Sunday, January 31, 2016

The largest stars, the oldest stars?

-  1822  -  The largest stars, the oldest stars.  The first stars and how do we find them?
What is in the space between the stars?
-----------------  -  1822  -  The largest stars the oldest stars.
-    Astronomers can calculate when celestial bodies are going to explode as supernovae.  If they are bright blue stars and then they are bound to explode in the next million years.  Astronomers do not hold themselves to too close accuracies.
-  There are large stars that astronomers have found that are at least 200 Solar Mass.  These immense stars explode in an unusual manner because the are generating anti-matter at the Star’s center due to the immense gravity.
-  Still the luminosity of the large supernovae exceed astronomer’s calculations.  Which tells us we are not using the correct math?  Two theories try to explain this: The extremely bright light was heat radiation produced by a shock wave against the stellar wind.
-  The second theory involves radioactivity that was synthesizing new elements, radioactive isotopes that decay into stable isotopes.  The decay injected energy into the expanding cloud of stellar debris causing the cloud to fluoresce.
-  Still another explanation involves “ pair  production”.  If the core of the star is hot enough nuclei and electrons emit Gamma Rays.  If two very energetic Gamma Ray photons collide they can convert back into an electron and an anti-electron ( a positron).
-  When these events occur Density increases.  This ignites the fusion of oxygen.  Fusion releases nuclear energy which becomes a run away reaction.  the reaction overcomes the star’s gravitational energy and the exploding supernova completely obliterates itself.
-  Most likely the first supernovae were ‘ pair production’  instability mechanisms because they were so massive, 100 to 1,000 Solar Mass.  Such explosions were sure to have created the heaviest elements in the Periodic Table.  All the way up to Uranium.  The largest stars die in powerful explosions triggered in part by the production of this anti-matter.
-  The night sky bristles with spots of starlight in a background of dark sky.  That part of the sky is dark only because our eyes are not sensitive enough to see all the dim light that fills the spaces between the stars.
-  That dim light is everywhere because it is the total output of billions of galaxies, containing billions of stars, burning over billions of years.  Their brightness is dimmed to us because it is so diluted in the enormous expansion of space.
-  Another result of expanding space is the broadening of photon wavelengths.  Light photons loose energy as their wavelengths get stretched traveling through expanding space.  Astronomers call it  reddening because visible light looses energy into the infrared spectrum.
-  If we could see it the brightest ( most intensity) of the extragalactic light has broadened into the microwave spectrum.  Called the “ Cosmic Microwave Background “ ( CMB).  It was not discovered until 1965. That light originated as Gamma Rays shortly after the Big Bang as soon as charged protons and electrons were cool enough to become neutral atoms and release the photons into space.
-  During these times of early discoveries a diffuse extragalactic background of X-rays was also discovered.  Then, another observatory discovered a background of Gamma Rays.  In total astronomers began to realize that the entire “dark” sky was awash in photons traveling in all directions at all different energy levels.  The shorter their wavelengths the higher their energies.
-----------------------------  E  =  h * c  /  w
----------------------------  Energy  =  constant  /  wavelength
-----------------------------  E  =    1.989*10^-27  /  w                  kg * m^2/sec^2
-  The dark sky contains the entire electromagnetic spectrum outside our eyes’ ability to see it.
-  The Cosmic Microwave Background was produced all at once 380,000 years after the Big Bang.  This other extragalactic background is the result of billions of years of stars output starting with the first stars some 200,000,000 years after the Big Bang.  All the stars since then have added to this background of photons filling our dark sky.
-  Astronomers are mimicking archaeologists as they study these stars going backwards in time.  How did these first stars form?
-  The first stars are far too faint for astronomers to see today.  But, they can learn a lot studying the chemistry of the oldest stars they can see, born 200,000,000 years after the Big Bang.  these stars are referred to as second generation stars.
-  Most of the stars we see in our Milky Way Galaxy are 4 to 6 billion years old.    The trick in determining the age of stars is identifying their composition.  The oldest stars are composed of hydrogen, helium, and traces of lithium.  These  stars are approximately 200 million years old.
-  Stars born with heavier elements have nitrogen, iron, carbon composition as well.  These stars formed  200-300 million years after the Big Bang already having the elements for carbon-based life.
-  The oldest living stars are going to have the faintest impurities, i.e. these heavier elements  beyond hydrogen and helium.  The metric used by astronomers is the ratio of iron to hydrogen,
 --------------------  Iron Abundance   =     100 *  Fe  / H       =  %
-  Today, December 2015, astronomers have identified 50 stars that have less than 0.3% the iron abundance found in the Sun.
-  There are 6 stars that have less than 0.1% of this iron abundance.  This would mean that these stars were born less that 500 million years after the Big Bang.
-  One star has been measured to have   0.00001%    as much iron as the Sun.  Known as Keller’s Star, it must have been born less than 200 million years after the Big Bang.
-  Current theories are that iron-poor and nitrogen rich second generation stars are progenitor stars 10 to 100 Solar Mass.  These stars would likely become Blackhole after exploding as Supernovae.
-  Those iron-poor and nitrogen poor stars were likely 50 to 100 Solar Mass.
-  The very first stars were 140 to 260 Solar Mass.  Their surface temperatures would exceed millions of degrees.  Hot enough to produce Gamma Rays.  Gamma Rays decay into electrons and anti-electrons in what is called “ Pair Production instability”.  When radiation turns into particles the radiation pressure disappears, the star collapses to the center then rebounds into a giant supernova.
-  There are dwarf galaxies orbiting our Milky Way Galaxy that are rich with ancient stars.  These galaxies were formed from gas of hydrogen and helium but did not collide with other galaxies to build full-sized galaxies.  These dwarfs quit forming stars at the second generation stage.  They are dated to be less than 100 million years after the Big Bang.
-  A 30 meter telescope would have 10 time as the light gathering over.  That is what is needed to study these faint galaxies.  Like superman it would help astronomers to have X-ray eyes.  Stay tuned, an announcement will be made shortly.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more about stars:
-  #1116  -  What are Astronomy’s standard candles
-  #1715 -   The brightest stars, looking back in time.
-  #1670 -   Super massive stars and super massive Blackholes.
-  #1555  -  Determining the age of stars.
-  #1519  -  How many stars are in the sky?
-  #1516  -  Counting stars in the Infrared.
-  #1426  -  Is the era of star formation over?
-  #1135  -  Why do stars explode when they die?
-  #1134 -  How do stars form to begin with?
-  #1082  -  Name the stars.
-  #949  -  The diversity of stars.
-  #907 -   The biggest stars
-  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Sunday, January 31, 2016  -----

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Describing the Universe.

