Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Quasars take us back in time?

-  1765  -  Quasars take us back in time?  The Universe was more dense and chaotic.  Astronomers use this to discover an accelerating, expanding universe.
-----------------  1765  -  Quasars take us back in time?
-  Quasars are so luminous astronomers are seeing them at great distances, back in time to the earliest formation of galaxies after the Big Bang.  Quasars, are “quasi-stellar objects“, first discovered in 1962.  They appear as star-like points with energies that are the most powerful in the Universe.
-  The most recent studies of Quasars have confirmed them to be the cores of young galaxies.  In 2015 a Quasar was discovered to be 12.8 billion light years distant.  This would make its existence just 900 million years after the Big Bang.  The Quasar has a massive central Blackhole of 12 billion Solar Mass and a luminosity of 420 trillion Solar luminosity.
-  Over 200,000 Quasars have been discovered with ages ranging back to 700 million years after the Universe began.
-  The latest discovery is 7 times brighter than the most distant Quasar known to date.  It is 3,000 times more massive than the Blackhole at the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way.
-  Our Milky Way Blackhole is dormant, as is most of the blackholes at the centers of all nearby galaxies.  Those galaxies most distant were forming in regions of space most densely populated.  There were many galactic collisions and interstellar material for Blackholes to consume.  It is the in-falling material that reached enormous frictional temperatures orbiting the Blackholes that is responsible for their luminosity.
-  The Universe has been expanding for 13,700 million years.  Of course, it is only in the last 100 years we have realized we live in an expanding Universe.  And, it is only the last 15 years we have realized that the expansion is accelerating.
-  And, these accelerating expansion discoveries maybe should be called theories not discoveries because to explain an accelerating Universe astronomers have added 70% of the mass-energy to the Universe and called it Dark Energy.
-  Dark Energy is some anti-gravity force.  Or, it is some property of empty space, or its something else that is mystifying astronomers.
-  Is this expanding Universe the same everywhere?  Or, are we in some special part of the Universe that is experiencing it?  The other assumption is that we do not happen to evolve in some special place in the Universe.  If we are not special then everywhere must be experiencing the same thing.
-  Are all points and directions in space seeing the same thing we are?
-  We see distant galaxies as receding away because their light spectrum is Redshifted.  We explain this stretching of light waves as expanding space through which the waves are traveling.
-  The second way astronomers explain an accelerating Universe is to also measure the Brightness of supernovae explosion in distant galaxies.  Because the calculations for Brightness put the galaxies further away, then light must have taken longer to reach us.  The Universe must be expanding faster today than in the past.
-  All matter in the Universe should provide a gravitational attraction to slow the expansion rate of the Universe.  There must be some repulsive force in the Universe doing the opposite of gravity.  We are so mystified as to what it is we can only name it, “Dark Energy”.
-  If we assume that space does not necessarily expand evenly and everywhere at the same rate, a whole new picture of a possible Universe emerges.
-  An uneven expansion could mean that matter is not distributed evenly throughout the Universe.  The density of matter could vary from region to region in space.  Possible our special place in the Universe is a Cosmic Void where the density is less and the expanding bubble of space is accelerating.
-  If we happened to be near the center of this Void we would see the expansion rate to be the fastest.  If we were near the edge of the Void we would see the expansion rate to be slowing down.  Different regions of space would be expanding at different rates.
-  This scenario for calculating the Universe’s expansion would mean Redshifts are misleading in determining  distances since we assume a rate of constant expansion.  Maybe Dark Energy is not needed to explain the difference between Redshift and Brightness calculations for galactic distances.
-  To make his scenario work the Void we are occupying must be enormous in size.  To make the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation to appear uniform in all directions we would need to be near the center of the Void.
-  Astronomers already have galaxies occupying filaments in space with voids between these structures.  These smaller voids still measure hundreds of million of lightyears in size.
-  However, on the very larges scales, billions of light years in size matter and galaxies seem to  be distributed evenly and uniformly.
-  Cosmological theories have the structure of galaxies, filaments and voids evolving form microscopic quantum variations originating in the Big Bang plasma.  From this theory the expanding Universe could only produce Voids of a certain size.  Giant voids large enough to mimic Dark Energy would disprove this theory.
-  The jury is still out.  The debate continues.  Is there really such a thing as Dar Energy?  Is Dark Energy the guilty party causing the Universe expansion to accelerate?  Or, are calculations using Redshifts and Brightness giving us incorrect answers?  Or, are our equations for the force of gravity being proportional to mass and inversely proportional to distance squared needing alterations?  Is the Gravitational Constant in these equations not really “constant” throughout the Universe?
-  Stay tuned, we obviously have more to learn.  
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Tuesday, April 21, 2015  -----

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