNIVERSE - ’The Whole Shebang” ?

-  2766  -  UNIVERSE  -  ’The Whole Shebang” ?  -  The strongest bond between cosmology and everyday life resides not in  religion and philosophy but in the ability of science to pursue questions of universal simplicity about how things came to be as they are.
--------------------------  2766 - UNIVERSE  -  ’The Whole Shebang” ?
-  The skepticism  of questioning, subversive and perpetually dissatisfied spirit that is the characteristic of science.  A theory can be sensible and beautiful and still quite wrong.
-  Galileo:  " Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world;  all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends with experience."
-  The earth's equator is moving east at 1000 miles per hour.  Eratosthenes, a Greek scholar,  in 300 B.C. figured the Earth was round.  He was in Egypt in the town of Syene, now called Aswan.  On June 21 every year he noticed the sun shined to the bottom of the deep well that was in the town center.
-  At the same time in Alexandria, directly north of Syene a ten foot stick pointing straight up cast a 16 inch shadow on the ground.  Sighting directly at the sun he measured the angle at the top of the stick to the sun's rays to be 7 and one-half degrees.  The distance between the two towns was almost 50 days travel by camel, walking about 10 and one-half miles each day.
- 10.5 miles/day *49.5 days = 519.75 miles * 360 degrees / 7.5 degrees = 24,948 miles.
- Divide by pi and get 7,926.21 miles for the diameter.
-  Let's first try parallax to measure the distance to Mars before we use it on the stars.  If we line up Mars and a star directly behind it, say at 80 degrees.  Then on the opposite side of  the globe do the same thing;  There will be a slight angle difference due to parallax from the two vantage points.
-  If this angle is measured to be 0.0092 degrees, you notice it is very small.  We can make a couple right triangles and calculate the distance to Mars.  It is 7,926.21 miles* cosine 80 * tangent 80 / tangent 0.0092 degrees plus 7,926.21 miles * cosine 80 degrees = 48,614,310.53 miles.
-  The earth's and other planet's orbital velocity increases when it is nearer the sun and decreases when it is farther away such that the rate sweeps an equal area within its orbit over equal intervals of time.
-  When orbits are elliptical , over a fixed time, the triangles are long and narrow far out and short and fat close in but the areas of the two triangles are equal.
-  In 1761 and 1769 Venus crossed the face of the sun and that yielded a fairly accurate value of the size of the earth's orbit.
- The period of Mars is measured to be 1.88 years (686.98 days).
- The orbit of Mars is 141,595,165.14 miles.
- The formula is Period of Mars squared /period of the Earth squared = the orbital radius of Mars cubed / orbital radius of the Earth cubed
- (This works of any two bodies in orbit about the same mass.)
- 1.88 years squared / 1 year squared = 141,595,165.14 miles cubed /Earth's orbit
- The orbit radius of Earth is 92,955,806.84 miles ( mean distance).
- Jupiter's period is 11.83 years.
- The orbit of Earth is 93 million miles, but that's called one astronomical unit, AU.
- So, 11.86 years squared / 1 year squared = Jupiter's orbit cubed / 1 AU cubed.
- Jupiter's orbit is 5.2 AUs or 483.6 million miles.
-  Once the orbit diameter was known Parallax could be used to calculate the distance to the stars.  In 1838 Cygni was measured at 11 light years away.
-  How small of an angle would you  have to measure to measure the distance to Sirius, which is 8.6 lightyears away?  One lightyear is 63,240 AU, astronomical units ( distance Earth to sun ).  8.6 lightyears is 543,864 AUs.
-  The tangent of the angle = sine 80 degrees( angle we first used to line up Sirius with a more distant star or galaxy behind it ) * 2 AU ( Earth's orbit diameter ) / 543,864 AU.  The angle we would measure would be only 0.002075 degrees
-  Gaseous nebulae, clouds of gas and dust, are typically measure a few tens of light years in diameter.  Spiral nebulae are billions of stars and typically measure 100,000 light years in diameter.  Spiral nebulae are millions of light years away.  They look about the same through the telescope.  Astronomers had to learn the difference before their next leap in understanding the  distances in the universe.
-  In 1925 Edwin Hubble photographed individual stars in a spiral nebulae, now called a spiral galaxy, once we knew what it was.
-  When something expands it cools.  “Matter” is really just “frozen energy“.  When the universe expanded after the big bang , or cooled after the big bang, atoms, molecules, galaxies, and people were formed, frozen out, in that order.
-  Cosmic microwave background, is the temperature of about three degrees above absolute zero.  That happens to be the temperature of the current expansion..
-  The universe is isotropic, to the observer the universe is the same in every direction,  so this cosmic microwave background is the same in every direction , everywhere in the universe.
-  It is the haze of photons that permeated space ever since the big bang.  When we look farther out with a microwave telescope we see farther back in time.  This photon haze thickens and eventually becomes opaque.  So the microwave telescope eventually sees the universe as a giant sphere that stops where we can't see any farther.
