Thursday, August 22, 2024



-    4542 -   ASTEROID  HITS  EARTH?  -     A large asteroid impacting Earth was the “Chicxulub event” that caused the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, 66 million years ago.  But there is an intense debate surrounding this rock that killed the dinosaurs has stirred scientists for decades.

------------------------------------------  4542  -  ASTEROID  HITS  EARTH?


-   Researchers used an innovative technique to demonstrate that the apocalyptic culprit which slammed into the Earth's surface 66 million years ago, causing this most recent mass extinction, had formed beyond Jupiter's orbit.  They also refute the idea that it was a comet.


-   The new insights into the apparent asteroid that cratered into Chicxulub, in what is present-day Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, could improve the understanding of celestial objects that have struck our planet.  This asteroid initially formed beyond Jupiter.


-   The new findings are based on analysis of sediment samples formed at the period between the Cretaceous and Paleogene eras, the time of the asteroid's cataclysmic impact.  Researchers measured the isotopes of the element ruthenium, not uncommon on asteroids but extremely rare on Earth.   By inspecting the deposits in multiple geological layers that mark the debris from the impact at Chicxulub, they could be sure that the ruthenium studied came "100 percent from this asteroid."


-    This was the first time new study techniques were used on impact debris layers.  Ruthenium isotopes can be used to distinguish between the two main groups of asteroids: C-type, or carbonaceous, asteroids that formed in the outer solar system, and S-type silicate asteroids from the inner solar system, nearer the sun.


-   The study affirms that the asteroid that triggered a mega-earthquake, precipitated a global winter and wiped out the dinosaurs and most other life, was a C-type asteroid that formed beyond Jupiter.  The conclusions are striking, because most meteorites, pieces of asteroids that fall to Earth are S-types.


-   Does that mean the Chicxulub impactor formed beyond Jupiter and made a beeline for our planet? Not necessarily.  We cannot be really sure where the asteroid was hiding just before it impacted on Earth.  It may have made a stopover in the asteroid belt, located between Mars and Jupiter and where most meteorites originate.


-     This study dismisses the idea that the destructive impactor was a comet, an icy rock from the very edge of the solar system.   Sample analyses now show that the celestial object was far different in composition from a subset of meteorites which are believed to have been comets in the past.


-    Defining the nature of asteroids that have struck Earth since its beginnings some 4.5 billion years ago could help solve the enigma of the origin of our planet's water.  They believe water may have been brought to Earth by asteroids, likely of the C-type like the one that struck 66 million years ago, even though they are less frequent.


-   If we find that earlier mass extinction events could also be related to C-type asteroid impacts, then... if there's ever going to be C-type asteroid on an Earth-crossing orbit, we have to be very careful because it might be the last one we witness.


-   This asteroid initially formed beyond Jupiter.  These new findings are based on analysis of sediment samples formed at the period between the Cretaceous and Paleogene eras, the time of the asteroid's cataclysmic impact.


-    Researchers measured the isotopes of the element ruthenium, not uncommon on asteroids but extremely rare on Earth. So by inspecting the deposits in multiple geological layers that mark the debris from the impact at Chicxulub, they could be sure that the ruthenium studied came "100 percent from this asteroid."


-   Ruthenium isotopes can be used to distinguish between the two main groups of asteroids:    C-type, or carbonaceous, asteroids that formed in the outer solar system, and S-type silicate asteroids from the inner solar system, nearer the sun.


-    The study affirms that the asteroid that triggered a mega-earthquake, precipitated a global winter and wiped out the dinosaurs and most other life, was a C-type asteroid that formed beyond Jupiter.   Most meteorites, pieces of asteroids that fall to Earth, are S-types.


-    If there's ever going to be C-type asteroid on an Earth-crossing orbit, we have to be very careful, because it might be the last one we witness.



August 20, 2024                ASTEROID  HITS  EARTH?               4542


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