Sunday, September 27, 2020

BIG BANG - a theory in crisis?

 -  2843  -  BIG  BANG  - a theory in crisis?    A series of powerful observations has made it clear that our universe has expanded for billions of years, emerging from the hot, dense state we call the Big Bang.  When we compare the results from different kinds of measurements, the expansion rate of the universe, the temperature patterns in the light released when the first atoms formed, the abundances of various chemical elements, and the distribution of galaxies and other large-scale structures, we find stunning agreement of how the physics all happened.  Why it happened is still a mystery. 

---------------------------  2843  -   BIG  BANG  - a theory in crisis?      

-  Each of the above lines of evidence supports the conclusion that our universe expanded and evolved in just the way that the Big Bang theory predicts. From this perspective, our universe appears to be remarkably “comprehensible“.  But, cosmologists have struggled, if not outright failed, to understand essential facets of the universe.   The theory needs improvement.


-  We know almost nothing about “dark matter” and “dark energy“, which together make up more than 95 percent of the total mass/energy in existence today. We don’t understand how the universe’s protons, electrons, and neutrons could have survived the aftereffects of the Big Bang.  It started from “nothing” it should have all collapsed back in to “nothing“,  but, it didn’t.


-  In fact, everything we know about the laws of physics tells us that these matter particles should have been destroyed by antimatter long ago. And in order to make sense of the universe as we observe it, cosmologists have been forced to conclude that space, during its earliest moments, must have undergone a brief and spectacular period of hyperfast expansion, an event known as “cosmic inflation“. Yet we know next to nothing about this  era of cosmic history.


-  How did we discover dark matter?  The Coma Cluster packs thousands of galaxies into a sphere measuring more than 20 million light-years across. Fritz Zwicky discovered dark matter in this cluster in the 1930s when he deduced that the galaxies are moving too fast to stay together unless the cluster contains nearly 10 times as much matter as what can be seen.  Invisible mater therefore dark matter.


-  With the goal of identifying the individual particles that make up this dark matter, scientists have designed and built a series of impressive experiments. Yet, to date, no such “particles” have appeared. 


-  Even powerful particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider have revealed nothing that moves us closer to resolving any of these cosmic mysteries. And despite having measured the expansion history and large-scale structure of the universe in ever increasing detail, we have not gained any substantively greater understanding of the nature of “dark energy“, the force that seems to be accelerating the expansion of the cosmos.


-  What have we learned by “not discovering” dark matter?   Dark matter is likely the most celebrated problem facing modern cosmologists. Astronomers have determined that most of the matter in our universe does not consist of atoms or any other known substances, but of something else, something that does not appreciably radiate, reflect, or absorb light. It does not get any darker than that.


-  Despite not knowing much about the nature of dark matter, cosmologists often speculate about the kinds of particles that might make up this substance. In particular, researchers have long recognized that if dark matter particles interact through a force that is approximately as powerful as the weak nuclear force (which governs radioactive decay), then the number of these particles that should have emerged from the Big Bang would roughly match the measured abundance of dark matter found in the universe today. 


-  With this in mind, weakly interacting massive particles, WIMPs, became the best guess for dark matter’s nature.  WIMPs that scientists thought they knew how to detect the particles and study their properties. Motivated by this goal, physicists engaged in an ambitious experimental program to identify these WIMPs and learn how they were forged in the Big Bang. 


-  Over the past couple of decades, researchers have deployed a succession of increasingly sensitive dark matter detectors in deep-underground laboratories that are capable of detecting individual collisions between a dark matter particle and the atoms that make up the target.


-  These sophisticated experiments performed perfectly, yet no such collisions have been observed. A decade ago, many scientists were optimistic that these experiments would bear fruit. But dark matter has turned out to be very different, and far more elusive, than scientists had once imagined.


-  Although it’s still possible that dark matter could consist of some form of difficult-to-detect WIMPs, the lack of any signal from underground experiments has led many physicists to shift their focus toward other dark matter candidates.


-  One such contender is a hypothetical ultralight particle known as an “axion“. Axions are predicted according to a theory proposed by particle physicists in 1977. Although scientists are searching for axions in experiments that use powerful magnetic fields to convert them into photons, these investigations have yet to place very strict constraints on the properties of these particles.


-  Another possibility that could explain why dark matter has been so difficult to detect is that the first moments of the universe may have played out much differently than cosmologists have long imagined.


-   Take the case of the conventional WIMP. Calculations show that the fledgling universe should have produced vast quantities of these particles during the first millionth of a second after the Big Bang, when they reached a state of equilibrium with the surrounding plasma of quarks, gluons, and other subatomic particles.


-   The number of WIMPs that could have survived these conditions and ultimately contributed to the dark matter found throughout today’s universe depends on how, and how often, they interacted. 


-  But,  when carrying out calculations such as these, scientists generally assume that space expanded steadily during the first fraction of a second, without any unexpected events or transitions. It is entirely plausible that this simply was not the case.


-  Although cosmologists know a great deal about how our universe expanded and evolved over most of its history, they know relatively little about the first seconds that followed the Big Bang and next to nothing about the first trillionth of a second. 


-  When it comes to how our universe may have evolved, or to the events that may have taken place during these earliest moments, we have essentially no direct observations on which to rely. This era is hidden from view, buried beneath impenetrable layers of energy, distance, and time.


-  Our understanding of this period of cosmic history is, in many respects, little more than an informed guess based on inference and extrapolation. Look far enough back in time, and almost everything we know about our universe could have been different. Matter and energy existed in different forms than they do today, and they may have experienced forces that have not yet been discovered. 


-  Key events and transitions may have taken place that science has yet to develop. Matter likely interacted in ways that it no longer does, and space and time themselves may have behaved differently than they do in the world we know.


-  With this in mind, many cosmologists have begun to consider the possibility that our failure to detect the particles that make up dark matter might be telling us not only about the nature of dark matter itself, but also about the era in which it was created. By studying dark matter, scientists are learning about the first moments after the Big Bang.


-  How fast is space expanding?  In 1929, Edwin Hubble discovered that galaxies are moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distances. This provided the first clear evidence that our universe is expanding. Ever since, the current rate of this expansion, called the Hubble constant, has been one of the key properties of our universe that cosmologists study.


-  As recently as the 1990s, textbooks often quoted values ranging from as low as 50 to as high as 100 kilometers per second for every million parsecs separating two points in space, usually written as 50 to 100 kilometers / second / Mpc. (One megaparsec [Mpc] equals 3.26 million light-years.)


-   Although the precision of these measurements has improved considerably over the past two decades, no consensus yet exists regarding the correct value for this quantity. In fact, as these measurements have improved, the results from different methods seem to disagree with one another even more.


-  One way to determine the Hubble constant is to directly measure how fast objects are moving away from us, just as Hubble did in 1929. For his measurements, Hubble used a special class of pulsating stars known as Cepheid variables, whose intrinsic luminosities track nicely with the periods over which they brighten and fade. For example: Once you know it is a 100 watt bulb you can measure the intensity and calculate how far the light bulb is away from you.


-  Modern cosmologists continue to use Cepheids for this purpose, but they also employ other classes of objects, including type 1a supernovae,  exploding white dwarfs that all have the same approximate luminosity. When researchers combine the latest data, they find that the universe is currently expanding at a rate of about 72 to 76 km/s/Mpc.


-  Cosmologists also can infer the value of the Hubble constant by studying the primordial light released when the first atoms formed some 380,000 years after the Big Bang. The detailed temperature patterns of this light, known as the “cosmic microwave background”  serve as a map that shows how matter was distributed throughout the universe at that time.


-  When scrutinized, this map reveals many details about our young universe, including how much matter and other forms of energy were present, as well as how fast space was expanding. It also tells us that the Hubble constant is about 67 km/s/Mpc, a significantly smaller value than cosmologists have found through more direct measurements.


-  What does this measurement mismatch mean for our universe? Assuming that these studies have correctly accounted for all the systematic uncertainties inherent in the observations, these two ways of determining the Hubble constant appear to be incompatible, at least within the context of the standard cosmological model.


-  To make these discrepant results mutually consistent, astronomers would be forced to change how we think the cosmos expanded and evolved, or to reconsider the forms of matter and energy in the universe during the first few hundred thousand years following the Big Bang.


-  According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the rate at which space expands depends on the density of matter and other forms of energy it contains. When cosmologists infer the value of the Hubble constant from the cosmic microwave background, they have to make assumptions about the amounts of dark matter, neutrinos, and other substances that were present.