-  In 1965, two physicists discovered this cosmic microwave background.
-  In 1989, COBE, a cosmic background explorer satellite discovered stunning confirmation that this expansion model existed.  The temperature versus wavelength, or frequency, plotted exactly according to the theory. with the absolute temperature being 2.726 degrees centigrade above absolute zero.
-  In 1992, this experiment was repeated with more sensitive instruments.  It discovered that although matter was generally distributed evenly, homogeneously, there were clumps of bubbles of galaxies formed by gravitational attraction.  These clumps were thought to originated from quantum fluctuations an the microscopic level in the very early universe.
------------------------------  This universe is 25% helium and 73% hydrogen.
-  All heavier elements were forged inside supernovae, exploding stars.
-  Although the universe is under no obligation to make sense, students in the pursuit of knowledge are.
-  In 1929 Hubble found the linear relationship that the more distant the galaxy the greater the redshift displayed in its spectral lines.  When redshift is plotted versus apparent magnitude, the plot is a straight line, indicating cosmic expansion.
-  The Hubble constant denotes the rate at which the universe is expanding ,  it is thought to be 50 kilometers per second per megaparsec.  A megaparsec is 3.26 million light years.
So, for every 3.26 million light years we look out into space the galaxies are receding 50 kilometers per second faster.
-  The deceleration factor measures the rate at which cosmic expansion is slowing down, due to gravitational attraction which is due to the mass inside the universe.
-  The mass density is now thought to average one atom per cubic meter of space.
-  Knowing these numbers precisely would allow calculations to determine if and when the universe would stop expanding and begin collapsing back into itself.  Or, if the universe continues to expand forever; a form of heat death, where all the energy would eventually run out, black galaxies would expand endlessly into black expanding space.
-  This formula for the critical density balancing between these two fates is called omega:
-  Omega = 2* the deceleration + 2/3*cosmological constant * speed of light squared / the Hubble constant squared.
-  The effect of deceleration is to slowly decrease the Hubble constant.  Therefore, it must not be a constant at all.  Well it does remain approximately constant over a lifetime so we call it a constant.
-  If the Omega is equal to one and the Hubble constant is 50 then you can calculate the Universe to be 15 billion years old.
-  This expanding universe is difficult to measure because of the bubble of galaxies in clusters and super clusters whose gravitational effects pull galaxies in different directions than the direction of expansion.  Local galaxies appear to be going 600 kilometers per second in an unrelated direction.
-  Parallax is simple triangulation used to measure distances of close-in stars.

-  1672 calculation of the orbit of Mars
If you know the radius of one planet's orbit you can derive all the others from their orbital periods. With earth's orbit known can get better parallax calculations
-  1900 had 100 stars.
A star's brightness can be determined theoretically from its mass and chemical composition.  This is intrinsic brightness, absolute magnitude.
-  If we know that Sirius has an intrinsic brightness, and a similar star is one percent as bright, in observed brightness, then we conclude it is 10 times farther away.  The brightness will decrease by the square of the distance.
-  Sirius is 8.6 lightyears away , so the observed star must be 86 lightyears away.
-------------------------------  DISTANCES TO 1000 LIGHTYEARS:
-  Cepheid stars or pulsating stars are the next distance indicator into the universe.  Cepheids are young giant stars the are in an unstable stage in their evolution.  The Cepheid star contracts and gets hotter.
-  Heat emanating into its atmosphere ionizes its helium . Helium atoms loose one of their electrons.  More heat and energy knocks a second electron off the helium atom.  Double ionized helium atoms tend to absorb light.  The stars atmosphere then becomes opaque.
-  The opaque atmosphere retains heat and the star gets even hotter.  As it gets hotter it expands.  As it expands it cools, since its heat energy is spread over a greater area.  As helium atoms cool they return to their single ionized state.  The atmosphere turns transparent and collapses as the heat and light dissipates.  This whole cycle repeats itself every few weeks.
-  Astronomers can measure the rate of a Cepheid's pulsation and with its color can determine its intrinsic brightness.  Bigger Cepheids pulsate more slowly.  And , the bigger the star, the brighter it shines.
-  Polaris, the north star , is the nearest Cepheid to Earth and it was determined to be 466 light years from Earth.
------------------------------  DISTANCES TO 15 MILLION LIGHTYEARS
-  Cepheids have been measured in galaxies as far as 15 million lightyears away.  Using the Hubble telescope this has been extended to 60 million lightyears distance.  These more recent measurements have put the Hubble constant, rate of universal expansion, at 80 rather that 50 kilometers per second per megaparsec.
-  Supernovae are exploding stars.  A supernovae can release more energy in one minute that is released by all the normal stars in the observable universe during the same amount of time.  Only one-hundredth of one percent is emitted as visible light.  99% of their energy is not light but in the form of neutrinos.  The temperatures are in the 100 billion degrees.
