Saturday, February 28, 2015

Astronomy facts for the mind to ponder?

-  1744  -  Astronomy Facts Three.  A collection of facts in the study of astronomy.  Each a pearl of knowledge that the mind can ponder.
-----------------  1744  -  Astronomy Facts Three
-  Jupiter has 67 moons, Saturn has 62, Uranus has 27, Neptune has 14, Pluto has 5, Mars has 2, and Earth only one.
-.  It takes a photon 40,000 years on average to emerge from the surface of the Sun after being created in the core.
-.  Dark Matter is 85 % of the total matter and 26.8 % of the total matter-energy.
-.  Earth orbits the Sun at 66,616 miles per hour, on average.
-.  20 % of the Cosmic Background Radiation comes from Blackholes’ accretion disks.
-.  Jupiter takes 4 days to travel the width of a Full Moon, one half degree.  Pluto takes 130 days to travel the width of the Full Moon.
-.  The Andromeda Galaxy, M 31, has a mass exceeding 1 trillion Solar Mass.
-.  Our North Star, Polaris, is the 48th brightest star in the sky.
-.  The less massive star the longer it lives, burning fuel more slowly.  A Red Dwarf star
 8 % the mass of the Sun lives for 11 trillion years.
-.  Jupiter's Great Red Spot has shrunk from 25,500 miles across in the year 1800 to 10,250 miles across in the year 2014.
-.  The closest and fastest star speeding away from the center of our galaxy is traveling 1,065,600 miles per hour.
-.  Earth continuously produces 22 trillion watts of energy in radioactive decay of uranium and thorium.
-.  We have four seasons thanks to Earth's tilt to the plane of orbit by 23.437458 degrees.
-.  Earth's sunrise takes 2.13 minutes.
-.  A person weighing 200 pounds at the North Pole. Would weigh 199 pounds at the equator due to centrifugal force.  The equator is rotating over 1000 miles per hour.
-  Venus rotates at its equator only 4 miles per hour.
-   Each year the Earth gets 100,000 cubic miles of rain due to water evaporation.
-  The air on Mars is 100 times thinner than the air on Earth.
-  If you would drive your car at 70 miles per hour to the nearest star it would take you 356 billion years to get there.
-  What is the escape speed to leave the gravity pull of the Milky Way Galaxy?  1,230,000 miles per hour.
-  80% of the stars in the Universe are smaller than our Sun
-  Each second 100 trillion neutrinos pass through your body,  Ouch!
-  Red Giant stars in the Milky Way halo are 890,000 lightyears away.  The diameter of the Milky Way is 100,000 lightyears.
-  The majority of Blackholes only have a diameter of 18 miles.
-  The massive star in the Large Megellanic Cloud galaxy is 265 Solar Mass and 8,700,000 times the Sun’s Solar Luminosity.
-  If the Earth was compressed into a Blackhole it would have a diameter of ¾ inches.
-  The Blazar emits enough energy in one second to power the Sun for 317,000 years.
-  The smallest galaxy only has 1,000 stars.
-  Note:  If you like these astronomy facts there are 4 of them each a couple of pages.  Reply for copies
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Friday, February 27, 2015

Astronomy facts for the mind to ponder?

-  1743  -  Astronomy Facts Two.  A collection of facts in the study of astronomy.  Each a pearl of knowledge that the mind can ponder.
-----------------  1743  -  Astronomy Facts Two
-  There are 8,768 stars brighter than Magnitude 6.5.  Only 8 are brighter than 0.5 to the naked eye.
-.  Uranium and lead meteorites have been measured to be 4.567 billion years old.
-.  The largest impact crater is in South Africa is 190 miles in diameter.
-.  An Astronomical Unit, an AU, is 149,597,870,700 meters long.  An AU is the Earth-Sun distance which is about 93 million miles.
-.  Within 32.6 light-years of Earth there are 358 stars.
-.  The largest star found is 1,700 times the diameter of the Sun.
-.  51 spacecraft have visited Mars.  24 of them were sent by the United States.
-.  Meteors enter our atmosphere at 130,000 to 160,000 miles per hour.
-.  At our equator the rotation speed is 1,028 miles per hour, traveling east.  At Jupiter's equator the rotation speed is 27,900 miles per hour.
-.  Mercury's day to night temperature varies -280 F to  +800 F.   That is a range of 1,080 degrees in temperature change.
-.  The Moon orbits the Earth in 27.3 days, but, the New Moon to New Moon is 29.5 days.
-.  The asteroid Ceres was discovered in 1801.  The Dawn spacecraft will visit Ceres in 2015.
-  The largest infrared satellite launched weighed 7,500 pounds.  It was named Herschel.
-.  Sedna is a dwarf planet that takes 11,400 years to orbit the Sun.
-.  Mars atmosphere is 95.9 % carbon dioxide,  2 % argon, 1.9 % nitrogen, 0.14 % oxygen, 0.06 % carbon monoxide.
-.  The speed of light in a vacuum is 670,616,629 miles per hour.  I
-.  1994 spacecraft discovered water ice at the Moon's south pole.
-.  The Moon's orbit is moving away from the Earth at 1.5 inches per year due to the loss of energy in Earth’s ocean tides.
-.  The Sun converts 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million tons of helium each second.
-.  The Moon reflects only 12 % of sunlight.
-.  The star formation in the Universe today is only 3.33 % of its peak rate.
-.  We are discovering new comets at the rate of one every 2.59 days.
-.  The Space Shuttle flew 135 times between 1981 and 2011.
-.  When the universe was 14 million years old the background temperature was 80 degrees F,  a summer day on Earth.  Today the background temperature is 2.73 Kelvin, or -455 degrees F.
-Note:  If you like these astronomy facts there are 4 of them each a couple of pages.  Reply for copies.
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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Astronomy Facts for the mind to ponder?