-  1821  -  Describing the Universe.  There 6 characteristics that model the Universe.  Looking deeper into space is looking back in time.  We are getting close to the first light after the Big Bang.
-----------------  1821  -  Describing the Universe
-  The Universe can be described with a model using 6 qualities:
-  (1)  The Universe is expanding at 47,000 miles per hour per million lightyears distance.
-  (2)  The density of ordinary matter.  It is only 5% of the mass-energy that is in the Universe.
-  (3)  The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the Universe’s first light that was emitted 380,000 years after the Big Bang.
-  (4)  An invisible substance called Dark Matter is 24% of the Universe.  It interacts with gravity but not with electromagnetic radiation.
-  (5)  Dark Energy is 71% of the Universe and responsible for the expansion that is accelerating.  It is causing space to stretch apart at this ever accelerating rate.  The more space the faster the whole Universe expands.
-  (6)  There are subtle temperature variations in the CMB which reflect earlier quantum fluctuations.  These got amplified with Cosmic Inflation to become vast regions of varying density.  Mass in the higher density regions collapsed into galaxy clusters.
-  One important assumption to explain Cosmic expansion is that Dark Energy per unit volume has remained constant over time,  47,000 miles per hour per million lightyears.
-  Another assumption is that Cosmic Inflation actually occurred shortly after the Big Bang.  The model has yet to explain why and how this happened.  If it did we should be able to detect some evidence of this rapid expansion in observing gravitational waves.  But,  we have yet to discover the gravity wave evidence.  (  See LIGO review for the experiments that are doing the searching)
-  Astronomers would hope to connect gravitational wave measurements with matter density deviations in the CMB.
-  The Universe is so vast that even at the speed of light, 186,282 miles per second, the light from distant galaxies takes millions, even billions, of years to reach us.  During that time for the light to travel that distance the Universe has been expanding even more and the distances have gotten even greater.
-  Astronomers use the Cosmic Redshift to measure the rate of expansion and how it has changed over time.  Astronomy is a time machine to look backwards in time.  Galaxies that we see today are actually more distant then they were when the light reaching us now was first emitted.
-  The Redshift (z)  is the fractional difference between the observed wavelength (w) as a line in the object’s spectrum and the wavelength at the time it is emitted (Wo), original wavelength.
----------------------------  z  =  Wo  -  w  /  w
---------------------------   v  =  the receding velocity of the light source (Wo)
---------------------------   v  =  c * z
---------------------------  c  =  the speed of light, 186,282 miles per second, or 300,000
km / sec.
-  If a blue light spectrum was emitted at 400 nanometers wavelength.  And, it got stretched out traveling through expanding space to reach us,  and, we observed this spectrum in the far infrared at 800 nanometers wavelength, then, the Redshift would be:
-----------------------------  z   =  800  -  400  /  400
------------------------------  z  =  1
-----------------------------  v  =  300,000  kilometers per second
-  The receding velocity is at the speed of light.  The galaxy is so far away the space expanding between us is causing the galaxy to appear to be speeding away from us at the speed of light.  This is not real velocity, but expanding space, it does not break the laws of physics to ever be exceeding the speed of light since it is expanding space and not a moving object.
-  Hubble’s Law  (Ho) is that this expansion is a linear relationship between receding velocity (v) and the distance of the galaxy away from us (d).
---------------------------------  d  =  v  / Ho
--------------------------------  Ho  =  22 kilometers per second per million lightyears, or 47,000 mph per million lightyears.
--------------------------------  d  =  3*10^5  /  22  million lightyears
--------------------------------  d  =  13,600 million lightyears
----------------------------  d  =  13.6 billion lightyears
-  But, the age of the Universe is only 14 billion lightyears.  actually the reciprocal of Hubble’s Constant is the age of the Universe:
--------------------------  1  /  Ho  =  10^6 * (3*10^5 km/sec)  * 1  year  /  (22  km/sec)
--------------------------  1 / Ho  =  13.6 billion years.
-  This assumes that the Hubble Constant is linear and truly “ constant” over the life of the Universe.  Astronomers believe this as “not” the case.  Gravity was dominate the first 7 billion years slowing expansion.  Then Dark Energy became dominate and has been accelerating expansion the last 7 billion years.  We just happen to have a convenient average being in the middle.
-  The most distant galaxy, measured to date, has a Redshift of 8.63.  The calculation is that this light took 13.24 billion years to reach us.  The Universe was only 4% of its current age and the Universe was only 573,000,000 years old.
-  Because the Universe was expanding over that same time span today that galaxy is 30.35 billion light years away.   That galaxy’s light today would never have time to reach us.  It has expanded beyond our light horizon.  Distant galaxies are steadily disappearing from view.
-  New satellite telescopes that can see in the far infrared wavelengths ( higher Redshifts) will allow us to see galaxies even further back in time.
---------------Redshift ---   Light travel -----  Age of Universe ------   Distance ------
------------------------------  billion LY  -------  million years  ----------billion LY ------
-----------------12  ----------  13.34  ------------  365  -------------------32.7  -------------
---------------- 15  ----------  13.55  ------------  267  -------------------34.1  -------------
-----------------18 ----------  13.61  ------------  206   -------------------35.1  --------------

-----------------20  ----------  13.64  ------------  177  -------------------35.7  -------------
-----------------25  ----------  13.68  ------------  128  -------------------36.8  -------------
-  Far away galaxies offer a glimpse into the past.  When we look at distant galaxies we are seeing them as they were in the distant past.
-  Our closest spiral galaxy is the Andromeda.  We see it as it looked 2,500,000 years ago.  You can view it with binoculars on a clear night.  In the north eastern sky.
-  The future of our Universe will be dominated by Blackholes.  Our Universe today has lots of stars, but, the number of new stars forming each year is dropping.  All stars will eventually burn out.  Super massive Blackholes will still survive.  Galaxies have super massive Blackholes at their centers.  That will be what is left.  Eventually even Blackholes evaporate due to Hawking Radiation.  Only fundamental particles in cold expanses of space will exist with nothing to bump in to.  No worries this will not happen for a very long time from now.  Stay tuned, an announcement will be made shortly.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more:
-    #1808  -  History of the Universe 16 pages long.
-  # 1782  -  Telescopes looking back in time.
-  #1759  -  Why is the Universe expanding?
-  #1672  -  Beginning with a Universe
-  #1665  -  Universe  -  How it all started.
-  #1634  -  The Universe started out in the realm of particle physics.
-  #1590  -  Structure of the Universe
-  #1563  -  How old is the Universe?
-  #1311  -  Is the Universe spinning, or is it just me?
-  #1234  -  Why is the sky dark and the Universe leaving us?
-  #1225  -  Is the Universe really a computer?
-  #1050  -  The Universe almost didn’t happen?
-  #842  -  Pressed for time.
-  #744  -  What is the Universe expanding in to?
-  #342  -  The Whole Shebang.  Timothy Ferris 1997

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-  to:   -------  ------  “Jim Detrick”  -----------
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Saturday, January 30, 2016  -----

Friday, January 29, 2016

Dark Matter - What do we know about it matters.

-  1820  -  Dark Matter - What do we know about it matters.  It is 25% of all the mass-energy in the Universe.  It does not interact with light but does interact with gravity.
-----------------  1820  -  Dark Matter - What do we know about it matters.
-  All luminous matter ( visible stars, gas, = 20%)  in galaxies appears to be nested inside a large cocoon of Dark Matter ( =  80%).  The early formation of hydrogen and helium gas into proto-galactic clouds collapsed inward to form stars.  However, the weak interactions of Dark Matter (WIMPS) remained in the halo because of its inability to radiate away its orbital energy like visible matter did.
-  The laws of physic allows us to calculate the mass inside the star’s orbit from its orbital velocity.  If the galaxy rotated like a Merry Go Round the stars farther from the center move in larger circles and faster speeds.
-  The opposite happens with our Solar System of planets.  The planets closer to the center orbit at faster speeds and those farther from the Sun orbit at slower speeds.  This is because the gravitational force from the Sun decreases with the square of distance.  A lower speed , with lower centripetal force balances the lower gravity force at greater distances.
-  The Force of Gravity  =  the product of the masses divided by the square of the distance between them..
-----------------------------  F  =  G * M *m  / R^2
------------------------------  F  =  m * a
-----------------------------  Force  =  mass * acceleration
-----------------  M =    R^2  *  a  /  G               (m^2)  (m) (kg*sec^2)    //  (sec^2)  (m^3)
-  Calculating the Mass of the Earth (M) knowing the acceleration of gravity (a):
-  ---------------------------  G  =  the Gravitational Constant of proportionality for the units we are using.
-----------------------------  G  =  6.673 *10^-11        (m^3  /  kg * sec^2)
-----------------------------  a  =  9.8    m/sec^2
-----------------------------  R  =  radius of Earth  =  6.37*10^6        meters
----------------------------  M  =  9.8 (6.37 * 10^6)^2  /  6.673  *10^-11  
----------------------------        =    (m)  (m^2) (kg*sec^2)    //  (sec^2)  (m^3)
-  ------------------------  M  = 5.96 *10^24    kg
-  Mass of the Earth  =  5,960,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  kilograms.
-  A little different formula is used to calculate the mass of the Sun based on the orbit of Earth.  Mass is proportional to the radius cubed and inversely proportional to the period squared.
-----------  M  = 4 * pi * R^3   /  G *  T^2           (m^3) * (kg*sec^2)  //  (m^3)* (sec^2)
------------------------  T  =  period of orbit.
-------------------------  T  =  365 days  *24*60*60  =   3.15 *10^7   seconds
-------------------------  R  =   1.5^10^11  meters
--------------------------  M  =  4 * (3.14)^2  *  (1.5*10^11)^3    //    (6.67*10^-11) *
  (3.15*10^7)^2              (m^3) (kg*sec^2)   /  (m^3) * (sec^2)

