Monday, November 30, 2020

COMETS - and asteroids near miss?

 -  2921  -  COMETS  -  and asteroids near miss?  Asteroids are comets that have been orbiting closer to the Sun.  Their orbits are in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.  Asteroids are mostly solid rock because all of their lighter elements have been evaporated off.  

---------------------------  2921  -  COMETS  -  and asteroids near miss?

-  Comets are further from the Sun beyond the orbit of Neptune.  Comets are snowballs of dust and ice.  Their ice shells have not been evaporated.  Their long tails are evidence of that evaporation happening when the get inside the orbit of Jupiter.


-  Comets are icy bodies that have begun spewing gas and dust as they venture closer to the Sun.  Their luminous outbursts can result in spectacular sights that grace the night sky for days, weeks or even months.


-  Comets aren't born that way, and their pathway on how they got from their original formation location toward the inner solar system has been debated for a long time. Comets are of great interest to planetary scientists because they are likely to be the most pristine remnants of material left over from the birth of our solar system.


- Astronomers have discovered an orbital region just beyond Jupiter that acts as a "comet gateway." This pathway funnels icy bodies called “centaurs” from the region of the giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, into the inner solar system, where they can become regular visitors of the Earth, Venus, and Mars neighborhood.


-  Roughly shaped like an imaginary donut encircling the area, this gateway was uncovered as part of a simulation of centaurs, small icy bodies traveling on chaotic orbits between Jupiter and Neptune. 


-  Centaurs are believed to originate in the “Kuiper belt“, a region populated by icy objects beyond Neptune and extending out to about 50 astronomical units, or 50 times the average distance between the Sun and the Earth.


-   Close encounters with Neptune nudge some of them onto inward trajectories, and they become centaurs, which act as the source population of the roughly 1,000 short-period comets that zip around the inner solar system.  The comets beyond Neptune have long-period orbits.


-  These centaur comets, also known as “Jupiter-family comets“, or JFCs, include comets visited by spacecraft missions such as Tempel 1 (Deep Impact), Wild 2 (Stardust) and 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (Rosetta).


-  The chaotic nature of their orbits obscures the exact pathways these centaurs follow on their way to becoming Jupiter-family comets.


-  Jostled by the gravitational fields of several nearby giant planets -- Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune -- centaurs don't tend to stick around, making for a high-turnover neighborhood.

They rattle around for a few million years, perhaps a few tens of millions of years, but none of them were there even close to the time when the solar system formed.


-  We know of 300 centaurs today that we can see through telescopes, but that's only the tip of an iceberg of an estimated 10 million such objects.  Most centaurs we know of weren't discovered until CCD's [digital imaging sensors] became available, plus you need the help of a computer to search for these objects.  But there is a large bias in observations because the small objects simply aren't bright enough to be detected.


-  Where comets go to die is into the Sun.  Every pass around the Sun inflicts more wear and tear on a comet until it eventually breaks apart, has a close encounter with a planet that ejects it from the inner solar system, or its volatiles, mostly gas and water, are depleted.


- Often, much of the dust remains and coats the surface, so the comet doesn't heat up much anymore and it goes dormant.  The research team focused on creating computer simulations that could reproduce the orbit of “29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1“, or SW1, a centaur discovered in 1927 and thought to be about 40 miles across.


-  SW1 has long puzzled astronomers with its high activity and frequent explosive outbursts despite the fact that is too far from the Sun for water ice to melt. Both its orbit and activity put SW1 in an evolutionary middle ground between the other centaurs and the Jupiter-family comets and the original goal of the investigation was to explore whether SW1's current circumstances were consistent with the orbital progression of the other centaurs.


-  To accomplish this, the team modeled the evolution of bodies from beyond Neptune's orbit, through the giant planet's region and inside Jupiter's orbit.  The results of  simulation included several findings that fundamentally alter our understanding of comet evolution. Of the new centaurs tracked by the simulation, more than one in five were found to enter an orbit similar to that of SW1 at some point in their evolution.


-  Even though SW1 appears to be the only large centaur of the handful of objects currently known to occupy the "cradle of comets," it is not the outlier it was thought to be, but rather ordinary for a centaur.


-  In addition to the commonplace nature of SW1's orbit, the simulations led to an even more surprising discovery.  Centaurs passing through this region are the source of more than two-thirds of all Jupiter-family comets, making this the primary gateway through which these comets are produced.


-  Previous assumption have been that the region around Jupiter is fairly empty, cleaned out by the giant planet's gravity, but results teach us that there is a region that is constantly being fed.


-  This constant source of new objects may help explain the surprising rate of icy body impacts with Jupiter, such as the famous “Shoemaker-Levy 9” event in 1994.


-  Based on estimates and calculations of the number and size of objects entering, inhabiting and leaving the “gateway region“, the study predicted it should sustain an average population of about 1,000 Jupiter-family objects, not too far off the 500 that astronomers have found so far.


-  The results also showed that the gateway region triggers a rapid transition: once a centaur has entered it, it is very likely to become Jupiter-family comets within a few thousand years, a blink of an eye in solar system timeframes.


-  The calculations suggest that an object of SW1's size should enter the region every 50,000 years, making it likely that SW1 is the largest centaur to begin this transition in all of recorded human history. In fact, SW1 could be on its way to becoming a "super comet" within a few thousand years.


-  A super comet is comparable in size and activity to “comet Hale-Bopp“, one of the brightest comets of the 20th century, SW1 has a 70% chance of becoming what could potentially amount to the most spectacular comet humankind has ever seen.


-  Our descendants could be seeing a comet 10 to 100 times more active than the famous Halley comet.   SW1 would be returning every six to 10 years instead of every 75.


-  Astronomers take this as strong evidence that a similar event has not happened at least since then because ancient civilizations would not only have recorded the comet, they may have worshiped it!   (  Other reviews about comets include: )


-   2899  -  COMETS  -  from outside our solar system?  2I/Borisov was an interstellar comet that visited our solar system last year, 2019.  Astronomers have revealed the unusual chemical composition inside this comet.  This strange ingredient has provided new clues about where this traveling space rock originated. 


-  2757  -  COMETS  -  visiting us and visiting them.  For billions of years Earth and the Moon were pummeled by incoming comets and asteroids.  You can see the results today on the Moon’s surface.  It is pock marked with millions of craters that you can easily see with binoculars.   (  This Review lists a dozen more reviews available about comets. )


-  November 25, 2020               ASTEROID  -  near miss?                2921                                                                                                                                              


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--------------------- ---  Monday, November 30, 2020  ---------------------------

BRAIN - human brain versus the Universe?

 -  2923  -  BRAIN  -  human brain versus the Universe?  This review follows the investigation of the similarities between two of the most challenging and complex systems in nature: the cosmic network of galaxies and the network of neuronal cells in the human brain.

---------------------  2923  -  BRAIN  -  human brain versus the Universe?

-  Despite the substantial difference in scale between the two networks which is more than 27 orders of magnitude, their quantitative analysis crosses from cosmology and neurosurgery.  This study suggests that diverse physical processes can build structures characterized by similar levels of complexity and self-organization.


-  The human brain functions due to its wide neuronal network that is deemed to contain approximately 69,000,000,000 neurons.


-   The observable universe can count upon a cosmic web of at least 100,000,000,000  galaxies.   That is about the same orders of magnitude.


-  Within both systems, only 30% of their masses are composed of galaxies and neurons. Within both systems, galaxies and neurons arrange themselves in long filaments or nodes between the filaments.


-  Within both systems, 70% of the distribution of mass or energy is composed of components playing an apparently passive role: water in the brain and dark energy in the observable Universe.


-  Starting from the shared features of the two systems, they compared a simulation of the network of galaxies to sections of the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum. The goal was to observe how matter fluctuations scatter over such wide and diverse scales.


-  The “spectral density” of both systems was calculated.  This is a technique often employed in cosmology for studying the spatial distribution of galaxies.


-  The analysis showed that the distribution of the fluctuation within the cerebellum neuronal network on a scale from 1 micrometer to 0.1 millimeters follows the same progression of the distribution of matter in the cosmic web on a larger scale  from 5,000,000  to 500,000,000  light-years.


-  The researchers also calculated some parameters characterizing both the neuronal network and the cosmic web.   The calculations were of the average number of connections in each node and the tendency of clustering several connections in relevant central nodes within each network.