-  1742  -  Astronomy Facts One.  A collection of facts in the study of astronomy.  Each a pearl of knowledge that the mind can ponder.
-----------------  1742  -  Astronomy Facts One.
-.  There are 88 star constellations like Orion, Leo, Pisces, etc., including the 12 constellations that are in astrology.   I am a Capricorn, one of the 12 constellations the Sun and planets pass through during the course of a year orbiting the Sun.  One orbit looks through 360 degrees of star constellations.
-.  The largest moon of Jupiter, Ganymede, is larger than the planet Mercury.
-.  Our closest star, Proxima Centura, is 4.2 light-years away,  that is 24,696,000,000,000 miles away..
-.  8,692 craters on the moon and water ice was found on the one named Cabeus Crater.
-.  Europa is a moon of Jupiter that has plate tectonics , similar to that found on Earth.
-.  Enceladus,  a moon of Saturn, has a subsurface ocean that feeds geysers that shoot ammonium water into space.
-.  The most luminous star, the brightest, that we can see with the naked eye is 34 Cygni.   It is 610,000 times brighter than our Sun.
-.  If the Earth was the size of a tennis ball the Sun would be 24 feet across and a ½ mile away.
-.  Last October 19, 2014, a comet passed within 87,000 miles of Mars
-.  If there was a tunnel 8,000 miles long through the center of the Earth and you jumped in you would reach a top speed of 17,670 miles per hour, and, you would reach the other side in 42 minutes and 12 seconds.
-.  Only 40% of the Sun's light energy is visible light.  50% is infrared, and 10% is ultraviolet.
-.  The biggest black hole found weighs 21,000,000,000 Solar Mass.
-.  The Sun is 73.9% hydrogen, 24.69% helium, 0.63% oxygen, 0.22% carbon, and 0.17% neon.  That total is 99.61%,   the remaining are trace elements.
-.  The Kepler Space Telescope launched in 2009  has discovered 4,183 planet candidates, 996 of these are confirmed to be planets orbiting other stars.
-.  The Boomerang Nebula has a temperature of 1 degree Kelvin above absolute zero, which is -273 degrees centigrade.
-.  There is one crater on Mars that covers 40% of the surface.
-.  Our Earth's equator rotates 1,038 miles per hour.  The star Altair  Aquilae  rotates 640,800 miles per hour.
-.  The Sun contains 99.86% of all the mass in the Solar System.
-.  The mass of the Universe has been calculated to be 13,798,000,000  years old.
-.  Saturn is the only planet having a density less than water, water is 1,000 kilograms per cubic meter.
-.  The surface of the planet Venus is 864 degrees Fahrenheit, at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than the planet Mercury that is 31 million miles closer to the Sun.
-.  The Sun converts 4 million tons of mass to energy every second.  E = mc^2,    E = 384.6 *10^24 watts per second.  The Earth receives 1 / 2,000,000,000th of this energy.
-.  75% of all normal matter in the universe is hydrogen.
-.  132 of the 59,379 meteorites found on Earth came from Mars.
-.  Venus has no seasons because its north rotating pole always points toward the Sun.  Uranus is laying on its side making its seasons last 21 years.
-.  1,300,000 Earths could fit inside the sphere of the Sun.
-.  There are an estimated 125,000,000,000 galaxies in the Observable Universe.
-.  The largest meteorite found on Earth is Hobairon,  and it weighs 60 tons.
-.  In January the Earth is 1,300,000 miles closer to the Sun than it is in July.  So, why are the seasons the opposite of to what is expected?
-.  The Full Moon appears as ½ arc degree, 31 arc minutes.  This is equivalent to a quarter viewed at a distance of 8.85 feet.  Mars is 25.1 arc seconds, equivalent to a quarter at 650 feet away.
-.  Cosmic inflation started 10^-36 seconds after the Big Bang and lasted 10^-33 seconds.  The expansion was a factor of 10^50  reaching the size of a softball.
-.  The asteroid Vesta has the tallest mountain rising 14 miles above the surface.
Note:  If you like these astronomy facts there are 4 of them each a couple of pages.
  Reply for copies.
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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Calculating Global Warming?