-  All Type 1a supernovae have similar absolute magnitudes in intrinsic brightness.
Measuring these standard candles results in a Hubble constant of 50.
-  Type I supernovae are dwarfs, they collapse when they gain a critical mass.
-  Type II supernovae are giants  They collapse when run out of nuclear fuel at their core.  When the fuel runs out they become unstable, the radiation pushing outward no longer is in balance with the gravity pulling inward.  They deflate.
-  Reverend Robert Evans in Australia discovered 27 supernovae using the telescope in his backyard.  He has an acute visual memory.  He can spot an exploding star that was not in that galaxy the last time he looked.
-----------------------------  DISTANCES TO 300 MILLION LIGHTYEARS:
-  1977  astronomers discovered the spectrum of hydrogen, 21 centimeters in wavelength,  is blurred, widened by the Doppler shift, related to the speed at which the galaxy is rotating.  the rotation speed is related to the galaxy's brightness.  This method could measure distances out to 300 million light years.  This method is getting a Hubble constant of 70.
-  Gravitational lensing is the next big step in measuring distances.  Quasars are young stars and are consequently further away, and further back in time.  As the light of a quasar travels toward us across billions of lightyears of space, it may pass to either side of an intervening cluster of galaxies.
-  The warped space surrounding the cluster can as a lens such that we get two images of the one quasar.  ( Gravitational force is simply the result of objects and light beams pursuing the shortest available path through curved space.)   The light traveling around one side of the lens will travel further than the other side, most likely.
-  The quasar is pulsating, with its brightness changing over as little as a month.  The difference in light travel can now be measured for the same event.  You can now calculate how much longer the path through space is taken by the second path.
-  Measuring the intensity or brightness of light is not the only way to measure distances.  Measuring the intensity of cosmic microwave background through galaxies that emit x-radiation is a newly discovered technique.
-    Intergalactic gas in clusters of galaxies is relatively warm and emits x-rays, consequently microwave background photons are heated up when they pass through the cluster.  This results in a hot spot in the background radiation.  The  more distant galaxy clusters are denser and hotter and make hotter spots .  So temperature can be a measure of the distance.  In 1991 this technique yielded a Hubble constant of 40 to 50.
----------------------------  DISTANCES TO 500 MILLION LIGHTYEARS:
-  Still another technique measures the brightness fluctuation as the narrow-field telescope scans across a galaxy.  Nearby galaxies can resolve individual stars, their unevenness in brightness as we scan across them is greater.  The more distant galaxies show more smoothness as the star light tends to all merger together.  So, galaxy brightness fluctuation is a measure of distance.  This technique should allow Hubble telescope to go out 500 million lightyears.
-  There is a scientific dictum that claims the simpler of two otherwise comparable hypotheses is to be preferred..
-  If there are an infinite number of stars occupying an infinite amount of space why is the night sky bright as day with all this starlight?  If the space is finite, why hasn't the gravitational force of an infinite number of stars collapsed into a singularity?  If centrifugal force is keeping stars from collapsing and space is rotating, then rotating with respect to what?  How do forces even propagate through space?
-  In 1915 the Einstein theory of general relativity does away with an need for a force of gravity.  Planets and mass follow paths of least resistance through curved space.  If space is curved, and the universe is sphere shaped, you could travel infinitely far and never come to the edge of space.
-  Maps , or models, are always imperfect in that they represent the territory of investigation more economically than does the territory itself, inevitably the model contains less information.
-  The general theory of relativity indicates that space can be mapped only by going to four dimensions.  Three dimension Newtonian models do not work completely.
-  In 1882 an astronomer pointed out that Mercury was not behaving strictly according to Newtonian laws.  When Einstein added the forth dimension of time the calculations for Mercury's behavior again matched observation.
-  In 1854 Georg Reimann created 4-dimensional geometry.  Einstein applied Reimann's geometry to the cosmos.  When the earth was flat, 2-dimensional geometry worked fine.  But when we discovered the earth was a sphere, we needed 3-dimensional geometry to explain things.
-  To explain the cosmos we now need 4 dimensions.  On this 4-dimensional map light beams form the gridlines.  Light beams bend when they pass near massive objects.  In 1919 this was observed during a total eclipse.  Stars behind the sun changed positions as the starlight bent passing near the sun.  Where Einstein got radical was to claim that actually the light beams are straight lines and that space itself is what is curved.
-  This idea is not intuitive, but observation ranks this theory as among the most accurate theories of physics ever devised. Calculations were validated when gravitational redshift was observed in white dwarf stars.  When radar signals were bounced off Mercury, Venus and Mars.  When time delays in radio signals coming back from Voyager are passing by Saturn.