-  These two structural parameters identified unexpected agreement levels. The connectivity within the two networks evolves following similar physical principles, despite the striking and obvious difference between the physical powers regulating galaxies and neurons. 


-   These two complex networks show more similarities than those shared between the cosmic web and a galaxy or a neuronal network and the inside of a neuronal body.


-   Cosmology, and neurosurgery studies will allow for a better understanding of the  dynamics underlying the temporal evolution of both systems.  


-  If you calculated the distance between the smallest dimensions in nanometers and the largest dimensions in billions of meters  the dimensions of a six foot man or woman lies right in the middle of this enormous scale.  How did that happen?   Other reviews available:



-   2786  -  BRAIN  -  how does it work?   How the brain works remains a puzzle with only a few pieces in place. Remember the brain is trying to figure out itself.  Of these, one big piece is actually a conjecture: that there’s a relationship between the physical structure of the brain and how it functions.  I’ve been thinking about that and here is what I have come up with.


-  2755  - BRAIN  -  be thankful for your brain?  It took 1.5 million years of evolution.  How did it get to be as good as it gets.  You may be surprised at the answer.


-   2423  -  BRAIN  -  how the Brain Works?  Research on Huntington’s, Parkinson’s , Alzheimer’s and Epilepsy has shown that throughout life the brain does try to repair itself through the production of new brain cells.  If the brain cells stopped growing in adults,  you have what you got.  So truth be told the brain is trying to understand itself.  Here is a little more to learn about what your brain is doing.


-  2355 - The Brain - it is what makes you you.  -  What was your memory just before you became conscious of it?  What is consciousness anyway?  Is consciousness something that resides at the molecular level, at the cellular level, at the neural circuit level, or at some higher organizational level in our brain?   It still remains unbelievable that consciousness can be created from mindless little neurons.


-   2199   -  The human brain, is a challenge for physics to explain down to the level of quantum mechanics.  At the same time into meta physics and deep into philosophy.  (Metaphysics = abstract theory with no basis in reality.)  We are navigating the narrow path between solid ground and the edge of a swamp.


-  1999 -  Success in life is a mindset.  So is raising or teaching kids.  .  The mindset is believing you can improve with practice and hard work rather than thinking that talent is something fixed.  The growth mindset is what makes a difference in a kid’s education.   Learn about the Pygmalion Effect.  Everyone is a teacher whether they realize it or not.


-  1998  -  Understanding Yourself - The Remarkable Brain. If the brain were simple enough to understand we would all be too simple to figure it out.  Serotonin is the brain’s “ don’t worry “, happy chemical. Noradrenalin is a biochemical providing the opposite effect of serotonin.  Moral lessons from Mom and Dad infuse morality into your brain. .  Regardless of our environment, or our situation, our human brain can always choose how to respond to it.    


-  1403  -  How to become an athlete?   To become a good athlete use your brain.  First you better understand how your brain works.  The trick is to practice to where your brain is doing the thinking for you and you hit the ball without even realizing what you are doing.


-  1405  -  How does the brain become a mind and create consciousness?   Human brains have figured out how the Sun shines, how life evolved from a single cell, why apples fall.  Our brains have built telescopes that see the galaxies as far back as the beginning of time.  We have built microscopes that see the contours of a single atom.  but, we have not figured our how the brain can possible do these things.  How are we even conscious that we are doing them


-  1024 -   Brainology Mindset.   Dr. Carol Dweck is a psychologist who maintains that success in life is a mindset.  It is not luck.  It is not genius.  It is believing you can improve with practice and hard work rather than thinking that talent in something fixed.  The growth mindset is what makes a difference in a kid’s education


-  922  -  Understanding yourself.   The Remarkable Brain.   If the brain were simple enough to understand we would all be too simple to figure it out.  The brain gets it complexity from having many parts, each having a specialized function.  It gets its complexity from the communications network that coordinates all of the parts through biochemical means.  It gets its complexity through evolving throughout a lifetime and over many lifetimes.  This review will help you understand not only yourself but your kids. 


-  868  -  Seeing with ½ your brain.   You may think thinking is hard, but seeing is harder.  Visualization uses more than ½ your brain.  While you are sitting down reading this review your brain is using 33% of the oxygen that you breath.  When you are sitting and reading you are burning 33% of the calories your body has consumed.  A total of 1/6 of what you eat gets used by your brain.  And, if you worry a lot the ratio goes up.


-  November 30, 2020       BRAIN  -  versus the Universe                  2923       


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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Index of Reviews

  Index of recent reviews:  Request number for a copy:

-  2879  -  REDSHIFTS  -  seeing back in time.  The redshift tells us how old it is?  The age of the Universe is 13,700,000,000 years.   The oldest galaxy we can see formed 13,000,000,000 years ago. The Universe was only 5% of its current age when this galaxy formed.  If a human was 80 years old it would be analogous to her viewing a picture of herself when she was only 4 years old.  The most distant quasar galaxy had a redshift of 7.  That means the signal left the galaxy 770,000,000 years after the Big Bang

-  2880  -  ZEPTOSECONDS  -  how time flies?  Since the spatial orientation of the hydrogen molecule was known the interference of the two electron waves was used to precisely calculate when the photon reached the first and when it reached the second hydrogen atom.  That time? Two hundred and forty-seven zeptoseconds. The measurement is essentially capturing the speed of light within the molecule. 

-  2881  -  GRAVITY -  prove it travels at light speed?   We can prove that light travels at 670,633,500 miles per hour.  See my other reviews that cover LIGHT.  This review, on GRAVITY,  is about the speed of gravity.  How do we prove that it to travels at the same light speed?

-  2882  -  PHYSICS  -  the way I learned it?    Physics is the science of nature.  It is the study of the Universe’s matter, energy, motion and force.  Matter and Energy are the same thing. 

  Energy = 90,000,000,000,000,000 * mass.      ( E=mc^2).   

-  2883  -  BLACKHOLES  -   Black holes are scary?  If you fell into a black hole left over when a star died, you would be shredded. The massive black holes seen at the center of all galaxies have insatiable appetites. Black holes are places where the laws of physics are obliterated.

-  2884 - SPACE   -  space station tragedies.  Most Western space enthusiasts remember the American Skylab space station, only some recall the long series of Soviet orbiting labs called the Salyut space stations. The last of these, Salyut 7, famously went silent in 1985, when a loss of power shut down all of its systems.  

-  2885  -  BLACKHOLES  -  pictures and theories.? 100 years ago, Albert Einstein’s theory of General Relativity predicted that blackholes should exist.  In 1960 physicist John Wheeler coined the name ‘blackhole’ and the study of these mysterious objects became a cottage industry in theoretical physics and astrophysics.

-  2887  -  GAS  MILEAGE  -   Do the Math?   Now that we are paying $3.25 a gallon for gas some people are interested in fuel economy.  This review will give you 2 things to do on Sunday.  Don’t buy gas and visit your car dealer.

-  2888  -  WATER  -  Santa Rosa water?   One gallon of Santa Rosa drinking water costs 0.25 cents, four gallons cost a penny.  By comparison, bottled drinking water costs $6.00 per gallon.  So, why buy drinking water at the grocery store?

-  2889  -  ELECTORAL  COLLEGE  -  how to elect a President?   In the summer of 1787 my younger years delegates in Philadelphia agreed that this new country they were creating would not have a king but rather an elected executive. But they did not agree on how to choose that president. We have trouble with that to this day, November 5, 2020.

-  2890  -  SPACE  STATION  -  20 years living in space?   On November 2, 2000, the first crew, Expedition 1, arrived at the International Space Station. NASA astronaut William Shepherd was the space station's first commander, paving the way for 20 years of humans living and working in low Earth orbit. 

-  2891  -  EXOPLANETS  -  thousands have been found?  Exoplanets are planets orbiting the other stars, outside our solar system, in other solar systems that are far, far away. They have been found by searching astronomers   Most exoplanets have been found using the  “transit method“. 

-  2892   -  UNIVERSE  -  let’s model its size.  The Big Bang is when and where the Universe started.  Shortly after the Big Bang, the universe was a relatively small, and infinitely dense place.    But that was 13,800,000,000  years ago.  A year is one trip around the Sun.  Of course there was no Sun and a year was not invented yet.  So this is an extrapolation.  