-  1740  -  Calculating Global Warming.  How to measure the temperature of stars? Knowing the temperature of the Earth how to calculate the total energy being radiated?
-----------------  1740  -  Calculating Global Warming.
-  Think of the globe we live on as the surface of  2,000,000,000,000,000  hundred light bulbs.  And, that globe in the sky that is warming us has a surface temperature of 6,000 degrees Kelvin.  How do we know these things?
-  Kelvin is a temperature scale in degrees Centigrade that starts at Absolute Zero, - 273 C rather than 0 degrees C.
-  The temperature of stars is calculated from their light spectrum.  The intensity of their light is plotted versus the wavelength of the light.  The peak of this intensity occurs at on wavelength.  The wavelength where the brightest star luminosity peaks tells us the surface temperature that is radiating that light.
-  We measure the intensity of sunlight from 250 to 3,000 nanometers wavelength.  This spectrum spans from ultraviolet through blue light at 400 nanometers, to red at 700 nanometers, to infrared.  The Sun’s radiation intensity reaches the peak intensity at 480 nanometers wavelength , in the blue-green region of the visible light spectrum.  That peak equates to 6,000 degrees Kelvin.  Here is how.
-  As a side, the sky is blue and the sun is yellow because the atmospheric atoms scatter the blue light making the sky blue.  The more atmosphere the sunlight shines through the more blue is scattered unto the sky become red or orange in the late evenings when the light passes through more of the atmosphere.
-  The luminosity is the total amount of light emitted.  Luminosity increases as temperature increases.  In fact, luminosity increases as the 4th power of temperature.
----------------------------------  L  =  T ^4
-  Luminosity is the total amount of light.
-  Flux is just that amount of light landing on one square meter of surface.
---------------------  Flux  =  5.67*10^-8  watts  /  ( meter^2 * Kelvin^4)  * T^4
-----------------------  F  =  k  *  T^4
----------------------  “k” is the constant called Stefan-Boltzman Constant.
-  F  =  k*T^4 means radiated power ( power is energy per unit time)  per unit area is proportional to the forth power of the temperature.
-------------------  Luminosity  =  Flux  *  total surface area.
---------------------  L  =  F * 4pi  *  r^2
-  Therefore if we know the temperature we can calculate the luminosity.  And, if we know the peak of the luminosity we can calculate the temperature
------------------   Peak Wavelength  =  2.9*10^-3   /  Temperature in Kelvin
-  This equation is called Wien’s Law:
-  The luminosity peak for the Sun’s spectrum is at 480 nanometers.
-----------------  480 nm  =  2.9 * 10^-3   /  T
----------------  T  =  2.9*10^-3  /  480 * 10^-9  =  0.006042 * 10^6
----------------  T  =  6,042 Kelvin
-  The same calculation can be made from the temperature of the Earth.  Any body that has a temperature , radiates heat.  In fact , for any “ blackbody” of radiation there is a peak wavelength of radiation intensity.  A “ blackbody” means that the radiation intensity is across’ all wavelengths”, not any particular wavelength.
-  The average temperature of the surface of the Earth is 59 F, or 15 C, or 288 Kelvin.
-------------------  Peak Wavelength  =  2.9*10^-3 K  /  288 K
---------------------  Peak Wavelength  =  10,100 nanometers.
-  10,100 nanometers is in the far infrared wavelength spectrum.  With that average temperature of 288 Kelvin the Flux measure over one square meter of surface is:
------------------------  F  =  (5.67 *10^-8  watts / m^2*k^4)  * (288 K)^4
------------------------  F  =  390 watts / m^2
-  If you are in the solar panel business this is a good number to know.  Each square meter of Earth’s surface exposed to sunlight gets 390 watts of energy.
-  The surface area of the Earth is 4pi * r^2, where the radius is 6,378*10^6 meters.
----------------------  L  =  F * 4pir^2
-----------------------  L  =  390 watts / m^2  *  4pi  * ( 6.378*10^6)^2
------------------------  L  =    200,000,000,000,000,000  watts
-  Think of the Earth as 2 * 10^15 one-hundred watt light bulbs.  And, that is just the surface temperature.  The Sun keeps us warm.  Thank God for global warming.
-  Our Sun is among the brightest stars,  most luminosity, in the Milky Way Galaxy.  Of course, brightness of stars does not just depend on luminosity.  The distance to the star also determines its “ Apparent Brightness”.
-  The luminosity of the star is inversely proportional to the square of the distance to it.
-  Stars range from 1/ 10,000 to 10,000,000,000 times the luminosity of the Sun.  The more luminous the star the faster it burns its fuel and the shorter its lifetime.
-  The most luminous stars are blue in color.  The least luminous stars are red in color.  Our Sun is on the blue-green part of the color scale.  Our atmosphere takes out the blue.  Most of the stars in the Milky Way are cooler and redder than our Sun.
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Friday, February 20, 2015

How fast is the Universe Expanding?

