Sunday, July 30, 2023

4107 - ATLANTIC OCEAN - is heating up, why?


-    4107  -   ATLANTIC  OCEAN  -  is heating up, why?       The ocean system, known as the “Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation” (AMOC) had previously been measured to be dramatically weakening in conjunction with rising ocean temperatures. 


--------------  4107  -    ATLANTIC  OCEAN  -  is heating up, why?  

-    Shutting down the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation can have very serious consequences for Earth’s climate by changing how heat and precipitation are distributed globally.  Finding that direct measurements of the AMOC's strength have only been made for the past 15 years.


-    Scientists applied sophisticated statistical tools to ocean temperature data going all the way back to the 1870s. This detailed analysis ultimately suggested significant warning signs of the AMOC shutting down between 2025 and 2095, with a staggering certainty of 95%.    The most likely time for this collapse would be around 2057.


-    The AMOC, which includes the Gulf Stream as part of its system, is our planet's main mode of transporting heat away from the tropics. Without it, the tropics would rapidly increase in temperature while vital tropical rains get disrupted. Such rains are essential for the environments of South America, western Africa as well as in India and other regions of south Asia.


-   Meanwhile, northern and western Europe would lose their source of warm water from the tropics, leading to more storms and severely cold winters in these areas. The loss of the Gulf Stream in particular would also result in rising sea levels on the US’ eastern seaboard.


-     We have already seen the dangers of human-induced climate warming play out as heatwaves grip much of the northern hemisphere. And although the loss of the AMOC may see northern and western Europe cool, this shutdown will contribute to an increased warming of the tropics where rising temperatures have already given rise to challenging living conditions.


-    It’s easy to think of Earth as a water world, with its vast oceans and beautiful lakes, but compared to many worlds, Earth is particularly wet. Even the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn have far more liquid water than Earth. Earth is unusual not because it has liquid water, but because it has liquid water in the warm habitable zone of the Sun.


-     Water is one of the more common molecules in the universe. Hydrogen is the most abundant element, and oxygen is easily produced as part of the stellar CNO fusion cycle. So we would expect water-rich planets to be plentiful in stellar systems.


-    In our solar system, two kinds of worlds have liquid water. Earth and gas giant moons.    Like other warm terrestrial planets such as Venus and Mars, Earth had liquid water in its youth. Mars was too small to retain its water. Much of it evaporated into space, while some froze into its surface crust.


-    Venus was large enough to retain water, but its extreme heat boiled much of it off into its thick atmosphere. We still aren’t entirely sure how Earth managed to retain its oceans, but it was likely a combination of a strong magnetic field and an extra helping of water from asteroids and comets during the heavy bombardment period.


-    The icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn were far enough from the Sun that they retained the water of their formation. They quickly formed a thick layer of ice to prevent water from evaporating into space. But these moons are small worlds and would have very quickly frozen solid were it not for the tidal forces exerted by their gas giant.


-   Since cold gas planets are likely to have icy moons, the general thought we would be far more likely to find life on a Europa-like world than an Earth-like one. But this new study begs to differ. It argues that liquid water is much more likely to be found on super-Earths.


-    Super-Earths span a mass range from a couple of Earth masses to Neptune mass. On the large end, they are likely to be gassy worlds with thick atmospheres. On the small end, they are likely to be more Earth-like. Based on the exoplanets we’ve found so far, super-Earths are by far the most common. And a majority of them are likely to be outside their star’s habitable zone in the cold regions of the star system. So they are likely water-rich.


-   The reason has to do with the various freezing and melting points of ice. The kind of ice we have on Earth melts at around 0 °C. But this is only true at around Earth’s atmospheric pressure. At higher pressures, there are several varieties of ice with differing melting points. Although it’s a bit complicated, generally at higher pressures ice can have a much higher melting point. So even if a super-Earth is geologically active, it might not be warm enough to melt ice.