-  2893  - UNIVERSE  - how did it begin?  Creating the theory of the Big Bang is one of the most remarkable achievements of science of all time.   We can go back billions of years in time and understand when and how our Universe, as we know it, came to be this way.  Like many adventures, revealing those answers has only raised more questions.  Where did all this come from?  How did we get here?

-  2894  -  GEYSERS -  Santa Rosa electricity.  -  I am sitting on my backyard deck looking due north.  About 30 miles away I can see a white cloud of steam rising from the horizon climbing skyward.  Those are the steam plumes coming from the Geysers Electrical Power plants. 

-  2895  -  PHYSICS  -  mysteries we have yet to solve?  We are all students if we are still learning, Right?  Well mysteries in science today are solutions for students in the future.  The science I refer to in this review is the broad look at astronomy and physics.  Astronomy as the science of the very big.  Physics as the science of the very small.  

-  2896  -  PERFECTIONISM  is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can motivate you to perform at a high level and deliver top-quality work. On the other hand, it can cause you unnecessary anxiety and slow you down. 

-  2897  -  DARK MATTER   -  produces many new theories?    When something seems a little mysterious or we just don’t understand what is going on we like to describe it with the adjective ‘dark’.  This is one of the reasons why the term ‘dark’ matter got coined which was first proposed to explain the anomaly observed in the rotational velocities of galaxies.

-  2898 -  SATURN  -  TITAN  moon  -  Christiaan Huygens?  Just like Galileo did you too can see the four moons of Jupiter using your backyard telescope.  On a good seeing night you can also see the largest moon of Saturn, Titan.  Titan is 3,450 miles in diameter.  Our Moon is 2,160 miles in diameter.  So, Titan is 60% bigger than our Moon and 1/7th the size of Earth.


-  2899  -  COMETS  -  from outside our solar system?  2I/Borisov was an interstellar comet that visited our solar system last year, 2019.  Astronomers have revealed the unusual chemical composition inside this comet.  This strange ingredient has provided new clues about where this traveling space rock originated.  

-  2901 -  PROBABILITY  WAVE  FUNCTION  -  The Wave Function in quantum physic is a math description if a quantum system, like an atom.  It is a complex, valued probability, amplitude that lists possible results of a measurement at the atomic level and that deals with uncertainties in time and space.  

-  2902 -  RELATIVITY  -  measurements made in 2020?   At the heart of every white dwarf star, which is the dense stellar object that remains after a star has burned away its fuel reserve of gases as it nears the end of its life cycle,  lies a “quantum conundrum‘. 

-  2903 - PREHISTORIC  EARTH  -  how did life get started?    Four billion years ago, Earth was covered in a watery sludge swarming with primordial molecules, gases, and minerals, nothing that biologists would recognize as alive. Out of that prebiotic stew emerged the first critical building blocks, proteins, sugars, amino acids, cell walls,  that would combine over the next billion years to form the first specks of life on the planet.  

-  2904  -  PARTICLE  MASS  -  how can math describe this? The atomic particles: electrons, photons, quarks and other “fundamental” particles supposedly lack substructure or physical extent. We basically think of a particle as a point-like object   Yet particles have distinct traits, such as charge and mass. How can a dimensionless point have weight?

-  2905 -  PHYSICS  - in a nutshell?  This review is mostly about “particle physics” in a nutshell.  It starts out with the periodic table of about 100 elements.  That is not many elements when you think it represents everything that is around us and also everything in all the other stars and planets.  The 100 elements along with the electromagnetic force and gravity force is most of what we experience in our macro world.  

-  2906 -  SCIENCE  -  famous and not so famous scientists?  1.  ALBERT EINSTEIN 2.  ISAAC  NEWTON   3.  GALILIO GALILEI  4.  PYTHAGORUS  5.  CHARLES  DARWIN  6.  NIKOLA TESLA   7.  MARIE CURIE……….. 20 GRAHAM  BELL.

-  2907 -  FAST  RADIO  BURSTS  -   what is the source?    FRBs  are powerful, millisecond-duration radio waves coming from deep space outside the Milky Way Galaxy.  They have been among the most mysterious astronomical phenomena ever observed.  These waves are only milliseconds in duration.  

-  2908 -  MILKY  WAY  GALAXY  -  learning so much more.  Our galaxy is old, nearly as old as the universe itself. But it didn’t start as a spiral of stars around a peanut-shape middle. It grew over time, both accumulating stars from collisions with other galaxies and forming stars itself from inflowing gas.

-  2910  -  ASTEROID  -  mining gold from asteroids?  “16 Psyche” is an asteroid full of metal in the asteroid belt that could be worth $700 quintillion..  NASA plans to visit 16 Psyche by 2026.  Could we be commercial mining  faraway asteroids or should we start with the moon?

-  2911 -  PHYSICS  -  unsolved mysteries?  1900, the British physicist Lord Kelvin is said to have pronounced: "There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.”  There are many mysteries we need to learn before we get hit by the next asteroid. Our Universe is full of surprises:

-  2912  -MAGNETIC  FIELDS  -  they get big in astronomy?   Magnets get really powerful in astronomy.   Astronomers have measured a 1,000,000,000 Tesla Magnetic Field on the Surface of a Neutron Star.  It is the strongest magnetic field ever recorded in the Universe. The record-breaking field was discovered at the surface of a neutron star called GRO J1008-57 with a magnetic field strength of approximately 1 BILLION Tesla. 

-  2913  -  ATOM  -  can we see an atom?   Well, that really depends on what we mean by “see.” We see something when light emitted or reflected from an object reaches our eyes and the signal is conducted to our brain. 

-  2914  -  EXOPLANETS  -  what it is like on frontline of discovery?  We’re getting better and better at detecting exoplanets. Using the “transit method” of detection, the Kepler Space Telescope examined over 530,000 stars and discovered over 2,600 exoplanets in nine years. “TESS“, the telescope that is successor to Kepler, is still active, and has so far identified over 1800 candidate exoplanets, with 46 confirmed by 2020.

-  2915 -  APOLLO  -  space mission and inventions?   In 1971 the Apollo astronauts had Thanksgiving dinner in quarantine.  Here we are 50 years later and back in quarantine again. This Covid 19 mission will cost much more than the Apollo moon mission both in dollars and in lives.  We can’t seem to get out of quarantine on alternate years.  It must be caused by election plagues.

-  2916 -  ASTEROID  -  near miss?  Many nearby stars will pass close to the Oort Cloud at the outskirts of our Solar System, but only one will move through it. In about 1.35 million years, Gliese 710 likely will gravitationally perturb millions of comets, sending a sizable number on a potential collision course with Earth.

-  2917  -  ASTRONOMY  -  measurements in astronomy?   When we try to comprehend the Universe, there’s a whole lot that doesn’t add up. All the matter we observe and try to measure, from planets, stars, dust, gas, plasma, and exotic states and objects, can’t account for the gravitational effects we see in the orbits of stars in galaxies and galaxies in clusters.  

-  2919  -  MOONS  -  in our solar system?  The discovery of moons around another planet left centuries’ worth of astronomers desperate to learn more about what other natural satellites the solar system holds. Increasingly powerful telescopes and interplanetary spacecraft have revealed that there are many of the moons in the solar system and they are far stranger than anyone could have imagined.

-  November 29, 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


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 ---------------------   Sunday, November 29, 2020  -------------------------


ASTRONOMY - measurements in astronomy?

 -  2917  -  ASTRONOMY  -  measurements in astronomy?   When we try to comprehend the Universe, there’s a whole lot that doesn’t add up. All the matter we observe and try to measure, from planets, stars, dust, gas, plasma, and exotic states and objects, can’t account for the gravitational effects we see in the orbits of stars in galaxies and galaxies in clusters.  

---------------------------  2917  -  ASTRONOMY  -  measurements in astronomy?


-   When we observe galaxies and measure both their distances and “redshifts“, it reveals the expanding Universe, and yet there are two recent surprises: 


--------------------  Observations that indicate the expansion is accelerating (attributed to dark energy),


--------------------  The fact that different measurement methods lead to two different sets of expansion rates.


-  The “redshifts” refer to the measurement that the wavelength the longer it travels through empty space.  Longer wavelengths are seen closer and into the red end of the light spectrum.  A blue light from far away appear as a redlight to astronomers.  