----------------- 1739 -  How fast is the Universe Expanding?
-  Hubble’s Constant not only places galaxies in space, it places them in time as well.  Edwin Hubble discovered that galaxies were all receding away from us.  The  further away the galaxy was the faster it was receding.  His Constant was a velocity per every million lightyears of space between us and the galaxy..  The more space there was between the galaxies the faster their velocity of separation.  His Constant was:
----------------  47,000 miles per hour for every million lightyears.
-  This idea that galaxies are flying away from each other is a revolutionary idea in all astronomy.  If we simply run time backwards into the distant past galaxies would be flying toward each other.  Eventually they come together at one point.  If we know how fast they are moving and how far apart they are now we can calculate when the galaxies are all clumped together in the Big Bang.   Amazing!
-If we run the clock backwards to 13,700,000,000 years ago then there was no space between all the galaxies, and in fact, between all the bits of matter that made up the galaxies.  The clump had to be exceedingly hot and dense, to say the least.
-  An important concept with this idea of an expanding Universe is that the galaxies are not flying through space, rather, the space between galaxies is expanding.  Somehow out of the vacuum there is more space being added.
-  The effect we observe is that the galaxies are moving away from each other.  We can measure how fast they are moving.  This velocity is 47,000 miles per hour for each million lightyears of space between the galaxies.  That is how fast space is expanding or more space is being added.
-  Let’s say we measure the separation of two galaxies and they are 98 million lightyears apart.  So, the velocity that these galaxies are moving away from each other is :
---------------  47,000 *  98  =  4,606,000 miles per hour.
-  If this velocity was constant for the period of their separation we can work backwards and calculate how long they have been traveling apart.  That is how long ago when they were not separated at all.
-----------------------  Time  =  Distance  /  velocity
---------  98 million lightyears  *  5.88 * 10^12 miles / lightyear  = 575 *10^18 miles
------------------  Time  =  574 * 10^18    /   4.606 * 10^6 miles per hour
-----------------   Time  =  125  * 10^12 hours
------------------  Time  =  125 * 10^12 hours  /  8,760  hours per year
------------------- Time  = 14 billion years.
-  That means if the velocity of separation was a constant then these two galaxies were together 14 billion years ago.  That must be when the Universe first stated.
-  Let’s do the same calculation for two more galaxies that are 196 million lightyears apart.
-----------------  velocity  =  47,000 *  196  =  9,306,000 miles per hour
---------------  Time =  196* 10^6 LY *  5.88*10^112  mi/LY  /  9.306 *10^6 mph  =  1152*10^18  / 9.306 *10^6 mph   = 124*10^12 hr  /  8,760 hr/year  =  14* 10^9 years
-----------------  Time  =  14 billion years.
-  If the galaxies are twice as far apart their speed of separation is twice as fast, because there is twice as much spaces expanding at the constant Hubble velocity.  So, the more separated the galaxies the faster they are moving apart.
-  Therefore, we can conclude that if a galaxies were far enough apart they would be separating at faster that the speed of light.  And, that the galaxy’s light would never reach us .  Galaxies would be disappearing over the light horizon.
-  Further, the velocity of separation at 47,000 miles per hour is not constant.  Astronomer have learned that it is accelerating faster and faster into the future.   It is only constant at this point in time.
-  And, it has not always been a constant velocity.  In the first 5 billion years after the Big Bang gravity was slowing the expansion down.  The mass was concentrated and gravity was stronger.  The force of gravity falls off as the square of the distance between masses.  As the masses separated their mutual gravity became less and less.
-  In the last 5 billion years the expansion has been speeding up.  Today, the 47,000 miles per hour is a good average that we can use to calculate the age of the Universe to be 14 billion years.
-  The ratio is known as the Hubble Constant , designated  “ Ho” .
-------------------  Ho  =  47,000 miles per hour  /  million lightyears
-------------------  Ho  =  Distance  / Time * Distance
-------------------  Ho  =  1 / Time
------------------  Time  =  1  /  Ho
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Monday, February 16, 2015

Dark Matter in the Universe?

-  1738  -  The Dark Matter in the Universe?  This Review is of the evidence that infers Dark Matter’s existence.  And, of the candidates that have yet to be discovered to explain it.
----------------- 1738  -  The Dark Matter in the Universe?  
-  Dark Matter is the hypothetical matter of unknown composition that does not emit or reflect electromagnetic radiation ( light ).  But, it does interact with gravity.  Gravity effects is how it is inferred to exist.
-  Gravity effects include: 
----------------------  Rotational speeds of galaxies
----------------------  Orbital velocities of galaxy clusters
----------------------  Gravitational lensing of background galaxies.
----------------------  Temperature distribution of hot gases in galaxies
----------------------  Computer models of galaxy evolution.
---------------------   Anisotropy of CMB
-  Anisotropy means having different physical properties existing in different directions.  That is, it’s lumpy, it has temperature variations along different axes.  We will review each of these gravity effects to learn how astronomers infer the existence of Dark Matter.
-  95% of mass-energy in the Universe is some unknown stuff , or energy.  22% of this is Dark Matter which is 6 times more plentiful than Ordinary Matter, which is  4.5% of the total.  That would be like me weighing myself on Earth at 180 pounds.  Then, flying off into space and calculating the pull of gravity to give me a mass of 1,080 pounds.  I have no idea where the extra weight came from.
-  Where did the extra 900 pounds come from?  Either my observations are wrong, my math is wrong, or I have a 900 pound halo that I never knew was there.?
-  This is what we are dealing with in galaxies.  The calculations have been made several ways and astronomers always get the same answers to infer Dark Matter’s existence.
-  Gravity, telling us there is missing mass,  has happened to us before.  Uranus was discovered because the orbits of the other planets needed some unknown planet’s mass to be affecting them for the math to match observations.  When astronomers looked to where this missing mass ought to be they discovered the planet Uranus.
-  Mercury’s orbit did not match the Newtonian math calculations until Albert Einstein discovered that the speed of light had to be constant and gravity had to be a distortion of space and time, they were the variables.  Space and Time were not constants.  When the math from Relativity was added to Newton’s math the calculations exactly matched the observations for Mercury’s orbit.
-  These were slight discrepancies to be corrected.  Dark Matter’s discrepancies are huge.  We should be able to figure this out.
----------------------  Rotational speeds of galaxies:
-  The inner part of spiral galaxies is mostly luminous matter according to the rotation curves.  Plotting velocity versus distance from the center, the radius, the velocities should trail off.  They don’t.  The velocities remain the same even though the radius increases in distance.  In order to make these velocities match the math 95% of the spiral galaxy has mass that is not represented by the visible mass around the center.
----------------------  Orbital velocities of galaxy clusters:
-  The same orbital velocities are calculated for clusters of galaxies.  The same results occur.  There is 6 times as much mass in the cluster that is not visible in order to mathematically account for the orbital velocities observed.
-  What about elliptical galaxies that do not rotate.  Therefore, the velocity calculations do not work.  Some other means is needed to calculate the total mass of the galaxy.  The technique is to measure how the galaxies hold on to X-ray emitting gas.  X-ray emissions are a giant halo surrounding these galaxies.   The gravity needed to account for holding these halos may be 20 times the mass that can be accounted for in visible matter.  The missing matter is simple called, Dark Matter.
----------------------  Gravitational lensing of background galaxies.
-  See Review # 1534 for how gravitational lensing is used to calculated the total mass in a galaxy cluster.  The gravity bends the light from a background galaxy and focuses it on our line of sight.  Einstein’s ring was the math needed to calculate the amount of mass in the cluster.  Again, astronomers get the same answer, 22% of the Universe is Dark Matter.
-  Relativity equations tell us how much space is curved in the vicinity of strong gravitational fields.  The images of background galaxies are distorted by the gravitational lensing effect by an amount that depends on the mass of the intervening galaxy or galaxy cluster.  These calculations agree with the X-ray calculations.
----------------------  Temperature distribution of hot gases in galaxies:
-  X-ray telescopes have discovered vast clouds of multi-million degree gas in clusters of galaxies .  But, there is not enough mass to account for the gravity needed to hold on to it.  The pressure of the hot gas is balanced with the gravitational pull of all the mass of the galaxy.   These galaxies must contain 5 times more Dark Matter as that present is stars and interstellar gas.
----------------------  Computer models of galaxy evolution:
--  The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation varies in intensity, fluctuations in temperature, due to clumps of matter that is either hotter or cooler than the average.  Calculating how the clumps would grow using different mixtures of photons, protons, neutrinos, and Dark Matter only matches today’s observations if there is 6 times more Dark Matter than Ordinary Matter.

