Sunday, December 28, 2014

How to create a business plan?

- 1711  -  How to create a business plan?  Six steps that a team can use to accomplish a vision for business success.
----------------- 1711  -  How to create a business plan?
-  The plan should be made with a team on a retreat from normal work,  with leadership and participation.  It can be 6 steps:
-  (1)  It starts with a vision.  This step often comes from leadership, but, the team still works on it.
-  (2)  Then write down specific objectives.  4 to 8 max.
-  (3)  Develop strategies on how to achieve each objective.
-  (4)  Set priorities.  First things first.  What is most important.  You always have limited resources, even if it is only time.
-  (5)  Next make an action plan.  Make the necessary decisions on actions to take.  Then decide how to measure results.  Name names, assign numbers.
-  (6)  Keep metrics of the on-going progress.  Periodic reports.  Use graphics to communicate visually.  Keep the team informed.
-  Here are the same steps in a flow chart:
-  >>>>>>  Why  >>>>>>  What  >>>>>  Means, (How)  >>>  Who  >>>>  When
-  (1)  Vision, what ultimately do you hope to accomplish?  Often stated as a mission statement.  Ask why 5 times to get to the top of the tree of thought.
-  (2)  List the objectives, specific end results to be reached.  Each objective to address a single issue that can be measured.  Objectives should require stretching for improvements or contributions.  The Objectives are Doing the Right Things.
-  (3)  Strategies used in this context are the process, the means used to accomplish each objective.  Each process must have an owner and milestone dates and goals.  Strategies are Doing Things Right.
-  (4)  Set priorities to obtain the right focus.  First things first.  Rank the highest impacts to the achievements.  Basically each one can do one thing at a time
-  (5)  Have an action plan that assigns resources, names, dates, goals with numbers that can be measured.
-  (6)  Measure the results.  Measure the progress in the process.  Strive for continuous improvement.  Use graphics for all to see and to spur motivation.
-  Loop through the process.  Planning is an on-going process.  Things change.  Priorities change.  The environment changes.  Opportunities come and go.  Planning is a continuous improvement process, but, it helps to have a structure so you know where you are and where you are going.  It is a way of disciplined thinking.  It is a way to foster teamwork toward a single vision.  Have fun.
-  See Review # 1710 on Critical Thinking.
RSVP, with comments, suggestions, corrections. Index of reviews available ---
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 ---- , ---   707-536-3272    ----   Sunday, December 28, 2014  ---

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