-------------------  Three is no evidence of a ‘Universe before the Big Bang’,


-------------------   The laws of physics are the same, everywhere, for all observers at all times, 


------------------   General Relativity, put forth by Einstein, is our “theory of gravitation“,


-----------------   The Universe is isotropic, homogeneous, and expanding,


-----------------   Light obeys Maxwell’s laws of electromagnetism  


-------------------  The quantum rules that govern light (quantum electrodynamics) apply when it exhibits quantum behavior.


-  The equation, known as the first “Friedmann equation“, can be derived directly from General Relativity under the above assumptions. It tells you that if you can measure the expansion rate of the Universe today and at earlier times, you can determine exactly what’s in the Universe in terms of matter and energy.  The result: 30% matter and 70% energy. 


-  Conversely, if you can measure the expansion rate today and the contents of the Universe, you can determine the expansion rate at all times in the past and future.


-------------------------  Measure some quantity that’s related to either the observed size or the observed brightness of an object (like a star or galaxy),


-------------------------  Infer from some other measured quantity or from some known property of the object how intrinsically large or bright the object actually is,


--------------------  Measure the redshift of the object, or how much the light has been shifted from its rest-frame wavelength.


-  There are two general methods are known as “standard candles” (if they’re based on intrinsic brightness) and standard rulers (if based on size), as they are both based on simple concepts:


-  If you take an object like a candle or a light bulb, and placed it a certain distance away, you will be able to see it with a particular brightness.  For every candle or light bulb in the Universe, if we put it at that same distance, it would have a specific brightness that you’d see associated with it. That’s because, intrinsically, it has a property inherent to it that causes it to be luminous: an ‘intrinsic brightness‘.


-  If you move it farther away, it will appear fainter: twice as far away means one-quarter the brightness; three times as far away means one-ninth the brightness; four times as far away means one-sixteenth the brightness, etc. 


-  Light emitted from a source spreads out in a spherical shape, and so the farther away you go, the less light you can see with the same amount of collecting area.  That is the way that sunlight spreads out as a function of distance.


-  A similar story happens for the sizes of objects: the farther away they are, the more their apparent size changes. The details of the story are slightly more complicated in the expanding Universe because the geometric properties of space change as time unfolds, but the same principle applies.


-   If you can make a measurement that reveals the intrinsic brightness or size of an object, and you can measure the apparent brightness or size of an object, you can infer its distance from you.


-  These cosmic distances are important because knowing how far away the objects you’re viewing allows you to determine how much the Universe has expanded over the time that the light was emitted from when it arrives at our eyes.


-   If the laws of physics are the same everywhere, then the quantum transitions between atoms and molecules will be the same for all atoms and molecules everywhere in the Universe. If we can identify patterns of absorption and emission lines and match them up to atomic transitions, then we can measure how much that light has been redshifted.


-  A small part of that redshift (or blueshift, if the object is moving towards us) will be due to the gravitational influence of all the other objects around it: what astronomers call “peculiar velocity.” 


-  The Universe is only isotropic (the same in all directions) and homogeneous (the same in all locations) on average: if you were to smooth it out by averaging over a very large volume.


-  In reality, our Universe is clumped and clustered together, and the gravitational over densities, like stars, galaxies, and clusters of galaxies, as well as the under dense regions, exert pushes and pulls on the objects within it, causing them to move around in a variety of directions. 


-  Objects within a galaxy move around at tens-to-hundreds of kilometers / second relative to one another because of these effects, while galaxies can move at hundreds or even thousands of km/s because of peculiar velocities.


-  That effect is always superimposed over the expansion of the Universe, which is primarily responsible, especially at large distances, for the redshifts we observe.


-  There are three things we should worry about in making these measurements:


---------------------------   If our distance estimates to any of these astronomical objects are biased nearby, we could be mis-calibrating the expansion rate today: the Hubble parameter (also called the Hubble constant).


--------------------------    If our distance estimates are biased at large distances, we could be fooling ourselves into thinking that dark energy that is expanding he universe is real, where it might be an artifact of our incorrect distance estimates.


--------------------------  If our distance estimates are incorrect in a way that translates equally, or proportionally, to all galaxies, we could get a different value for the Universe’s expansion by measuring individual objects as compared to measuring, say, the properties of the leftover glow from the Big Bang: the cosmic microwave background.


-  We see that different methods of measuring the Universe’s expansion rate actually do yield different values, with the cosmic microwave background and a few other “early relic” methods yielding a 9% smaller value than all the other measurements. 


-  There are a myriad of independent ways to measure distances to galaxies, as there are a total of  77 different “distance indicators” we can use. By measuring a specific property and applying a variety of techniques, we can infer something meaningful about the intrinsic properties of what we’re looking at. 


- By comparing something intrinsic to something observed, we can immediately know, assuming we’ve got the rules of cosmology and astrophysics correct, how far away an object is.


-  Earlier this month, November, 2020, exactly that test was performed to tabulate multiple distances for 12,000 separate galaxies, using a total of six different methods. In particular, a couple of key galaxies frequently used as “anchor points” in constructing the cosmic distance ladder, like the Large Magellanic Cloud and Messier 106. 


-  The results were all six methods (spanning 77 various indicators) yielded consistent distances for each of the examined cases. 


-  Our understanding of the expanding Universe, our methods for measuring cosmic distances, the existence of dark energy, and the discrepancy between measurements of the Hubble constant using different methods are all robust results.


-   Any one measurement will have large uncertainties associated with it, but a large and comprehensive data set should enable us to render those uncertainties irrelevant by providing sufficient statistics, so long as they’re unbiased. 


 November 27, 2020   ASTRONOMY - measurements of expansion  2917                                                                                                                                              


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--------------------- ---  Sunday, November 29, 2020  ---------------------------

Saturday, November 28, 2020

MOONS - in our solar system?

 -  2919  -  MOONS  -  in our solar system?  The discovery of moons around another planet left centuries’ worth of astronomers desperate to learn more about what other natural satellites the solar system holds. Increasingly powerful telescopes and interplanetary spacecraft have revealed that there are many of the moons in the solar system and they are far stranger than anyone could have imagined. 

---------------------------  2919  -  MOONS  -  in our solar system?

-  For millennia, nobody even knew if our Moon was the only moon of the solar system. Our ancestors did recognize that the Moon was a sort of sibling to our planet. What about the other moons of the solar system around other planets?


- It wasn’t until early January in 1610 that Galileo Galilei set his new telescope on Jupiter and tracked small points of light dancing around the gas giant. With these observations, Galileo finally revealed that Earth is not the only planet in the solar system with moons. 


-  Even with binoculars you too can discover four of he moons that are orbiting Jupiter.  A web search will help you identify the names of each of them.


-   German astronomer Simon Marius first noted Jupiter’s moons in late December 1609, just weeks before Galileo recorded his observations.  Simon missed out by not recording the event at the time.  So Galileo got the notoriety.


-  Here are some of the other moons your were missing when you gazed into the night sky.  



Nope. No moons.



Nope. No moons.



The one Moon.   Earth’s Moon isn’t the largest moon of the solar system. The Moon comes in at number 5 on the list of largest moons, between Io and Europa (two of Jupiter’s moons). However, at about 2,150 miles in diameter, the Moon is still larger than the planet Mercury.



Phobos and Deimos.  Someday, Mars’ moon Phobos will slip past a certain point in its degrading orbit and get ripped apart by tidal forces, forming a ring.


-  For a long time after their discovery in 1877, scientists assumed Mars’ two puny moons, Deimos and Phobos, were captured asteroids. But then, evidence revealed that both moons formed at the same time as the Red Planet itself, and that the smaller one, Deimos, has a mysteriously tilted orbit.  Astronomers think that Mars’ moons formed out of debris ejected when a giant impactor struck Mars between 100 million and 800 million years after the planet’s creation.


-  A new theory even suggests that ever since the original collision, generations of martian moons have been recycled into rings, which, in turn, were molded into new, smaller moons of the solar system. And that moon-ring cycle will likely continue for millions of years to come.


-  JUPITER’s moons: 

Callisto, Europa, Io, Ganymede



Titan, Enceladus, and 80 more moons.  Saturn usually gets credit for its rings, but its many moons are just as fascinating. First and foremost is Saturn’s largest moon: Titan. In addition to harboring an underground liquid ocean, this great moon of the solar system is the only world besides Earth confirmed to have an active rain cycle. 