---------------------------M  =  4 * (9.86)  *  (3.375*10^33)   / /   (6.67*10^-11) *
  (9.9*10^14)         kg

--------------------------  M  =  2*10^30 kilograms
-  These are the laws of physics that we hold true.  But the Galaxy rotation is different still.  In this case the 100 billion Solar Mass inside the Sun’s orbit keeps the orbital speeds of all the stars about the same.  For the physics to work there must be a spherical halo of mass 10 times greater outside the Sun’s orbit about the Galaxy center.
-  No radiation can be detected coming from the massive halo.  Thus the  name “Dark Matter“.
-  By comparing a galaxy’s mass to its luminosity we always get the same result.  There is 5 to 10 times more mass there than is visible.  And, orbital velocities are flat.  That is the velocities are the same with increasing distances from the center.  A halo of Dark Matter must exist around all galaxies.
-  The total Dark Matter appears to contribute 25% of the total mass-energy in the Universe.  However, after years of research not one Dark Matter particle has ever been discovered
-  What do we know about Dark Matter?
----------------  (1)  It must move more slowly that the speed of light.
----------------  (2)  It does not absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation.
----------------  (3)  It must be electrically neutral
----------------  (4)  The particles must be massive.
----------------  (5)  The particles must not interact with the Strong Nuclear Force ( Gluons).
----------------  (6)  The particles must be stable on cosmic timescales.
----------------  (7)  Dark Matter must have originated with the Big Bang
----------------  (8)  A Dark Matter particle is prohibited from decaying into Ordinary Matter.  That is Parity must be Conserved.
-  What is left is a mysterious particle yet to be detected called a WIMP.  A “ weak Interactive Massive Particle”
-  Maybe there is not one DM particle but several?   Maybe interactive forces exist between DM particles but do not interact with Ordinary Matter?  Maybe DM particles emit Dark Photons that interact with a Dark Charge?
-  Observations are that DM exists in spherical clouds and never evolve into DM spiral galaxies.
-  But, what if it did?  Could there be Dark Electromagnetism leading to Dark Matter emitting and absorbing Dark Photons?
-  Galaxies have a flattened structure because electromagnetism allows Ordinary Matter to radiate energy and settle into disks.  For the same to be true with Dark Matter the Dark Charge must be very small, less that 1% the ordinary electric charge.
-  “ Fermions” are quantum particles with “ spin ½”   Quarks are Fermions.  Quarks form protons and neutrons.  Is there such a thing as Dark Fermions?  Could there exist a “Dark Chemistry”  that creates its own Dark Molecules?
-  To summarize  “  On large galactic scales:  Ordinary Matter gravitationally bound to the laws of physics does not act consistent with these laws.  To gain consistency we need to create an unobserved distribution of new mass.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more:
-  #1800 -   Dark Energy  -  70% of the Universe.
-  #1636  -  Dark Matter.  -  25% of the Universe.  Calculating the mass of the Galaxy Clusters.
-  #1777  -  Calculating the mass of the Milky Way Galaxy inside the Earth’s orbit around the Galaxy Center, taking 250 million years to complete.    Lists 12 additional reviews about Dark Matter.  Here are some of the review comments:
-  The nucleus of an atom has less mass- energy that its components.  Carbon 1% less than its 12 components.
-  Objects follow a “ straight line” defined by the shape of the Universe.  Just like you walking a straight line from the north pole to the equator.
-  A scientific theory can be disproved by a single counter example.  It can never be proved regardless of the number of examples, that becomes faith not science.
-  The best scientists are always trying to shoot down their own theories.
-  Except for hydrogen which is about 10% of our body weight, the rest is star dust:
--------------------------- 61%  oxygen, mostly in water molecules
---------------------------  2.6% nitrogen
---------------------------  1.4% calcium
---------------------------  1.1%  phosphorus
-  Exclusion Principle  -  no two electrons can occupy the same quantum state.
-  Dark Matter has mass and therefore causes space-time to curve.
-  Dark Energy  -  The Cosmological Constant  -  is a repulsive force the opposite of gravity.
-  What is the past depends on where you are in the space and time network.
-   Every galaxy is in the center of its own visible Universe.
-  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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-  to:   -------  ------  “Jim Detrick”  -----------
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Friday, January 29, 2016  -----

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Blackholes, how many are in our Galaxy?

-  1819  -  Blackholes.  There history of discovery and new discoveries that may close the gap between stellar and galaxy center Blackholes.
-----------------  1819  -  Blackholes
-  Astronomers know there is a super-massive Blackhole at the  center of our Milky Way Galaxy.  They expect there are a million more smaller Blackholes throughout the Galaxy.
-  The history of Blackholes all started in England in 1665 when Isaac Newton proposed that there was an universal force governing all bodies called Gravity.
-  Newton realized that as mass increases gravity increases.  To escape an object’s gravity it must reach an Escape Velocity.  For Earth’s gravity that velocity is 25,000 miles per hour.
-  In 1765 John Mitchell realized that a massive star ,or a compressed star, would have an escape velocity exceeding the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second.  He called them “Dark Stars”
-  In 1915 Albert Einstein’s theory of General Reactivity proposed gravity to be a 4 dimensional curvature of space-time  A massive object creates a dent in space-time, a gravity well causing objects to fall along the curved path.  Planets in the Solar System are following this curved path around the Sun.
-  In 1967 John Wheeler popularized the term “Blackhole”.  During star formation gravity compresses matter.  If internal pressures do not stop the compression all matter collapses into a Blackhole.  Blackholes form when massive stars collapse.  There is no limit to how big or how small a Blackhole can be.  Of course, if small it must be extremely compressed.
-  The “ Event Horizon” for a Blackhole is the radius where light can not escape.  We can not see the Blackhole but we can see the Accretion Disk orbiting above the Event Horizon.
-  Blackholes are detected because of their gravitational influence on other stars and matter, usually gas,  that is orbiting it.  The whirling matter in the Accretion Disk loses energy through friction and gives off X-ray and other electromagnetic radiation.
-  In 1971  Cygnus X-1 was found as part of a binary system.  Using orbiting data to make calculations astronomers got results that the center mass was compressed into a volume smaller than the Earth while its mass was 6 times  the mass of the Sun.
-  X-rays are detected coming form the Accretion Disk.  The gas rotation can be characterized by time differences between emissions from multiple locations around the disk.
-  The hope is that another tool can detect gravitational waves emanating from the merger of 2 Blackholes.
-  Blackholes also have incredible jets exiting from the rotational axis.  Matter can exit the poles where centripetal force of rotation is missing.  These jets shoot out matter and radiation at nearly the speed of light.
-   In 1974 Stephen Hawking proposed that Blackholes would eventually evaporate.  Mater-anti-matter pairs at the Event Horizon would separate with one pulled into the blackhole and the other flung out into space. ( called Hawking Radiation).
-  The theory is that the Hawking Radiation contains all the information that entered the Blackhole. Conservation of Information.  It is hoped that further study of Blackholes will develop new math that will merge the General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Theories.
-  Physics can not explain what happens inside a Blackhole.  Neither Relativity or Quantum math an solve the process as equations explode into infinities or in determinants.
-  The most recent discover was a 100,000 Solar mass Blackhole near the center of our Galaxy.  It is in the center of a massive gas cloud 200 lightyears away.  The gas cloud has an elliptical shape with 2 components:
------------------  (1)  a compact low density component with wide  velocity dispersions of 62 miles per second ( 223,200mph).  and
------------------  (2)  a second dense component extending out 10 lightyears with a narrow velocity dispersions.
-  Modeling this observation on a computer gets a gravity source of 100,000 Solar Mass inside and area of 0.3 lightyears radius.  No X-rays or infrared are detected.  It must be a Blackhole.
-  There have been 2 sizes of Blackholes detected to date:
------------------  (1)  stellar mass Blackholes , formed by super massive stars.
-------------------  (2)  super massive Blackholes at the center of galaxies ranging from a few million to several billion Solar Mass.  Nothing in between.  If true, this discovery is in the intermediated range.  Investigating with radio waves that can detect gas clouds and the relative velocities  of orbit which may allow discovery of more intermediate Blackholes.
-  It is estimated tea there are 100 million Blackholes in our Galaxy alone.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more:
-  #1753  -  At the Event Horizon the spin would drag along space-time.  Space-time would be distorted like a spoon spinning in honey.
-  #1646  -  Schwarzschild Radius of a Blackhole defines the Event Horizon is equal
---------------  R  =   2* G * M / c^2.  Our Milky Way Galaxy Blackhole has a 7,000,000 mile radius, and weighs 4 million Solar Mass.
-#1628  -  The math says that a 1 Solar Mass Blackhole, our Sun, ( not rotating and not electrically charged) has a radius of 1.86 miles.
-  #1657  -  Gravity slows down clocks, it is stronger than Time.  The Blackhole at the center of our Galaxy has orbiting stars that measure unseen mass to be 4,300,000 Solar  Mass.
-  There are 17 more reviews about Blackholes all available upon request if you want to learn more?
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Thursday, January 28, 2016  -----