-  Perhaps the simplest way to explain the tension between the different measurements of the Hubble constant would be to hypothesize that the cosmos contained more energy than expected during the first hundred thousand years or so following the Big Bang. 


-  This energy might have taken the form of an exotic species of light and feebly interacting particles, or of some kind of dark energy associated with the vacuum of space itself that has long since disappeared from the universe. Or, perhaps,  there is something else we don’t understand about this era of cosmic history. We simply do not yet know how to resolve this intriguing mystery.


-  Despite decades of effort, the nature of dark matter remains unknown, and the problem of dark energy seems nearly intractable. I have written dozens of reviews about dark energy and dark matter. ( Index of these reviews is available.)


-  We simply do not know how the particles that make up the atoms in our universe managed to survive the first moments of the Big Bang, and we still know little about cosmic inflation, how it played out, or how it came to an end, assuming that something like inflation happened at all.


-  The European Space Agency’s Planck satellite has captured the best data on the cosmic microwave background radiation. Combining these results with the standard model describing the universe produces a Hubble constant that is slightly but unequivocally smaller than that gleaned from nearby galaxies.


-  The physicists of 1904 had not yet been able to address a few challenges. The medium through which they believed light traveled, the luminiferous ether, should have induced variations in the speed of light, and yet light always moves through space at the same rate. 


-  Astronomers observed the orbit of Mercury to be slightly different from what Newtonian physics predicted, leading some to suggest that an unknown planet, dubbed “Vulcan“, might be perturbing Mercury’s trajectory.


-  Physicists in 1904 had no idea what powered the Sun, no known chemical or mechanical process could possibly generate so much energy over such a long time. Scientists knew various chemical elements emitted and absorbed light with specific patterns, none of which physicists had the slightest idea how to explain. In other words, the inner workings of the atom remained a total and utter mystery.


-  Although few saw it coming, in hindsight, it’s clear that these problems were heralds of a revolution in physics. And in 1905, the revolution arrived, ushered in by a young Albert Einstein and his new “theory of relativity“. 


-  We now know that the luminiferous ether does not exist and that there is no planet Vulcan. Instead, these fictions were symptoms of the underlying failure of Newtonian physics. Relativity beautifully solved and explained each of these mysteries without any need for new substances or planets.


-  Furthermore, when scientists combined relativity with the new theory of quantum physics, it became possible to explain the Sun’s longevity, as well as the inner workings of atoms. These new theories even opened doors to new and previously unimagined lines of inquiry, including that of cosmology itself.


-  Scientific revolutions can profoundly transform how we see and understand our world. But radical change is never easy to see coming. There is probably no way to tell whether the mysteries faced by cosmologists today are the signs of an imminent scientific revolution or merely the last few loose ends of an incredibly successful scientific endeavor.


-  There is no question that we have made incredible progress in understanding our universe, its history, and its origin. But it is also undeniable that we are profoundly puzzled, especially when it comes to the earliest moments of cosmic history.


-  The “muon anomally” may seem small, but this discrepancy too is one of the longest-standing anomalies in particle physics. Here, “anomaly” means a statistically significant experimental divergence from theoretical prediction. The theory in this case is the standard model of particle physics.


-  The muon anomaly is not alone in contesting the standard model: other anomalies concern bottom quarks, neutrinos, and kaons. In recent years, these anomalies have taken on a new level of importance as possible routes to “new physics,” an umbrella term for phenomena unexplained by the “standard model“. 


-  There are more conspicuous paths to new physics, such as discovering a dark matter particle or unifying gravity with quantum physics. But these big problems have remained stubbornly out of reach, so many particle physicists are looking for inspiration from smaller problems.


-   Anomalies force experimentalists to find ways of reducing systematic uncertainties, analyzing their data, and conducting more precise searches.  Theorists must grapple with anomalous results by building models that often assume new particles, such as a cousin to the Z boson, a relative to the Higgs boson, or even a hybrid between the two types of matter particles, leptons and quarks.


-  With more data coming in from experiments like “Muon g-2’ and “Belle II“, researchers are waiting to see if any anomalies become discoveries.  Over the past few decades, just about every experimental result in conflict with the standard model’s predictions has disappeared over time, becoming less and less of a discrepancy as more data are taken. 


-  Anomalies are discrepancies significant to 3 sigma, which corresponds to a fluke that would occur in one-in-740 runs of the experiment. Results below 3 sigma are frequently overturned. 


-  Most anomalies never make it to 5 sigma (equivalent to a one-in-3.5-million-chance fluke), which is required to claim a discovery. But even when they do, it’s still not time to break out the champagne.


-   In 2011, the “OPERA experiment” infamously reported seeing neutrinos moving faster than the speed of light. Their observation was significant to more than 6 sigma but turned out to be an experimental error.


-  A few years later, an excess of two-photon events at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN seemed to suggest the existence of a new particle with a mass of 750 GeV. Theorists conjectured that such a particle could be evidence of supersymmetry, a mathematically elegant theory for new physics that many have long hoped to be true. 


-  The excitement led to over 500 papers being published on this anomaly. But eventually, it too disappeared. There was no experimental error, but the 3.5-sigma result faded as further data showed that it was no more than a statistical fluctuation.


-  Anomalies are as much the product of theoretical predictions as they are of experimental measurements. The experimental value for the muon’s magnetic moment has remained essentially unchanged since 2001, when it was last measured. But the anomaly has gotten stronger, now reaching 3.3 sigma, as theoretical calculations of the muon’s magnetic interactions have improved.


-  Not every discrepancy is seen as an anomaly. Last year, two groups made separate estimates of a parameter governing the decay of the “lambda hyperon”, a particle composed of an up, a down, and a strange quark. 


-  One of the most promising sandboxes for model builders has been anomalies in B physics, interactions involving B mesons, which are particles composed of a bottom quark or antiquark plus another type of quark. Results from LHCb at CERN, Belle in Japan, and Babar in the US, point to potential problems with the standard model predictions for some rare B meson decays.


-  Alone, each notable B physics result is only a few-sigma discrepancy. But taken together, the aggregate of the results is a 5- to 7-sigma deviation from the standard model estimates. 


-  If the anomalies are a hint of something real, the simplest explanation is a new particle called the Z′, a partner to the Z boson that differs only slightly in its interactions with other particles.  This hypothetical particle would form a bridge between leptons (electrons, muons, and taus) and quarks.


-  Many theorists attempt to link anomalies together in models. For example, a new anomaly from KOTO, an experiment at JPARC in Japan, measuring the lifetime of neutral kaons, has piqued theorists  proposed a light, Higgs-like particle, or scalar boson, that would interact with muons and would explain both the KOTO anomaly and the muon anomaly. 


-  While theorists like finding one explanation for multiple anomalies, it’s often difficult to match all the data. Attempts to find a combined explanation for both the B physics and muon anomalies have mostly fallen flat. 


-  The best models, according to theorists, are those that fit the data naturally, without too much finagling. Neutrinos have been the focus of several recent anomalies, such as unexpected oscillations in the flavors of neutrinos observed by MiniBooNE at Fermilab in 2018


-  To explain neutrino anomalies, the most straightforward thing to do is to introduce one new neutrino.  The trouble is that this addition, called a “sterile neutrino“, is a possible dark matter candidate, which means it must agree with cosmological data. Constraints like this can require highly tailored solutions from theorists. 


-  Since the Higgs was discovered in 2012, anomalies have gained currency as some of the only breadcrumbs available for particle physicists to follow on the path toward new physics. 


-  Coming up with models that explain minute discrepancies in the data may lack some of the grandeur of trying to solve quantum gravity. But for the time being, anomalies offer fresh challenges to the standard model. So particle physicists will continue hunting down blips in the data and proposing new models to explain the discrepancies, even though the future is uncertain.


-  September 26, 2020                                                                       2843


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--------------------- ---  Sunday, September 27, 2020  ---------------------------

STARS - at the extremes of astronomy?

 -  2842  -  STARS  -  at the extremes of astronomy?   The stars in the night sky can become boring.  Also the same except for the fact that the Earth is going around in circles to our star.  But the same pattern seems to repeat itself every year.  Along comes astronomy and we see these stars in a whole new perspective.  

---------------------------  2842  -   STARS  -  at the extremes of astronomy? 

-  The Sun is a pretty boring star. Still burning through the hydrogen in its core, our middle-aged Sun is comfortable at its current, relatively petite size. And though it will stay this way for about 5 billion years more, our star will eventually run low on hydrogen and switch to fusing helium deep within. 


