Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Big Bang

-  1682  -  The Big Bang is not the birth of the Universe.  That belongs to religion.  Science is what we learn through observation and experimentation.  The Big Bang is the birth of the Observable Universe.  We don’t know the rest.  The rest is our Quest for knowledge
---------------------  1682  -  The Big Bang is Not the Birth of the Universe.
- The Big Bang is not the birth of the universe.  We don’t know that.  Science uses observation and experimentation to understand stuff.  The Big Bang is our name for the birth of the Observable Universe.  The rest of the stuff is still a mystery.  The biggest mystery of all is that we are here to observe it.  That is religion.
-  Science has evidence to suggest that we today only can observe 5% of the Observable Universe.   95% is Dark Energy and Dark Matter that we see evidence for but that we cannot directly observe.  We only have theories as to what this “ Dark” stuff is.
-  Plato was a Greek Philosopher.  He described science as being like prisoners in a cave.  A fire’s flame in the background creates flirting shadows on the cave walls.  These 2- dimensional images are the only reality the prisoners can observe.  How can they possibly understand their Universe when that is all they can see?
-  Our science today observes 3-dimensions of space and one dimension of time.  Those 4 dimensions create our images on the cave walls.
-  A discovery in science was how to create holography where 2-dimensional images can be projected to create a 3-dimensional image in space.  Perhaps the 3-dimensional images we see in space are projections of higher dimensions that we don’t see?
-  To explain what we observe in our Universe we use the Big Bang as a model for the creation of expansion of space and the passage of time.  Our 4-dimensional Universe.  However, in order to get the math to work our we have to assume the Universe expanded 10^78 times in volume in the first few seconds.  ( That is 1 followed by 78 zeros ).  The expansion of space was much, much faster than the speed of light.
-  We call this event “ Cosmic Inflation”.  It is used to explain why space can be uniform in all directions while the speed of light could not have reached all the places we observe to make them uniform.
-  The math to explain this comes from a few simple equations containing only 5 independent parameters.  The math matches what we observe today 13.5 billion years after the first few fractions of a second.  One of these fundamental parameters is the density of the Universe as the sum of Ordinary Matter, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy.  We need to explain the ratio of mass-energy that balances gravity’s attractive force with the repulsive force that is expanding the Universe at an ever faster rate.
-  When the math matches observation it tells us the 25% of the matter creating attraction is Dark Matter that we can not see.  And, 70% of the repulsive force is Dark Energy that we can not explain.  That leaves the Observable Universe that we can see to be only 5% of the mass-energy that is out there.
-  As the Universe expands it cools.  The hot plasma at the beginning was the temperature of 10^27 degrees.  ( That is a 1 followed by 27 zeros.)  Today the temperature in all directions is observed to be only 3 degrees.  This temperature is uniform in all directions to distances that even light could not have yet reached.  Like a giant sphere where the surface appears flat to a small observer the space appears geometrically flat to all that we can observe.   The Inflation theory was needed to explain these observations.
-  What caused this inflation to occur?  What caused it to stop?  It took a massive amount of energy.  Were did all this energy come from?  What existed before the inflation started?  Is this a one time event or does it happen all the time?  We don’t know.
-  How do we get a violent emergence of space and time from an infinitely dense point?  In what universe did this point exist?
-  There is another mystery that we can reference.  Astronomers can observe the effects of Black Holes.  There is one at the center of our galaxy and at the center of most large galaxies.  Black Holes are the process experienced by giant stars that exhaust all their nuclear fuel and collapse under immense gravity into a single point.  The density of that point is so great as to create a gravitational force from which even light can not escape.  Astronomers fail to learn what is inside a Black Hole because without light no information can escape.
-  The effects are like shadows on the walls of the cave, but, we can not yet exit the cave to see the light outside.  We continue to search for light, knowledge, that will explain all that we observe.  In the meantime, we just don’t know.  Science is quest for understanding.  Religion is the faith in the mysteries that we will never learn about the real universe and this life that lets us observe it.
-  Footnote:  When the Universe was 2.8 billion years old its rate of expansion for 2 galaxies separated by 1 million lightyears was 42 miles per second.  151,000 miles per hour was how fast the galaxies were moving away from each other as the space between them continues to expand.
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