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Quantum Computing what it means to your future?

-  1818  -  Quantum Computing and what it means to your future.  How QC is going to change your life.  How will we deal with our new reality.
-----------------  1818  -  Quantum Computing and what it means to your future.
-   If you think you understand Quantum Computing, you don’t understand Quantum Computing.  These new computers will be super fast  They will break every security code that has existed the last 50 years.  The only thing secure in the future will be 2 Quantum Computers talking to each other.
-  Computers today solve one problem at a time in sequence, but they do it very fast.  Quantum Computers will solve multiple problems in parallel, all at the same time.  These computers are more “ human-like” in the way they solve problems and are super fast.
-  Here are some of the changes they will create:
-  (1)  We will get really accurate weather forecasting.  QC would analyze all the temperature and pressure data at once.   We would get better “bad weather” warnings.  We would get better insights on Global Warming , what is causing it and how best to mitigate it.
-  (2)  More efficient drug discovery will put new drugs on the market quicker.  Developing safe, new drugs is a complicated process.  Many different molecular combinations must be tested.  The process takes years and costs millions.  QC could map out trillions of combinations and bring new drugs to market in the shortest time possible.  QC cold analyze a person’s DNA and personalize drugs that will work best for them.  If a person is going to have a bad reaction to a drug , it can be predicted before harm is done.
-  (3)  No more traffic jams, no more grid lock driving during commute hours.  QC could streamline air traffic and ground traffic to optimize traffic flow.  QC could calculate all possible routes at the same time and greatly cut down travel times, both in the air and on the ground.
-  (4)  The military can analyze satellite data constantly to uncover crucial intelligence.  It could separate what needs a closer look and what to ignore.  QC is really good at picking out specific detail from a lot of messy data.
-  (5)  We could have secure encrypted communications everywhere.  (  Read Review #1817 “ Quantum Cryptography)  Email accounts and credit cards would always be safe.
-  QC keys would allow people to send messages that only the other person with a key could decrypt.  Anyone intercepting the message without a key would only get random bits with no information.
-  The flip side of this capability is that QC would quickly decrypt any of our current security systems.  No past encrypted communications would be secure.  This would become a hackers dream machine.
-  (6)  QC would help astronomy find new planets and life in other worlds.  It would more easily spot exoplanets that transit their host stars.  It would analyze atmosphere data coming from spectroscopy and collect evidence for life on these exoplanets.
-  (7)  QC can be computers that learn from experience.  They can self-correct when they make a mistake.  If a code sequence is bad it can make modifications needed to correct it.  This is similar to how Facebook sends you posts that you are more likely to “like”, except QC would be much more complex.
-  This in turn could lead to semi-automatic vehicles ( cars that drive themselves).  QC brings us breakthroughs in “ artificial intelligence”
-  These are but 7 of QC likely results with even more breakthroughs that we have not even thought of yet.  Stay tuned, an announcement will be made shortly.
-  Beneath the process lies the problem the process is supposed to be solving
-  The voyage to discovery is not seeking new landscapes but having new eyes.
-  Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution, if you do not have problems you do not get any seeds.
-  Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.
-  Realty is what we take to be true.  What we take to be true  is what we believe.  What we believe is based upon our perceptions.  What we perceive depends upon what we look for.  What we look for depends upon what we think.  What we think depends upon what we perceive  What we perceive determines what we believe.  What we believe determines what we take to be true.  What we take to be true is our own reality.  We gradually becomes as our thoughts.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more:
-    #1733  Quantum Dots and Valleytronics.  The optical stark effect.
-  #658  The Quest for Reality.
-  #539  The birth of Quantum Mechanics.
-  #67  Welcome to the Quantum World.
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Monday, January 25, 2016

Quantum Mechanics and Gravity, entanglement?

