Tuesday, July 28, 2020

INFLATION - an expanding universe?

-  2780  - INFLATION  -  an expanding universe?  -   The Universe is expanding.  Space is growing.  All the galaxies are separating away from each other.  The greater the distance between the galaxies the faster they are separating because there is more expanding space in between them.
--------------------------  2780  -  INFLATION  -  an expanding universe?
-  This repulsive force of space expansion is a very weak force, much, much weaker than the force of gravity.  The velocity of the expansion of space and therefore the velocity of the separation of the galaxies is only 0.047 miles per hour per lightyear separation. ( This is called the Hubble Constant = Ho = 70 km/sec/mega parsec ,  or also:  22,000  meters / second / million lightyears)
-  This velocity equates to 248 feet per hour per lightyear distance.   Very slow, however, if two galaxies are 1 billion lightyears apart this small velocity translates to 47,000,000 miles per hour rate of separation.
-   Light, and all electromagnetic radiation, and gravity travel at the constant speed of 670,633,500 miles per hour.  Therefore, the two galaxies are separating at 7% the speed of light.  The more they separate the faster they go.  Once two galaxies are separating faster than the speed of light they can no longer see each other.
-  The force of gravity is much stronger but gravity only comes as a function of mass.  And, there is a lot more space out there than there is mass.
-   Secondly, the attractive force of gravity falls off at the inverse square of distance.  The greater the distance the weaker the gravity.  This is not the case with the expanding force of the vacuum of space.  The repulsive force always remains constant ( 0.047 mph / lightyear) regardless of distance and wherever in the Universe.
-  Astronomers do not understand what is causing the expansion, or what creates this repulsive force.  It is a form of anti-gravity.  It is going on now and it was going on even more rapidly in the early Universe.
-   Up until a few years ago most astronomers believed that the expansion of the Universe would be slowing down due to the incessant  pull of gravity.  Now astronomers believe the Universe is dominated by the repulsive force and the Universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate.  They call it “Dark Energy“, the repulsive force in the vacuum of space that is accelerating the expansion of the Universe.
-  Astronomers believe that expanding space at one time in the early Universe had a velocity greater than the speed of light.  This rapid inflation would account for the characteristics of homogeneity, uniformity, isotropy, and flatness that we observe in the current Universe. 
-  This “Cosmic Inflation” is believed to have been caused by the “freezing” out of the Strong Nuclear Force from the Electromagnetic and Weak Nuclear forces.  Gravity had already “froze” out at 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang at a temperature of 10^32 Kelvin. 
-  The Strong Force at 10^-35 seconds and 10^27 Kelvin and the Weak Nuclear Force at 10^-12 seconds and 10^12 Kelvin.   The Strong Nuclear Force separation released enormous energy causing the Universe to expand in less than 10^-36 seconds.  Much faster than the speed of light to a factor of 10^30 times greater in size.
-   1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times larger in an instant.  The idea here is that space went through a phase change like water changing from liquid to solid ice.  Super cooled water can crystallize to ice in an instant in every direction.  Inflation happened like that.
-  Quantum fluctuations in the early Universe’s primordial soup of particles, waves and energies grew into denser regions and rarified regions in space as space expanded.  These denser regions with the help of gravity grew into Black Holes, stars, and galaxies. 
-  In this way Cosmic Inflation explains the way we see the Universe today.  A tiny ripple in space smaller than the size of an atomic nucleus grew into a density wave the size of our Solar System.  Gravity pulled these denser regions into galaxies.
-  Astronomers can see with their telescopes about 10 billion lightyears distance today.  Theoretically, astronomers can never see beyond 13.7 billion lightyears because that is when light was first created  and that is as far as light could have traveled up to this time.
-  “Cosmic Inflation” explains the smoothness and uniformity of the Universe.  It explains why the observable Universe is the same density and the same temperature looking east
10 billion lightyears and looking west 10 billion lightyears while the two regions are 20 billion lightyears apart and could not be the same temperature unless they were once in contact and then separated faster than the speed of light.
-  When Cosmic Inflation started the universe was 10^-35 seconds old, the two regions were 10^-35 lightyears away from one another.  Before Inflation started light could bounce between the two regions and equalize their temperatures and densities.  So that explains the uniformity of the Universe.