-  If cosmic matter density is higher than critical then space is wrapped around the universe, and spherical.  If matter density is less, the universe is hyperbolic.  If exactly equal to critical density space is flat.  Omega is >1, <1, or =1.  At the local level we think space is flat, Omega =1.  Maybe at the universe level cosmic geometry is curved.
-  With curved space the effects of gravitation is local, not at a distance.  So, gravitational force does not have to travel anywhere or through anything.  In Einstein's theory of gravity there is no force.  Objects simply respond to the contours of space in their immediate vicinity.  Geodesics is the mathematical measurement of curved surfaces, such as the Earth's geography which is a curved surface.
-  Curved space also explains Galileo's discovery that in a vacuum all objects fall at the same rate.  Feathers and cannon balls follow the same path of least resistance, geodesics.  The path is the same regardless who travels it, or how big it is , or how much it weighs.
-  Maybe we will learn that all forces are geometrical at their root.  Maybe a 10-dimensional geometry will explain all the theories to do with matter and energy.  Remember matter is only energy that has cooled down, or slowed down enough that we can see it.
-  We know the universe is larger that we can see.  We can only see those galaxies that lie close enough to us for their light to have reached us at the present time.  This is the "observable universe".  In an expanding universe , what's observable is but a fraction of the whole.  If the universe were the size of the earth, we could only see an observable universe the size of a proton.
-  We should be able to count galaxy densities at various distances and measure the curvature of space.  The number of galaxies must increase even faster with distance for any given field of view because we are seeing back to an earlier time when the universe was smaller and galaxies were closer together.
-  Black holes both support general relativity and disagree with it.  Inside black holes the curvature of space becomes infinite.  Light can not escape a black hole.  To escape the Earth you need a velocity of about 24,000 miles per  hour.
-  The surface of the earth is 3,963 miles above the center of the Earth.  If we squeezed the Earth to half that size, 4 G's , we would need an escape velocity of 1.4 times, or 33, 600 miles per hour.  If we squeezed the Earth's radius down to 0.35 inches you would need an escape velocity of 186, 000 miles per second ( the velocity of light)  At that density the Earth would become a black hole.
-  Escape velocity depends on both mass and radius.  The more massive the object the larger it can be when it  becomes a black hole.   The sun would have a radius of 1.9 miles for it to become a black hole.
-  The amount of energy in any chunk of matter is equal to its mass times the velocity of light squared.  So nothing can have a velocity greater than that of light.  As we approach the speed of light the mass increases, distance along the axis of direction shrinks, passage of time slows.  The amount of energy to go faster increases.  To reach the speed of light the mass would become infinite, length would be zero and time would stop.  An impossible situation wouldn't you think.
-  Every healthy star has a balanced diet of nuclear fusion radiating outward from its core and gravity trying to collapse it to a point.  Caught in this balance, stars can pulsate.  When gravity collapses a little, density grows(compression), heat increases.  thermonuclear fusion increases, subatomic particles go faster ( get hotter, the definition of heat), releasing more energy, expanding the core, that thins and cools a bit and starts to contract again with gravity.
-  The star survives as long as it has fuel to burn.  The more massive a star the faster it burns ( burn rate is the cube of the mass)  A star 10 times bigger than the sun would burn 1000 times faster.  The sun's burn rate should allow it to survive 10 billion years before it collapses into itself.  We think the sun is middle aged, about 5 billion years old.  That more massive star would only live for 10 million years.  The star collapses in less that one second when the core shrinks.
-  If its mass is 1.4 times that of the sun it will become a white dwarf star.  It becomes carbon and oxygen with a gas shell about 100 miles in diameter.
-  If its mass is more than 1.4 times solar mass its gravity overwhelms the exclusion principle  and electrons are smashed into protons turning them into neutrons.  It becomes a neutron star, about 10 miles in diameter, perfectly smooth as a ball bearing.  Spinning more than a thousand times per second, rotation velocity increases as they contract, like an ice-skater pulling their arms in. Their magnetic fields emit intense radio waves that strike Earth as pulsars.
-  If a star collapses further it becomes a black hole.  Light rays will go into orbit about its mass.  It becomes a tiny circle of blackness.  Gravitational redshift is a displacement of light toward the red end of the spectrum as it loses energy in its attempt to climb out of the curved space surrounding the black hole.  A black hole is disembodied mass, mass without matter.
-  The black hole at the center of galaxies is estimated to be the mass of 100 million suns, even a billion suns.  Something that massive should be seen, but, the source of the gravitational force whirling those stars around is massive, small and black. Yet, we can't see it.
-  The law of entropy says that unless work is done to prevent it, all systems tend toward increasing disorder, or greater entropy.  Entropy is disorder over time.  Missing information over time.  Entropy is randomness.   The less entropy there is in a system the more information available.
-  All work involves a certain irreducible increase in entropy.  For a machine to do work it must increase entropy..  Reducing entropy takes work.  Information tends always to decrease.
-  A system left to itself will tend to a state of maximum entropy.
