Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Global Warming in 2006 and today?

--------- #1448 Global Warming in 2006 and today?
- After 5 years, 2001 to 2006, environmentalists and lawmakers had concluded “ Global Warming” is real and human activity is causing it. Mainly CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels create a greenhouse gas that is steadily warming the planet..
- Greenland ice sheets have doubled their rate of slide. By 2100 the sea levels will rise by 20 feet.
- CO2 is a few hundred parts per million in the atmosphere. As a greenhouse gas CO2 lets sunlight in but prevents infrared from the warming Earth from radiating back out. The CO2 reflects heat back to the ground keeping it trapped in the atmosphere warming the entire globe.
- During the last ice age ( see Review # 1436 for information ) CO2 was 180 parts per million. In the modern era the CO2 level was 200 parts per million. In 2006 it was 381 parts per million. 19 of the 20 hottest years on record occurred in the last 20 years. 2005 was the hottest year in the century.
- In Greenland 53 cubic miles of ice had melted into the sea. 10 years earlier it was 22 cubic miles per year. Estimates were that this process would raise seal levels 23 feet. The Antarctic holds enough ice to raise the sea levels to by 215 feet.
- When the white snow and ice shrinks the reflection of sunlight is reduced, more radiation is absorbed, more ice melts. It becomes a positive feedback loop.
- The last ice age was 8,000 years ago. Much of the permafrost still exists. As it melts, decomposes, it releases more CO2 and methane gas. Again, we create another positive feedback loop. Permafrost contains 800 gigatons of carbon. Compare that to human carbon output of 7 gigatons per year.
- The Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean brings warm water up from the tropics keeping Europe’s climate relatively mild. Warm water is lighter than cold water and floats to the surface. When the Gulf Stream reaches Europe it release heat and sinks to the bottom to return to the tropics in deep ocean currents. The water gets reheated and returns. However, fresh water from the melted glaciers is lighter than the salt water. This excessive concentration of fresh water enters the northern waters and blocks the gulf Stream cycle.
- Global warming is bringing Spring arrival earlier. This in turn melts the snow earlier. Washington, Oregon, and California are seeing droughts because the snow pack is gone too early in the season. Global warming is causing more droughts. More wild fires are occurring as a result. That too puts more carbon into the atmosphere.
- Animals go if the forests go.
- 141 nations have ratified the Kyoto Treaty designed to reduce CO2 emission in each nation. The US has 5% of the population but produces 25% of the CO2 emissions The US has not ratified the Kyoto Treaty. The Bush administration would remain intransigent , refusing to sign.
- Some 200 cities in the US have agreed to meet the Kyoto Treaty guidelines on their own. 9 states have agreed to a cap and trade program to reduce CO2 emissions. California passed the toughest automobile emissions law in the nation in 2005.
- Environmentalists predict 450 parts per million CO2 levels. Mercury and Venus and Mars have all died as hospitable planets. The Global Warming activists believe Earth will be next due to these CO2 emissions.
------------------- Nations production of CO2 emissions in thousand tons:
---------------------- US ------------------- 1,580,175
---------------------- China ---------------- 1,131,175
---------------------- India ------------------- 347,577
---------------------- Canada ----------------- 154,392
---------------------- Australia ---------------- 96,657
---------------------- Egypt -------------------- 38,118
- 2006 companies in the US as top polluters:
---------------------------------- 1 ---------------- DuPont
---------------------------------- 2 ---------------- US Steel
---------------------------------- 3 ---------------- Conoco Phillips
---------------------------------- 4 ---------------- GE
---------------------------------- 5 ---------------- Eastman Kodak
---------------------------------- 6 ---------------- Exxon
---------------------------------- 7 ---------------- Ford
---------------------------------- 96 ---------------- Kimberly-Clark
---------------------------------- 97---------------- Harley-Davidson
---------------------------------- 100 ---------------- Illinois Tool Works
-------------------------- 2006 cities with the most pollution:
---------------------------------- 1 ---------------- Bakersfield, CA
---------------------------------- 2 ---------------- LA, Long Beach
---------------------------------- 3 ---------------- Visalia, CA
---------------------------------- 4 ---------------- Fresno, CA
---------------------------------- 5 ---------------- Merced, CA
---------------------------------- 6 ---------------- Houston, Texas
---------------------------------- 7 ---------------- Sacramento, CA
---------------------------------- 8 ----------------- Dallas, Texas
---------------------------------- 9------------------ New York
---------------------------------- 10 ---------------- Philadelphia
- Nations with the most oil production in millions of barrels per day:
---------------------------------- 1 ---------------- Saudi Arabia ------------ 10.37
---------------------------------- 2 ---------------- Russia------------------------ 9.27
---------------------------------- 3 ---------------- US---------------------------- 8.69
---------------------------------- 4 ---------------- India-------------------------- 4.09
---------------------------------- 5 ---------------- Mexico----------------------- 3.83
---------------------------------- 6 ---------------- China------------------------- 3.62
- Nations as the top oil consumers in millions of barrels per day:
---------------------------------- 1 ---------------- US ----------------------- 20.5
---------------------------------- 2 ---------------- Chin------------------------ 6.5
---------------------------------- 3 ---------------- Japan----------------------- 5.4
---------------------------------- 4 ---------------- Germany------------------- 2.6
---------------------------------- 5 ---------------- Russia---------------------- 2.6
---------------------------------- 6 ---------------- India------------------------ 2.3
- That was 2006. It would be interesting to see the same measurements made for 2012. Needs more research. How would the data compare? An announcement will be made shortly, stay tuned.
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707-536-3272, Tuesday, April 3, 2012

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