-  Titan’s opaque nitrogen-methane cocoon is the second-densest atmosphere among all the solid bodies of the solar system, after Venus. Such a thick, insulating atmosphere sustains frigid surface temperatures of –290 degrees Fahrenheit.


-  These chilly temperatures are much warmer than the moon’s smaller yet equally fascinating sibling Enceladus, which is largely made of water ice and covered in intriguing features. 


-  Decades ago, Voyager 2 photographed Enceladus’ craters, narrow valleys, and expanses of grooves and ridges. It spotted sharp-edged canyons up to 120 miles long, 5 miles wide, and 0.5 mile deep fracturing the moon’s surface.



Titania, Oberon and 25 more moons.  Discovered in 1781, Uranus is an ice giant orbiting our Sun once every 84 Earth years. This mysterious world, which appears as just a tiny dot in most amateur telescopes, not only possesses a system of thin, faint rings, but also 27 moons.


-  The largest uranian moon is aptly named Titania, which was discovered just six years after the planet it orbits. When Voyager 2 passed by this world, it found signs that the moon was geologically active, evidenced by features like an expansive system of fault valleys stretching some 1,000 miles (1,600 km) across the moon’s surface. 


-  Like Titania’s slightly smaller brother, Oberon, Uranus’ moons are made of roughly equal parts rock and ice.



Triton, and 13 more moons.  Triton is not only the most distant of the solar system’s major moons, those at least 1,500 miles in diameter, but also one of the weirdest moons of our solar system. To begin, even though Triton is enormous and enjoys a perfectly circular orbit, Triton flies around Neptune backward.


-   Triton is also one of just a handful of objects that harbors active, ongoing eruptions. And like Saturn’s moon Enceladus, the cryovolcanic material vented from below Triton’s surface is not hot, but cold. Lastly, Triton looks like a cantaloupe. Bizarre depressions and fissures each 20 miles across dominate its western hemisphere. We call it “cantaloupe terrain” because it perfectly resembles the skin of that tasty melon. 


-  With nitrogen geysers, volcanoes of water ammonia, a cantaloupe surface, and a backward orbit, Triton definitely fits the bill for one of the weirdest and wildest moons of our solar system.


-  November 27, 2020               2919  -  MOONS  -  in our solar System?


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Friday, November 27, 2020

ASTEROID - near miss?

 -  2916 -  ASTEROID  -  near miss?  Many nearby stars will pass close to the Oort Cloud at the outskirts of our Solar System, but only one will move through it. In about 1.35 million years, Gliese 710 likely will gravitationally perturb millions of comets, sending a sizable number on a potential collision course with Earth.

---------------------------  2916  -  ASTEROID  -  near miss?

-  Every 50,000 years or so, a nomadic star passes near our solar system. Most brush by without incident. But, every once in a while, one comes so close that it gains a prominent place in Earth’s night sky, as well as knocks distant comets loose from their orbits.


-  The most famous of these stellar interloper near misses is called “Scholz’s Star“. This small binary star system was discovered in 2013. Its orbital path indicated that, about 70,000 years ago, it passed through the Oort Cloud, that is the extended sphere of icy bodies that surrounds the fringes of our solar system. 


-  Some astronomers even think Scholz’s Star could have sent some of these objects tumbling into the inner solar system when it passed.  However, Scholz’s Star is relatively small and rapidly moving, which should have minimized its effect on the solar system. 


-  In recent years, scientists have been finding that these kinds of encounters happen far more often than once expected. Scholz’s Star wasn’t the first flyby, and it won’t be the last. In fact, we’re on track for a much more dramatic close encounter in the not-too-distant future.


-  Scholz’s Star  probably didn’t have a huge impact, but there should be many more stars that have passed through that are more massive.  The record-breaking asteroid “2020 QG” won't soon forget its run-in with Earth.


-  Were you awake early Sunday morning , August 16, 2020,   the car-sized “2020 QG” asteroid zoomed just 1,830 miles above the Indian Ocean, making the closest known flyby by an asteroid that didn't end up slamming into our planet. 


-   Though 2020 QG survived the encounter, its path through space was altered significantly.  Calculations show that this asteroid got turned by 45 degrees as it swung by our planet.


-  Researchers didn't learn of 2020 QG's existence until the ‘Zwicky Transient Facility“, a survey telescope in Southern California captured an image of the asteroid zooming away from Earth, six hours “after” its closest approach.


-  The space rock was rocketing along at 29,000 miles per hour. As speedy as that is, it's a little slower than average for a near-Earth asteroid.  There are many millions of near-Earth asteroids out there about the same size as 2020 QG, which is thought to be 10 to 20 feet wide. Such tiny space rocks are very hard to detect, but they pose no danger to life on Earth.


-  If 2020 QG had actually been on an impact trajectory, it would likely have become a fireball as it broke up in Earth's atmosphere, which happens several times a year.  “Fireballs” are meteors that blaze more brightly than Venus in our skies.


-  Big asteroids are a bit more worrisome.  Scientists think a 6-mile-wide  space rock did in the dinosaurs when it barreled into Earth 66 million years ago. 


-  NASA has found and tracked more than 95% of the mountain-sized asteroids in Earth's neighborhood, and none of them pose an impact risk in the foreseeable future. The space agency is currently working to compile a similarly comprehensive catalog of the near-Earth asteroids at least 460 feet wide, which would do devastating damage on a regional scale if they hit.


-  A wandering star passed within one light-year of the Sun roughly 70,000 years ago. At the time, modern humans were just beginning to migrate out of Africa, and Neanderthals were still sharing the planet with us.


-  In 2018 Gaia satellite data was used to plot our Sun’s future meet-ups with other stars. Astronomers discovered nearly 700 stars that will pass within 15 light-years of our solar system over just the next 15 million years.


-   The vast majority of close encounters have yet to be discovered, but roughly 20 stars should pass within just a couple light-years of us every million years.  “Space is big,”.  Statistically, most of those stars would pass the outer edge of our solar system. That means encounters like the one with Scholz’s Star are common, but only a few are close enough to actually dislodge a significant number of comets.


-  A few stars should still come surprisingly close. And if a large, slow-moving star did pass through the edge of the Oort Cloud, it could really shake up the solar system.


-  Many nearby stars will pass close to the Oort Cloud, but only one will move through it. In about 1.35 million years, Gliese 710 likely will gravitationally perturb millions of comets, sending a sizable number on a potential collision course with Earth.


-  A massive star steamrolling through the outer solar system is exactly what Gaia data show will happen less than 1.4 million years from now, according to a 2016 study. A star called Gliese 710 will pass within 10,000 astronomical units.


-  “1 AU” is equal to the average Earth-Sun distance of 93 million miles. That’s well within the outer edge of the Oort Cloud.


-  At half the mass of the Sun, Gliese 710 is much larger than Scholz’s Star, which is just 15 percent the mass of the Sun. This means Gliese 710’s hulking gravity could potentially wreak havoc on the orbits of icy bodies in the Oort Cloud. 


-  While Scholz’s Star was so tiny it would have been barely visible in the night sky, Gliese 710 is larger than our current closest neighbor, Proxima Centauri.  So when Gliese 710 reaches its closest point to Earth, it will burn as a brilliant orange orb that will outshine every other star in our night sky.


-  This event could be the strongest disrupting encounter in the future and history of the solar system.  Fortunately, the inner solar system is a relatively tiny target, and even if Gliese 710 does send comets flying our way, it would take millions of additional years for these icy bodies to reach us.


-  That should give any surviving future humans plenty of time to take action.  In the meantime,  enjoy watching what may be one of the closest stellar flybys in the history of our solar system.  Or, did you miss it.  It missed you.  Happy Thanksgiving.


-  November 25, 2020               ASTEROID  -  near miss?                2916                                                                                                                                              


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Thursday, November 26, 2020

APOLLO - space mission and inventions?

 -  2915 -  APOLLO  -  space mission and inventions?   In 1971 the Apollo astronauts had Thanksgiving dinner in quarantine.  Here we are 50 years later and back in quarantine again. This Covid 19 mission will cost much more than the Apollo moon mission both in dollars and in lives.  We can’t seem to get out of quarantine on alternate years.  It must be caused by election plagues.

 ------------------------  2915   -  APOLLO  -  space mission and inventions?

-  Apollo’s moon mission was one of the other most expansive government initiatives in American history. During its peak years, some 34,000 NASA employees and 375,000 outside contractors took part in the program. 