-  This will inflate the Sun into a “red giant” over the span of just a couple of hundred million years. After engulfing the innermost planets, possibly including Earth, the Sun will continually shed its outer layers, eventually leaving behind a smoldering “white dwarf “ surrounded by a beautiful “planetary nebula” of glowing gas.


-  The largest known star in the universe is “UY Scuti“.  One day, the Sun will become a red giant. But if it had started its life with a dozen or so times its current mass, it could have eventually evolved into a “red super giant“.  UY Scuti has already shed a lot of mass.


-  The biggest of these stars,  called hypergiants, can swell to more than 1,000 times the size of the Sun.  UY Scuti, located near the center of the Milky Way in the constellation Scutum, is around 1,700 times the Sun’s width.


-  UY Scuti’s brightness changes over a period of about 740 days, leading astronomers to reclassify it as a “variable star“.   Intrinsic variables like UY Scuti experience physical changes within, such as pulsations. In the case of UY Scuti, it varies in brightness because it’s constantly yo-yoing in terms of size making exact measurements a challenge.


-  Like any “red super giant“, including “Betelgeuse“,  UY Scuti is destined to end its life with a bang. After exhausting the helium fuel in its core, it will ferociously forge increasingly heavy elements. And as long as UY Scuti doesn’t expel too much mass over the course of its remaining life, it will eventually start producing iron.


-  Making iron is a death sentence for stars. Unlike when it combines lighter elements, when a star forces two iron nuclei together, it doesn’t release any energy; it instead takes energy away from the environment. 


-  This causes a runaway collapse where the star no longer generates enough outward pressure to keep it from imploding under its own gravity.  The end result? A powerful core-collapse (type II) supernova that will finally make UY Scuti visible to the naked eye from Earth.


-  Another massive and luminous star, RMC 136a1, have extremely powerful stellar winds, which are streams of charged particles flowing from the star’s surface. They also emit intense ultraviolet radiation that would be strong enough to sterilize the surface of Earth. 


-  Just because a star is a certain size doesn’t mean it has a certain mass. That’s absolutely the case with the most massive known star in the universe, RMC 136a1, which packs a lot of heft into a surprisingly slim frame. Although thought to be more than 300 times the mass of our Sun, RMC 136a1 is only about 30 times as wide as our home star. 


-  Located in the Milky Way’s largest satellite galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, RMC 136a1 is just one of many blazing stars that’s ionizing the gas within NGC 2070. This huge open star cluster lies in the heart of the Tarantula Nebula, which is the brightest star-forming region in our galactic neighborhood. 


-  Hubble Space Telescope observations allow astronomers know that  RMC 136a1 is just one of more than 200 bright, massive stars in the immediate area, all found within a cluster called RMC 136.  RMC 136a1 is the brightest of these beacons. In addition to holding the title for the most massive star, RMC 136a1 is the most luminous star.


-   Although the exact age of this stellar heavyweight is still uncertain, according to a 2016 study, RMC 136a1 could be as young as a few hundred thousand to a million years old, so it’s thought to still be burning hydrogen in its core.-


-  Because RMC 136a1 is a rare “Wolf-Rayet star“, it’s incredibly hot, chock-full of heavy elements, and sports extremely powerful stellar winds that are blowing off its outer layers. 


-  These stellar winds are so powerful, reaching a velocity of around 5.8 million mph that by the end of its life, the star is expected to expel enough gas to end up weighing just over 50 solar masses. For comparison, Supernova 1987A, also located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, was only about 20 solar masses.


-  Astronomers found tiny star EBLM J0555-57Ab only when it passed in front of its larger binary companion, which blocked some of the bigger star’s light. Detecting such a transit is also the way researchers find many exoplanets. 


-  If a star is exceptionally massive, it gobbles up its fuel, causing it to live fast and die hard. However, if a star is small and light, it has a slow metabolism, allowing it to live an extremely long life. But just how small can a star be?  EBLM J0555-57Ab is right at the limit. 


-  At just 85 times the mass of Jupiter and a sliver wider than Saturn, EBLM J0555-57Ab skirts the lower boundary of what it takes to be a star.  Had the star formed with only a slightly lower mass, the fusion reaction of hydrogen in its core could not be sustained, and the star would instead have transformed into a brown dwarf. 


-  Brown dwarfs are not-quite-planets, not-quite-stars , whose cores can only fuse a heavy form of hydrogen called deuterium, as well as possibly lithium.   EBLM J0555-57Ab may be tiny, but there are other stars out there that compare with its  mass. For instance, the star TRAPPIST-1, which hosts at least seven rocky planets, tips the scales at  just a little more massive than EBLM J0555-57Ab.


-   Because stars with less than 25 percent the Sun’s mass are the most common type of stars and excellent candidates for hosting Earth-sized planets, learning more about the lives of the smallest stars may help researchers uncover potentially habitable, Earth-like planets around them.


-   The faster a star burns through its fuel, the shorter its life. And this is surely the case for Wolf-Rayet stars. These stars not only burn incredibly hot and bright, but their stellar winds also blast much of their potential fuel into space. The hottest known star, WR 102, is one such Wolf-Rayet, sporting a surface temperature more than 35 times hotter than the Sun. 


-   Wolf-Rayet stars come in a variety of flavors. The most massive star, RMC 136a1, has a spectral type of WN, meaning it’s rich in ionized nitrogen as a result of rapidly converting hydrogen to helium in its fiery core via the C-N-O cycle, carbon - nitrogen - oxygen cycle.


-  The hottest star, WR 102, is an especially rare WO-type Wolf-Rayet, which is a late-stage star that has a surface heavily enriched with ionized oxygen. Astronomers only know of about 10 WO-type Wolf-Rayet stars in the entire universe. 


-  Even for a Wolf-Rayet star, WR 102 has intense stellar winds. Currently, they are blowing about a Sun’s worth of mass from the star’s surface every 100,000 years. That means WR 102 is losing several hundred million times more mass each year than the Sun. Although that may not seem like much for a massive star,  at this rate, WR 102 would be completely gone in less than 2 million years.  


-  Astronomers are interested in WR 102 not just because of its exceptionally hellish surface temperature and rapid mass loss, but also because the star is a prime candidate to go supernova in the relatively near future. 


-   WR 102 is a post-core helium burning star and has a remaining lifetime of less than 2,000 years.  Astronomers think S5-HVS1 achieved such a breakneck speed following its ejection from a binary system that passed too close to the Milky Way’s central black hole, as seen in this artist’s concept.


-  The Sun zips through space at 490,000 mph relative to the Milky Way. That’s fast, but the fastest known star (that’s not a white dwarf) belong to a speed demon known as S5-HVS1. This middle-aged, hypervelocity star is fleeing our galaxy at more than 3.9 million mph (6.3 million km/h). That is 0.6 percent the speed of light. 


-  Astronomers first found the star streaking through the southern constellation Grus in 2019. After tracing its orbit back in time, they quickly realized it is coming from the center of the Milky Way, near our roughly 4-million-solar-mass supermassive blackhole, Sagittarius A*. 


-   We think the blackhole ejected the star with a speed of thousands of kilometers per second about 5 million years ago. This ejection happened at the time when humanity’s ancestors were just learning to walk on two feet. 


-  Though single now, researchers suspect S5-HVS1 wasn’t always alone. The evidence suggests the star was ejected thanks to a process called the “Hills mechanism“, which was outlined some three decades ago by astronomer Jack Hills. 


-  The idea is that S5-HVS1 was once part of a binary system that tangled with Sagittarius A*. When the stellar pair ventured too close, the blackhole captured the companion star, releasing S5-HSV1 from its binary dance and flinging it through space.


-  That may not be an ideal life for a star, but at least it didn’t suffer the fate of its companion.  That poor star disappeared into the blackhole.


-  September 27, 2020                                                                        2842                                                                                                                                                


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--------------------- ---  Sunday, September 27, 2020  ---------------------------

CHANDRA - X-rays to sound and Infrared?

 -  2844  -  CHANDRA   -   X-rays to sound and Infrared?   Galaxy clusters have proven key to testing dark matter and understanding dark energy. X-ray observations first revealed the wildly hot gas within clusters, gas that would have drifted away if it weren’t for the cluster’s dark matter, which gravitationally holds it in place. 

--------------------  2844  -   CHANDRA   -   X-rays to sound and Infrared?


