Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What direct evidence says Blackholes exist?

----------------------- # 1587 - Blackholes


-1587 - Blackholes are real. They exist at the center of our Galaxy and there is direct evidence they have been found elsewhere in the Cosmos.


- Have we really found Blackholes in space?


- Yes, we have. Astronomers have mounted overwhelming evidence using the newest measurement instruments in space.


- The Blackhole most studied is the one in our own Milky Way Galaxy. There are several reviews available upon request about this Galactic Blackhole that is closest to us. But, this review looks at what else we have discovered.


- April 17, 2006. The Chandra X-ray Observatory confirmed discovery of two giant, Galactic Blackholes, that are colliding and merging. Chandra measures X-rays caused by jets of super heated material streaming out from the accretion disks of these Blackholes.


- The Blackholes can be seen as intertwined contrails of their polar jets buffeting the interstellar gases. The source of the jets emits X-rays. The ionized interstellar gas emits radio waves.


- The two Blackholes are galactic in size weighing billions of Solar Mass. They are still far apart and just beginning to collide. They can be viewed separately because they are still 100,000 lightyears apart, big enough for the Milky Way Galaxy to fit between them.


- Each time the gravity of a Blackhole slingshots an orbiting star out of the galaxies of stars that are between them, then the Blackhole gives up some of its orbital velocity and edges nearer the other Blackhole. ( The conservation of energy, or, the conservation of angular momentum).


- When the two Blackholes come within a single lightyear of each other they will begin losing energy by sending out gravity waves. This event ii the Abell 400 Blackhole collision will be studied with interest for some time.


- April 21,2005. A Blackhole was confirmed to exist at the center of our neighbor , the Andromeda Galaxy. This Blackhole is 140,000,000 Solar Mass. It is much bigger then the Blackhole at the center of our Galaxy which is 4,000,000 Solar Mass.


- The discovery was made by tracking 400 hot blue stars that are orbiting the central Blackhole. The rate of rotation of the orbiting stars allows astronomers to calculate the mass at the center. This was done by splitting the blue light of each star into its composite colors, its spectrum. This spectroscopy was used to measure the velocity of each of the orbiting stars.


- October 5, 2005. astronomers presented the evidence from two split second Gamma Ray Bursts. The bursts from jets that just happened to be pointed directly at us. The bursts only lasted for tens of milliseconds, but, they were followed by long lasting X-rays and visible light afterglows. Both bursts occurred at the edges of aged galaxies 2 billion lightyears from us.


- Computer modeling of this data shows two Neutron Stars spinning around each other ever faster and closer until they approach the speed of light. When they finally collide they release two beams of energy equivalent to 10^15 suns, just before creating a single Blackhole.


- September 12, 2005. Astronomers announced the discovery of GRB050904. A Gamma Ray Burst created by an imploding star creating a Stellar Blackhole.


- The redshift of the light was z = 6.29, which calculates to a time 900,000,000 years after the Big Bang. The Gamma Rays and infrared light from this violent stellar collapse had traveled 12.7 billion years to reach Earth on September 5th. that light we saw had traveled more than 90 percent of the history and expansion of the Universe. An announcement will be made shortly, stay tuned.

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