-  The indeterminacy principle  says that subatomic particles do not have definitive positions in space and time , rather, their locations can be specified only in terms of probabilities.  Steven Hawkings uses this principle to show that particles can boil out of a blackhole, when other theories say nothing escapes a black hole.
-  Everything is made of curved space.  Matter is energy.
-  If an atoms nucleus were a golf ball the outermost electrons would lie two miles away.  Atoms like galaxies are mostly cavernous space.  What feels solid to our hand is the atoms in the object repelling the atoms in our hand.  Matter is energy.
-  In 1950 scientists determined that the big bang could not have made anything heavier that lithium.
-  In 1948 scientists calculated the temperature of the universe to be  5 degrees Kelvin.  Today's COBE satellite, Cosmic Background Explorer, measures it to be 2.726 degrees, and that is accurate to within 0.004 degrees.  On of the most accurate measurements ever made is on something that is 10 billion lightyears away.
-  Our sun burns 600 million tons of hydrogen every second, turning 4 million tons into energy.  To accomplish this two protons fuse forming deuterium (one proton, one neutron) releasing a positron and neutrino.  the positron hits an electron, the annihilation creates a gamma ray.
-  The deuterium fuses with hydrogen forming helium-3, releasing more gamma rays.  Two helium-3 nuclei fuse into helium-4 plus two protons.  The two hydrogen nuclei (protons) and one helium-4 nucleus weigh 0.7 % less than the original nuclei.  That's the mass that was converted into energy.  That's the 4 million tons per second  of energy that the sun shines.
-  Baryons are protons and neutrons, what we call ordinary matter.  Most of the matter in the universe is not made of baryons, not ordinary matter.  In fact, 99% of the universe is non-baryonic.  That is to say everything we can see that constitutes our universe constitutes only 1% of the matter in the cosmos.
-  Gravitational force on planets diminishes by the square of their distance from the sun.  The inner  planets orbit faster.  The Earth 30 kilometers per second, Jupiter, five times farther out, 13 kilometers per second.
-  The sun is 99% of the mass in our solar system.
-  Our Milky Way galaxy is one of 26 galaxies on our Local Group.  Our local group is traveling 630 kilometers per second in an unusual direction, toward the constellation Centaurus.  The sun is traveling 220 kilometers per second around the Milky Way center.  To pull the Local Group of galaxies in this unusual direction it would need to be pulled by a mass of 50,000 galaxies that we can not see.
-  Over a 100 million lightyears distance there is lots of structure with galaxies, clusters of galaxies, super clusters and vast voids in between.  Once we look over 1,000 million lightyears distance the universe appears more homogeneous and isotropic ( the same in all directions) .  Astronomers have probed 6 billion lightyears in both directions.
-  A chicken is an egg's way of making another egg..   Galaxies and universes must have an evolution too.
-  The Earth has had 7 global die outs which can be dated to coincide with comet impacts.  65 million years ago , between the Cretaceous and Tertiary, periods a comet hit the Yucatan peninsula creating a 100 mile diameter crater.
-  "Gas and dust" to "gas and dust".  The earth began as a disk of gas and dust orbiting the sun.  It started as a grain of dust.  These grains started sticking together by electrostatic force and then by slamming into each other traveling at orbital speeds.  Once Earth was a mile in diameter gravitational forces started pulling pieces together.  These escalated into titanic collisions.  As mass grew higher escape velocities were needed for collision material to escape.  Scientists estimate this whole process to a few hundred miles in diameter took less that 10,000 years.
-  After that it took elliptical orbits to promote further collisions, 10 million years for these to subside.  Earth's oldest rocks are 3.8 billion years old.  Bombardments from space continued for 100 thousand years.  It is believe the Earth's water was brought here by the bombardment of  comets.
-  Most planets rotate counterclockwise, viewed from north,  they spin west to east.  Except Venus and Pluto spin clockwise.  Uranus is tilted more than 90 degrees, pole to plane of orbit.  These unusual orbits were caused by massive collisions during formation.  The moon around Earth was created by a big splash when the Earth was red hot, molten crust.  That's why the moon lacks iron.  Iron was at the Earth's core and not in its crust.
-  If we lived on a planet circling Alpha Centauri, our nearest star, 4.22 lightyears,  our current technology would not allow us to see our sun's planets.  In 1983 astronomers did discover a dick around Vega, 26 lightyears away.  In 1995 measuring variations in a sun's motion as little as 3 miles per hour, astronomers found evidence of planets orbiting a star in Pegasi.  In 1996 evidence of planets were found in Virginis, Virgo near Arcturus, and Ursae Majoris.
-  Supernovae, exploding stars occur 3 times per century in an average galaxy.  That equates to one per second in the observable universe.
-  Meteorites that are found on Earth are 4.56 billion years old.  The sun is 5 billion years old.
-  Hubble can see galaxies 4 billion times fainter that the human eye can see., 8 billion light years away and 8 billion years back in time.