-  Every sound begins with a vibration. When those vibrations travel through the air, they can enter the human eardrum where they are eventually turned into electrical signals that our brain interprets as sound. These vibrations can come from many sources here on Earth as well as those in our Solar System and even across our Universe.


-  Sound travels in a wave and has its own distinct properties. One of these is frequency, which is the measurement of how many peaks (or troughs) of a wave pass a particular point over a certain period of time. 


-  Frequency is most often measured in the unit of the Hertz (Hz), which is the number per second. In general, humans can hear in the range of 20 to 20,000 Hz. An elephant can hear in the range below humans, while dogs and cats are sensitive to much higher-frequency sounds.  You know, the dog whistle effect.


-  Beyond the animal world, sounds can come from a variety of sources. Natural phenomena such as weather, earthquakes, and even black holes can produce very low-frequency sounds, while humans have harnessed sound for improvements in technology such as medical imaging.  


-  Here we will explore how scientists are using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and other instruments around the world and in space to study the cosmos through sound. Whether it comes from vocal chords in our throats or the surface of the Sun, sound plays a valuable role in our understanding of the world and cosmos around us.


-  Chandra’s 53-hour observation of the central region of the Perseus galaxy cluster has revealed wavelike features that appear to be sound waves. The features were discovered by using a special image-processing technique to bring out subtle changes in brightness.


-  These sound waves are thought to have been generated by explosive events occurring around a supermassive black hole in Perseus A, the huge galaxy at the center of the cluster. The data also shows two vast, bubble-shaped cavities filled with high-energy particles and magnetic fields.


-   These cavities create the sound waves by pushing the hot X-ray emitting gas aside. The pitch of the sound waves translates into the note of B flat, “57 octaves” below middle-C. This frequency is over a million billion times deeper than the limits of human hearing.


-  Diaz-Merced lost her sight in her early 20s while studying physics, and now regularly works with software that can help present numerical data as sound, using pitch, volume, or rhythm to distinguish between different data values. 


-  Diaz-Merced programmed the Chandra X-ray data into special software and converted it into sound.  X-rays to sound waves.  Sonnert then sensed that the notes could become something more harmonious to the ear. He contacted Studtrucker who chose short passages from the sonified notes, about 70 bars in total, and added harmonies in different musical styles. 


-  The project shows that something as far away and otherworldly as an X-ray-emitting cataclysmic variable binary star system can be significant to humans for two distinct reasons, one scientific and one artistic.


- Turning a pulsar's rotational data into sound makes it easier to observe patterns and make comparisons between different nebulous pulsar rotational speeds. as a pulsar ages it spins at a slower speed. listen to the different pulsar heartbeats. what can you guess about how fast these different pulsars rotate? Which pulsar is the oldest? How about the youngest?


-  Neutron stars are strange and fascinating objects. They represent an extreme state of matter that physicists are eager to know more about. Yet, even if you could visit one, you would be well-advised to turn down the offer.

-  The intense gravitational field would pull your spacecraft to pieces before it reached the surface. The magnetic fields around neutron stars are also extremely strong. Magnetic forces squeeze the atoms into the shape of cigars. Even if your spacecraft prudently stayed a few thousand miles above the surface neutron star so as to avoid the problems of intense gravitational and magnetic fields, you would still face another potentially fatal hazard.


-  If the neutron star is rotating rapidly, as most young neutron stars are, the strong magnetic fields combined with rapid rotation create an awesome generator that can produce electric potential differences of quadrillions of volts. Such voltages, which are 30 million times greater than those of lightning bolts, create deadly blizzards of high-energy particles.


-  These high-energy particles produce beams of radiation from radio through gamma-ray energies. Like a rotating lighthouse beam, the radiation can be observed as a pulsing source of radiation, or pulsar. 


-  Pulsars were first observed by radio astronomers in 1967. The pulsar in the Crab Nebula, one of the youngest and most energetic pulsars known, has been observed to pulse in almost every wavelength, radio, optical, X-ray, and gamma-ray.


-  Infrared astronomy, study of astronomical objects through observations of the infrared radiation that they emit. Various types of celestial objects, including the planets of the solar system, stars, nebulae, and galaxies, give off energy at wavelengths in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum (i.e., from about one micrometer to one millimeter). 


-  The techniques of infrared astronomy enable investigators to examine many such objects that cannot otherwise be seen from the Earth because the light of optical wavelengths that they emit is blocked by intervening dust particles.


-  Infrared astronomy originated in the early 1800s with the work of the British astronomer Sir William Herschel, who discovered the existence of infrared radiation while studying sunlight.


-   The first systematic infrared observations of stellar objects were made by the American astronomers W.W. Coblentz, Edison Pettit, and Seth B. Nicholson in the 1920s. Modern infrared techniques, such as the use of cryogenic detector systems (to eliminate obstruction by infrared radiation released by the detection equipment itself) and special interference filters for ground-based telescopes, were introduced during the early 1960s. 


- By the end of the decade, Gerry Neugebauer and Robert Leighton of the United States had surveyed the sky at the relatively short infrared wavelength of 2.2 micrometers and identified approximately 20,000 sources in the northern hemispheric sky alone.


-   Since that time, balloons, rockets, and spacecraft have been employed to make observations of infrared wavelengths from 35 to 350 micrometers. Radiation at such wavelengths is absorbed by water vapor in the atmosphere, and so telescopes and spectrographs have to be carried to high altitudes above most of the absorbing molecules. 


-  Specially instrumented high-flying aircraft such as the Kuiper Airborne Observatory and the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy have been designed to facilitate infrared observations near microwave frequencies.


-  In January 1983 the United States, in collaboration with the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, launched the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), an unmanned orbiting observatory equipped with a 57-centimeter (22-inch) infrared telescope sensitive to wavelengths of 8 to 100 micrometers in the infrared spectrum. At these wavelengths, IRAS made a number of unexpected discoveries in a brief period of service that ended in November 1983. 


- The most significant of these were clouds of solid debris around Vega, Fomalhaut, and several other stars, the presence of which strongly suggests the formation of planetary systems similar to that of the Sun. Other important findings included various clouds of interstellar gas and dust where new stars are being formed and an object, designated 1983TB, thought to be the parent body for the swarm of meteoroids known as Geminids.


-  IRAS was succeeded in 1995–98 by the European Space Agency’s Infrared Space Observatory, which had a 60-centimeter (24-inch) telescope with a camera sensitive to wavelengths in the range of 2.5–17 micrometers and a photometer and a pair of spectrometers that, between them, extended the range to 200 micrometers.


-   IRAS made significant observations of protoplanetary disks of dust and gas around young stars, with results suggesting that individual planets can form over periods as brief as 20 million years. It determined that these disks are rich in silicates, the minerals that form the basis of many common types of rock. It also discovered a large number of brown dwarfs, objects in interstellar space that are too small to become stars but too massive to be considered planets.


-  The most advanced infrared space observatory is a U.S. satellite, the Spitzer Space Telescope, which is built around an all-beryllium 85-centimeter (33-inch) primary mirror that focuses infrared light on three instruments—a general-purpose infrared camera, a spectrograph sensitive to mid-infrared wavelengths, and an imaging photometer taking measurements in three far-infrared bands.


-  Together the instruments cover a wavelength range of 3.6 to 180 micrometers. The most striking results from the Spitzer’s observations concern extrasolar planets. The Spitzer has determined the temperature and the atmospheric structure, composition, and dynamics of several extrasolar planets


-  Although the human eye remains an important astronomical tool, detectors capable of greater sensitivity and more rapid response are needed to observe at visible wavelengths and, especially, to extend observations beyond that region of the electromagnetic spectrum. 


-  Photography was an essential tool from the late 19th century until the 1980s, when it was supplanted by charge-coupled devices (CCDs). However, photography still provides a useful archival record. A photograph of a particular celestial object may include the images of many other objects that were not of interest when the picture was taken but that become the focus of study years later. 


-  When quasars were discovered in 1963, for example, photographic plates exposed before 1900 and held in the Harvard College Observatory were examined to trace possible changes in position or intensity of the radio object newly identified as quasar 3C 273. Also, major photographic surveys, such as those of the National Geographic Society and the Palomar Observatory, can provide a historical base for long-term studies.


-  Photographic film converted only a few percent of the incident photons into images, whereas CCDs have efficiencies of nearly 100 percent. CCDs can be used for a wide range of wavelengths, from the X-ray into the near-infrared. 