-  Budget estimates inflation adjusted costs at $98,000,000,000 which was several times more expensive than the Manhattan Project and the equivalent of almost $500 for every man, woman and child living in the United States in 1969.


-  President John F. Kennedy in his historic message to a joint session of the Congress, on May 25, 1961 named it the “space race” between the United States and the Soviet Union.


-   On January 27, 1967, Apollo suffered its worst tragedy before it ever left the ground.  Astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee climbed inside their Apollo 1 spacecraft for a routine prelaunch test. As they sat on the launch pad, a spark from some faulty wiring triggered a massive fire that tore through the cabin’s pure oxygen atmosphere.


-   A complicated latch system on the hatch made it all but impossible for the astronauts to escape, and by the time ground crews finally opened it several minutes later, all three men had died from asphyxiation.


-  The fire marked the first time that American astronauts were killed inside a spacecraft. It grounded Apollo for 18 months, but it also led NASA to make crucial design improvements that increased safety and performance during the following lunar missions.


-   Apollo’s first manned mission began in October 1968, when Apollo 7 entered low-Earth orbit to conduct a shakedown of the command and service module. During the 11-day flight, astronauts Wally Schirra, Donn Eisele and Walter Cunningham made the first live television transmissions from inside a manned spacecraft. 


-   Neil Armstrong wasn’t handpicked to command Apollo 11.  NASA’s Director of Flight Crew Operations Deke Slayton adhered to an impartial rotation system for the Apollo missions. Each three-man team of astronauts served as the backup crew on a flight, and then became prime crew of their own mission three flights later.


-   For the first moon landing, however, Slayton considered handpicking a commander. Gus Grissom was the leading candidate before his death in the Apollo 1 fire, and Slayton later informally offered the job to Apollo 8 commander Frank Borman, who turned it down in favor of retiring.


-   In the end, the historic Apollo 11 mission fell to Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, who were the next crew in the rotation line. “I wasn’t chosen to be first,” Armstrong later said. “I was just chosen to command that flight, which turned out to be the first landing. Circumstances put me in that particular role.”


-   When Neil Armstrong took his “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” in July 1969, he was wearing a spacesuit crafted by Playtex, a company better known for making ladies’ bras and girdles. The International Latex Corporation, the industrial division of Playtex, won a contract to build Apollo spacesuits in 1962, and later sealed the deal after besting two other companies in a design competition. 


-  Playtex  went on to create a pair of hand-sewn spacesuits that protected the Apollo astronauts from the elements while also giving them the freedom of movement required to collect moon rocks, conduct scientific experiments and drive the lunar rover. Playtex’s spacesuit division split off from the main company in 1967, and it continues to serve as a NASA contractor under the name “ILC Dover“.


-  Apollo 12 was struck by lightning twice during takeoff.  Apollo’s second lunar landing mission took off on November 14, 1969, during a brief lull in a thunderstorm. All went according to plan at first, but just 36 seconds after liftoff, the spacecraft and its roaring Saturn V rocket suffered a lightning strike. 


-  Moments later, a second bolt of lightning tore through the ship and wiped out many of its electrical systems. Inside the cockpit, Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Conrad, Alan Bean and Richard Gordon heard the master alarm and saw their instrument panel glow with warning lights. 


-  NASA considered aborting the mission, but a young flight controller remembered a method for switching the spacecraft’s Signal Conditioning Equipment to an auxiliary setting, which allowed the crew to reconnect the ship’s fuel cells and bring its navigation platform back online once in orbit.


-   Despite beginning its mission with a near-disaster, Apollo 12 went on to make a successful moon landing.


-   An Apollo astronaut conducted a secret ESP experiment.  During his voyage to the moon and back with Apollo 14, astronaut Edgar Mitchell secretly carried out the space program’s only experiment in extrasensory perception, or ESP. Mitchell had a deep interest in psychological phenomena, and before leaving for the moon, he concocted a test to see if it was possible to transmit his thoughts through space. 


-  While his fellow crewmembers Alan Shepard and Stuart Roosa slept, Mitchell took out a collection of cards and spent a few minutes concentrating on a random series of symbols. Back on Earth, a team of psychics tried to read his thoughts and write down the order of the sequence.   I was able to read two out of three hands.


- The group reportedly guessed the right numbers 51 times out of 200, which Mitchell described as “results far exceeding anything expected.” A few years after returning from his moon mission, Mitchell continued his psychic research by founding the Institute of Noetic Sciences, a nonprofit group devoted to studying human consciousness.


-   NASA quarantined astronauts after the first few moon mission.  NASA knew very little about the moon before the Apollo missions, including whether it harbored hazardous microbes or “space germs.” With this in mind, the crews of Apollo 11, 12 and 14 were quarantined after they returned home from their lunar landings. 


-  The astronauts were required to slip into anti-contamination suits as soon as they were plucked out of the sea, and they were then sealed off for three weeks inside a converted Airstream trailer called the Mobile Quarantine Facility, or MQF.


-   In the case of Apollo 12, the astronauts were even forced to spend Thanksgiving inside the MQF, so a special turkey dinner was prepared for them. Luckily for the crews of Apollo 15, 16 and 17, NASA later concluded there was no risk of moon diseases and scrapped its quarantine measures in 1971.  We are quarantined this  year, 2020, but we are not requiring space suits.


-  By the time Apollo 17 ended in 1972, six different lunar expeditions had left the moon’s surface littered with everything from discarded spacecraft parts to scientific experiments and even a photo of astronaut Charlie Duke’s family.


-   The most unusual relic might be “Fallen Astronaut,” an aluminum sculpture designed by Belgian artist Paul van Hoeydonck and secretly left on the moon in August 1971 by Apollo 15 commander David Scott. Scott believed that the minimalist artwork should serve as a memorial to those that had died in the pursuit of space exploration, so he placed it alongside a plaque inscribed with the names of 14 lost American astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts.


-  The Apollo program wasn’t all about getting us to the Moon. Innovation and technology developed for those lunar voyages often have had second lives here on planet Earth. Here are some examples:


-  Freeze-Dried Meals  In 1965, developed for the Gemini missions and improved for the Apollo program.  Coated in gelatin to prevent crumbling, provided appetizing meals for astronauts, like shrimp cocktail, chicken & veggies, and butterscotch pudding.  Today it is still available in camping supply stores for the overnight hiker. Of course, “astronaut” ice cream remains a best-seller at museums.


-   The Dustbuster  was invention in 1971, NASA partnering with Black & Decker.

Moon.  It was designed to collect lunar rock and soil samples for Apollo 15, NASA had Black & Decker develop a lightweight, battery-powered drill vacuum to suck up particles from hard-to-reach Moon crevices.  This underlying technology was used to create the handheld, cordless vacuum cleaner that has sucked up dirt in hard-to-reach home crevices for the last 40 years.


-  Temper ("Memory") Foam  was invented in 1968, by NASA scientists at the Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley.   The open-cell polyurethane silicone plastic foam was used for more comfortable and more shock-absorbing seat cushioning in air and space crafts.   Mattresses today use it in the popular “boxed” mattresses like Tempur-Pedic, Nectar, and Leesa.


-  Anti-Fogging Coating was first used in the later Gemini missions in 1965-66.  Moon Use: To prevent fogging on capsule windows during take-off and on helmet visors while on the Moon, which would have been catastrophic.  It is today used in consumer-grade ski goggles, diving masks, and eyeglasses.


-  In 1977, when former NASA engineer Marion Franklin Rudy brought a unique production idea to the shoe company.  A process known as “blow rubber molding,” where hollowed-out plastic parts are formed and filled with compressed, dense gases, is used to provide extra comfort and protection in Apollo-era astronaut helmets. 


-   In 1978 in the Nike Air Tailwind company,  Rudy helped Nike develop a shoe with a hollowed-out heel filled with compressed air providing extra cushioning, shock-absorbing, and buoyancy. Nike Airs remain a bestseller to this day.


-   First developed by NASA and Goodyear for January 1971’s Apollo 14 mission a “Rickshaw,” a mobile equipment transporter pulled by Alan Shepard across the lunar surface, rolled on tires made out of this flexible rubber specifically developed to remain pliable even in extreme cold temperatures. 


-   Today Goodyear uses the material to create studless winter tires that provides traction in the snow without destroying road surfaces.