-  1817  -  Quantum Mechanics and Gravity.  How the world of the large and small have to come together.  How entanglement will make possible perfect encryption.
-----------------  1817  -  Quantum Mechanics and Gravity.
-  Quantum Mechanics and Gravity approach the same physics from two different directions.  Gravity has the math of General Relativity.  Quantum Mechanics has the math that works with atoms and the smallest particles.  Neither math works successfully in the other’s territory.
-  That is the challenge for physics today, two current approaches to unify quantum theory and gravity involve new math found in String Theory, and Loop Quantum Gravity.
-  String Theory has the premise that the smallest particles are “ strings” that may be closed loops onto themselves or have loose ends.  These strings can vibrate, stretch, join or split.  Various combinations form manifolds that are the matter and space-time the we observe.
-  Loop Quantum Gravity involves the quantum properties of space-time.  In this theory space-time is a network with nodes and links of which quantum properties are assigned.
Space becomes discrete chunks.
-  String Theory requires space-time to have not 4 dimensions but 10 dimensions.  This Theory implies the existence of “ Supersymmetry”.  The 12 particles in the Standard Model of Quarks and Leptons have 12 higher energy counterparts for a total of 24 fundamental particles.  Add anti-particles and the total is 48.  None of the super particles have been discovered to date.
-  The two groups of theorists attend separate conferences.  Recent guests have tried to bring them together in search of the “ Theory of Everything”.  What both theories lack is experimental evidence to move forward.  Ideas in separate directions are going nowhere.
-  The General Theory of Relativity requires an objects length to contract depending on how fast the observer is moving relative to it.  Also, time slows down with the faster relative motion.  But, the laws of physics should be the same regardless of relative velocities.
-  Loop Quantum Gravity defines the behavior of space-time at the Planck scale ( 10^-43 meters).  As we zoom out to higher scales space-time smoothes out to a continuous geometry.
-  The two theories are approaching the challenge explaining the behavior of Blackholes.  One theory creates a “ firewall” at the Event Horizon.  The other maintains that an observer has now way to tell if he had crossed the Horizon.
-  Is all Quantum information lost once it crosses the Horizon?
-  Can the theory explain particle “ entanglement”.?
-  Do Blackholes eventually evaporate separating matter and anti-matter?
-Can Wormholes explain Blackhole behavior?
-  Some maintain that Loop Quantum Gravity is a “ method” not a ‘theory”.  It is a new way to think of Quantum Mechanics and geometry.
-  Some think that both theories are nice ideas but Nature is not like that.  “ God does not play dice.”
-  What most all are in agreement is that theories to bring the Quantum world and the Cosmos world of Relativity together are “incomplete.”
-  More evidence of incompleteness comes from “ entanglement”  All atomic particles appear to have this property.  But, it is best explained with 2 electrons.  The lowest energy lever of all atoms contains 2 electrons ( except hydrogen that has only one electron ).  The “ Exclusion Principle” requires that the electrons not be in the same  “ state”.  One has spin-up , the other has spin-down.  If one switches up to down the other switches down to up, instantaneously.  They are “entangled“.
-  They remain entangled regardless of the distance of separation after leaving the atom.  Even if one is sent to the Moon.  Flipping one spin, flips the other instantaneously.  Communications that must happen faster than the speed of light.  Entanglement remains to be disproven or explained.  Somehow the 2 electrons behave as one.
-  It is a property of the Quantum world.  Take a measurement of one, it correlates with a measurement of the other with no time for communications between them.
-  One explanation is that particle properties only come in to existence when we observe them.  It has something to do with the structure of the Universe.  If we see a yellow pencil we assume it was yellow even before we observed it.
-  Make two assumptions:  One is that particles have real properties (spin, color).  The other is that nothing travels faster than light.  One of these assumptions has to be wrong.
-  Could higher dimensions, more that 3 of space and 1 of time, be part of the explanation?
-  Or, do particles not have a property until we measure them.  Seeing them is a form of measurement.  Then both entangled particles have the property at the same time?  Reality does not exist until we see it?
-  Whatever you are about to measure is not predictable.  We invest in free choice and we get randomness in return.  This last property will become important for cryptography and data security in our future.  Here’s a how:
-  Entangled particles can be polarized, spin up or spin down, like a 1 or a 0.  But, the properties are not there before we measure them.  No one can see them because for a certain time the information does not exist.
-  For encryption you have certain random bits that 2 parties know but no one else can know.  By sharing a random bit that no one else knows only the intended receiver can decrypt it.
-  The sender and receiver are entangled.  The sender’s message will send a 1 and the receiver will receive a 0 so for the receiver decryption is easy.  But, anyone else intercepting the message gets random bits of 1’s and 0’s with no correlation to either the sender  or the receiver.  Perfect Security!
-  It becomes a type of teleportation.  The message disappears on the sender side and at the same time reappears on the receiver’s side faster than the speed of light, regardless of the distance of separation, or the speed of their relative motion.  The sender-receiver are in effect in the same Reference Frame and are taking the measurement at the same time.

-  Using Quantum Cryptography you can constantly produce new secret keys.  This becomes critical when Quantum Computers exist in our future.  These computers decrypt any message that pubic key systems use to communicate, banks, stores will not be able to provide security with keys, unless they are Quantum Entangled keys.
-  Classical computers go through every possibility and check all possible keys.  Quantum computers do all the steps at once and can break any security key in seconds.
-  We can entangle electrons, photos and atoms today.  Does it stop there or can any matter be entangled?
-  We have to rethink the laws of physics.
-  The large and the small of physics operate in two different worlds and we do not know yet how to connect the two.
-  What happens if humans get entangled????????
-  If everything is Quantum we are all entangled to one another.  Or, do Quantum properties disappear when things get larger.  How and why could this happen.  Size matters.
-  God only knows,  stay tuned, an announcement will be made shortly.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more:
-  #1801  -  Entanglement, space-time, and Wormholes.  Quantum Mechanics premise is that empty space is not truly empty.  It is full of virtual particles.
-  #1231  -  Every observer in the Universe sees something happening simultaneously as happening at different times in space-time.
-  #1229  -  Everything in the Universe entangled in property pairs.
-  #1039  -  Somehow 2 masses appear to communicate with each other to create the force of gravity.
-  #659 -  The Quest for Reality
-  #539 -   The Birth of Quantum Mechanics.
-  #67 -   Welcome to the Quantum World.
-  #51  The waves of matter.  The wavelength of an electron is 6.625 * 10^-10 meters.  The radius of the Universe is 0.5 * 10^26 meters.
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Monday, January 25, 2016  -----

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Lasers, a technology that is still exploding?

-  1816    -  Lasers are more than for star wars.  In the past 60 years lasers have introduced many different technologies and new ones are still advancing.
-----------------  1816    -  Lasers are more than for star wars .  Lasers will continue to upset technology because advancements continue to come on line so fast.
-  Laser are “ light amplification by simulated emission of radiation”
-  It all started in 1960, my first year of college, with a rod of synthetic ruby.  -
-  Laser wavelengths are 10,000’s times shorter than radio waves which can allow it to transmit enormous amounts of information.  A major problem with laser communication is that the light beam can not penetrate clouds, snow, or fog.  This is causing the construction of fiber optic light pipes to be laid underground.  The fiber links need relay stations every 30 miles to re-amplify the signal.
-  Lasers could be used as radar.  They could accurately measure the position of satellites.  They even measured the distance to the Moon.  A needle width of red light reaches the Moon and has only spread 2 miles in diameter.   Conventional radar would reach the Moon covering a 500 mile diameter.
-  A beam from a ruby laser is a million of times hotter that the surface of the Sun.  It can burn holes in diamonds.  This laser heat could be used in laser surgery.  Ultra -delicate operations could be performed on the eye ball.  Kathy had cataracts removed an new lenses installed in a 10 minute operation.  No need to be wearing glasses anymore.  The process could be used to remove cancer tumors.
-  The cutting  and welding capacity of lasers will be used in the machine-too industry.
-  Laser weapons orbiting in near Earth satellites could vaporize intruding missiles,  (This idea may not be practical).  The best shields may be mirrors.
-  Lasers can measure speeds down to 10,000th of an inch per second.  This capability would allow space ships to dock like a feather.
-  Laser light in the blue-green range could be used to probe the ocean floor.  Better seismographs would use lasers.
-  Automobile spark plugs could be replaced by lasers.  Laser light- bulbs never wear out.  Better guidance systems using laser gyroscopes.  High speed photography.  Chemical reactions could be controlled by heating one molecule at a time.
-  This much of the above article was written in 1963, just 3 years after the invention of the first ruby laser.
-  Rockets could use a laser propulsion engine.  A steady stream of rapid-fire laser blasts vaporizing water which propels the rocket into space.  This propulsion system was demonstrated in 1997.  The hope is that these systems could put heavy payloads into Earth orbit for just $5.00 per pound.   Water is the safe fuel, no need for dangerous oxygen and hydro-carbon fuels.
-  When an atom gains a quantum of energy an electron jumps up to a different orbit .   When the electron falls back to a lower energy orbit it releases the same defined quantum of radiation at the defined wavelength.
---------------------------  E  =  h * f
---------------------------  E  =  h * c / w
-------------------  Energy is directly proportional to frequency and inversely proportional to wavelength .  “h” is Planck’s Constant 6.63*10^-34  Joule * seconds.  (Joule  =  kg*m^2/s^2.).
-  The laser works by a chain reaction of this precise wavelength needed to stimulate a particular atom (ruby).  The cascade of radiation is precisely at the same frequency.  The beam becomes very pure, called coherent radiation.  The beam exit’s the resonant cavity with precise beam of laser light.
-  A ruby laser works with a polished ruby rod mirror precision polished on each end.  A gas discharge light source flashing rapidly on and off producing pulses of light with sufficient energy to excite atoms in the ruby rod.  The rod needs to be cooled to ensure minimum interference from thermal excited atoms.  The flash pumps the atom’s electrons to higher energy level orbits.  The light beam flashes back and forth between the mirror ends becoming coherent ( a single frequency) thousands of watts of energy emerge from the flat ends of the rod.
-  In addition to ruby lasers, there are liquid lasers, fluorescent-dye lasers, gas lasers, etc.
-  Gas lasers work best for surveying, distance measuring purposes.  Also, rock concerts and advertising..
-  Laser cutting tools are used in the clothing industry and microsurgery.
-  Laser scanners read barcodes in the supermarkets.
-  Lasers read video disks and music on audio disks.
-  Hologram pictures are created with lasers.
-  The same technique can be used at lower frequencies (microwaves) to create a “ maser”.
-  All products of stimulated emissions of electrons in atoms.  It all started 60 years ago.
Stay tuned, and announcement will be made shortly.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more:
-  #1040  -  Water masers from galaxies.
-  # 1170  -  Laser Ignition Fusion.
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Sunday, January 24, 2016  -----