---------------------   Anisotropy of CMB
-  The density of ordinary baryons, ( protons and neutrons ) is 1 hydrogen atom per cubic meter of space.  Only 4% of the total mass-energy density of the Universe is these baryons, ( visible matter ).
----------------------  4% Ordinary Matter
----------------------  22%  Dark Matter
----------------------  74%  Dark Energy
-  The Dark Ages of the Universe is that time before the first stars were born.  The Dark Ages ended 550,000,000 years after the Big Bang.  But, photons were released earlier. It was 370,000 years after the Big Bang when photons were no longer impeded by charged particles,  ( protons and electrons).  This Gamma Ray light was first released and it has been stretched by expanding space by a factor of 1,000 to become the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation that we see today.  Expanding space stretched the wavelengths from Gamma Rays to Microwaves.
-  Solving the Dark matter mystery will require a profound change of our understanding of the Universe:
-  Candidates for explaining Dark Matter:
--------------------  Jupiter sized planets
--------------------  Black holes
-------------------- White Dwarf stars
--------------------  Unknown subatomic particles.
--------------------  MACHOS,  Massive compact halo objects.
--------------------  WIMPS, Weakly interactive massive particles.
-  WIMPS are the leading candidate.  A typical WIMP particle could be 100 times more massive that a proton.  Examples:
----------------------  Neutrinos
----------------------  Gravitinos
----------------------  Axions
----------------------  Sterile neutrinos
-  Expect many more reviews on Dark Matter.  There is so much more to learn.
-  Here are some other reviews completed previously, back to June 25, 2003:
-  #1535  Gravity Lensing
-  #1636  How a galaxy cluster was used to measure the mass of Dark Matter.
-  #1722  Dark Matter gravity should be slowing down the expansion of the Universe ,   But, instead expansion is accelerating.  In order for this to happen 74% of the mass-energy in the Universe must be anti-gravity, or Dark Energy.
-  #1658  Could there be a new state of matter yet to be discovered to account for Dark Matter?
-  #1576  Supersymmetry creates the math and 17 new particles to add to the Standard Model of Particle Physics.  The math looks promising because it does account for the Weak Nuclear Force being 10^32 times stronger than the force of Gravity.
-  #1517, #1485  Our Sun contains 99% of the mass in our total Solar System.  But, the Dark Matter Halo is 80% of the mass in the galaxy and mass is not the Blackhole at the center of our galaxy that is 4,500,000 times more massive than our Sun.
-  #1427  A colliding cluster of billions of stars is 2.4 light years from us?  Astronomers can see Dark Matter and Ordinary separating in the collision.
-  #1341  Measuring the halos of Dark Matter.
-  #1218  Could Dark Matter be another Universe?
-  #1204  Does Dark Matter have anti-Dark Matter?  If they collide the two annihilate each other into pure Gamma Rays.
-  #1075  A calendar for 10^100 yeas of the Universe.
-  #837  Kepler’s formula for the period of the planets, and the mass of the Sun.
-  #718  There is no evidence that Neutron Stars and Blackholes would explain the mass of Dark Matter.
-  #692  Dark Galaxies outnumber visible galaxies by 100 to 1.
-  #14  Dark Matter contains most of the energy in the Universe, according to E=mc^2. June 25,2003
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Monday, February 16, 2015  -----

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

1987 the chapter in US and USSR relations?

