Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cassini picture gallery of the planet Saturn

----------------------- # 1570 - Cassini visit’s the planet Saturn
- Saturn is as famous as any movie star. There have been over 300,000 close up pictures taken in recent years. The photographer was the Cassini Spacecraft that was launched in 1997, orbited Saturn in 2004 and has sent us over 450 gigabytes of data.
---------------- To see this pictures do a search on these addresses:
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- Many interesting events were recorded during the Cassini mission One was a powerful storm that stretched 180,000 miles long across Saturn’s atmosphere. The storm crackled with blue lighting in the pale yellow light of the atmosphere. Saturn is a gaseous planet that is composed of 96% hydrogen and 4% helium.
- Jupiter has hits Big Red Spot and Saturn has its Great White Spot another storm that is stationary and 6,000 miles in diameter. Saturn is 33% the mass of Jupiter. Its diameter is 10 times that of Earth and it is 10 times further from the Sun than Earth.
- The cloud formation over the sought pole of Saturn is in the shape of a perfect Hexagon, that is 15,000 miles diameter. What could possible cause this geometric shape? The Hexagon rotates with the planet every 10 hours and 39 minutes. The winds on Saturn get to 300 miles per hour.
- Saturn has 30 moons. The largest is Titan that is larger than the planet Mercury . Titan’s diameter is 3,200 miles compared to our Moon’s 2,160 mile diameter. Titan’s methane atmosphere has winds blowing 250 miles per hour. There are liquid lakes of frozen methane and ethane gas. The surface is -290F and the atmospheric pressure is 147% that of Earth’s.
- Cassini traveled 3,850,000,000 miles to get to Saturn in 2004. The spacecraft dropped a probe, Huygens, into the atmosphere of Titan in 2005. Pictures of the surface were taken before the probe landed near a methane lake. ( See the gallery of pictures mentioned above. )
- Cassini flew through the plumes of water jets spouting out of the moon Enceladus. The salty liquid water was analyzed and fount to contain organic compounds. There pictures of this and many other moons:
------------------------------ Prometheus
------------------------------ Epimetheus
------------------------------ Janus
------------------------------ Telesto
------------------------------ Helene
------------------------------ Hyperion - that has such low density it must be a sponge.
------------------------------ Phoebe - that has a backward orbit compared to the other moons.
------------------------------ Mimas - 250 miles in diameter
------------------------------ Iapetus - 900 miles in diameter but shaped like a walnut with a raised ridge at its equator the extends 6 miles high.
- The rings of Saturn extend out 46,000 miles and are composed of mostly water ice crystals and rock-ice chunks. Some as big as an automobile. The ring is only 5 meters thick. For comparison if Earth had rings extending to the Moon it would be only 1 inch thick.
- See the gallery of pictures for a “real trip.” Also, for more reviews request : #1332, #1271, #1252, # 661
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