-  Gamma rays are detectable through their Compton scattering, electron-positron pair production, or Cerenkov radiation. For infrared wavelengths longer than a few microns, semiconductor detectors that operate at very low (cryogenic) temperatures are used. Reception of radio waves is based on the production of a small voltage in an antenna rather than on photon counting.


-  Spectroscopy involves measuring the intensity of the radiation as a function of wavelength or frequency. In some detectors, such as those for X-rays and gamma rays, the energy of each photon can be measured directly. 


-  For low-resolution spectroscopy, broadband filters suffice to select wavelength intervals. Greater resolution can be obtained with prisms, gratings, and interferometers.


-  On the eve of the 20th anniversaries for both the Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observatories, we look back at seven of their most incredible discoveries.


-  This year marks the 20th anniversary of two landmark missions: the Chandra X-ray Observatory, one of NASA's Great Observatories, which launched July 23, 1999, and the European Space Agency's X-ray Multi-Mirror mission (XMM-Newton), which launched a few months later on December 10th.


-   Together, these satellites revolutionized X-ray astronomy, bringing it on par with astronomy at other wavelengths.  To astronomers’ surprise, Chandra’s image of Cassiopeia A, the bloom of gas left over after a massive star went supernova some 340 years ago, revealed a star turned inside out. 


-  While massive stars fuse the heaviest elements in their cores and lighter elements in surrounding, onion-like layers, the Cas A explosion had flung clumps of iron to the outermost regions. The find suggests the star’s contents mixed together right before or after its core collapsed (or both).


-  Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of iron atoms in the hot gas orbiting stellar-mass black holes have enabled astronomers to measure the black holes' spins.  By measuring how a black hole’s strong gravity smears the emissions from iron ions, astronomers can see how close the gas comes to the event horizon, the closer it comes, the faster the black hole is spinning. Astronomers have used this and other X-ray-based methods to gauge the spins of dozens of black holes.


-  Monitoring by Chandra and XMM-Newton has also shed light on the slumbering beast at the center of the Milky Way known as Sgr A*. While Sgr A* doesn’t seem to be devouring gas in the manner of the supermassive black holes that power distant quasars, it’s doing something that sets off roughly daily X-ray flares. 


-  Sometimes they’re accompanied by infrared sizzles, but other times the X-rays pop on their own. The flares may originate in snapping magnetic fields, the occasional ingestion of an asteroid, or something else entirely.


-   The combination of X-ray and radio observations of galaxy clusters solved a long-term mystery: The hot gas between galaxies in clusters ought to cool over time, raining down on the clusters’ central galaxies and forming stars by the handful. 


-  But in many clusters astronomers haven’t found the expected stellar newborns. Turns out radio-emitting jets from the central galaxies’ supermassive black holes blow bubbles into the surrounding X-ray-emitting gas, sending out pressure waves that pump heat back into the surrounding medium, which prevents it from cooling. Astronomers soon realized that this concept of “black hole feedback” might affect everything from galaxy evolution to cosmology.


-  From the launch of the Aerobee rocket in 1962, astronomers had known that the X-ray sky wasn’t dark, instead teeming with high-energy photons. The Einstein Observatory showed that supermassive black holes, too far away or faint to be seen individually, could explain this background. But it was Chandra that sharpened the view, resolving almost all of the background into its individual sources. Data from Chandra and XMM-Newton suggest that most of the sources that remain undetected are shrouded in gas and dust.


-  X-ray observations have provided direct evidence of star-planet interactions, such as when XMM-Newton caught flares from the HD 17156 system that appeared whenever the hot Jupiter came closest to its star. X-ray data also temper ideas of habitability. 


-  XMM-Newton observations revealed that high-energy radiation irradiates the three Earth-size planets in Trappist-1’s so-called habitable zone and has probably long ago stripped them of their atmospheres.


-  Observations showed that Proxima Centauri b receives 250 times more X-rays from its star than Earth does from the Sun; its habitability, too, is uncertain.


-  Galaxy clusters have proven key to testing dark matter and understanding dark energy. X-ray observations first revealed the wildly hot gas within clusters, gas that would have drifted away if it weren’t for the cluster’s dark matter, which gravitationally holds it in place. 


-  Astronomers have observed clusters dating back to when the universe was less than half its current age, estimating the growth of these huge structures over cosmic time. The result: solid evidence for the existence of dark energy and a way to gauge its density and equation of state. 


-  What astronomers can learn going beyond the “visible“!


-  September 27, 2020                                                                        2844                                                                                                                                                


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--------------------- ---  Sunday, September 27, 2020  ---------------------------

Thursday, September 24, 2020

CMB - Cosmic Background Radiation

 -  2841  - CMB  - Cosmic Background Radiation -  First discovered in 1965 by Penzias and Wilson who were doing experiments with radio antennas for Bell Telephone labs.  The theory of its existence was first proposed by astronomer George Gamow in 1948, but they did not have any radio receivers that could listen for those frequencies back then. 

---------------------------  2841  -   CMB  - Cosmic Background Radiation


-  In 2007, I attended a lecture at Stanford University about the “Cosmic Background Radiation“.  At that time astronomers believed it to be compelling evidence for the Big Bang.    The radiation has been studied for decades. 


-  The radiation left the Big Bang as Gamma Rays and has stretched with the expansion of the Universe to where the wavelengths are in the millimeter to centimeter wavelength today, which is the microwave frequency range.


-  A plot of this radiation looks exactly like a Blackbody Curve.  All Blackbody Curves look the same shape they just are plotted over different wavelengths and energy densities.


-    The Cosmic Background has wavelengths on the x-axis from 0.5  to 0.05 centimeters.  On the y-axis the Flux ranges from 100 to 400 megajansky/sterdian.  The peak of the curve occurs at 0.11 centimeters which is equivalent to a temperature of 2.7325 +- 0.017 Kelvin.  


-  The radiation left 370,000 years after the Big Bang at 3,000 Kelvin ( before that it was trapped in the hot ionized plasma) .  The Universe has expanded by a factor of 1000 and therefore the temperature has cooled by a factor of 1000, to about 3 Kelvin.


-  The amazing thing about studying astronomy is that the farther you can see the further back in time it is.  When you look back 13,000,000,000 years there are no galaxies.  They have not formed yet.  That is as far back as you can see with visible light.  


-  This distance corresponds to a redshift of 6.  A redshift is the ratio of how much the wavelength stretches with the expanding Universe divided by the original wavelength. 


------------------------  ( z = w - wo / wo).  ( Where wo is the original wavelength)  


-  The redshift of the microwave background is:  z = 1100.  That allows us to see back in time to 370,000 years after the Big Bang.  Actually it did not happen all at once.  The radiation actually started 115,000 years after and ended 487,000 years after the Big Bang according to the calculations.  This was the period when ionized hydrogen captured electrons and became the neutral hydrogen atom, thus freeing up the photons to escape into the Universe and become the Cosmic Background..


-  Astronomers have measured the background radiation to a millionth of a degree.  It spans the frequency range from 60 to 600 gigahertz, from 0.5 to 0.05 centimeters wavelength. 


-  Most of the radiation in the entire Universe today is this background radiation.  It is only 2.73 Kelvin but it fills all observable space.  And, that is a very big area.  This radiation is 5*10^-5 of the total density of the Universe. 


-   In electron volts the energy of the radiation is 0.25 eV.  This is much less than the 13.6 eV for the ionization energy of hydrogen.  13.6 eV is how much energy is required to free the electron from the hydrogen atom.


-  When you look at the sky you see blue because that is the frequency, wavelength, or temperature of the atmospheric radiation.  That is the frequency of light that your eyes detect.  


-   However, if you eyes could detect the entire electromagnetic spectrum you could see the microwave  background radiation coming from all directions in space, day or night.  It fills everything.  It is equally bright in all directions.  It is a sea of Blackbody radiation.


-  The Cosmic Background Radiation was first discovered in 1965 by Penzias and Wilson who were doing experiments with radio antennas for Bell Telephone labs.  The theory of its existence was first proposed by astronomer George Gamow in 1948, but they did not have any radio receivers that could listen for those frequencies back then. 


-   Today we have such accurate instruments that operate above the atmosphere the Cosmic Background radiation has become the most precisely measured Blackbody spectrum in nature.


-  A Blackbody Curve is a plot of energy density versus wavelength.  The Cosmic Background peak energy density is 400 megajansky/steradian,  occurring at 1.1*10^-3 meters wavelength.  