-    This new study shows that super-Earths don’t have to be hot enough to create a deep ocean. Through geothermal and nuclear heating it can melt a thin layer of water at its surface, and thanks to fissures and various water phase transitions water can creep up to the layer just below the frozen surface. This process would be enough to create a rich ocean layer of liquid water. Since the heat of a super-Earth lasts billions of years, it could maintain a liquid ocean long enough for life to evolve.


-   Based on what we know about exoplanets, super-Earth oceans could be 100x more common than those of Earth-like worlds or icy moons. And that means life has even more possible homes than we thought.


-    No worries.  We can just move to another planet that has oceans of water.  It’s easy to think of Earth as a water world, with its vast oceans and beautiful lakes, but compared to many worlds, Earth is not particularly wet.


-     Even the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn have far more liquid water than Earth. Earth is unusual not because it has liquid water, but because it has liquid water in the warm habitable zone of the Sun.


-   Water is one of the more common molecules in the universe. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the cosmos, and oxygen is easily produced as part of the stellar CNO fusion cycle. So we would expect water-rich planets to be plentiful in stellar systems. But that isn’t to say liquid water will be plentiful. In our solar system, two kinds of worlds have liquid water. Earth and gas giant moons.


-    Like other warm terrestrial planets such as Venus and Mars, Earth had liquid water in its youth. Mars was too small to retain its water. Much of it evaporated into space, while some froze into its surface crust. Venus was large enough to retain water, but its extreme heat boiled much of it off into its thick atmosphere.


-    We still aren’t entirely sure how Earth managed to retain its oceans, but it was likely a combination of a strong magnetic field and an extra helping of water from asteroids and comets during the heavy bombardment period.


-    The icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn are another story. They were far enough from the Sun that they retained the water of their formation. They quickly formed a thick layer of ice to prevent water from evaporating into space. But these moons are small worlds and would have very quickly frozen solid were it not for the tidal forces exerted by their gas giant.


-    Since cold gas planets are likely to have icy moons, the general thought we would be far more likely to find life on a Europa-like world than an Earth-like one.  Liquid water is much more likely to be found on super-Earths.


-    Super-Earths span a mass range from a couple of Earth masses to Neptune mass. On the large end, they are likely to be gassy worlds with thick atmospheres. On the small end, they are likely to be more Earth-like. Based on the exoplanets we’ve found so far, super-Earths are by far the most common.


-     And a majority of them are likely to be outside their star’s habitable zone in the cold regions of the star system. So they are likely water-rich. But they also aren’t likely to be found orbiting a gas giant, so it’s generally been assumed that their ice layer would be mostly frozen solid over time.


-    The reason has to do with the various freezing and melting points of ice. The kind of ice we have on Earth melts at around 0 °C. But this is only true at around Earth’s atmospheric pressure. At higher pressures, there are several varieties of ice with differing melting points. Although it’s a bit complicated, generally at higher pressures ice can have a much higher melting point. So even if a super-Earth is geologically active, it might not be warm enough to melt ice.


-    This new study shows that super-Earths don’t have to be hot enough to create a deep ocean. Through geothermal and nuclear heating it can melt a thin layer of water at its surface, and thanks to fissures and various water phase transitions water can creep up to the layer just below the frozen surface. This process would be enough to create a rich ocean layer of liquid water. Since the heat of a super-Earth lasts billions of years, it could maintain a liquid ocean long enough for life to evolve.


-    Based on what we know about exoplanets, super-Earth oceans could be 100x more common than those of Earth-like worlds or icy moons. And that means life has even more possible homes than we thought.



July 28,  2023           ATLANTIC  OCEAN  -  is heating up, why?              4107


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--------------------- ---  Sunday, July 30, 2023  ---------------------------------









Saturday, July 29, 2023

4106 - LIFE ON MARS - Perseverance explorations?


-    4106  -   LIFE  ON  MARS  -   Perseverance  explorations?  What happens if Perseverance finds life on Mars?   On February 18, 2023,  NASA’s Perseverance rover set landed in the Jezero crater on Mars and almost immediately transmitted its first image of the Martian.

