Tuesday, January 18, 2022

3300 - Index of Astronomers Reviews

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------------------------------  3300  -  Index of Astronomers Reviews

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-------------------------  See  “000AstronomyIndex” for index of all reviews up to 2900:


-------------------------   See  “000 3200AstronomyIndex”

-------------------------- for index of all reviews from 2900 up to 3300:


-  2899  -  COMETS  -  from outside our solar system?  2I/Borisov was an interstellar comet that visited our solar system last year, 2019.  Astronomers have revealed the unusual chemical composition inside this comet.  This strange ingredient has provided new clues about where this traveling space rock originated.  

-  2901 -  PROBABILITY  WAVE  FUNCTION  -  The Wave Function in quantum physic is a math description if a quantum system, like an atom.  It is a complex, valued probability, amplitude that lists possible results of a measurement at the atomic level and that deals with uncertainties in time and space.  

-  2902 -  RELATIVITY  -  measurements made in 2020?   At the heart of every white dwarf star, which is the dense stellar object that remains after a star has burned away its fuel reserve of gases as it nears the end of its life cycle,  lies a “quantum conundrum‘. 





-  3298   -  MARS -  “Cubesat”  small satellites?   Spacecraft venturing beyond Earth need a propulsion system to get the spacecraft where it needs to go and a communications system powerful enough to receive commands and send observations back to Earth, making deep-space cubesat missions significantly more complicated than those staying in low Earth orbit.

 -  3299   -  COMETS  -   Vesta and Bern.-Bern.  - An enormous comet, possibly the largest one ever detected, is barreling toward the inner solar system with an estimated arrival time of 10 years from now.


------------------------------------   See  “000 3300AstronomyIndex” 

-------------------------------------  for index of all reviews after 3300:

- 3300  -  PHYSICS  -  wave - particle duality?    The experiments that disproved our notions of reality involved two particles linked together as a single wave. Measurements on one particle affect the physical properties of the other particle, even though they can be far apart. This is known as “spooky action at a distance” and is a consequence of “quantum entanglement“.

 -  3301   -  GRAVITY  -  understanding Dark Matter?   The mystery of dark matter doesn't have an obvious solution. Astronomers continue to design experiments to search for these elusive particles. When they do figure out what they are and how they are distributed throughout the universe, they will have unlocked another chapter in our understanding of the universe.

 -  3302   -   ATOMS  -  is there a fifth force?   NIST, which is America’s Standards Lab has revealed previously unrecognized properties of technologically crucial silicon crystals and uncovered new information about an important subatomic particle and a long-theorized “fifth force of nature“.

 -  3303   -  BLACKHOLES  - and Neutron Star collisions?   In 2017, astronomers witnessed their first kilonova. The event occurred about 140 million light-years from Earth and was found wih the appearance of a certain pattern of gravitational waves, or ripples in space-time, washing over Earth. 

 -  3304   -   MATTER  -  from colliding light photons?    Creating matter from light smashing together. It’s a striking demonstration of the physics immortalized in Einstein’s equation E=mc2, which revealed that energy and mass are two forms of the same thing.

-  3305   -  BRAIN -  ideas to ponder?    Life may be a guide to the evolution of the universe.   Could humans create new universes when we are intelligent enough?  Does humanity exist to serve some ultimate, transcendent purpose? 

 -  3306   -  METEORITES  -  visits to learn origin of solar System?   Scientists are studying ancient meteorite grains using a new analysis method.  These grains, which are older than the solar system itself, formed in ancient stars that died before our sun's birth. Similar stars still exist in the universe and the analysis of these presolar grains provides an glimpse into the stars' chemistry.

 -  3307   -  VESTA  -  dwarf planet or an asteroid?   Vesta is the second-largest body in the asteroid belt at 500 kilometers across (310 miles). It's big enough to have evolved in the same way as rocky, terrestrial bodies like the Earth, Moon and Mars.

-  3308   -  JUPITER  -   Europa, moon has water?   Europa is one of Jupiter’s 79 moons.  It is both the sixth closest moon to Jupiter and the sixth largest moon in the Solar System. It is an icy orb larger than the dwarf planet Pluto with a smooth, icy surface scarred by cracks and fissures

 -  3309  - SATURN  -  the Cassini mission?  The mission concluded in September 2017 when Cassini, low on fuel, was deliberately crashed into Saturn to avoid the slight chance of the craft crashing into and contaminating a habitable moon.  Here is some of what we learned.