-  The Curve follows a very complex equation but the peak is simply the temperature of  2.9*10^-3 meter-Kelvin divided by the wavelength.   


-------------------------   T = 2.93*10^-3 m*K / 1.1*10^-3 m = 2.725 Kelvin.  


-------------------------  The frequency at the peak is 270 Ghz.  


-  A megajansky is a unit of radiant flux density = 10^-20 watts / m^2 / hertz.  A steradian is a unit of a solid angle subtending a center of a sphere of radius to a portion of the surface area that is radius^2.


-  From this data astronomers have concluded the age of the Universe to be 13.7 billion years.  That the first generation stars came to light 200,000,000 after the Big Bang.  That the Universe is made up of 73% Dark Energy and 23% Dark Matter, and only 4% ordinary matter that we are made of. 


-   Because the same temperature is seen in all directions we conclude that the Universe is in thermal equilibrium.  This could best be explained with Alan Guth’s “Cosmic Inflation Theory“.


-  When you look at the sky you see a perfectly smooth, solid, single radiation of blue light.  At 500 nanometers blue light wavelength.  Your eye cannot resolve any variations it just gets a blur of blue. 


-   However, if your eye had a million times better resolution it would see hot and cold spots, ripples, due to water vapor, dust, turbulence, etc.  The same thing happened with the Cosmic Background radiation.  When their resolution was from 0 to 4 degrees all they saw was a perfectly smooth, solid, radiation at 2.73 Kelvin. 


-   But, in 1997 their resolution had improved to detect 2.721 to 2.729 Kelvin and a pattern of hot and cold regions appeared over a difference of 0.0002 Kelvin at a frequency of 70 gigahertz.  These hot and cold regions are thought to have originated as quantum uncertainty fluctuations when the Universe was the size of an atom.  Today, they are the galaxy clusters of denser, hotter matter in the otherwise rarified ,colder space.


-  Further study of the Cosmic Background radiation hopes to detect the polarization of this radiation.    The physics of how photons scatter off free electrons is called the “Thomson Scattering” effect and it induces polarization.  


-  Astronomers hope to learn more about the evolution of the Universe with polarization data. They also want to learn more by detecting gravitational waves and by detecting neutrinos.  


-  Photons have been great, but we need more data.  This stuff is all theory.  Be skeptical.  Per ponderous theories require per ponderous observational data to support them. 


-  From the book “Principles of Physical Cosmology“, P.J.E.  Peebles, 1976


-  September 24, 2020                             757                                     2841                                                                                                                                                


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--------------------- ---  Thursday, September 24, 2020  ---------------------------

CMB - cosmic microwave background echo?

 -  2840  -  CMB  -  cosmic microwave background echo?  We only understand a bit about 5% of the Universe that is ordinary matter and we are clueless about 95% of the Universe that is Dark Matter and Dark Energy.  Astronomers are getting better instruments into space that can measure the granularity of the CMB with higher resolution and they can begin measuring the polarization of the photons.  

------------------  2840  -  CMB  -  cosmic microwave background echo?   

-   The Big Bang blast created sound waves that can be heard even today.  The sound waves of alternately compressed and rarefied regions of plasma were transmitted through the plasma must like sound waves travel through air. 


-  Sound waves are an “analogy” easier for us to comprehend.  Another explanation for the hotter and cooler regions is that in its primordial beginning the Universe was smaller than an atom.  It was subject to Quantum Uncertainties of the sub-atomic scale.  These quantum fluctuations were the beginning of the variations in pressures, densities, and energies that grew into the density patterns  we call “sound waves” from the Big Bang.


-   Plasma is a soup of ionized particles and photons that first emerged after the Big Bang.  Ionized particles are atomic nuclei that have lost their electrons and therefore become electrically charged.  Charged particles scattered the photons and made the plasma opaque.


-  “Hearing” these sound waves from the Big Bang requires some interpretation by astronomers.  When the ionized particles expanded and cooled down from millions of degrees Kelvin to 3,000K the electromagnetic force between positive and negative charged particles overcame the thermal energy of the explosion and came together.  


-  When the electrons and protons united they became neutral hydrogen and helium atoms.  The photons were then no longer being scattered by ionized particles and were free to expand with space.  At  the instant of release the pattern of density variations became frozen into what is now called the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation.  The density patterns are the sound waves.  The density patterns appear as hotter and colder temperature patterns on the CMB radiation.


-  The CMB is like looking at a cloud in the sky.  What you see is the surface of the cloud.  You see the instant the light waves left the water vapor.  Beyond the surface the light is scattered by the water vapor.  The cloud is opaque beyond its surface.  The CMB is the surface of the expanding opaque, ionized plasma that neutralize and released photons from scattering.


-  When the photons left the surface they were 3,000 Kelvin.  Today they are 2.7 Kelvin, which is less than 3 degrees above absolute zero.  The reason the photons are lower temperature by a factor of 1000 is that the Universe has expanded by a factor of 1000 over the time span of 13,700,000,000 years.  The temperatures get cooler because the photons loose energy. 


---------------------------------  E = h *  f = h * c  / w. 


-   Energy of a photon is directly proportional to frequency (f) and indirectly proportional to wavelength (w).   “h” is Planck’s constant and “c” is the speed of light constant .  The loss of energy is translated into lower frequencies and longer wavelengths.  


-  The longer wavelengths are due to the stretching of space in the expansion of the Universe.  When the photons left the surface of the plasma they were Gamma Rays of short wavelengths.  Today the CMB photons are microwave frequencies and much longer wavelengths.


-  Today the average temperature of the CMB is 2.725 K.  On top of this average is the slight variations in temperature due to the sound waves that created denser and hotter regions and rarified and cooler regions.  


-  These variations are very small, one part in 100,000.  That means the temperature varies from 2.72501 K to 2.72500 K.  That takes some very sensitive instrumentation to detect.  These temperature variations are granular in nature with their hot-cold alterations. 


-   At 17 degrees of arc the variations are 40 millionths of a Kelvin from the average.  At 1 degree of arc they are 85 millionths of a Kelvin.  And, at 0.1 degree of arc back down to 30 millionths of a Kelvin.  The maximum granularity occurs at 1 degree of arc. 


-   The 1 degree scale matches up well with astronomer’s calculations that this scale after 13,700,000,000 years would have grown to the scale of galaxies and clusters of galaxies we see today.  In other words, the denser, hotter regions eventually became stars and galaxies, and, the rarefied, colder regions eventually became voids and interstellar space.


-  The sound waves from the Big Bang were like striking a Big Bell.  The sound created was a fundamental frequency and the overtone harmonics at integer higher frequencies.  The higher frequencies experienced different energy transitions in the expansion of the Universe. 


-   Astronomers can separate these frequencies from the data and measure the energies in each of the harmonics.  The data from studying these acoustic signals in the CMB have allowed them to calculate the age, composition and geometry of the Universe.  (Amazing!!)


-  The age of the  Universe is 13,700,000,000 years.


-  The photons from the CMB have traveled 45,000,000,000 lightyears, but, much of that travel was the expansion of space as the Universe expanded.  The photons have traveled in time 13,700,000,000 years.


------------------------------------  The composition of the Universe is:


------------------------  5%  ----------  ordinary matter


------------------------  25%  ----------  Dark Matter


------------------------  70%  ----------  Dark Energy


-  The geometry of the Universe is nearly flat.


-  The composition calculations come from measuring the amplitude of the first harmonic.  By measuring the loss of energy of the first harmonic frequency versus the fundamental frequency astronomers can calculate the ratio of the ordinary matter to the total matter/energy in the Universe. 


-   Ordinary matter constitutes  only 5% of the Critical Density needed to explain the expansion of the Universe.  The calculations of density from these sound waves in the CMB is 10^-29 grams per cm^3. 


-   This is a very small amount of mass, but it is equal to the Critical Density of Mass / Energy needed to just balance the expansion of the Universe so that it neither collapses under gravity nor accelerates its expansion.  If the balance was perfect the Universe would be perfectly flat geometrically.


-    However, current evidence is that the Universe is Saddle Shaped geometrically.  There is not enough density above the Critical Density to keep it from expanding forever.  In fact the amount of Dark Energy, or “vacuum energy“, is enough to accelerate the rate of expansion into infinity.


- By measuring the loss of energy in the 2nd and 3rd harmonic frequencies astronomers have calculated the Dark Matter to be 5 time the density of ordinary matter.  Dark Matter is 25% of the Critical Density in the Universe.  