-------------  Evolution is creative and creativity is unpredictable.
-  Age of the Earth were a calendar year vertebrates evolved on November 21, primates on Christmas day and Homo Sapiens only 3.5 minutes before midnight on New Year's eve.
-  From 1920 to 1970 field theory was in.  Now string theory has promise.  If correct, then all subatomic particles are black holes.  10-dimensional mathematics is used to model this universe.
 - Does reliability in the past constitute a warranty in the future?
- Distrust any concept you can not explain to your kid.
 - The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, the pessimist fears this is true.
-  The weak nuclear force is 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  times stronger than gravity..  Electromagnetism is 100,000,000,000 times stronger than that.  And, the strong nuclear force is 100 times stronger than electromagnetism.  What does it take to explain all this?
-  There is no obligation for the universe to be logical, however it is an obligation for students of knowledge to be logical.
-  June 23, 2020                                                                                    2766         
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 ---------------------   Wednesday, June 24, 2020  -------------------------

Sunday, June 21, 2020

NIGHT SKY - why is the night sky dark?

-  2764  -  NIGHT  SKY  -  why is the night sky dark?   If the Universe is truly infinite and there are really an infinite number of stars out there, then in every direction we look in the night sky we should see a star. We don’t.  There is a lot of darkness out there.
--------------------------  2764  -  NIGHT  SKY  -  why is the night sky dark?
-   If we were in the middle of an infinite forest on flat land, the forest would have an infinite number of trees and whatever direction you look your line of sight would eventually run into a tree.  The same thing should happen in the night sky.  No matter which direction you look in an infinite Universe you would eventually see star light.  The night sky should be glowing in starlight, not darkness.
-  Since there is darkness there must be an explanation.  Either the Universe is not infinite and there are not an infinite number of stars, or the Universe is not static, it is expanding and the star light has not reached us yet, or, the stars are so distant they are too dim for us to see with our most powerful telescopes.
-   Let’s examine the causes for the darkness at night?
-  Astronomers have found that galaxies on the largest scale fill all of space more or less uniformly and have measured the density of the galaxies in the Observable Universe to be 0.0029 galaxies per cubic million lightyears.  Astronomers estimate that there are 10^10 stars in the average galaxy.  So, on average there must be 2.9*10^7 stars per cubic million lightyears.
-  So the next question is that if we know that density of stars and we know the average cross-section of  the average star we can calculate the distance that your line of sight can travel before running into a star.
----------  The average star is 7*10^8 meters in diameter, that is 3.5 *10^8 meters radius.
----------  The cross-section area is pi*r^2  =  38*10^16 meters^2.
----------  The density is 2.9*10^7 stars/MLY^3
----------  The density ( lightyear = 9.5*10^21 meters) is = 0.34*10^-58 stars / meter^3
-  The concept here is that a line of sight traverses a distance (dx) until it hit’s a star.  If we know the density  of stars per unit volume, (n), then the number of hits per unit area lying in the line of sight is (n) * (dx)  =  (number of stars per cubic meter) * (distance to hit a star).  If each star has a cross-section area of (A), then the number of collisions with stars = “N” = (A)*(n)*(dx). 
-  If we set the number “N” equal to “1” then calculate the distance we travel before we hit the first star,  1 = (A)*(n)*(dx). 
------------------------  1  =  (38*10^16 meters^2) * 0.34*10^-58 stars / meter^3  * (dx)
------------------------  dx  =  7.6*10^40 meters
------------------------  dx  =  8*10^24 lightyears
------------------------  dx  =  8*10^18 million lightyears.
-  So the average distance your line of sight would travel before landing on a star is 8*10^15 billion lightyears.  However, the Universe is only 13.7 billion years old.  So, the sky is dark because our line of sight has not landed on a star yet in most every direction we look.
-   This also means that Cosmic Inflation is one explanation for the Universe expanding faster than the speed of light in its early formation.  That is the only way that stars could get that far away. The edge of the Observable Universe is 10^10 lightyears away and the distance to that first star in any line of sight is 10^24 lightyears.
-   Therefore, the Observable Universe is mostly Dark because the starlight has not reached us yet.
-  The other explanation is that the Universe is not old enough yet.  That light has not have “time” to reach us.  Therefore, we  have concluded that the night sky is dark because the Universe is finite, not infinite, and it has a finite age, not infinite.
-  Now, that we have the radius of the Observable Universe at 10^10 lightyears we can calculate the number of stars, since the density is 2.9*10^7 stars / million lightyears^3.
-  The volume of the Universe with a radius of 13.7*10^3 million lightyears.  Multiply these two terms gives us 4.7*10^19 stars.  Another estimate Astronomers come up with is that there are 10^11 galaxies and 10^11 stars per galaxy giving us 10^22 stars in the Observable Universe.  This is within 2 orders of magnitude to our other calculation.  So roughly, there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars out there.