-  3310   -  MARS  -  Perseverance  rover 2021.  -   Perseverance rover landed in Mars’ Jezero Crater on February 18, 2021.  At the moment, Mars and the Earth are on opposite sides of the Sun, and the two planets cannot communicate with each other. After working nonstop for the past 216 Martian days, the science teams are taking the first real break since the mission started in February.

 -  3311   -  SUPERNOVAE  -  what we learn from explosions?   When a star bigger than our Sun burns up all its hydrogen fuel, then its helium fuel, then right up the Periodic Table of Elements,  until it reaches iron, then, the star explodes as a supernova.   

 -  3312   - VENUS  -  our sister planet?  The surface of Venus is completely inhospitable for life.  It is barren, dry, crushed under an atmosphere about 90 times the pressure of Earth's and roasted by temperatures two times hotter than an oven. But was it always that way?

-  3313   -  TIME  -  how the Earth rolls?  “Universal Coordinated Time“, the official international timekeeping method, is based on the atomic clock, which measures time by the movement of electrons in atoms that have been cooled to absolute zero. Atomic clocks are precise and invariable. 

-  3314   -  UNIVERSE  -  how much is it expanding? The universe is expanding, with every galaxy beyond the Local Group speeding away from us. Today, most of the universe's galaxies are already receding faster than the speed of light. All galaxies currently beyond 18 billion light-years are forever unreachable by us, no matter how much time passes.  Their light will never get to us.  We can not travel faster than light

- 3315   -  BLACKHOLES  -  how gravity creates them?  We do not understand what happens inside a Black Hole because as the mass concentrates into a Singularity all the Theories of Relativity break down.  Gravity can not be calculated at the quantum level.  

We need a new theory that combines relativity and quantum mechanics for the force of gravity before our math can deal further.

- 3316   -  EARTH  -   extinctions of species?  The extinctions on Earth snuffed out more than half of the species in five mammal groups.  Fossils of the key groups used to unveil the “Eocene-Oligocene Extinction” in Africa with primates, the “carnivorous hyaenodont“, and  rodents. 

-  3317  -  EARTH’S  -  magnetic bubble?  A tiny line in a light spectrum reveals a distant part of the Universe that we may not be able to “see” but can deduce through decades of research, and our imagination, transforming data into accretion disks, giant stars, plasma flying at near light-speeds, powerful X-Rays, and spinning stellar relics. 

-  3318  -  SUN  -  Milankovitch cycles in orbits?  Cycles play key roles in Earth’s short-term weather and long-term climate. A century ago, Serbian scientist Milutin Milankovitch hypothesized the long-term, collective effects of changes in Earth’s position relative to the Sun are a strong driver of Earth’s long-term climate, and are responsible for triggering the beginning and end of glaciation periods, the Ice Ages.

 -  3319   -  DARK  ENERGY  -  what is causing it?  What is causing the accelerating expansion of the universe?  It requires energy to accelerate anything.   Let’s call it “dark energy”.   It has never been directly observed or measured. Instead, scientists can only make inferences about it from its effects on the space and matter that we can see.

 -  3320   - SUN  FLARES  -  this Halloween, 2021.  The sun is currently in the beginning phase of its latest 11-year solar cycle, “solar cycle 25“, in which its activity rises and falls over time. Currently its activity is relatively low. But,  we get our first solar flare for Halloween.

 -  3321   - ASTEROIDS  -  impact craters.  -  There are 190 confirmed impact structures on Earth.  Despite our planet's habit of erasing these cosmic footprints, there are myriad craters still visible on Earth.  Due to Earth's dynamic climate, processes such as weathering and erosion work to erase any trace of these cosmic visitors from our landscape. Some of the largest impacts ever to occur on Earth are barely visible to us today.

 -  3322   -   BLACKHOLES  -  how we found them?  In April 2019  a direct image was produced of the supermassive blackhole at the center of active galaxy Messier 87.   This stunning photo was taken by the Event Horizon Telescope.  The EHT consists of a large network of telescopes scattered all over the world rather than a single instrument. 

 -  3323  -  UNIVERSE  -   spooky action at distance?  The Friedmann equations which relates the universe’s expansion rate to the sum total of all the different forms of matter and energy within it has been known for 99 years and applied to the universe for almost as long.