--------------  4106  -       LIFE  ON  MARS  -   Perseverance  explorations?

-    The Perseverance rover is NASA’s ninth mission to land on Mars and is tasked with characterizing the geology, atmosphere, and climate of Mars and help pave the way for human exploration. But the rover is also focused on “astrobiology”, the study of life throughout the Universe. As the next most-habitable place in our Solar System beyond Earth, Mars is a major focus of astrobiological efforts.


-    Billions of years ago Mars was a much different place than it is today. Its atmosphere was denser, its climate warmer, and liquid water flowed on its surface. This led to many of the features that are observable today, like the preserved river delta in the Jezero crater.


-     This feature indicates that 3.5 billion years ago, Jezero was a lakebed that had water flowing into it. This caused sediment to build up over time, leading to the formation of a river delta that is rich in clays. While the lake may be long gone, scientists theorize that there could be biosignatures somewhere in this  28 mile wide crater.


-   Given the relatively brief window Mars had for habitability, odds are that only simple lifeforms (like single-celled bacteria) would have emerged. On Earth, some of the most ancient evidence for life comes in the form of microbialites, sedimentary deposits composed of carbonate mud that form.


-    We expect the best places to look for biosignatures would be in Jezero’s lakebed or in shoreline sediments that could be encrusted with carbonate minerals, which are especially good at preserving certain kinds of fossilized life on Eartth.


-    Using its advanced suite of scientific instruments, Perseverance will collect rock core samples in metal tubes and place them in a supply cache which will be retrieved by a future mission sent by the ESA. These instruments include the rover’s suite of cameras, especially the one located on the rover’s mast that’s capable of zooming in to inspect targets (Mastcam-Z).


-    The SuperCam instrument, which is also located on the mast and can use a small laser to examine promising research targets. This is done by using the laser to create small clouds of plasma clouds, which will then be analyzed to determine the target’s chemical composition. If the data it obtains reveals something interesting, the rover will be able to examine it more closely with its two turret-mounted instruments.


-    These are known as the Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL) and the Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals (SHERLOC) instruments. The PIXL relies on small x-ray bursts to search for chemical biosignatures while SHERLOC uses its own laser to detect concentrations of organic molecules and minerals that have been formed in watery environments.


-    Together, these two instruments will effectively create high-resolution maps of elements, minerals, and molecules in Martian rocks and sediments, which astrobiologists will use to determine which to collect and eventually send back to Earth.


-    The instrumentation required to definitively prove microbial life once existed on Mars is too large and complex to bring to Mars. That is why NASA is partnering with the European Space Agency on a multi-mission effort, called Mars Sample Return, to retrieve the samples Perseverance collects and bring them back to Earth for study in laboratories across the globe.


-    We have strong evidence that Jezero Crater once had the ingredients for life. Even if we conclude after returned sample analysis that the lake was uninhabited, we will have learned something important about the reach of life in the cosmos.  Whether or not Mars was ever a living planet, it’s essential to understand how rocky planets like ours form and evolve. Why did our own planet remain hospitable as Mars became a desolate wasteland?


-    Discovering life would raise some very important questions, the answers to which would have some rather drastic implications.   There’s the question of whether or not life on Mars is related to life on Earth. If the answer to this question is yes, then scientists would have solid evidence that life is distributed between planets in a star system. Alternately, it could be an indication or where life is distributed throughout the cosmos by celestial bodies like asteroids and comets.


-    In this case, it could be argued that Earth and Mars were seeded from the same source (though that would be extremely difficult to prove).   The most direct test of the genetic relatedness of any martian and terrestrial life would come from the comparisons of the information molecules (DNA, RNA) and the presence of such molecules.


-    However, if we see something that looks like fossil cells upon sample return, and detect some organic biosignatures, that would automatically support the similarities between past life on Mars and life on Earth.


