Wednesday, August 10, 2011

what you should really know about your belly button?

--------- #1289 What You Should Know About Your Belly Button?

- Opinions are like belly buttons. Everybody has one. You would not expect much science to lie inside a belly button. WRONG! Science has studied belly buttons and has found that over 1,400 different bacteria live in belly buttons, regardless of innies or outies.

- On average any particular individual has about 70 different bacteria living in their belly buttons. Overall there are 1,400 different varieties found there. So, each individual tends to have a unique mix of belly button bacteria. Each belly button is a kind of fingerprint. The mix of bacteria living there is unique to that individual. ( This study include 391 men and women that participated in belly button examinations. )

- Science found that these particular bacteria are relatively undisturbed by cleansers, lotions , ultraviolet light, or other things. Belly buttons are a fortress not easily penetrated.

- Fortunately, belly button bacteria are friendly and we are lucky to have them. They are the first line of defense against pathogens that randomly land on us. A pathogen is any disease producing microorganism. If you sterilized your body of these friendly bacteria you would be at high risk of infections. These belly button bacteria are an army on your skin that confronts pathogens with a vengeance.

- Another community of friendly bacteria live in your stomach and intestines. If you add up all the bacteria in and on your body there would be 10,000 bacteria for every human cell. You are actually a walking, talking microbial community.

- If you are smelling belly buttons you will come across Corynebacterium metabolized testosterone, a big word that smells musky like urine. Another type of bacteria metabolizes sebum and sweat. It smells like onions. Sebum is the oily stuff that lubricates hair on the body. Metabolism is the chemical breaking down of a substance releasing energy. Metabolism is what goes on in digestion of food.

- Since each individual has a unique set of bacteria, they have a unique smell. Studies have shown that mothers can recognize their babies by smell alone. These bacteria are intimate partners in your life. The are a largely unknown life that are part of our life.

- Of course, not all bacteria are friendly. Helicobacter Prylori bacteria are the ones that cause chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers and even stomach cancer. H. Prylori may even be the most common cause of strokes that are caused by clogged blood vessels. Studies have found that 24.5% of all children are infected by H.Prylori before they are age 10. 84% of these children will stay infected through adulthood. The conclusion is that medicine can treat people with H. Pylori infections and significantly reduce their risk of a stroke.

-  One of the major concerns in medicine today is the overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics destroy both the good and the bad bacteria. And, bad bacteria can become immune to an antibiotic if it is not properly administered. That is why you are told when taking antibiotics take the full prescription over the full duration, regardless. You do not want any of those bad bacteria to survive and possible become immune to the medication.

- You get the energy in your body by the metabolism of bacteria and the enzymes that your cells produce. Enzymes are proteins produced inside the cells. Almost all chemical reactions inside the body get started by a particular enzyme. Also, other enzymes make chemical reactions run faster. Each human cell contains hundreds of enzymes. Enzymes and bacteria work together to produce the energy your body uses. But, where does that energy come from? It comes from stars.

- If your weight is 154 pounds, then:

-------------------------- 94.8 pounds of you is oxygen
-------------------------- 35.27 pounds is carbon
-------------------------- 15.43 pounds is hydrogen
-------------------------- 3.98 pounds is nitrogen
-------------------------- 2.20 pounds is calcium
-------------------------- 27.52 ounces is phosphorus
-------------------------- 4.94 ounces is potassium
-------------------------- 4.94 ounces is sulfur
-------------------------- 3.53 ounces is sodium
-------------------------- 3.35 ounces is chlorine
-------------------------- 0.67 ounces is magnesium
-------------------------- 0.15 ounces is iron
-------------------------- 0.09 ounces is fluorine
-------------------------- 0.08 ounces is zinc
-------------------------- 0.04ounces is silicon

- All the elements heavier than hydrogen were produced in planetary nebulae and supernovae explosions. The explosive power of dying stars creates the fusion to create these heavier elements we are made of. When metabolism breaks down these elements it releases the energy back to us. Our energy comes from the stars. Energy can not be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one from to another. But, there is always the same amount of total energy. When you convert food ( mostly carbon and oxygen ) into crap you are getting the energy back from the exploding stars. The stars death is your life. When someone asks you, “ Where did you get all that energy?” Just say, “ I got it from the stars in the heavens.” “Are you surprised?”

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707-536-3272, Wednesday, August 10, 2011

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