-  How many stars would it take to have the same luminosity at night that we have in the day from our Sun?  The luminosity of the Sun has been calculated to be 3.8^10^26 watts.  Dividing by the surface area of a sphere that is 93 million miles in radius will tell us how much of this luminosity reaches Earth / meter^2.
---------  F  =  Luminosity / 4*pi*d^2
---------  F  =  3.8*10^26 / 6.28 * (1.5*10^11 meters)^2
----------  F  = 1,300 watts / meter^2,  very bright
-  How many stars like our Sun would we need out to 10 billion lightyears away in order to have the same brightness as daylight?
---------  F  =  Luminosity / 4*pi*d^2
---------  F  =  3.8*10^26 / 6.28 * (10^11*9.5*10^15 meters)^2
----------  F  = .68*10^-26 watts / meter^2,  very dim
-  How many stars would have to be out there to have the same brightness as daylight?
---------  N  =  1.3*10^3 watts / m^2   /   .68*10^-26 watts / m^2
---------  N  =  2*10^29 stars
-  We would need 10^31 stars to have daylight and we only have 10^22 stars.  That is a 10 million times more stars are needed to light up the night sky to daylight.  But, how about lighting up the night sky just to starlight, instead of sunlight.  How many stars would that take? 
-  A typical star might be Proxima Centauri that is our second closest star at 4.2 lightyears away.  The luminosity is 0.0006 Solar Luminosity.   Using the same formula as above the flux we see is 22.8*10^-22 watts / m^2.
-  How many stars would have to be out there to have the same brightness as starlight?
---------  N  =  22.*10^-12 watts / m^2   /   .68*10^-26 watts / m^2
---------  N  =  3.2*10^14 stars
-  We would need 10^17 stars to have solid starlight in the night sky, and we have 10^22 stars out there.  There are enough stars out there, there must be more to explaining why the night sky is dark. 
-  The rest of the answer lies with the fact that the Universe is not static. Unlike the trees in the infinite forest the Universe is expanding.  At the edge of the Observable Universe the Universe is expanding faster than the speed of light and that light will never, never reach us.
-  The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation solves this in an amazing way.  Each line of sight does indeed reach a star.  There are enough stars out there to light the entire night sky with the brightness of a starlight.
-   We are inside this oven, but the temperature is so small because the expansion of the Universe dilutes the radiation emitted down to harmless microwave energies, at temperatures of only 2.725 degrees above Absolute Zero.  The wavelengths of starlight have been redshifted to longer microwave wavelengths.
-  The are other explanations for darkness that do not hold water.  One is that the dust in intergalactic space blocks the starlight.  Well, this only works for a little while because the radiation would eventually heat up the dust to the same temperatures and it would begin radiating on its own.  We would still see light in every direction even if much of it would be infrared light coming from the dust.
-  Another explanation is that the stars are dying.  They do not have an infinite lifetime and many of these 10^22 stars would have evolved into Neutron Stars or White Dwarf stars that no longer radiate much light.  These stars would be dark in the night sky. 
-  This does not work either because past every dark star must lie another lighted star.  And, new stars are being born out of the dead stars that go dark.  New light is constantly being produced.  Dead stars are not the reason for the dark sky.
-  The Universe is believed to be 10^58 meters in radius, or 10^42 lightyears.  The Observable Universe is 1.37*10^10 years old and 10^26 meters in radius.  The night sky is dark because we can not see most of the Universe, what we see is finite and much of the light has not reached us yet because the Universe is a finite age and there has not been enough time.
-   Lastly, the night sky is dark because the Universe is expanding and the light radiation has shifted into darkness to our eyes, into the microwave region.
-  In the Dark of Night, astronomers are making these calculations. The math was there astronomers just had to discover it.  But, it seems like such a simple question.  Why is the night sky dark?  Why is the day sky blue?  Little kid questions.
-   Better do well in school if you are going to discover the answers. 
-   The Universe is more complicated than you can imagine.
-  June 21, 2020                                   865                                         2764           
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 ---------------------   Sunday, June 21, 2020  -------------------------

CANON BALL - star that is leaving the galaxy?

-  2763 -  CANON  BALL  - star that is leaving the galaxy?    Astronomers have discovered a Neutron Star shooting across the Milky Way Galaxy at 3,000,000 miles per hour.  The star is traveling so fast it exceeds the escape velocity for the galaxy and will launch itself into intergalactic space.  Astronomers are trying to find the canon that could shoot this star into space with so much energy.
----------------------  2763 -  CANON  BALL  - star that is leaving the galaxy?
-  The Neutron Star is only 10 miles in diameter and it is 7,000 lightyears away.  There is no way astronomers could see it in visible light.  They can see it in X-ray light.  The star has so much energy it is emitting powerful X-ray radiation detected by our X-ray satellite telescope, named Chandra.