-  1737  -  Santa Rosa and the Ukraine in 1987.  Press Democrat ran 6 articles on the change in US and USSR relations after the end of the Cold War and Gorbachev opened the Russian society to the West.
----------------- -  1737  -  Santa Rosa and the Ukraine in 1987
-  In 1987 people from Sonoma joined hands with citizens of Kanev in the Ukraine with a goal of peace and lasting friendship.  Sister-cities were formed.
-  December 13, 1987 the Press Democrat newspaper ran a USSR portrait.  Six days of special reporting on the Soviet Union with its 100 cultures and over 2,000 years of invasions, oppression, revolutions , literature and arts.
-  The clock was ticking on Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987.  The USSR had some major problems with the long  run of communism.  But, let’s start with history, back to 1000 B.C. when Crimmerians were farmers along the shores of the Black Sea.  700 B.C. the Seythian horsemen overran the farmers.
-----------------  388 A.D.    Kiev was the capital of the first Russian state
-----------------  988  Vladimer the ruler declares Byzantine  Christianity the official religion.
------------------1240  Mongols conquer Kiev and have 200 years of control.
----------------  1555  Ivan the Terrible rules.
----------------  1682  Peter the Great makes St Petersburg the capital, later became Leningrad.
----------------  1762  Catherine the Great
----------------  1812  Napoleon invades Russia.  600,000 French troops invade and 570,000 die or are captured.
----------------  1867  Russia sells Alaska to US for $7 million.
---------------- 1903  Lenin leads the Bolsheviks.
---------------  1914  Germany declares war on Russia.  Rasputin is assassinated.
---------------  1917  Lenin rules from Leningrad.
----------------1921  Josef Stalin leads the USSR.
-----------------1928  The government wipes out all private business.  20 million citizens are sent to labor camps.
----------------  1939  Hitler and Stalin divide up Poland.  WWI Germany invades and 20 million Russians are killed.
----------------  1949  The Iron Curtain and the Cold War.
----------------  1950  Stalin dies, Khrushchev rules.
----------------- 1957  Russia launches Sputnik I.
-----------------1962 John F Kennedy orders naval blockade of Cuba to remove Russian missiles.
----------------  1972  Nixon signs Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT).
------------------1979  Soviet Union invades Afghanistan.
----------------  1982  Mikhail Gorbachev is leader.
-----------------1986  Gorbachev starts “ glasnost” openness and freedoms with the West.
----------------  1987  Gorbachev meets Ronald Reagan.  This starts the beginning of the Press Democrat 6 article series on the lives in Russia at the time.
-  1987 Russia was an anxious nation with hopes for reform.  A crisis of political infighting and rampant inefficiency of the communist system dominate the economy.  They can put men in space, but, can not put food on the table.
-  In 25 years the gap separating Soviet and US GDP jumped from $1 trillion to $2 trillion.  Despite free medical care infant mortality rates were 3 times the US.  Consumers wait years to buy a car.  Russia became a monolithic burearachy geared to perpetuate the system.  There is no unemployment for doing nothing and getting paid.
-  After WWII Russia focused on military might.  Every town has a war memorial.
-  Comparing education achievements with the US:
--------------------USSR  ---------------US
-------------------12.7%  ---------------25.3%   --------- get college degrees
--------------------2.0  ------------------21.4   ----------- get some college
-------------------58.6  ------------------38.2   ----------- get high school degrees
-------------------26.8  -------------------9.6   ----------- get some high school
-  There were 50 million people in Ukraine.  Soviet Christianity was practiced by mostly the old and the women.
- The Communist Party is responsible for policy making.  The National Government carries out the policy.  There is shared control of the army.
-  For Georgians wine grapes are something sacred.  Gorbachev identifies chronic nationwide alcoholism as a key obstacle to economic recovery.  The average family spends 33% of their income to alcohol.
----------------------  World’s wine production:
----------------------  France  ---------------  22.8%
----------------------  Italy  ------------------- 20.8
----------------------  USSR  ----------------  11.2
----------------------  Spain  -----------------  10.3
----------------------  California  -------------  5.2
------------------Employment compared to the US:
-----------------------------------  USSR  ------------  US
-------------  Agriculture  ------  19.4%  ------------  3 %
-------------  Industry -----------  38  ---------------  27
-------------  Service ------------  42.6  -------------  70
-  Perestroika is Gorbachev’s economic reform program:
------------------  Trade Unions for the working class created  this:
-------------------------------------------------------------USSR   ---------------  US
----------  Days lost to illness each year  -------------  10.5  -----------------  4.6
----------  Government worker to population  ------  1 in 15  -------------  1 in 15
----------  Average monthly wage --------------------  $320  ---------------  $1,486
----------  Cost of cheap car in months pay -----------  22 -------------------  4.4
-  Kanev, Ukraine and Sonoma are “sister cities”, seeing it important for people at the grass roots levels get to know each other.
-  Richmond, Indiana and Serpukhov, 70 miles south of Moscow become sister-cities.
-  People-to-people and face-to-face for world peace.  Citizen diplomacy.
-  Gerkascy, Ukraine to be sister-city with Santa Rosa, California.
-  All this was the picture in December, 1987.  How would this compare to what it is today?  How far have we come?  I will send this to the Press Democrat.  Maybe they can look into their archives and write an up date, 28 years later.
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-  to:   -------  ------  “Jim Detrick”  -----------
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Tuesday, February 10, 2015  -----

Friday, February 6, 2015

Introduction about time in the Universe?