-    The discovery of evidence for past life on Mars is likely to lend some credibility to the theory that life still exists there today. Much like the disappearance of Mars’ surface water, it is theorized that microbial life could have also migrated underground as a result of changes in the planet’s climate.   Microbes could survive beneath the surface in briny patches of water.


-    Modern surface life on Mars is highly unlikely, hence why Perseverance aims to collect samples that will preserve evidence of past life. Nevertheless, the existence of past life will make the issue of planetary protection all the more pressing when crewed missions to Mars commences, especially if they lead to an enduring human presence there.


-    Already, robotic missions are forced to exercise care in the vicinity of potential sites for microbial life, a good example of which is the time Curiosity came upon a discolored patch of sand (thought to be a surface brine) and was forced to divert its path to go around it.


-    If human habitats are ever built on Mars, the possibility that we could be causing harm to Martian organisms will always be there.



July 29,  2023       LIFE  ON  MARS  -   Perseverance  explorations?               4106


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--------------------- ---  Saturday, July 29, 2023  ---------------------------------









Thursday, July 27, 2023

4105 - LIGHT SPEED - is it constant?


-    4105  -   LIGHT  SPEED  -  is it constant?    The phenomenon of light slowing down as it passes through a material like glass or air is one of the most fascinating areas of physics, involving a complex interaction between light and materials. There are three ways to look at the same situation, and each employs a different understanding of physics.

--------------  4105  -     LIGHT  SPEED  -  is it constant?

-   The first way is thsat it is all waves.  This first perspective comes from James Clerk Maxwell, the 19th-century Scottish physicist who discovered a unified theory of electricity and magnetism, and also found that light is made of waves of electricity and magnetism.


-    When these waves encounter a material like glass or water, they see a whole bunch of charged particles. The molecules in the material are made of atoms, which have protons and electrons, both charged particles. And charged particles respond to electromagnetic waves passing by them by wiggling along with them.


-    But moving charged particles also create electromagnetic waves of their own. The result is a giant mess, with the original electromagnetic waves interfering with all the waves generated by all the charged particles in the material, and there are a lot of particles.


-    Most of those waves, except the waves traveling in the original direction of the light, cancel each other out. But because the waves generated by the particles are a little delayed, the entire ensemble moves more slowly.   The end result: The light moves more slowly.


-   The second explanation of light's behavior is that it is all particles.  Light is made of tiny particles known as “photons”. Maxwell's theory of light is a classical picture of radiation. A much more sophisticated view based on quantum mechanics, where light is made of countless tiny particles known as photons. Photons can act individually, but when enough of them get together, they display all of the same properties as electromagnetic waves.


-     A fully quantum treatment of photons interacting with materials can get pretty nasty, but thankfully, we have an approach developed by the famed physicist Richard Feynman to guide us through it. We can imagine all the photons of the incoming light slamming into the material. Once inside, they begin interacting with all the charged particles. 


-    Those charged particles can absorb those photons and emit their own, because that's what charged particles do. But these photons are a little different. In physics, they're known as “virtual photons”.


-    Photons can can roam freely through the universe, existing as independent entities (this is light), and they do the legwork of mediating the electromagnetic force (like the force holding a magnet to a fridge).   We call them "virtual" photons, they exist only in our math to help us account for the electromagnetic force.


-    All of these charged particles start emitting copious amounts of virtual particles, and once again, there's a giant, confusing mess. Feynman came to the rescue. He developed a technique of averaging out all of the possible paths that those photons can take. That averaging process eliminated all the wayward photons, leaving behind only the ones traveling in the original direction of the light. But all of those interactions come at a cost: It takes time for an electron to absorb and reemit a photon, and those delays add up.


-    The end result: The light moves more slowly.


-    The third alternative explanation.  is called“polaritons”.  The properties of light, viewing it through a particle-based lens and a wave-based lens. But the material is more than a simple collection of charged particles that just do whatever they are electromagnetically ordered to do.