 -  3324   - METEOR -  impact craters.   There are roughly 190 known impact craters worldwide and fully a third of them, including some of the biggest, are located in North America. These massive blast zones were formed by meteors, asteroids and comets that slammed into the earth’s surface with a force many times greater than today’s most powerful nuclear bombs.

 -  3325   -  MILKY  WAY  GALAXY  -   still more to learn?    Our celestial home galaxy is full of stars, supernovas, nebulas, energy and dark matter, but many aspects of it remain mysterious, even to scientists.  How Gaia Satellite is helping us learn. 

 -  3326   - PHYSICS  -  what we can learn from Iceman?    Physics has recreated history for us.  Recordings are found in unsuspected places all around us if we have the eyes and the mind to see it.  The physics in astronomy is recreating the evolution of the Universe for us, if we have the desire to learn it.

 -  3327   -   SPACE  TRAVEL  -  how practical is it?   Send a space probe 63 lightyears away.  Our Milky Way Galaxy is 100,000 lightyears across.  That seems like a short distance by comparison.  Our current rockets travel 10 miles per second, that is 36,000 miles per hour.  That’s fast.  How long would it take to get there?  

-  3328   -   ASTEROID  -  Apophis flyby in 2029?  After its discovery in 2004, “asteroid 99942”,  “Apophis” had been identified as one of the most hazardous asteroids that could impact Earth. But that impact assessment changed as astronomers tracked Apophis and its orbit became better determined.

 -  3329   -   LIFE  -  on Mars and other planets?     Exoplanets exceed the compositional spread of >4,000 nearby main sequence stars and their unique silicate compositions are unlikely to reflect variations in parent star compositions. These polluted white dwarfs reveal greater planetary variety in our solar neighborhood with consequently unique planetary accretion and differentiation paths that have no direct counterparts in our Solar System. 

 -  3330   -   METEOR  CRATER  -  Manson, Iowa.   A meteorite that struck the Earth 74 million years ago still today has an effect on Iowa's water supply.  This meteorite about a mile in diameter formed the “Manson impact crater”  at the end of the Cretaceous period. The crater is one of the largest in North America. 

 -  3331   -   GRAPHENE  -  electronics revolution.  It will come in terms of wearable devices, including those used for diagnostic telemedicine applications.   As connected devices and the internet of things continue to take off, the demand for ultra-miniaturized electronics is greater than ever. With the recent advances in graphene technology, the future is already here

 -  3332   GAIA  -  exoplanets are discovered.    The first exoplanets were discovered in the 1990s and since then astronomers have identified thousands using a variety of detection methods. This ever-rising exoplanet tally comes from only a small sampling of the whole Galaxy, and will certainly increase as new telescopes and observatories come online.

-  3333   -  BLACKHOLES  -   Einstein’s theories proven right?     A new physics breakthrough shows how Einstein's theory of general relativity continues to hold up, even for "balding" blackholes.  Blackholes are regions of spacetime where gravity's pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from being dragged in and "eaten."

-  3334   -  JUPITER  -    Four Moons of Jupiter.   You can see these four moons of Jupiter with your binoculars.  These four moons were first seen by Galileo using his primitive telescope over 400 years ago.   The 4 largest moons orbiting Jupiter are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto discovered in 1610.  It was not until 1892 that the 5th moon was discovered. 

 -  3335   -   COMET  -  strikes Chile.    Heat from a comet exploding just above the ground fused the sandy soil into patches of glass stretching 75 kilometers.  This is the first time we have clear evidence of glasses on Earth that were created by the thermal radiation and winds from a fireball exploding just above the surface

 -  3336   -  VOYAGER SPACECRAFT  -    still making new discoveries?   - When the 40 year old Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft entered interstellar space in 2012 and 2018, respectively, scientists celebrated.  These spacecraft had already traveled 120 times the distance from the Earth to the sun to reach the boundary of the “heliosphere“, the bubble encompassing our solar system that's affected by the solar wind. 

 -  3337   -  -    EARTH  -  learning about home.   Some facts about your home, No not California or even the USA, but mother Earth.  Earth is the third planet from the sun. While scientists continue to hunt for clues of life beyond Earth, our home planet remains the only place in the universe where we've ever identified living organisms. 

-  3338   -   GRAVITY  WAVES -  detecting blackhole mergers?   Gravity Waves are like light waves.  They travel at the speed of light , 186,000 miles per second.  Astronomers are just beginning to detect these waves.  We had the theories but now we have physical evidence that large rotating masses create gravity waves.  