-  That leaves 75% that we do not know what it is.  We call it “Dark Energy” and we believe it is vacuum energy responsible for the accelerating expansion of the Universe.  (This acceleration was discovered by astronomers in 1998.)


-  The CMB and all visible galaxies in the Universe is the Observable Universe.  The total Universe is much bigger, and we can’t see that because it is beyond the distance light can travel since the Big Bang.  


-  More Universe exists because shortly after the Big Bang the expansion of space was faster than light.  This is called Cosmic Inflation and it occurred when the force of gravity split off from the other three forces, the electro weak forces.  It happened between 10^-43 and 10^-36 seconds through a phase transition that expanded space by 10^100 times. 


-  This growth was enormously faster than the speed of light.  It did not violate the Theory of Relativity because it was space expanding and no object that was traveling faster than the speed of light.


-  You can see the results of the CMB discoveries.  The CMB was the biggest boon to astronomy since the telescope.  But, its new discoveries have uncovered new mysteries.


-  You can see the CMB radiation by tuning your old CRT TV between channels, easy to do if you have an analog tuner.  When you see the ”snow” on the screen, about 1% of that static in your receiver is coming from the CMB.


-  Now, we only understand a bit about 5% of the Universe that is ordinary matter and we are clueless about 95% of the Universe that is Dark Matter and Dark Energy.  


-  Astronomers are getting better instruments into space that can measure the granularity of the CMB with higher resolution and they can begin measuring the polarization of the photons.  This new data will likely lead to even more discoveries and more mysteries.


-  September 24, 2020                             823                                     2840                                                                                                                                                


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--------------------- ---  Thursday, September 24, 2020  ---------------------------

- ELEMENTS - how were they created?

-  2839  -  ELEMENTS  -  how were they created?   Our Universe started with only 4 elements.  We look around Earth and we can find 116 elements.  How did all that star dust get here?  How did life come up out of these elements?  You are really made of stardust!

---------------------------  2839  -  ELEMENTS  -  how were they created?    


-   There are 116 elements in the periodic table today.  When astronomers go to measure the amount of each element in the Universe they come up with 74% being hydrogen and 24% being helium, and the remaining 2% being all the other 114 elements.  Only the four lightest elements were created in the Big Bang.  The rest were created in the fusion of exploding stars called supernovae.


-  One second after the Big Bang the element creation started and after 3 minutes it stopped.  At 10^-13 seconds the Universe had expanded and cooled down to 10^13 degrees Kelvin. 


-  This was cool enough to allow the Strong Nuclear Force that had separated out from the other three forces to collect quarks in sets of threes into protons and neutrons.  Anti-quarks were also collected into anti-protons and anti-neutrons.  Somehow, after 1 second the matter and anti-matter had finished annihilating each other and a residue of matter was left over. You came from that residue.  But, wait 4 billion years.


-  In the next 3 minutes the four lightest elements were formed out of this residue matter.  Let’s get familiar with the structure of these elements:


------------  the element  ------------ the nucleus  --------------- the atom


------------  hydrogen  --------------  1 proton  -----------------  1 electron


------------  helium    ----------------  2 protons  -----------------2 electrons


------------  lithium  -----------------  3 protons  ----------------- 2 electrons 1st shell


------------------------------------------------------------------------  1 electron 2nd shell


------------  beryllium  --------------  4 protons  -----------------  2 electrons 1st shell


------------------------------------------------------------------------  2 electrons 2nd shell


-  We need only pay attention to the nuclei because the neutral atoms with electrons did not form until 380,000 years later, 10^13 seconds later.  Only the positively charged nuclei and free electrons were in the cosmic plasma up until that time.  The electrons were free and moving too fast to be caught by the attractive electromagnetic force between positive protons and the negative electrons.  


-  To learn what happened at 380,000 years see Review 823 “ Sound Waves and the Cosmic Microwave Background”.   The Strong Nuclear Force had also formed neutrons out of 3 quarks, and electron, and a neutrino.  These neutrons fused with protons and formed isotopes of the elements.  Neutrons are neutral and add weight to the element but do not change the nature of the element.  Here is the structure of the nuclei with neutrons:

------------  the element  ----------------------------- the nucleus  

------------  hydrogen  --------------------------  1 proton  


------------  hydrogen (H2), deuterium ------  1 proton -------  1 neutron 


------------  hydrogen (H3) , tritium ----------  1 proton   -----  2 neutrons


------------  helium    ---------------------------  2 protons  


------------  helium(He3)    --------------------  2 protons  ---------  1 neutron


------------  helium (He4)   --------------------  2 protons  ---------  2 neutrons


------------  lithium (Li6)  ---------------------  3 protons  ---------  3 neutrons


------------  lithium (Li7)  ---------------------  3 protons  ---------  4 neutrons


------------  beryllium (Be7) ------------------  4 protons  ----------3 neutrons


-  The isotopes tritium, lithium, and beryllium are radioactive and decay into other elements with a specific half-life.  Hydrogen and Helium(H4) are the two most stable elements.  Let’s see how they were created in the first 3 minutes:


-  Two protons are positively charged and naturally repel each other due to the electromagnetic force.  However, when the temperatures are hot enough, or the kinetic energies and velocities high enough two protons can smash together with such force as to overcome the repelling electromagnetic force.  They smash into each other to where the Strong Nuclear Force can take over and fuse the protons together into a helium nuclei.  


-  One proton is a hydrogen nuclei.  Fusing hydrogen into helium is what powers the Sun and all the stars.  When fusion occurs each time some mass is lost and converted into energy according to E=mc^2.


-  A proton and a neutron fuse together to become a deuterium nuclei, (H2).


-  A proton-neutron pair, deuterium (H2), and a neutron fuse together to become a tritium nuclei (H3).


-  A tritium nuclei, 1 proton-2 neutrons, and proton fuse together to form helium (H4).  Helium(H4), 2 protons-2 neutrons, is a stable gas and it does not easily react with anything else.  However, under high temperatures and pressures further fusion can occur.


- A Helium (H4) and a tritium(H3) nuclei fuse together and they form Lithium nuclei (Li7), 3 protons-4 neutrons.

-  Beryllium (Be7), 4 protons - 3 neutrons,  and Lithium (Li7) are not stable.  They are radioactive.  Beryllium decays into Lithium (Li7) within a half life of 53 days.  Tritium decays into Helium (H3) with a half-life of 12 years.  


-  Therefore no Beryllium or Tritium formed in the first 3 minutes of the Big Bang exist today.  They do exist but they had to be recently formed much later in the fusion of a supernova.


-  Each time a fusion occurs energy is released.  The temperature at the core of the Sun is 15,500,000 degrees Kelvin.  The pressure is 340,000,000,000 atmospheres  ( The pressure on the surface of the Earth is 1 atmosphere.)  The Sun is releasing fusion energy not unlike what occurred after the Big Bang.


-    Hydrogen fuses into Deuterium which fuses with another hydrogen to form helium (H3) and that in turn fuses into another hydrogen to form helium (H4).  Each fusion reaction releases energy in the form of Gamma Ray photons.  The high energy photons scatter and bounce around to eventually exit the surface of the Sun as infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiation that warms and lights our planet.


-  Forth grade math is all you need to calculate that 25 % of the Universe should be helium and 75% is hydrogen.  It takes 4 protons to make 1 helium nuclei, counting the 2  protons that are inside the neutrons.  A neutron is a proton plus an electron and a neutrino.  A free neutron will decay a proton in an average of 15 minutes, unless it is captured in a nucleus.  That is why protons outnumber neutrons by 7 to 1.  


-  The Sun fuses hydrogen into helium:


------------------  The mass of 4 hydrogen nuclei  =  6.693*10^-24 kilograms


------------------  The mass of 1 helium nuclei  =  6.645 * 10^-27 kilograms


------------------  The loss of mass due to fusion  =  0.048 * 10^-27 kilograms


-  This is a very small amount of mass that is converted into energy.  It is equivalent to only 0.7% or the mass of a single hydrogen nuclei.  Using E=mc^2 we can calculate the amount of energy from this amount of mass.  


------------------  Energy  =  (0.048*10^-27) * ( 3*10^8 )^2  =  4.3*10^-12 kg*m^2/sec^2


-  This too is a very small amount of energy.  However, the Sun is a very large amount of mass.  In total it is converting 600,000,000 tons of hydrogen into helium every second.

If you converted the mass of one penny into pure energy you would get 625,000,000 kilowatt-hours of energy.