-   Astronomers have tracked the star since December 1999.  The distance traveled in 5 years meant it had a velocity of 3,000,000 miles per hour.  It is 20 lightyears away from where it started.
-  Astronomers have found a large gaseous cloud, mostly oxygen, traveling in the opposite direction.  Their proposal is that a large supernova exploded in a lop-sided manner and kicked the Neutron Star core in one direction while much of the gaseous debris from the explosion got kicked in the other direction. 
-  The physics required is the Conservation of Energy, one component of this law is the Conservation of Momentum.  Momentum is the mass times the velocity of the Neutron Star must equal the mass times the velocity of the Oxygen Cloud.  Astronomers are struggling with the math because they can not believe there is a canon that exists that is that strong.
-  When a star explodes as a supernova it will have a core Neutron Star if its mass begins between 6 to 25 Solar Mass and the remaining core is 1.4 to 3.0 Solar Mass.  Most of the mass is lost in the explosion being spread into interstellar space. 
-  If the star is greater than 26 Solar Mass and up to 120 Solar Mass and its core is greater than 3.0 Solar Mass afterwards then the core becomes a Black Hole.  But, these calculations are for a symmetrical explosion.  What happens with a lop-sided explosion.? Maybe, a much larger star can explode and still end up with a Neutron Star?
-  A Neutron Star is between 1.4 and 3.0 Solar Mass yet it is collapsed into a volume having a  diameter of only 10 miles.  It is as dense as a nucleus of an atom. 
-  When you pick up a rock you are holding mostly empty space.  Your hand and your entire body is mostly empty space.  The force that you feel with the weight of the rock on your hand is the electromagnetic force between the electrons and the protons of the atoms in the rock and in your hand.
-  If you could crush the electrons into the nucleus of protons, removing all the empty space, and creating the neutrons in the core then you have created a Neutron Star.  If the rock started out the size of a football stadium, compressed to neutrons it would be the size of a grain of sand and still weigh 4,000,000 tons.
-  In the case of our Neutron Star created by the supernova that is what happens.  The immense force of gravity is no longer able to sustain the dying star that has burned all its nuclear fuel.  The gravity crushes all the atoms into neutrons.
-  One of the complications in calculating with the Conservation of Energy is that energy, although it can not be created nor destroyed, it can take on many forms.  In addition to the kinetic energy of the speeding star the Neutron Star is spinning and maintains a Conservation of Angular Momentum.
-   The spinning star can support some spinning charged particles that can create an immense magnetic field of energy.  Magnetic forces can be generated that are a 10^15 times greater than the magnetic field on Earth.  The magnetic field on a Neutron Star can get so great that star-quakes occur on the surface causing immense X-ray bursts.
-   The rotating magnetic fields can also create electric fields with potentials up to 10^15 volts of energy.  These lightning bolts would be 3.000,000 times more powerful than those on Earth.  The lightning would create deadly blizzards of high energy particles flying across the electric fields.
-  High energy particles following the magnetic field lines can produce jets, or beams, of radiating energies exiting from the magnetic poles.  If the poles are off axis the rotating Neutron Star can act as a lighthouse flashing the beam in a circle across the sky.  When Earth intercepts a passing beam it appears as a periodic pulse of energy.  These Neutron Stars are called “Pulsars“.  About 1.000 Pulsars have been observed and recorded.
-  Rotation powered Pulsars have out-flowing matter striking interstellar gas and causing X-ray emissions.  Rotating Neutron Stars can also have accretion disks with in-flowing matter that heats up and also creates powerful X-rays.
-  This Canon Ball Neutron Star is emitting X-rays that allow us to track it and calculate its speed.  But, how do they know that at 3 million mph it is going fast enough to escape the Milky Way?
-----------  The answer lies in the tug of war between the two forms of energy, the kinetic energy of the speeding bullet and the gravitational potential energy of the mass of the Milky Way galaxy.
-----------------   Kinetic Energy is ½ mass * velocity^2. 
-------------------Potential Energy is G*mass*Mass /radius.
-  If we set these two equations equal to each other and calculate the velocity we know that any velocity higher than that number will escape the pull of gravity. 
------------  Kinetic Energy  =  Potential Energy
------------  ½ m*v^2           =   G * m * M /r
------------  Where G is the constant of gravity  =  6.7*10^-11
------------  Where M is the mass of the galaxy  =  2,000 billion Solar Mass  =  2*10^12*2*10^30  =  4*10^42 kilograms
------------  Where “r” is the radius of the galaxy = 5*10^21 meters.
------------  velocity = “v”  = 732,000 miles per  hour.
-  So, the conclusion is that the Canon Ball Neutron Star is going four times faster than the escape velocity for the Milky Way.  It will leave us in a few million years and shoot through intergalactic space.
-  June 21, 2020                                 861                                            2763           
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 ---------------------   Sunday, June 21, 2020  -------------------------