-  Cosmic Inflation also explains why the Universe appears nearly “flat”.  The expansion rate is very small in Cosmic terms.  It is almost balanced with the Universe’s force of gravity attraction rate.  It is very near the balancing point. 
-  The Universe contains nearly the “Critical Density” needed to balance gravity attraction with the Dark Energy’s repulsion.  If the density of the University were a little greater in the beginning the Universe would have collapsed back on itself due to gravity long ago.
-   If the density were a little less in the beginning the Universe would have expanded so fast spreading matter so thin that galaxies would have never formed.  Somehow the Universe started with the density just right to form the galaxies as we see them today.
-  Of course, there is still a problem.  All the matter that astronomers can find with radiation and gravity wave telescopes in the Observerable Universe can only account for 25% of the Critical Density.
-    If the Universe is truly “flat” the additional density must be there, somewhere.  That is where astronomers come up with 75% of the Universe being made of Dark Energy, using Einstein’s equivalence of energy = mass times (speed of light)^2.  In order to get to a “flat “ Universe the total density of matter, including Dark Matter, and Dark Energy together must nearly equal the “Critical Density”.
-  Confirmation of these ideas comes from studying the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation which has temperature differences of 1/100,000th of a degree around an average 2.73 degrees Kelvin separated by about 1 degree of arc.
-    These measurements of the Universe’s radiation when it was 380,000 years old are consistent with a flat Universe , uniform yet with still enough structure to form the galaxies.  When the waves in the CMB were studied in detail the density of the Universe was put at 4.4% ordinary matter, 23% Dark Matter, and 73% Dark Energy.
-------  Footnotes:
-  (1)  How can you measure the expansion of space since it has to be expanding relative to something?   One thing we can use is to measure expansion relative to the CMB radiation.
-  For example:  our Milky Way is moving 1,342,000 miles per hour relative to the CMB radiation.  To get to this you have to separate two types of motion.  The motion within the influence of gravity which can not exceed the speed of light.  And, the motion in the influence of the expansion of space which can exceed the speed of light. 
-  Astronomers have to subtract the motion of the Earth orbiting the Sun, and the Sun orbiting the center of the Milky Way galaxy, and the Milky Way Galaxy gravity pulled toward the galaxy cluster.  The motion that is left is the motion due to the expansion of space moving us 1,342,000 miles per hour relative to the Cosmic Microwave Background.
-  (2)  The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy are gravity bound and moving towards each other at 673,318 miles per hour.  But, the space expanding between the two galaxies is expanding at the rate of 0.047 miles per hour per lightyear.
-  Andromeda should be moving away at 131,520 miles per hour due to expanding space.  At the same time gravity is pulling the galaxies together at 673,318 miles per hour.  So, is expanding space slowing this closure rate down? 
-  No.  The 673,318 miles per hour closure rate is with the expanding space.  The idea here is that gravity is much, much stronger attraction than expansion’s repulsion.  Andromeda is like a race car coming towards us and the velocity of the wind is blowing it backwards. 
-  The velocity of the wind does not subtract from the velocity of the car.  The velocity of the wind has almost no affect.  The only way the repulsive force would be a factor is if the galaxies were much, much farther apart.  Gravity would be much, much weaker and a balancing point exists beyond which space expansion and repulsion would take over as the stronger force.
-  So you live in an expanding Universe.  You will probably never notice it if you were not paying attention to this Review.  Now you know. 
-  Also see reviews:
-  2212  -  How the Universe began?   In 1980 the theory of Inflation was put forth by Alan Guth to explain the uniformity and isotropic nature of the Universe today.  In order for the Universe to be uniform when looking 13.8 billion light years in one direction and the same 13.8 billion light years in he opposite direction the universe must have expanded faster than the speed of light. 
-  2144   - Cosmic Inflation is a theory to help astronomers explain the observations they have of the Universe.  The theory is that the Universe expanded faster than the speed of light very early in its evolution.  Galaxies began forming 600,000,000 years after the Big Bang and clusters of galaxies at 3,000,000,000 years after.  Our solar system and Earth started forming at 9,100,000,000 years after ( 4,600,000,000 years ago). 
-  July 28, 2020                                849                                             2780           
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 ---------------------   Tuesday, July 28, 2020  -------------------------

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