-  Actually, the Universe is not entirely hydrogen and helium.  The percentage by mass is more like 74% and 24% with just 2% left over for all the other elements.  The four elements described above hung around the Universe for 600,000,000 years. 


-   Finally the denser regions had enough gravitational pull to gather the mass needed to ignite a star.  The stars were born.  Because the Universe was so much denser at that time the stars were big.  Big stars have enormous gravity and burn their nuclear fuel very quickly, in less that 10,000,000 years.  


-  The same fusion occurs in the core of these stars, hydrogen to helium.  But, the stars are not expanding and cooling like the Big Bang was and gravity can continue to work at the center of stars and higher level elements will be fused together. 


-   Helium into carbon, carbon into oxygen, oxygen into silicon, silicon into iron and iron stops the process.  It takes more energy to fuse iron than it gives up.  Once there is no more fusion there is no more radiation and there is no more pressure to stop gravity from collapsing the star completely.  


-  Within 1 second the massive star collapses into its core creating a giant rebound and shockwave that blasts out, back into space.  The core that remains turns into a Black Hole.  


-  The shockwave blasts into in falling gas and interstellar gas to create even heavier elements than iron.  All of these elements enter interstellar space to be gathered up by a next generation star and the process starts all over again.  


-  These supernovae have happened enough times in the Universe to have created the 2% of the Universe mass in the heavier elements.  The astronomers call them all “metals”.  A “metal” is any element heavier than helium. Our Sun is considered a metal-rich star.


-  Our Universe started with only 4 elements.  We look around Earth and we can find 116 elements.  How did all that star dust get here?  How did life come up out of these elements?  You are really made of stardust!


-------------------------------------  Other Reviews about the elements:


-  2150  -


-  2069  -  The laws of physics are supposed to be symmetrical in time and space.  However, there are things that break space symmetry.  Time symmetry never breaks.  Quantum computers require atoms to exist in entangled states.  


-  1757  -  How do stars create energy?  How do they create the elements .  The Big Bang created only a few elements, mostly hydrogen and helium. Our Sun will sustain fusion of hydrogen into helium for 10 billion years. Somehow supernovae explosions have produced all the heavier elements like iron, gold, and silver.  Our most powerful particle accelerators still cannot do that.


-  1644  -  California's green energy and how the rare earth metals are running our knowledge economy.  This reviews tells you what the rare earth metals are and how we get them.


-  1297  -  There are 92 natural elements.  Our human bodies are made up of a few dozens of these.  We are 61% oxygen and 22% carbon.


-  1154  -  What was created in the first 3 minutes of the Universe?  After that we have to wait another 100,000,000 years for the stars to create more elements.  


-  1153  -  Where did the elements come from?  The heavier elements all came from stars dying.  From ashes to ashes.   Everything formed from the multiple generations of stars that will eventually cool and go dark.


-  September 23, 2020                             825                                     2839                                                                                                                                                


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--------------------- ---  Thursday, September 24, 2020  ---------------------------

BACTERIA - could they be builders?

 -  2837  - BACTERIA  -  could they be builders?  Buildings are not unlike a human body. They have bones and skin; they breathe. Electrified, they consume energy, regulate temperature and generate waste. Buildings are organisms,  albeit inanimate ones.  But what if buildings, walls, roofs, floors, windows, were actually alive, grown, maintained and healed by living materials?  

---------------------------  2837  -  BACTERIA  -  could they be builders?  


-  Imagine architects using genetic tools that encode the architecture of a building right into the DNA of organisms, which then grow buildings that self-repair, interact with their inhabitants and adapt to the environment.


-  Living architecture is moving from the realm of science fiction into the laboratory as interdisciplinary teams of researchers turn living cells into microscopic factories.  Science collaborators in biochemistry, microbiology, materials science and structural engineering, we use synthetic biology toolkits to engineer bacteria to create useful minerals and polymers and form them into living building blocks that could, one day, bring buildings to life.


-  Genetically programmed E. coli to create limestone particles with different shapes, sizes, stiffness and toughness. E. coli can be genetically programmed to produce styrene, the chemical used to make polystyrene foam, commonly known as Styrofoam.


-  Green cells for green building comes from a flask of cyanobacteria that’s been genetically altered to produce building materials. Scientists used photosynthetic cyanobacteria to help us grow a structural building material, and they kept it alive. 


-  Similar to algae, cyanobacteria are green microorganisms found throughout the environment but best known for growing on the walls in your fish tank. Instead of emitting CO2, cyanobacteria use CO2 and sunlight to grow and, in the right conditions, create a “biocement“, which we used to help us bind sand particles together to make a living brick.


-  By keeping the cyanobacteria alive, they were able to manufacture building materials exponentially. We took one living brick, split it in half and grew two full bricks from the halves. The two full bricks grew into four, and four grew into eight. Instead of creating one brick at a time, we harnessed the exponential growth of bacteria to grow many bricks at once demonstrating a brand new method of manufacturing materials.


-  Researchers have only scratched the surface of the potential of engineered living materials. Other organisms could impart other living functions to material building blocks.  Different bacteria could produce materials that heal themselves, sense and respond to external stimuli like pressure and temperature, or even light up. If nature can do it, living materials can be engineered to do it, too.


-  It also take less energy to produce living buildings than standard ones. Making and transporting today’s building materials uses a lot of energy and emits a lot of CO2. 


-  For example, limestone is burned to make cement for concrete. Metals and sand are mined and melted to make steel and glass. The manufacture, transport and assembly of building materials account for 11% of global CO2 emissions. Cement production alone accounts for 8%. In contrast, some living materials, like our cyanobacteria bricks, could actually sequester CO2.


-  Teams of researchers from around the world are demonstrating the power and potential of engineered living materials at many scales, including electrically conductive biofilms, single-cell living catalysts for polymerization reactions and living photovoltaics. 


-  Researchers have made living masks that sense and communicate exposure to toxic chemicals. Researchers are also trying to grow and assemble bulk materials from a genetically programmed single cell.


-  While single cells are often smaller than a micron in size, one thousandth of a millimeter, advances in biotechnology and 3D printing enable commercial production of living materials at the human scale.


-   Ecovative grows foam-like materials using fungal mycelium. Biomason produces biocemented blocks and ceramic tiles using microorganisms. Although these products are rendered lifeless at the end of the manufacturing process, researchers from Delft University of Technology have devised a way to encapsulate and 3D-print living bacteria into multilayer structures that could emit light when they encounter certain chemicals.


-  Living building materials can be formed into many shapes, like this truss. The field of engineered living materials is in its infancy, and further research and development is needed to bridge the gap between laboratory research and commercial availability. 


-  Challenges include cost, testing, certification and scaling up production. Consumer acceptance is another issue. For example, the construction industry has a negative perception of living organisms. Think mold, mildew, spiders, ants and termites. We’re hoping to shift that perception. Researchers working on living materials also need to address concerns about safety and biocontamination.


-   Synthetic biology and engineered living materials will play a critical role in tackling the challenges humans will face in the 2020s and beyond: climate change, disaster resilience, aging and overburdened infrastructure, and space exploration.


-  If humanity had a blank landscape, how would people build things? Knowing what scientists know now, I’m certain that we would not burn limestone to make cement, mine ore to make steel or melt sand to make glass. Instead, we would turn to biology to help us build and blur the boundaries between our built environment and the living, natural world.


-  So, the next time you see a slim mold think that might be your future.


-------------------------------  Other reviews about bacteria:


-  982  -  Bacteria are Amazing.  Bacteria are one celled animals that we can not see without a microscope.  They are 1000 nanometers in size.  Bacteria were first discovered in the Netherlands in 1683 (some books say 1674) when a Dutch scientist saw them swimming under his microscope.  He was examining pond water and scrapings from his mouth.  ( Why you should brush your teeth).  Your entire body has 10 times as many bacteria living on you as there are human cells.

-  793  -  Staph infections Review 786, entitled “Fatal Statistics”  some 100,000 people die each year from infections in a hospital due to poor sanitation practices of doctors and nurses.   As many as 1,200,000 hospital patients are infected with staph infections each year and many of these are the drug-resistant type of bacteria.  This number is 10 times greater than was previously thought.  These infections are the leading cause of deadly blood infections and pneumonias, and often do not get categorized as staph infections.


-  September 21, 2020                                                                       2837                                                                                                                                                


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--------------------- ---  Thursday, September 24, 2020  ---------------------------