-   All materials can support vibrations, little ones, big ones, ones that last a long time, ones that fade away quickly. All material is constantly in motion, and that motion affects how that material interacts with everything else. To help physicists grapple with the complexities of all the kinds of vibrations that are constantly racing through materials, they proposed an entity known as a “phonon”.


-   A phonon is another kind of fake particle, but like virtual photons, it's very useful. It allows physicists to use the language of quantum mechanics to describe the vibrations in a material. This new language comes in handy when light, which is made of photons, enters that material.


-   When photons and phonons get together, they create something new: a “polariton”. In this view, when light enters a material, it disappears. And so do the phonons in the material itself. Instead, they get replaced by polaritons. These polaritons share a lot of properties with their parents, but they have one crucial property: They travel more slowly than the speed of light.


-    That speed depends on the properties of the material's phonons. In this view, it's not light that's passing through a material, with the material responding to it, but a new object, a polariton, passing through. This view is especially useful, because in many situations, it's very easy to discard all the cumbersome math of conflicting waves or bouncing photons and just deal with a straightforward, simple entity that already encodes all the information you need.


-   Light goes in, a polariton travels through and light goes out.


-   The end result: The light moves more slowly.  Any way you look at it light is an amazing thing.


July 25,  2023            LIGHT  SPEED  -  is it constant?          4105


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--------------------- ---  Thursday, July 27, 2023  ---------------------------------









4104 - ICE CUBE NEUTRINOS - seeing without photons?


-    4104  -    ICE CUBE NEUTRINOS  -  seeing without photons?   The “IceCube Neutrino Observatory” has used 60,000 neutrinos to create the first map of the Milky Way made with matter and not light.  Seeing with neutrinos!

--------------  4104  -     ICE CUBE NEUTRINOS  -  seeing without photons?

-    IceCube Neutrino Observatory sits beneath a green aurora in the icy Antarctic. Scientists have traced the galactic origins of thousands of "ghost particles" known as “neutrinos” to create the first-ever portrait of the Milky Way made from matter and not light.  This is a brand-new way to study the universe.


-    This gigantic detector is buried deep inside the South Pole's ice.  Neutrinos earn their spooky nickname because their nonexistent electrical charge and almost-zero mass mean they barely interact with other types of matter.   Neutrinos fly straight through regular matter at close to the speed of light.


-  By slowing these neutrinos in ice, physicists have finally traced the particles' origins billions of light-years away to ancient, cataclysmic stellar explosions and cosmic-ray collisions.


-    The capabilities provided by the highly sensitive IceCube detector, coupled with new data analysis tools, have given us an entirely new view of our galaxy.   As these capabilities continue to be refined, we can look forward to watching this picture emerge with ever-increasing resolution, potentially revealing hidden features of our galaxy never before seen by humanity.


-    Every second, about 100 billion neutrinos pass through each square centimeter of your body. The tiny particles are everywhere, produced in the nuclear fire of stars, in enormous supernova explosions, by cosmic rays and radioactive decay, and in particle accelerators and nuclear reactors on Earth.


-    Neutrinos, which were first discovered zipping out of a nuclear reactor in 1956, are second only to photons as the most abundant subatomic particles in the universe.  The chargeless and near-massless particles' minimal interactions with other matter make neutrinos incredibly difficult to detect.


-    Many famous neutrino-detection experiments have spotted the steady bombardment of neutrinos sent to us from the sun, but this cascade also masks neutrinos from more unusual sources, such as gigantic star explosions called supernovas and particle showers produced by cosmic rays.


-   To capture the neutrinos, particle physicists turned to IceCube, located at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica. The gigantic detector consists of more than 5,000 optical sensors beaded across 86 strings that dangle into holes drilled up to 1.56 miles into the Antarctic ice.


-   While many neutrinos pass completely unimpeded through the Earth, they do occasionally interact with water molecules, creating particle byproducts called muons that can be witnessed as flashes of light inside the detector's sensors. From the patterns these flashes make, scientists can reconstruct the energy, and sometimes the sources, of the neutrinos.