 -  3339   -   SPACETIME  -  are wormholes real?   I know what time it is, but, I don’t know what time is.  Time is a mystery.  We think it is part of space, but we don’t know what space is either?  We even stitch them together into a fabric called spacetime. And then spacetime can go down a wormhole.   What in the world is that?

 -  3340   -   MATH  -  was it invented?  -  Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement. Math is all around us, in everything we do. It is the building block for everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, computers, software, architecture, art, money, engineering and even sports.

-  3341   -  PHOTONS  - particles or waves?   Like all elementary particles, photons are governed by quantum mechanics and will exhibit wave-particle duality, they exhibit properties of both waves and particles.  A single photon may be refracted by a lens or exhibit wave interference, but also act as a particle giving a definite result when its location is measured.

 -  3342   -     GRAVITY  -  have we figured it out?  Newton's major goal was to explain planetary motion. Johannes Kepler had devised three laws of planetary motion without the use of Newton's law of gravity. They are fully consistent and one can prove all of Kepler's Laws by applying Newton's theory of universal gravitation.

 -  3344  -   SPACETIME  - the theory of gravity?  The theory of gravity also known as “general relativity” developed  by Albert Einstein.  It took him seven years to complete and provided amazing new insights into how the world works.   To state the bare essence of the theory of general relativity: "Matter and energy tell space-time how to bend, and the bending of space-time tells matter how to move." 

 -  3345   -   ASTEROID IMPACT  -  deflect it before it hits?   Scientists are tracking more than 27,000 asteroids circling around Earth's neighborhood of space. Experts in the field they call planetary defense know that just such an object killed off most of the dinosaurs, and they're determined to see to it that humans don't meet the same fate.

-  3346   -   DARK  ENERGY - the quest for discovery?   Through studying a supernova event researchers were able to peer into the past to observe the universe’s expansion rate. They found that the universe was expanding more slowly in the past, meaning that the expansion of our universe is accelerating instead of slowing down. 

-  3347   -  QUANTUM  GRAVITY  -  what theory works?   Clocks show us how to link the quantum world with gravity.  Time was found to flow differently between the top and bottom of a single cloud of atoms.  This discovery may help combine “quantum mechanics” and ‘Einstein’s theory of gravity‘, i.e. Relativity.

-  3348 -   RADIO  GALAXIES  -  seeing with new eyes?  What’s a radio galaxy?  If you can see a galaxy in a telescope ; it’s a light galaxy.  Radio waves are just light waves at a much lower frequency, or much broader wavelengths.  You need a different type of telescope to detect these wider wavelengths

-  3349   -  HUBBLE  -  giant planets and Europa?    Hubble’s snapshots of the ‘outer planets” reveal both extreme and subtle changes rapidly taking place in these distant worlds.  It gleans new insights into the fascinating, dynamic weather patterns and seasons on these gas giants and allows astronomers to investigate the very similar and very different causes of their changing atmospheres

.-  3350   -  DARK  MATTER  -    some ideas to explain it.  -  Even though we know that ordinary matter accounts for only about one-twentieth of the universe’s energy (5%) and a sixth of the total energy carried by matter (with dark energy constituting the remaining portion), we nonetheless consider “ordinary matter” to be the truly “important” constituent. 

 -  3351   -   TIME  -  how short is instantaneous?   How short is an “instant” in time? Is it a second? A tenth of a second? A microsecond? What about 100 years? That certainly doesn’t seem like an instant, and to a human being, it isn’t. But to a giant sequoia 100 years is no big deal. And in geological terms it’s practically nothing.

-  3352   - COMPUTER  SIMULATIONS   -   model the universe.   Year 2020 simulations of the Universe contain up to  60 trillion particles.  The greatest mysteries facing astronomers and cosmologists are the roles gravitational attraction and cosmic expansion play in the evolution of the Universe. 

-  3353   -   SPEED  -  can we go as fast as light?   At 1 percent the speed of light, it would take a little over a second to get from Los Angeles to New York which is more than 10,000 times faster than a commercial jet.

- 3354   -   ASTEROIDS  -  space rocks circling the Sun.   Could one of these rocks slam into Earth?  Just how many space rocks out there actually threaten our planet?   Today NASA knows of zero asteroids large enough to do meaningful damage on Earth and currently on track to collide with our planet in the foreseeable future.

