Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our Milky Way's Gamma Ray bubbles and jets?

--------- #1482 - Our Milky Way’s Gamma Ray Bubbles.
- If you travel far out into space and look back at the Milky Way Galaxy edge-on with a camera that detects light in the Gamma Ray frequency range your image includes two enormous “ bubbles”, “tear drops” above and below the galaxy center. And, there are two jets shooting up at a 15 degree angles to the perpendicular. How to explain this ?
- Our Milky Way Galaxy is relatively quiet and not consider an “active galaxy”. We know there is a Blackhole at the center of the Galaxy. It is called Sagittarius A* and it weighs 4,000,000 Solar Mass. That is enormously massive but small compared to other active galaxies. Other active galaxies have super massive blackholes that are billions of Solar Mass. These Blackholes are still consuming material, stars, planets, interstellar gas and dust. As this material is annihilated at the edge of the Blackhole twin jets shoot off in opposite directions at the poles of rotation.
- The Gamma Ray Bubbles at the rotation poles of our Milky Way Galaxy are evidence that our galaxy was more active in the past.
- The jets and bubbles extend 27,000 lightyears above and below the galactic plane. The Gamma Ray bubbles are perpendicular to the galactic plane, however, the jets are tilted at an angle of 15 degrees. This tilt is likely the result of the Blackhole’s accretion disk being tilted in its rotation.
- The Blackhole’s accretion disk can warp as it spirals in toward the Blackhole’s spinning event horizon. The magnetic field created by the electric charges in the spinning disk accelerate the charged jet material out the spin axes of the Blackhole. The jets are produced by a plasma of electric charged particles, electrons and nuclei ions, that are squirted out from the axes following a corkscrew magnetic field that is tightly focused.
- The Gamma Ray Bubbles are created by a “ solar wind of sorts” of hot material blowing outward from the spinning accretion disk. As a result the bubbles are much broader than the narrow jets that are focused by the magnetic field.
- The Gamma Ray radiation is created when electrons moving near the speed of light collide with low energy light. The energy of light is directly proportional to the oscillation frequency. Gamma Rays have more energy than ultraviolet light because they have higher frequency. Ultraviolet light has more energy than red light. The collisions are of high energy and generate high energy photons in the Gamma Ray frequency range.
- Astronomers are studying these recently discovered phenomena with great interest. They hope to learn more about the evolution of galaxies? When was our galaxy last active? How much material falling into the central Blackhole would make our galaxy active again?
- Astronomers estimate that it would take 10,000 Solar Mass of material to make the Blackhole active again. Today, it appears to have a scant amount of material to feed on. However, there is a sizeable gas cloud on a collision course with the galaxy center. Astronomer’s hope to see the collision happen and to learn the results as the gas intercepts the event horizon of the Blackhole.
- There is a Blue-White star, named S2, that orbits within a whisker of the Blackhole swinging by at 2% of the speed of light. Traveling at 5,000 kilometers per second. S2 is blue-white bright and therefore a young star no more than 10,000,000 years old. What will happen when this star gets eaten by the Blackhole?
- We have seen thermonuclear flare ups occur on other stars. V838 Monocerotis star is 20,000 lightyears away and on February, 2002, it had an enormous flare up that was millions of time more luminous that our Sun. The flare up repeated in March and again in April. How can 3 successive flare ups of this magnitude occur in sequence? Are stars colliding? Did this single star swallow 3 giant planets? Is this predictable behavior of an end-of-life for a giant star?
An announcement will be made shortly, stay tuned. Astronomers have a lot to learn.
(1) To learn more : Picture was taken by the Fermi Space Telescope, google it.
(2) Read about Gamma Rays in reviews” #1323, #1238, #1158, # 26 and about Gamma Ray Bursts reviews # 711, # 1267 , #1160, # 542 available upon request.
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707-536-3272, Sunday, June 3, 2012

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