-   Early 1970s, NASA working with Cleveland Clinic Foundation to develop the rocket engine turbopumps that shot the Apollo 11 crew to the Moon.   Using similar technology, NASA engineers designed a “left ventricular assist device” (LVAD) that kept blood flowing in a patient while they wait for a heart transplant. This cardiac pump has saved hundreds of lives.


-  In 1967, in the aftermath of Apollo 1’s deadly fire during a test exercise that claimed the lives of three astronauts, NASA engineers redesigned the spacesuits to be fireproof. Made from ultrafine glass filaments coated with Teflon, “Beta cloth” proved to keep astronauts safe for the rest of the Apollo program. 


-    A modified version of the fireproof fabric is now used in tensile roofing for domed sports stadiums across the world, including Dallas’s AT&T Stadium, London’s Millennium Dome, and Atlanta’s Georgia Dome.


-  On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the Moon.   A decade before Apollo 11, on September 14 1959, the Soviet Union crash landed a spherical probe called Luna 2 onto the lunar surface. Impacting at a speed of more than 6,500 miles per hour, it’s believed that the stainless steel “pennants” that the Soviets wanted to scatter across the Moon were vaporized upon contact.


-  On July 31, 1964, we finally were able to see what the Moon looked up close. Filled with craters, pock marks, and rocks, the lunar surface revealed itself in grainy images taken by the Ranger 7 before it also crashed landed.


-  In September 1968, months before the first humans, two “steppe tortoises” were actually the first Earth-bound beings to orbit the Moon in the Soviet Union’s Zoid 5.


-  After their long trip to the Moon, Armstrong and Aldrin were mighty hungry, so they ate their dinner earlier than the mission had planned. That meal consisted of peaches, sugar cookie cubes, coffee, and bacon squares.


-  Shortly after landing and before stepping on the Moon, Buzz Aldrin took communion while sitting in the lunar module. Sipping wine and biting off a piece of a wafer, Aldrin said his prayers quietly while Armstrong looked on. For years, NASA kept this act of faith quiet due to an ongoing lawsuit around Apollo 8’s reading of Genesis.


-  While Apollo 11’s landing was in black and white, a global audience got to see the crew of Apollo 12’s descent to the lunar surface in beautiful color. Unfortunately, those live broadcasts are now lost to history of the inadvertent mistake of pointing the camera directly at the Sun, which destroyed the SEC tube inside.


-  On July 30, 1972, the crew of Apollo 15 landed on the Moon with smuggled specialty stamped envelopes. When they arrived back on Earth, the envelopes were sold by a German stamp dealer for a reported sum of more than $150,000. In exchange, the three astronauts were to have trust funds set up for their children. However, when the plot was uncovered, the astronauts were reprimanded and their space exploring careers ended.


-  During the Apollo 14 mission on February, 6, 1971, Alan Shepard pulled out a six-iron that he had smuggled on board in a sock and hit two golf balls across the lunar surface. The last one, as he said to the TV-watching audience around the globe, soared “miles and miles” thanks to the lack of gravity.


-  A long hit for man, an even longer hit for mankind.                                                                                                            


-  November 24, 2020             APOLLO  -  space missions              2915                                                                                                                                              


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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

EXOPLANETS - what it is like on frontline of discovery?

 -  2914  -  EXOPLANETS  -  what it is like on frontline of discovery?  We’re getting better and better at detecting exoplanets. Using the “transit method” of detection, the Kepler Space Telescope examined over 530,000 stars and discovered over 2,600 exoplanets in nine years. “TESS“, the telescope that is successor to Kepler, is still active, and has so far identified over 1800 candidate exoplanets, with 46 confirmed by 2020.

-------------  2914  -  EXOPLANETS  -  what it is like on frontline of discovery?

-  But what if, hidden in all that data, there were even more planets? Astronomers have found one of these “lost” planets, and that they think they’ll find even more inside the same data.


-  Every method of detection has an inherent selection bias. A single transit in front of a star is not enough to be considered a planet detection. At least two transits are needed. So with the transit method, detection is biased towards planets with short orbital periods. It’s also biased towards finding larger planets, which block more starlight causing a bigger dip in brightness.


-  The transit geometry imposes a strong selection bias for close-in orbits, and only a handful of well-characterized transiting exoplanets are known to have orbital periods longer than about 30 days.


-  Since TESS only looks at most sections of the sky for 27 days, it’s biased toward detecting planets that complete two transits in that time period, meaning it’s likely to find planets close to their stars. And those planets are bound to be hot ones; too hot for liquid water or for life.


-   Hidden in all of the TESS data are detections of single transits: planets that are too far from their stars to complete two transits while TESS is watching. Those planets are further away from their stars, and cooler than the typical hot planets we find closer to their stars.


-   These discoveries are rare but important, since they allow us to find longer period planets than other astronomers are finding. Longer period planets are cooler, more like the planets in our own Solar System.


-  ‘NGTS-11 b” orbits a star that’s about 620 light years away. It’s five times closer to its star than Earth is to the Sun, and its orbit is only 35 days.  NGTS-11b has a temperature of only 160°C, cooler than Mercury and Venus. Although this is still too hot to support life as we know it, it is closer to the Goldilocks zone than many previously discovered planets which typically have temperatures above 1000°C.


-  “NGTS”  is the name of the star.  “a”, “b” , “c”  etc. are the names of the planets orbiting that star.


-  TESS had to spot at least one transit. Then the team investigated that single transit, all aspects of the star, and all of the data on it. Once they determined that the single TESS transit was a viable candidate for follow-up.


-  In Chile is an array of twelve, small robotic telescopes designed to find exoplanets of Neptune size or smaller around bright stars. It can monitor stars for months on end, and is very precise.


-  The 12 NGTS telescopes in Chile can monitor multiple stars for months on end, searching for lost planets. The dip in light from the transit is only 1% deep and occurs only once every 35 days, putting it out of reach of other telescopes.


-  Single transits are common in TESS data, and before the team decided to use NGTS to investigate this one, they had to rule out other possibilities. They ruled out things like asteroids or other anomalies. They also searched data from the ESA’s Gaia mission for explanations for the dip in brightness, and looked for things like nearby eclipsing binaries. None of those could explain it, so only then did they turn to NGTS.


-  They observed the star with one of NGTS’s twelve ‘scopes for a total of 79 nights, and 105,642 exposures. They employed an algorithm to comb through all that data, looking for the right light curve that signalled a second transit of the suspected exoplanet. Finally, on the night of October 24th 2019, NGTS spotted it.


-  After detecting the second transit with NGTS, they turned to other follow-up observations. They used the “ESO’s Leonard Euler telescope“, and the “HARPS spectrograph” on the ESO’s 3.6 m telescope to get radial velocity measurements. All of that data ruled out a low-mass companion star as the cause of the transit.


-  After a detailed analysis of all that data, they were able to characterize NGTS-11 b more completely. It’s roughly the same size and mass as Saturn. It’s 0.81 Jupiter radii, and .034 Jupiter masses. It’s still hot compared to Earth, at about 320 F), but much cooler than Venus and Mercury.


-  There are hundreds of single transits detected by TESS that we will be monitoring using this method.  These results highlight the synergy between space telescopes like TESS, and more nimble, economical facilities like NGTS. 


-  The strategy of large investments of photometric follow-up with instruments such as NGTS thereby allows efficient confirmation of single-transit events without adding to the considerable pressure on high-precision radial-velocity instruments. This highlights the power of high-precision ground-based photometric facilities in revealing longer-period transiting exoplanets that TESS alone cannot discover.


-  After this success, the team plans to utilize their method to find even more “lost” planets in all of that TESS data.  There are hundreds of single transits detected by TESS that we will be monitoring using this method.  


-  This will allow us to discover cooler exoplanets of all sizes, including planets more like those in our own Solar System. Some of these will be small rocky planets in the Goldilocks zone that are cool enough to host liquid water oceans and potentially extraterrestrial life.


-  Over the next decade, several very powerful telescopes will come online. Observing time on these ‘scopes will be in high demand, and their range of targets will span a whole host of topics in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosomology.


-  Planets form in debris disks around young stars. But it’s hard to see inside those dusty disks and spot the actual planets with the telescopes and instruments we currently have. Now, a team of astronomers have released what they’re calling a “rogue’s gallery” of images of these disks, each one showing evidence of young planets.