-  3355  -  PLASTIC  CLOTHES -  how to save the environment?   Textiles are these complex mixtures of different materials like cotton, polyester, spandex, nylon, and acrylic  In 2018, 11,300,000 tons of textile mixtures waste ended up in landfills. 

 -  3356   -   PHOTOELECTRIC  EFFECT  -  the cause of strange behavior?  When light interacted with electrons, light just didn't behave like it was supposed to. Repairing this tear in theory required more than just a patch. It meant rebuilding a large portion of physics from the ground up.

 -  3357  -   EXOPLANETS -  how to explain hot Jupiters?  We have four terrestrial planets.  Earth being number 3. Then there are four gaseous planets.  Jupiter being the biggest.  The planets we discover in the faraway solar systems we call exoplanets.  We tend to discover the biggest one like Jupiter. 

 -  3358   -  PHOTONS  -  have a lot of explaining to do?  -  A photon is an elementary particle in physics.  It is the quantum of the electromagnetic field.   And, it is the basic "unit" of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. 

 -  3359   -   WHITE  DWARF  -  stars with perplexing behavior?  A white dwarf star that completes a full rotation once every 25 seconds is the fastest spinning confirmed white dwarf.  It as an extremely rare  “magnetic propeller system”. The white dwarf is pulling gaseous plasma from a nearby companion star and flinging it into space at around 3,000 kilometers per second.

-  3360   -  PHYSICS  -   mysteries yet to be solved?  Today, no physicist would dare assert that our physical knowledge of the universe is near completion. To the contrary, each new discovery seems to unlock a Pandora's box of even bigger, even deeper physics questions. 

 -  3361  -   MILKY WAY  GALAXY    -   Our galaxy is an awe-inspiring place full of stars, supernovas, nebulas, energy and dark matter, but many aspects of it remain mysterious, even to scientists.  Before the advent of electric lights, everybody on Earth had an unobstructed view of the night sky. The enormous milky band of stars crossing it was impossible to miss.  It was our Milky Way Galaxy.

 -  3362   - EARTH’S  -  magnetic core is moving?  Though the Earth’s magnetic field is very similar to that of a bar magnet, with a north and south pole, it is not as stable because it is generated by complex processes inside the Earth. These cause the magnetic poles to wander.

-  3363   -  GALAXIES  -  beyond were light can see?  The present “reachability limit” has a boundary 18 billion light-years away.  The limit of the visible universe is 46.1 billion light-years, as that’s the limit of how far away an object that emitted light that would just be reaching us today would be after expanding away from us for 13.8 billion years.  

-  3364   -   FOSSILS -   Oldest fossils found in Africa?    In an African cave scientists have discovered the fragmented skull of a “Homo naledi” child they're calling "Leti."  How the little skull ended up in such a remote part of the cave is a mystery, though the discoverers suspect it could be evidence of an intentional burial, 240,000 years ago.

-  3365   - NEUTRINOS  -   the ghost particle?     Millions of barely perceptible “ghost” particles, “neutrinos”, fly through your body every second.  Neutrinos have near zero mass and no electric charge.  But, they hold secrets that could unlock the very origins of matter itself from the universe’s first moments.

 -  3366   -    EARTH  - The deeper we go the more we learn?  More historical artifacts lie in the ocean than in all of the world's museums combined.  Whether it's a Viking sundial used for navigation or a jadeite gift to ancient gods, a lot of the world's history can be found at the bottom of the seas. 

 -  3367   -   ASTRONOMY  -  puzzles to be solved?     Extremes in our Universe are the boundary conditions we can either observe or theorize.  Here are some of the fastest, the coldest, the rarest, the densest, extremes we can find.  Enjoy life while you have it.  The far distant future does not look so bright.

 -  3368   -   ATOMS  -  where do they come from?     This is your universe as much as it is anyone else’s.  This Review will tell you what you are really made of.  How old you really are.  And, where your atoms really came from.   It all started with empty space and grew from there.  It extends out to as far as we can see,  our Observable Universe. 

 -  3369   - CAMERAS  -   how small can they get?      Cameras keep on getting smaller and smaller, and the latest to appear is the same size as a grain of salt.  And, it's  able to produce images of much better quality than a lot of other ultra-compact cameras.  You will never be able to hide now!