Saturday, January 23, 2016

What have we learned about the planet Mercury?

-  1815  -  The Planet Mercury, after 4 years of a spacecraft orbiting Mercury what did we learn about the planet closest to the Sun?
-----------------  -  1815  -  The Planet Mercury
-  April 30,2015 the spacecraft MESSENGER crashed in to the planet Mercury at 8,750 miles per hour.  This was after 4 years orbiting the planet 4,140 times.
---------------------  What did we learn?
-  The spacecrafts closest approach in its orbit was 125 miles altitude.
-  Mercury’s magnetic field is 1/100th the strength of Earth’s magnetic field.
- Mercury is 2,032 miles in diameter and it magnetic field is likely generated by an internal dynamo of rotating electric currents.
-------------  Mercury’s magnetic field   =           200 nanotesla
-------------  Magnetic field from Solar Wind  =  50 nanotesla
-------------   Earth’s magnetic field  =                  30,000 nanotesla
--------------  from Solar Wind  =                          10  nanotesla
-  Tesla is a unit of magnetic flux density.  It is one Weber per meter, or one kilogram per second^2 per Ampere.
----------------------------  T  =  W * b  /  m^2
---------------------------  T  =  Kg * sec^2  /   A
- ---------------------------  nano  =  10^-9
-  Mercury’s atmosphere contains atoms of sodium, and calcium.  Sodium may come form impacts of tiny dust grains on the surface.   Iron on surface rock is around 2%.  Surface has more magnesium and less aluminum than Earth, Moon , or Mars.  Potassium and Chlorine is similar to Mars.
-  Sulfur is present although it should have boiled away as a gas at Mercury’s temperatures.  Almost no Oxygen was found in the rocks.
-  Mercury’s core starts just 250 miles below the surface
-  At the north pole water ice was discovered in the shadows of craters.
-  To explain the dark surfaces a theory is that it could be carbon.  When magma formed low-density carbon graphite was light enough to float and make a crust.
-  No question Mercury has a strange geology
-  Request these Reviews to learn more:
-  #1767  -  diameter of Earth is            7,927  miles
-                 diameter of Mercury is       2,032 miles  (26%)
-  #1706  -  Mercury has virtually no atmosphere and its surface is as dark as an asphalt parking lot.
-  #1479  -  Mercury’s crust is 289 miles thick which is 19% of the planet.
-  #1478  -  mass is calculate to be 3.3 * 10^23 kilograms which is 5.5% the mass of the Earth.
-  #1369 -  Average temperature is 163 C.
-  #1343  -  The Sun’s gravity is 10 times greater than on Earth.
-  #1165  -  its elliptic orbit swings from 25.5 to 43 million miles tilted at 7 degrees.
-  #815  -  until 1974 we had never seen the back side of Mercury, like not seeing the back side of the Moon.
-  #44   -  Escape velocity is                        9,887 miles per hour
-               Escape velocity on Earth is       25,008  miles per hour
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Saturday, January 23, 2016  -----

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Neutrinos - Can they answer the ? about anti-matter?

-  1814  -  Neutrinos  -  nearly massless, traveling at nearly the speed of light and maybe even be matter and anti-matter in the same particle?
-----------------  1814  -  Neutrinos
-  Neutrinos  -  are particles like electrons and Quarks, called Leptons, but , these particles have very little mass and travel at nearly the speed of light.  They come in 3 different varieties but because they have neutral charge they are “ almost’ undetectable.
-  Particle physics is trying to reduce the Universe to as few particles as possible.  Particles appear to be waves that have just slowed down to have mass.  If a particle has no mass then it must travel at the speed of light.  Photons have no mass but they still have momentum while traveling at 186,300 miles per second.
-  Particle physics has the list narrowed down to 12 particles, 8 of which only exist for short times at high energies.  Then there are 4 force particles plus the new Higgs Boson.  But, then you have to double the 12 particles to include their equivalent anti-particles, same mass but opposite charge.  If a particle and an anti-particle come in contact with each other they both disappear in a flash of Gamma Rays, from matter to energy.
-  One of the mysteries in physics is why there is an imbalance with far more matter than anti-matter.  The Big Bang should have produced equal amounts.  Somehow we ended up with a Universe of matter?  Maybe there is another equal Universe made only of anti-matter?  Neutrino research appears to have some of the answers.  Maybe?
-  Before we can make things simpler we need to make them more complicated with new names and definitions,  Sorry.  We start with 2 particles.
-------------------  Fermions  --------------------------  Bosons  ------------------------
-  Bosons are the particles that carry the 4 forces.  Photons carry light.
-  Fermions are the particles that make up all matter.  There are 2 types of Fermions:
-----------------  Leptons  ------------------------  Quarks  -------------------------
-  Quarks are in the nucleus of atoms.  There are 3 per Proton, 2 Up Quarks and 1 Down Quark.  And, there are 3 per Neutron, 1 Up Quark and 2 Down Quarks.  Protons carry the positive electric charge.  Neutrons are neutral.
-  Leptons are the particles outside the nucleus.  Like electrons in orbiting shells around the nucleus.
----------------------  Electrons  --------------  Neutrinos  ---------------------------
-  Electrons carry the negative electric charge
-  Neutrinos are neutral charge and almost weightless.
-  Neutrinos are high energy fundamental particles but they pass through almost everything they touch, always traveling at near light speed.
-  Some 54 high-energy Neutrinos have been  detected at the South pole ICECUBE experiment.  The experiment uses a cubic kilometer of ice 1.5 kilometers below the surface of the South Pole.  If a Neutrino happens to interact with a water molecule the charged particles radiate a blue light, called Cherenkov radiation.  ICECUBE has 5,160 optical detectors spaced throughout the block of ice to detect this event.  By timing the detectors astronomers can calculate speed and direction of the Neutrino particle.
-  Two detections were made at energies of 1.07*10^15 electron volts and 1.24 PeV.   For comparison the CERN particle accelerator is Tera electron volts , TeV (10^12 eV).
-  Cosmic Rays bombard the Earth from space.  They are high energy protons traveling at near light speed.  They are charged particles and are deflected by magnetic field.  Therefore it is hard to identify their source.  Astronomers suspect they come from supernovae explosions.  They hope to detect Neutrinos produced by Cosmic Ray collisions occurring in the upper atmosphere.
-  There are 3 varieties of Neutrinos :  muon, tau and electron.  Maybe these are not Neutrinos being detected?  Maybe they are Dark Matter particles with PeV energies.  ICECUBE has detected 28  thought to be Neutrinos between 10 and 1,200 TeV in 2015.
-  In 1928 Paul Dirac developed equations that required electrons to sometimes have negative energy ( a positive charge).  In 1932 the “Positron” was discovered ( the anti-electron carrying a positive charge.)
-  A particle is considered “ right - handed” if its spin is in the same direction as its motion.  It is considered left-handed it its spin is in the opposite direction.
-  In 1937 it was proposed the Neutrinos and Anti-neutrinos were actually the same particle.  This is not that unusual .  It is thought that Gluons, particles that hold the nucleus of atoms together, and Higgs Boson, particles that confer mass to all particles , are also their own anti-particles.
-  In 1998 It was determined that Neutrinos do indeed have a very small mass ( < 0.13 *10^-9 GeV/c^2)
-  Evidence that the Neutrino is its own anti-particle is found in the number  of Leptons and anti-Leptons that occur in an interaction.  The Law of Conservation would require the number of Leptons to remain the same before and after all interactions.
-  The search for a violation of “ Conservation “ involves the “ double beta decay”.  this is a process in which a nucleus decays into a different nucleus and emits 2 electrons and 2 anti-neutrinos.  If anti-neutrinos annihilate each other that that would violate ‘Lepton Number conservation”
-  If the above occurs that would at the same time favor matter over anti-matter creating the imbalance we observe in nature today.  If this experiment proves out it would change our understanding of where particles get their mass.  There could be tow different neutrino and anti-neutrino states yet to be discovered.
-  These experiments are extremely difficult to pull off.  the must occur in very quiet environments with very clean detectors and without any interference for outside radioactivity.  Stay tuned, an announcement will be made shortly.
-  Request any of these Reviews to learn more:
-  #1631  Neutrinos used to detect Supernovae Explosions.
-  #1608  -  While you were reading this sentence 65,000,000 Neutrinos passed through your thumbnail.
-  #1589  -  There maybe be an undiscovered particle called the “ Sterile Neutrino “ that interacts with gravity abut with none of the other forces.
-  #1219  -  ICECUBE - the Neutrino telescope at the South Pole
-  #1139  -  The Universe will light up when we can see with Neutrino eyes.
-  #630  -  The Earth’s surface receives 65 billion Neutrinos per cm^2 per second.
-  #732  -  The Neutrino is a Fermion because it has ½ integer spin.
-  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Solar Storms, Galaxy Quakes, Gravity Waves?