-  1736  -  Bits of Time.  This review is about how time, space, energy, mass, and gravity interact to create the Universe we live in.  It is only strange if you think about it.
----------------- -  1736  -  Bits of Time.
-  ( See Review #1735 “ Running out of time” for the introduction )
-  If time is relative, what about the other constants in nature?  Are they relative too, or, are they truly constant everywhere in the Universe?  Like gravity, the mass of an electron, the velocity of light.  “G, m,  c”  are assumed to be the same everywhere regardless of your frame of reference in the Universe and over all time since the beginning.
----------------  c  =  299,792,458           meters per second
----------------  G  =  6.63*10^-11            ( meters)^3  /  ( kilograms * seconds^2)
-----------------  m  =  9.10938188*10^-31                 kilograms
-  These are constants in physics.  But, why such odd numbers?  What is the theory that connects these constants together?   How can they be derived?   There is no theory yet that can do this.  These are all “measured” numbers.
-  Science has no idea why the combination of constants were selected, or, why they have the values they do.  Science does know that if they were any difference t by the smallest amount we would not exist to be asking the question.  Our  Universe is somehow very “fine tuned” for our existence.
-  The Universe has given us a rare combination of constants to allow consciousness to evolve.
-  “alpha” is a combination of constants that cancels all the units of measurement and gives us a pure number.  Alpha is also know as the “ fine structure constant”.
----------------  Alpha  =  e^2  /  2 E * h * c
-------------    c  =  velocity of light,            meters / second
---------------  e  =  charge on an electron,             ampere -seconds
---------------  h  Planck’s constant  ,               joule - seconds
---------------  E  =  permittivity of a vacuum,         couloubs^2  /  ( Newtons * meters^2)
-------------  Alpha  =  1  /  137.03599976               no units
-  If alpha , 1/137, were any other number ratio life as we know it would not exist.
-  The problem is how do you have a measurement instrument so constant it would measure any change in “ alpha”?  How do we know it always constant?  A change of 4 parts in 10^15 over 3 years is the best today’s atomic clocks can measure.  So far, no change has been witnessed.
-  Out of nothing, nothing comes.  In order for nonetheness to become somethingness it must have already existed..
-  Time itself being part of God’s creation, there was simply no “ before”.
-  Time carries life from the past, through the present, into the future.  A Blackhole carries time into a loop so it can never escape.  But, does time stop inside?  An the center of the Blackhole space and time may swap roles.  the center is not a point in space but rather an instant in time.
-  Entropy is a measure of disorder.  the Universe always moves toward higher levels of entropy just as it only moves to higher time.
-  You can not un stir the milk out of your coffee.  The milk only moves to higher disorder, higher entropy, it never reverses.
-  It follows that the Big Bang had to have the lowest entropy of the highest order,  And, entropy has been increasing every since.
-  Is the increasing time continuous, or, can it be broken down to discrete packages, “atoms” of time?
-  Is space continuous or can it be broken down to discrete “atoms” of space?
-  A digital computer uses very tiny steps to measure time.  Are there similar tiny steps in space and time?
-  Quantum Mechanics requires that energy come in “ quanta”, small discrete packets, tiny steps.
-  Gravity is a consequence of the curvature of space - time.  If space - time is granular than gravity must be too.  We even have a name for it, the “ graviton”.  But, this graviton particle has yet to be discovered.    Here are the tiny steps for space that come out of the math.:
----------------------  Planck length  =  10^-33  centimeters
----------------------  Planck area   =   10^-66  centimeters ^2
------------------  Planck volume  = 10^-99  centimeters ^3
---------------  Planck time  =  10^-43  seconds
---------------After the Big Bang 100,000,000 of these Planck seconds occurred and the Cosmos experienced an acceleration faster than the speed of light.  Called the “ Cosmic Inflation”.  Before that the Universe was in perfect order.  Ever since it has been increasing in disorder.  Called “Cosmic Entropy“.  As the Universe expands the fixed amount of mass and energy gets diluted into the vacuum of space.
-  Because of the Cosmic Inflation the vacuum of space is larger that the Observable Universe.
-  Since the release of the light which is now stretched to the Cosmic Microwave Background the distance between gala sixes has expanded by a factor of 1,000.  Same as the wavelength of light got stretched by a factor of 1,000.  However ,  the Observable Universe has expanded by 100,000 because the speed of galaxies separating themselves has continued while the light is on a fixed speed taking time to reach us.
-  Because the expansion of space is accelerating and because the speed of light is constant, what we see will not always be in our Observable Universe.  In the future galaxies will  leave our Observable Universe because they will be moving away faster then their light can reach us.
---------------  Are we really expanding into space?
--------------  Or, are we “ falling” into something else?
-  Falling objects are drawn into places where time passes more slowly.
--------------------  Science is not a philosophy.
------------  A philosophy is the unintelligible in pursuit of the undeterminable.  Really we should be able to figure this stuff out.  Stay tuned , there is more to learn.
-------------- See Review #1735  running out of time with a time reviews biography.
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Friday, February 6, 2015  -----

The mysteries of time in forming the Universe?