-  The “Gemini Planet Imager” (GPI) is a precision instrument mounted on the 8-meter Gemini South telescope in Chile.


-  This study targeted young stars less than 500 million years old. They were nearby stars, within 150 parsecs (490 light years) of us. There were 104 stars, including 38 that were previously imaged. The researchers were also able to resolve 26 debris disks and 3 protoplanetary / transitional disks. 


-  Six of the 26 circumstellar disks from the Gemini Planet Imager survey, highlighting the diversity of shapes and sizes these disks can take and showing the outer reaches of star systems in their formative years. 


-  This study is an effort to screen targets for observing time with more powerful future telescopes, whose observing time will be in very high demand. ‘Scopes like the “James Webb Space Telescope“, the “Giant Magellan Telescope“, and the “Extremely Large Telescope” will be coming online in the next few years. They’ll be powerful enough to study exoplanets and the systems that host them in greater detail than current telescopes. But their power isn’t needed to find those planets initially.


-  It is often easier to detect the dust-filled disk than the planets, so you detect the dust first and then you know to point your James Webb Space Telescope or your “Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’ at those systems, cutting down the number of stars you have to sift through to find these planets in the first place.


-  Looking at the images of the disks in this study is like looking at the Kuiper Belt in our own Solar System. The Kuiper Belt is a frigid area in the distant Solar System, 40 times further from the Sun than Earth is. The material in the Belt, rocks, ice, and dust, was left over from the planet forming stage in our Solar System’s development.


-  The Kuiper Belt was named in honor of Dutch-American astronomer Gerard Kuiper, who postulated a reservoir of icy bodies beyond Neptune. The first Kuiper Belt object was discovered in 1992. We now know of more than a thousand objects there, and it's estimated it's home to more than 100,000 asteroids and comets there over 62 miles across. 


-  Gemini captured 26 images of debris disks around stars. Of those, 25 had holes in the disks, which are evidence of a young planet sweeping up gas and dust as it forms. Some of them were previously known, but seven of the 26 are newly identified. 


-  But the images of the 19 previously known ones were nowhere near as sharp as these new images. In most cases, the previous images are from ‘scopes that lack the GPI’s high resolution, so those images don’t show the same holes that indicate the presence of young, still-forming planets.


-  One of the things we found is that these so-called disks are really rings with inner clearings.  GPI had a clear view of the inner regions close to the star, whereas in the past, observations by the Hubble Space Telescope and older instruments from the ground couldn’t see close enough to the star to see the hole around it.


-   One of the things that makes the GPI, “Gemini Planet Imager” so effective is its coronagraph. The venerable Hubble has a coronograph, which blocks the light of distant stars, making it easier to see other detail around the star. But it’s coronograph isn’t near as effective and high-tech as the GPI’s. Using its coronagraph, GPI is able to see to within one astronomical unit (AU) of the stars it targets.


-  The researchers used the GPI to look at stars that were exceptionally bright in the infrared. Not because of the output of the star itself. But because high infrared output indicates the presence of a disk, which emits infrared light. GPI is powerful enough to observe near-infrared (NIR) light scattered by tiny dust particles no larger than one micron, or a thousandth of a millimeter.


-  A ring of dust around the star HR 4796 A has neatly sculpted edges suggesting the presence of a large planet that is sweeping up gas and dust inside the disk of icy, rocky debris, much the way Neptune sculpts the inner edge of our Kuiper Belt. 


-  There has been no systematic survey of young debris disks nearly this large, looking with the same instrument, using the same observing modes and methods.  Astronomers detected  26 debris disks with very consistent data quality, where we can really compare the observations, something that is unique in terms of debris disk surveys.


-  The way these disks and stars were sampled in this survey serves a purpose in exoplanet study. For example, seven of the new disks were in a group of 13 that move together through space. All 13 were born in the same region at about the same time, making them a great target for deepening our understanding of exoplanet formation in young solar systems, and by extension, how our own system formed.


-  If you dial back the clock for our own solar system by 4.5 billion years, which one of these disks were we?


-  It is like the perfect fishing spot; our success rate was much greater than anything else we have ever done.   Because all seven are around stars that were born in the same region at roughly the same time, that group itself is a mini-laboratory where we can compare and contrast the architectures of many planetary nurseries developing simultaneously under a range of conditions, something that we really didn’t have before.


-  All of the stars and disks are young, between tens of millions of years to a few hundred million years. That’s a very dynamic period for young solar systems, as planets form and migrate and as the overall architecture of the system takes form.


-  One star named HD 156623 did not have a hole in its disk. But it’s one of the youngest in the group. That fits in with our understanding of how solar systems form. A very young star shouldn’t have any planets yet, since the star itself has barely formed.


-  An image of the very young star HD 156623 and its disk found no evidence of a hole in the disk, which would signal the presence of a planet if it were there. PS1 and bg1 and bg2 are point sources and background objects that aren't a part of the disk. 


-  When we look at younger circumstellar disks, like protoplanetary disks that are in an earlier phase of evolution, when planets are forming, or before planets have started to form, there is a lot of gas and dust in the areas where we find these holes in the older debris disks. 


-  One of the fascinating aspects of studies like this is what it might tell us about our own home here in our Solar System. What would it have looked like if it had been imaged in its infancy.


-  If you dial back the clock for our own solar system by 4.5 billion years, which one of these disks were we? Were we a narrow ring, or were we a fuzzy blob?   It would be great to know what we looked like back then to understand our own origins. That is the great unanswered question.


-  Our Solar System is a relatively, calm, sedate place compared to young solar systems.  There is no way we’ll ever know what our own Solar System looked like in its infancy. But the same processes that formed our system are at play in every system. Ours might only be special because of our precious life-supporting Earth.


-  Our understanding of young stars, and the solar system that evolve around them is taking shape. Even ten years ago, we weren’t nearly as knowledgeable as we are now. When our next generation of telescopes comes online over the next decade or so, our knowledge will grow by leaps and bounds.


-  And this study will be part of it all.  Here are more reviews about exoplanets:


- 2891  -  EXOPLANETS  -  thousands have been found?  Exoplanets are planets orbiting the other stars, outside our solar system, in other solar systems that are far, far away. They have been found by searching astronomers   Most exoplanets have been found using the  “transit method“. 


-  2872  -  EXOPLANETS  -  discovering more planets.   On October 20, 2020,  scientists revealed a series of new discoveries made by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The telescope that has spotted a number of strange new worlds circling star systems


-  2847  -  CHEOPS  - exploring other planets.  September, 2020, eight months after the space telescope CHEOPS started its journey into space.   CHEOPS is the first European Space Agency mission dedicated to characterizing known exoplanets. Exoplanets are planets outside the Solar System.  They were first discovered in 1995.


-  2770 -  EXOPLANETS  -  are we alone?  Some significant developments need to happen before we can answer the question  with any confidence: We will get better at detecting Earth-like planets in the habitable zone and even be able to detect what's in their atmospheres (if they have one). 


-  2702 -  EXOPLANETS  -   new discoveries?  If astronomers do detect an exoplanet with a significant oxygen atmosphere, that can only mean an alien biosphere has created it. It is only a matter of time before enough planetary atmospheres will have been surveyed to find one with such life signs. When that day dawns, we will have written a new chapter in the search for life and be able to actually estimate how much life exists in the universe! 


- 2280  -  We know there is life in the Universe.  We are living proof of that.  But is there life on exoplanets which are planets around other suns outside our own solar system?   Exoplanets are common, we have found over 4,000 but as for life we are the only evidence so far.


-  2233  -  EXOPLANETS- The TESS Space Mission.  The next generation exoplanet hunter is TESS, Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite,  has already found eight confirmed planets in its first four months of observing and some are unlike anything astronomers have seen before.


-  2223  - for more of the details about the TESS spac3 mission.


-  2145 -   for more details about the Kepler space telescope.  There are nearly 1 trillion stars in our galaxy.  20% pf them are similar to our Sun.  So, there could be 20,000,000,000 earth-like planets with liquid water on the surface.    


- 2119  -   Math discovers exoplanets.   Detecting sinusoidal wobbles in the light spectrum will detect earth-like terrestrial planets orbiting other stars.


-  2107  -  Planets outside our own.  This Review lists 8 more reviews about exoplanets-


-  November 23, 2020                                                                         2914                                                                                                                                                   


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