-  3370   -   UNIVERSE  -  how old is it , really?   Scientists confidently state that it has been 13.8 billion years since the Big Bang, with an uncertainty of less than 1%. This is despite a 9% uncertainty in the expansion rate of the universe, and knowledge of a star that's dated at 14.5 billion years. The Universe might be as little as 13.6 billion years or as much as 14.0 billion years.

-  3371   -     TIME  -  Einstein’s theory of time.  The most accurate clock in the universe would probably be a rotating star like a pulsar, but on Earth atomic clocks provide the most accurate track of time. The entire GPS system in orbit around Earth uses atomic clocks to accurately track positions and relay data to the planet, while entire scientific centers are set up to calculate the most accurate measure of time, usually by measuring transitions within a cesium atom. 

- 3372   -   PHYSICS  -   the Theory of Everything?  The fact that Newton could have easily written F = ma instead of F = (dp/dt), perhaps Newton actually anticipated “special relativity“. Insight into the workings of our Universe, along with the development of invaluable tools for problem solving, embedded in the seemingly simple equation behind Newton’s second law: F = ma.

 -  3373   -   SOLAR  SYSTEM  -  today’s size and growing?  -  How Much Space is in our Solar System?   The Universe is a very big place with lots of space.  Let’s just start with our little solar system.  We really do not know what space is, or, what’s it made of. 

 -  3374   -  DARK MATTER  - what is it made of?  Ordinary matter is made up of everyday particles like protons and electrons, as well as a whole zoo of more exotic particles like neutrinos, muons and pions. Some researchers have wondered if dark matter, which makes up 85 percent of the matter in the universe, might also be just as complicated.  

 -  3375   -   STAR DUST  -  that made the Universe?  All the matter we see around us here on Earth, even our own bodies, has gone through at least one cycle of stellar birth and death, maybe more. But which type of star was it?

-  3376   -   PULSARS  -  astronomy’s precision clocks?   Einstein’s “General relativity” is not compatible with the other fundamental forces, described by “quantum mechanics“. It is therefore important to continue to place the most stringent tests upon general relativity as possible, to discover how and when the theory breaks down. 

-  3377  -  EARTH  -  where did the water come from?  One of the most difficult questions about Earth regards the origins of its water. Where did it come from?  The early Earth was too hot to hold water.  It would have all evaporated. 

-    3378  -  MARS  - and Moon, have we found organics?    NASA's Perseverance Mars rover has discovered carbon-containing organic compounds in some of the rocks it investigated on the floor of the Red Planet's Jezero Crater.  We can't count this as detection of life on Mars, but,  we have found life's building blocks, since organics can be produced by both biological and non-biological means.

-   3380  -  UNIVERSE  - in shape of a donut?   We live in an expanding universe, and at large scales the universe is expanding at a rate that is faster than the speed of light, so you could never catch up and complete the loop.  It’s fun to imagine living on the surface of a giant donut.

-  3381  -  SUN  -    Parker Probing the Sun?   For the first time in our history, a spacecraft has touched the Sun. NASA's “Parker Solar Probe” has now (2021) flown through the Sun's upper atmosphere - the corona - and sampled particles and magnetic fields there.

 -  3382  -  LIFE  -  our guide to evolution?   Does humanity exist to serve some ultimate, transcendent purpose? Conventional scientific wisdom says no.   Our evolution on this planet is just a “cosmic accident”. If you believe otherwise, many would accuse you of suffering from some kind of religious delusion.

 -  3383 -   JAMES  WEBB   -  telescope compared to Hubble?  The “James Webb Space Telescope” is currently poised to launch December 24, 2021,  and become the most powerful telescope in space. But how will its photos compare to Hubble's?

 -  3384  -  ELECTRIC  CARS  -  some early specs. Electric cars work by plugging into a charge point and taking electricity from the grid. They store the electricity in rechargeable batteries that power an electric motor, which turns the wheels. Electric cars accelerate faster than vehicles with traditional fuel engines.

 -  3385  -  PLANETARY  NEBULAE  -  planet formation?   The NASA James Webb Space Telescope, to launch in January, 2020. It is specialized to observe in infrared wavelengths. The powerful observatory is expected to reveal more about the habitability of certain exoplanets' atmospheres.

 -  3386  -  PLANETS  -  free floating planets?    Astronomers have discovered at least 70 new free-floating planets (FFPs), planets that wander through space without a parent star to orbit, in the Upper Scorpius OB stellar association, which is the nearest region of star formation to our Sun. 