-  1735  -  We are running out of time?  This review is about how time, space, energy , mass and gravity interact to make up the Universe we live in.  It is only strange if you think about it.
----------------- -  1735  -  We are running out of time?
-  If that is true there must be a finite amount of time.  Therefore, when we run out time ends.  Our time will be up.  Yet, I am not so sure?  It is more complicated than that.  Time is relentless.  And, at the same time it is all relative.  Time flows slower if you are moving.  Time flows fastest when you are at rest.  But, you can never be at “ rest”.
-  The Earth turns, it orbit’s the Sun, the Sun orbit’s the galaxy, our galaxy is moving away from other galaxies,  the whole Universe is expanding and accelerating in its expansion.  There is no “rest”.
-  Time flows faster at higher elevations.  The stronger the gravity the slower the time.  And gravity itself is a curvature of time and space.
-  Time and space keep expanding, even space is accelerating.  Maybe time is too and we can’t tell.  It is ironic that time is expanding and we have less of it.
-  The laws of Conversation in Physics state that there is a fixed amount of mass and energy in the Universe.  Mass and energy can not be created nor destroyed.  Mass and energy can switch places according to E=mc^2.
---------------  Energy  =  90,000,000,000,000,000  * mass
---------------Joules of Energy  =  ( meters^2 / seconds^2)  *  kilograms
-  Mass is just a concentrated form of energy.  Very concentrated.  The speed of light squared concentrated.  90 quadrillion times.  Energy can be converted between many different forms but the total remains the same.  Energy can be kinetic, gravitational, mechanical, nuclear, electrical, potential, magnetic, thermal, elastic, etc.  All of these forms of energy can change between each other, but, the total always remains the same.
- So, if we have a finite , and constant, amount of mass and energy, AND,  we have a constantly expanding amount of space with time then that means the Universe is constantly getting diluted.  There is always less and less mass and energy in a growing amount of space.  The Universe keeps getting rarified, colder, darker and then eventually the vacuum of space is all that is left, eventually.
-  Or, maybe all mass gets converted to energy and all energy gets converted to “ vacuum energy, in the end it is only vacuum energy that is left?  But, does time end as well?  There certainly will be no clocks ticking at that time.
-  Gravity is the curvature of space and time.  Mass is what causes the curvature.  Energy can cause it to curve as well.  Given enough mass, a Blackhole, space and time will curve so much it will fold back on itself.  Space and time gets wrapped up in a Blackhole and nothing can escape, not even light.
- So, locally we can have Blackholes with enormous concentrations of mass and energy , and , therefore curvature of space and time.  Yet, universally, space and time are expanding and mass and energy are being diluted into the vacuum with no curvatures.  We are getting straight-lined into oblivion.
-  The speed of light is always the same regardless of motion and regardless of the observers frame of reference.  What happens to light when the speed of this accelerating space exceeds the speed of light?  Light can never catch up.  All communications are lost.  Space must then go dark.  But, does time stop flowing even then?
-  Time flows like an arrow in one direction leaving the past and entering the future.  Everything we see is in the past because of the finite speed of light.  Something one foot away from your eyes is 1 nanosecond older than when you see it.  The future hasn’t happened yet.  It is in our minds, our dreams, your hopes, but it is not real because it has not happened yet.  As soon as it becomes reality it is instantly in our past.  It is as if the present never really happens.
-  The laws of physics , like the speed of light , must be the same for all observers.  Two observers in different motions see different views of the same thing but the laws of motion for the viewing remain the same.
-  Entropy is a law of physics that says randomness always increases with time.  The reason this is true has to do with probabilities.  There are simply more ways to have disorder that too have order.  Entropy only increases in the future because we started out as very low entropy in the past.  The Big Bang was perfect order.  Everything since then has moved to greater disorder, and that always continuous until the Universe is perfect randomness , perfect disorder.
-  Time is thought of as continuous and constant .  Relative to our daily lives , that works fine.  But, astronomically the Theory of Relativity demands that time not be “constant“,  And, the theory of Quantum Mechanics demands that it not be “continuous“.  At the smallest scales time comes in little packages, or quantum’s.. At the largest scales time varies with gravity, that is time changes with elevation, and with velocity , that is relative motion.
-  A clock at higher elevation, less gravity, will tick faster.
-  A stationary clock will click faster than a moving clock.  A clock moving at the speed of light will stop.
-  These time effects are called “time dilation“.  And, they have been verified by experiments.  One of the first experiments in 1971 was to fly atomic clocks in an airplane around the Earth and then compare their time with stationary clocks on the ground.  The times varied exactly according to the equations for time dilation, the equations in the Theory of Relativity, but, only by tens to hundreds of nano seconds.
-  Today the National Institute of Standards and Technology, ( NIST) has conducted similar experiments with optical atomic clocks elevated by only a foot , time is faster, OR, one clock set in motion by only 10 meters per second, (22 miles per hour), time slows.
- Optical clocks are based on aluminum ions that can keep time to within one second in 3.7 billion years.  Optical locks use lasers to probe the quantum states of aluminum ions held in radio - frequency traps.  The laser is tuned to resonant with the ion’s transitions between quantum states.  The frequency is 1.121 quadrillion cycles per second. (1.121*10^15)
-  Optical clocks are so good you can see the effects of relativity slowing time in the lab.  Proof that time is relative.
-  See the next Review  # 1736  “Bits of Time”  The smallest bit of time is 10^-43 seconds.
-  Other earlier Reviews available upon request:
-  #1691  Thinking about Time.  Time moves slower as you move faster .  At the speed of light time stops?
-  #1621  Time to Think.  Everything you see is younger than when you see it.  Because light only travels at a finite speed, 186,000 miles per second.  It takes time for it to reach you eyes.  The sunlight is always 8 minutes old when you see it.  Because it left the Sun 8 minutes before.
-  #1341,  #1189  Run the clock backwards 13,700,000,000 years and you reach the beginning of time.  Did it exist before then? Or was time first created in the Big Bang?
-  # 1006,  #910  No two times are the same if they are separated in space
-  #854 , #842,  #830  To go from GPS time to Universal time just add 19 seconds.
-  #814  10^-43 seconds is the smallest increment of time.
-  #783  God created time to prevent everything from happening all at once.
-  #747  Why 60 minutes?
-  #356  Zepto-second pulses are used to study the motion of atoms.
-  #354  Universal calendar of all events in 19 pages.
-  #37  Deriving Time Dilation equations.
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Friday, February 6, 2015  -----