-    Finding a neutrino's starting point depends on how clear its direction is recorded in the detector; some have very obvious initial directions, whereas others produce cascading "fuzz balls of light" that obscure their origins.


-    By feeding more than 60,000 detected neutrino cascades collected over 10 years into a machine-learning algorithm, the physicists built up a stunning picture: an ethereal, blue-tinged image showing the neutrinos' sources all across our galaxy.


-   The map showed that the neutrinos were being overwhelmingly produced in regions with previously detected high gamma-ray counts, confirming past suspicions that many ghost particles are byproducts of cosmic rays smashing into interstellar gas.


-    These astronomers were the first ones to see our galaxy in anything other than light.

Just like previous revolutionary advances such as radio astronomy, infrared astronomy and gravitational wave detection, neutrino mapping has given us a completely new way to peer out into the universe. Now, it's time to see what we find in a whole new way of seeing.



July 25,  2023         ICE CUBE NEUTRINOS  -  seeing without photons?          4104


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--------------------- ---  Thursday, July 27, 2023  ---------------------------------









Monday, July 24, 2023

4103 - UNIVERSE - how old is it, really?


-    4103  -    UNIVERSE  -  how old is it, really?     Well, it depends on the speed of light?  The Universe could be twice as old if light is “tired” and physical constants change.  When the James Webb Space Telescope started collecting data, it gave us an unprecedented view of the distant cosmos. Faint, redshifted galaxies seen by Hubble as mere smudges of light were revealed as objects of structure and form.

-----------------------  4103  -     UNIVERSE  -  how old is it, really?

-    Then,  astronomers were faced with a bit of a problem. Those earliest galaxies seemed too developed and too large to have formed within the accepted timeline of the universe. This triggered a flurry of articles claiming boldly that JWST had disproven the big bang.


-    The problem isn’t that galaxies are too developed, but rather that the universe is twice as old as we’ve thought. A whopping 26.7 billion years old. It’s a bold claim, but does the data really support it?


-    In the “tired light model”, light spontaneously loses energy over time. So as photons travel billions of light years through the cosmos, they become redshifted. Thus, the light of distant galaxies is redshifted not because of cosmic expansion, but because of the inherent reddening of light over time.


-    The idea of tired light has been around since Edwin Hubble first observed cosmic expansion as a way to maintain the idea of a steady-state universe. It lost popularity as the evidence for cosmic expansion became clear, and regained some popularity as the Webb observations started rolling in.


-   Quantities such as the speed of light, the charge of an electron, or the gravitational constant seem to be built into the structure of the universe. They have the values they do because of the way the universe formed, and it’s generally assumed they don’t change over time. We have geological and astronomical observations that show physical constants haven’t changed for at least several few billion years.


-    If you combine “tired light” and changing physical constants, you can get a universe that appears younger than it actually is. Basically, tired light gives you the cosmological redshift you observe, and gradually shifting physical constants means those mature distant galaxies aren’t just 100 million years old, they are billions of years old. By tweaking tired light and variable physical constants just so to match the data, you get a universe that is 26.7 billion years old.


-    There are two problems with this theory. The first is that tweak theories are weak theories. While this model can be made to fit observational data, there’s no physical motivation for doing it. There are lots of models that can be tweaked to fit data, which is not the same as having a robust physical model.


-   The second problem is that JWST’s observations don’t rule out the standard 13.7 billion-year-old universe. The galaxies are more complex than some computer simulations have predicted, but that’s not surprising given the limits of large structure models. There are plenty of ways early galaxies could have evolved quickly that don’t require rewriting cosmology.


-   This is the kind of paper that thinks outside the box, which is a great way to make sure we aren’t locked into old models just because they’ve worked so far. It isn’t likely that this new model overturns standard cosmology, but as long as ideas are testable and disprovable, as this model is, there is no harm in adding it to the pile of ideas.



July 24,  2023          UNIVERSE  -  how old is it, really?            4103


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--------------------- ---  Monday, July 24, 2023  ---------------------------------