 -  3387  -  GALAXY  -  seen in radio waves?     Astronomers have produced the most comprehensive image of radio emission from the nearest actively feeding supermassive blackhole to Earth. The emission is powered by a central blackhole in the galaxy Centaurus A, about 12 million light years away.

 -  3388  -  PLUTO  -  ice sheets explored? -  Scientists have unravelled a fascinating new insight into how the landscape of the dwarf-planet Pluto has formed.   The most striking feature on Pluto's surface, “Sputnik Planitia” is an impact crater, consisting of a bright plain, slightly larger than France, and filled with nitrogen ice.

 -  3389  -  METEORITES  -  remnants of early solar system?     Meteorites are remnants of the building blocks that formed Earth and the other planets orbiting our Sun.  Analysis of their isotopic makeup settles a longstanding debate about the geochemical evolution of our Solar System and our home planet.

 -  3390  -  DIAMONDS  -  made from air pollution?    Lab-grown diamonds have gained traction within the last decade or so as consumers became more aware of the environmental and social impacts of diamond mining. But just because a gem is manufactured instead of mined doesn't automatically mean that it was sustainably produced.

 -  3391 -  JAMES  WEBB - space telescope?    The James Webb Space Telescope will change our view of the universe.  The new telescope will peer deeper into the most ancient universe 13.4 billion lightyears away.

-  3392 -  STARS  -  7 stages of growth?   Stars come in a variety of masses and the mass determines how the star will live to shine and how it dies. Massive stars transform into supernovae, neutron stars and blackholes while average stars like the Sun, end life as a white dwarf surrounded by a disappearing planetary nebula.

 -  3393 -  EINSTEIN  -  relativity tested by pulsars?  A 16-year long experiment to challenge Einstein's theory of general relativity.  A pair of extreme stars called pulsars were studied through seven radio telescopes across the globe.  This experiment reveals new relativistic effects that have now been observed for the first time.

 3394 -  SPACE  -  Year 2021 astronomy discoveries?  Astronomers have turned the Earth into a giant telescope to view powerful jets from a blackhole. Solar system surveys have revealed new moons and massive comets previously lurking undetected. The sun has also been a main attraction for research.

 -  3395 - BLACKHOLES  -  more complicated than we thought?    Blackholes are simple objects yet so complicated for science.  Blackholes are simply so much mass concentrated in so small a space that nothing can escape because of the pull of gravity.  Not even the light photons can escape the pull of their immense gravity.

 -  3396 -  HYDROGEN    -  Cars Can Run on Water?    Chrysler already has a car running on water.  Daimler Chrysler built a concept car in 2003.  It was called “Natrium” which is the Latin word for sodium.  Na is the chemistry symbol for sodium.  

 -  3397 --  THERMODYNAMICS -  an elimination course in college.   In the far distant future, stars will have used up all of their nuclear fuel ending up as stellar remnants, such as white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes. They will eventually evaporate into protons, electrons, photons and neutrinos, ultimately reaching thermal equilibrium with the rest of the Universe.

-  3398 -  -  EXOPLANETS  -    habital and rogue planets?  There are exoplanets that are planets beyond our own solar system. Thousands have been discovered in the past two decades, mostly with NASA's Kepler Space Telescope. 

 -  3399 -  BIG  BANG  -  what happened before that?  Of all the questions humanity has ever pondered, perhaps the most profound is, “where did all of this come from?” For generations, we told one another tales of our own invention, and chose the narrative that sounded best to us. 

 -  3400 -  UNIVERSE  -  in ten easy steps?    The broadly accepted theory for the origin and evolution of our universe is the Big Bang model, which states that the universe began as an incredibly hot, dense point roughly 13.7 billion years ago. So, how did the universe go from being fractions of an inch  across to what it is today?

 -  3401 -  UNIVERSE  -  expanding into what?   The Universe hasn't existed forever but only for a finite time since the Big Bang, and it's been expanding ever since that event took place. We are expanding as you are reading this.

 -  3402 -  UNIVERSE  -  story of the Universe?  -  In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, around 13.7 billion years ago, the universe formed. We still don't know the exact conditions under which this happened, and whether there was a time before time.  But using telescope observations and models of particle physics, researchers have been able to piece together a rough timeline of major events in the cosmos's life.


-  October 9, 2021                                                                              3300                                                                                                                                                 


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 ---------------------   Tuesday, January 18, 2022  -------------------------


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