-  1813  -  Galactic Storms, Quakes, and Waves.  Seismic like quakes occur across our Galaxy.  We can analyze these waves to map out the Galaxy in 3D very similar to how analysis of Earthquake waves are used to analyze the Earth’s interior.
-----------------  -  1813  -  Galactic Storms, Quakes, and Waves
- There is a lot going on out there.  Space is not as peaceful and quiet as we thought a few years ago.  The more we learn the more violent it gets.
-  Let’s start out close to home.  Sunspots have been recorded by astronomers since 1859 when a giant solar flare hit the Earth.  If a similar solar flare hit us today it would have devastating effects on the electric grid, satellites, and all forms of the world’s communication systems.
-  Then there are quakes occurring in our Milky Way Galaxy.  Different than Earthquakes, and sunspot quakes, but never the less, a type of sound wave passing through a medium of space.  When a Dwarf Galaxy, packed with Dark Matter, skimmed past our Galaxy a few hundred million years ago, it created seismic waves on a galactic scale in the interstellar gas that is in our Galaxy’s outer disk.
-  Just as seismologists analyze waves to infer properties in the Earth’s interior, astronomers use waves in the galactic disk to analyze the Galaxies interior structure and mass.
-  A similar event occurred with the Whirlpool Galaxy, M51, that is 26 million lightyears from us.  The Dwarf Galaxy was NGC5195.  Spectroscopy was used to calculate the speed of 3 Cepheid Variable Stars.  Cepheids pulsate, modulating their intrinsic brightness which can in turn be used to calculate their distances.
-  The Cepheids are racing away from us at 450,000 miles per hour ( radial velocity).  This Dwarf Galaxy brushed by our Galaxy millions of years ago leaving Gravity Ripples in its wake.  Now it is skimming the Whirlpool Galaxy.
-  Astronomers hope that analysis of these ripples, like seismic waves,  might help us learn more about the interior of galaxies and in particular the amount of Dark Matter that makes up their total mass.  Estimates are the Dark Matter is 85% of all matter in these galaxies.
-  To learn how Cepheids are used to calculate distances:  These are pulsating stars the are varying their luminosity in a relationship to the pulsating period.  For example a pulsating star has a peak brightness ever 30 days.  At its peak the luminosity it is 10,000 times brighter than our Sun.  The Sun’s luminosity is 3.8*10^26 watts.  The Apparent Brightness of the star is 1.0*10^-12 watts / meter^2.
-  The distance squared is proportional to the ratio of the Luminosity / 4*pi * (Apparent Brightness).
------------------------  d^2  =  L  / 4*pi* (AB)
----------------------  d^2  =  3.8*10^26  /  4*pi*(1.0*10^-12)     meters^2
-----------------------  d^2  =  0.3 * 10^38    m^2
--------------------------  d  =  .55 *10^19 meters
---------------------  Lightyear  =  9.5*10^16 meters
------------------  The distance is 58 lightyears away.
-  To explain the Universe that we observe looking 10 billion lightyears in one direction and then 10 billion lightyears in the opposite direction and seeing the same structured Universe.  It looks exactly the same.  There is not enough time for light, or any information, to have traveled between these two opposite locations.  How could they share the exact same features if they had never been in contact?  They must have been together in the early history of the Universe and there must have been a period of expansion that was faster than the speed of light.  This is what is known as “ Cosmic Inflation”.
-  To explain ratio of Dark Matter science is suggesting there was a secondary inflation period.  Best estimates are that Dark matter makes up 25% of all the mass -energy in the Universe.  Ordinary Matter is only 5%.  The remainder is Dark Energy.
-  Cosmic Inflation is thought to have occurred when the Universe was only 10^-35 seconds old.  It lasted for less that a second.  Science is proposing a secondary inflation less violent that occurred when the Universe was a few minutes old.  This could account for the dilution of Dark Matter.
-  When the Universe expanded and cooled enough for the Dark Matter particles to be frozen out of the plasma.  The secondary inflation period diluted its abundance to match the density we observe today, about 25%.
-  Secondary inflation is only another theory to help science model a 70% Dark Energy, 25% Dar Matter , and 5% Ordinary Matter and to explain the ratios we observe today.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more:
-  #1754b  -  “The Tides of Gravity”  Astronomers are studying tidal streams to locate the center of gravity in our Galaxy.
-  # 1751  -  “Einstein’s Theory of Gravity”  All bodies accelerate in a gravitational field the same regardless of mass or composition.
-  #1456  -  “Gravity’s Tidal Forces”  The ground you stand on can rise more that a foot as the Moon passes overhead.
-  #43  -  “ The Gravity of it All”  If the Earth was spinning 5 times faster ( a 5 hour day) what would happen to gravity?
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Monday, January 18, 2016

Dark Energy and the Higgs Field

-  1181  -  Dark Energy and the Higgs Field.  One field is trying to compress space back to a point and the other field is trying to blow it apart into oblivion.  We are luckily in the middle somehow.
-----------------  -1181  -  Dark Energy and the Higgs Field
-  The Higgs Boson particle was predicted to exist 50 years ago using theory and mathematics.  It was not discovered until 2012 using the $4.9 Billion machine called the Large Hadron Collider (CERN).
-   The Higgs Boson and the Higgs Field is what gives all other particles their mass.  Mass is not an intrinsic property like electric charge.  The strength of the electric charge of an electron is always the same everywhere.
-------------------------  Electric Charge  =  - 1.6 * 10^-19 Coulombs
------------------------  Coulomb  =  Ampere * second   and the force between two charges 1 meter apart when the force is 9*10^9 Newtons the charges on each is 1 Coulomb.  But, the point is it is always the same under all circumstances, even in relative motion.
-   Protons are 1,840 times heavier than an electron yet has the same charge with the opposite sign.  Electrons moving fast can weigh more than protons at rest.  Mass increases with velocity.
-  Mass is not intrinsic.  Mass is created by an invisible field, the Higgs Field.  This field like a magnetic field , or an electric field, or a gravitational field  but, has the property to interact with other particles to create their inertia or mass.  The heavier the mass the stronger the interaction.
-  The particle that carries this force field is the Higgs Boson.  Like photons carry the electromagnetic field.  Bosons are particles with 0 or 1 integer spin, example the photon has a spin 1.  Fermions are particles with half and integer spin, ½,  3/2,  5/2,  example is the electron has a spin ½.
-  One of the mysteries remaining with mass is identifying the source of Dark Matter.  The Dark Matter particles interact with gravity but not with the electromagnetic field.  It is “ Dark” because it does not interact with light, or any part of electromagnetic spectrum.
-  Observations of the interaction with gravity tell us that 80%  of all the matter in the Universe is Dark Matter.  20% is ‘ Ordinary Matter”, which is made of Quarks and electrons.
-  Supersymmetry, or SUSY, is a theory that proposes that every particle has a heavier “super” particle.
---------------  Every electron has a heavier “ selectron”
---------------  Every Quark has a heavier  “ squark”.
-  SUSY doubles the number of particles in the Table of Fundamental Particles and those in the entire Universe.
-  This SUSY theory proposes that Dark Matter has a particle called the “ neutralino”  that is 100 times heavier that a proton.  Neutralinos would not interact with Ordinary Matter, but, they would interact with gravity.
-  The problem with SUSY theory is that physic has never found any evidence that any of these “ super” particles actually exist.
-  The Higgs Boson has a mass of 126 billion electron volts.  The Supersymmetry theory predicts there are 5 different Higgs Bosons with 5 different masses.  This one discovered to date is the lightest one.
-  Physics is still searching for more powerful particle accelerators that can reach the energies needed to discover these heavier particles.
-  Remember Einstein showed us that energy and mass are the same thing  E = mc^2
-----------------  mass  =  (0.111*10^-16)  *  Energy
-  Einstein did not know about Higgs Fields and Dark Energy.  The strengths of these fields are responsible for all the matter, structure, and life in the Cosmos.
-------------------  1  -  strength of the Higgs Field
-------------------- 2  -  strength of Dark Energy
-  The strength of the Higgs is what gives particles mass.  Mass is what gives curvature to space-time.  Curvature of space-time is what gives us gravity.  A stronger Higgs field with more mass would be trying to stop the expansion and pull the Universe back to a single point
-  The strength of the Dark Energy field is the opposite.  It is trying to expand the space between mass at an ever increasing acceleration.  All mass would separate in to a cold, dark oblivion.
-  One is compressing space-time the other is expanding space-time.  One is pulling the Universe together the other is blowing it apart.  We are stuck in between the two fields.
-  The Higgs Field is just “ slightly” turned on.  Somehow it is Goldilocks just right.  Any different and there would be no structure in the Universe.
-  Dark Energy is repulsive force accelerating the expansion of the Universe.  It was first measured in 1998.  It is the energy of empty space.  Any different and there would be no structure in the Universe.
-  If we do the math for Dark Energy it should be 10^120 times stronger that our observations tell us it is?  Thank God it is so weak.  If this repulsive force were any stronger it would rip our Universe apart.  Atoms, galaxies, stars, planets would not exist.
-  How and why are these two opposing fields so “finely tuned” to allow life to exist?  God has set the numbers for both forces just right.  “ We lucked out”  Thank God.
-  To learn more request these Reviews:
-  #1805  -  2015 new discoveries in astronomy and physics.  Higgs, gravity waves, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy.
-  #1748  -  The science of empty space.  Radio waves are ripples that travel through your body.  Ripples in the Higgs Field are call Higgs Bosons.
-  #1577  -  All things at their smallest level are ” quanta”, small packets too small to see of even to measure.
-  #1498  -  What is the Higgs Boson?  Fortunately anti-matter does not occupy our natural world in any stable form.
-  #1495  -  Larger energies correspond to smaller distances.  The Higgs Boson is 126 GeV.
-  #1423  -  Peter Higgs wrote 2 papers in 1964 predicting the Boson to cause particles to have mass.
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Monday, January 18, 2016  -----

Blackholes and Relativity?

-  1812 -  Blackholes and Relativity.  This review covers frame dragging and how Blackholes evaporate into the Universe.  Mass tells space-time how to curve.
-----------------  1812 -  Blackholes and Relativity
- General Relativity tells us that gravity as a force is actually a curvature of space and time.  Mass is what causes space- time to curve.  The mass of the Earth certainly gives us substantial gravity , but, the curvature of space -time is barely measurable.
-  However, the mass of a Blackhole is substantial enough to make the curvature obvious.  Blackholes demonstrate the full effects of General Relativity.  When the curved space-time is rotating around a Blackhole another effect become obvious as well.  This effect is called “ frame dragging”.
-  The spinning mass has the effect of dragging the fabric of space-time along with it.
-   Gravity Probe B is a satellite launched to measure the frame dragging effects due to Earth’s mass.  The axis of spinning gyroscopes in the satellite become offset one hundred thousandth of a degree per year due to Earth’s rotation causing frame dragging  That is so small it is amazing to think we can even measure it.
-  To measure this effect around a Blackhole astronomers detect X-rays emitted by iron ions swirling around in the accretion disk orbiting the Blackhole.  The frequency of the X-rays shift due to the Doppler Effect if the ions are moving toward us or away from us.
-  Analysis showed that as the Blackhole spins the accretion disk “ wobbles”.  It tugs on surrounding space-time and drags the disk with it.  The effect is 100 trillion times stronger then the effect found near Earth.  If the Earth gyroscopes were orbiting he Blackhole the axis of the gyroscopes would shift 90 degrees each second.
-  In addition to frame dragging radiation and evaporation are another prediction expected at the accretion disk of a Blackhole.  Stephen hawking presented this theory of Blackhole evaporation in 1974.
-  In the accretion disk orbiting the Blackhole matter-anti-matter pairs are constantly being produced.  If one particle in the pair is dragged into the Blackhole the other is flung off as “Hawking Radiation”.  This action equal reaction is due to the Conservation of Momentum.
-  If this process proceeds long enough the Blackhole would completely evaporate.  Theoretically all the information inside the Blackhole is preserved while radiating out in to the Universe.
-  The math needed to describe these events around Blackholes is incomplete.  General Relativity equations explode into infinities.   Quantum Mechanics equations produce in determinants.  We need new math to describe what’s going on.
-  Gravity and acceleration are the same thing.  It impossible to tell the difference as an observer.  The same equations should work for both?
-  Light bends in a gravitational field.  So does the whole electromagnetic field.  How else do these two fields interact?
-  Photons have no mass but they have momentum.  They follow the shortest and quickest path through curved space-time.
-  Mass tells space-time how to curve.  Space-time tells mass how to move.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more.
-  #1803  -  If acceleration is equivalent to a gravitational field then the same equations should apply to both.  This review contains a bibliography of more reviews.
-  #1663  -  At 186,282 miles per second an object has zero length and time has stopped.
-  #1582  -  Deriving the equation for Relativity using the Pythagorean Theorem
-# etc.
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