Friday, July 15, 2016

Anti-matter. What is it ? Why is it?

-  1892  -  Anti-matter.  What is it ?  Why is it?  If the Big Bang was 100% energy and equal amounts of matter and anti-matter were created, how do we explain the dominants of matter in our Universe?  Plus a few other mysterious forces yet to be explained.
---------------------------------------  1892  -  Anti-matter.  What is it ?
-  Anti-matter are the same particles as Matter except these counterparts carry the opposite charge and opposite spin.  When an electron meets an anti-electron they annihilate each other converting 100% back to energy, in the form of Gamma Rays.
Gamma Rays are the highest frequency light.  All the 12 particles in the Standard Model of particles have their counterpart in anti-particles.
-  Energy converted into matter.  It happens in our upper atmosphere every day.  Anti-matter particles are created by the Cosmic Rays entering the atmosphere from outer space.  Gamma Rays are arriving at rates ranging from 1 to 100 per square meter.  Anti-matter particles are also produced in the tops of thunder storms.
-  Cosmic Ray collisions routinely produce anti-electrons and anti- protons.  Anti- helium atoms would require an extremely huge amount of energy to produce. But, it does happen.  The Earth’s magnetic field acts as an anti-matter trap where anti-protons are found, called the Van Allen Radiation Belt.
-  An anti-matter source closer to  home comes in bananas.  Bananas contain potassium-40, a naturally occurring isotope of potassium.  Your body is radiating positrons, which the name for anti-electrons, from the same source, Potassium-40.  They are very short lived.  This annihilation process is going on all the time and you are none the wiser.
-  Fortunately, these annihilations occurring naturally are with single atomic particles.  They carry enormous amounts of energy for their size, but their size is very, very small.  If you could accumulate a single gram of anti-matter you could produce an explosion the size of a nuclear bomb.  Again, fortunately, humans have not been able to produce even small amounts of anti-matter.
-  Our most powerful atomic particle accelerators, like the Fermi Lab Tevatron, have produced only 15 nanograms (10^-9 grams) over its entire history.  If we annihilated all the anti-matter these big particle accelerators have produce we would not have enough energy to boil a cup of coffee.  A gram of anti-matter requires 25 million billion kilowatt-hours of energy costing a million billion dollars.  Don’t tell the government, they would spend the money.
-  Potassium-40 and other radioactive isotopes are used in medical PET Scans.  PET, positron emission tomography, uses radioactive isotopes attached to glucose and injected into the bloodstream.  As these positrons encounter electrons they release Gamma Rays inside the body.  The PET detectors surround the body collect this radiation and construct images of the soft tissues that can not be imaged in X-Rays.  This technique may someday be used to destroy cancer cells.
-  The latest theory to explain why matter is dominant over anti-matter relies on the neutrino.  Neutrinos are the tiniest particles, nearly massless, with a neutral charge, that is no electric charge to interact with other matter.  Some radioactive decay releases 2 electrons and 2 neutrinos.  If neutrinos were their own anti-particles they would annihilate each other and we would see only the two electrons.  It the decay is asymmetrical maybe a tiny matter excess is enough to explain our matter dominated Universe.  One extra matter particle for every billion matter-anti-matter annihilations is all we would need.
-  Does gravity have the same effect on ant-matter as it does on matter?  Experiments have not been developed sensitive enough to prove this either way.
-  Stay tuned as announcement will be made shortly.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more about Anti-Matter, and other mysterious forces yet to be explained:
-  Potassium-40 radioactive dating.  See Review #872.
Potassium-40 has a half-life of 1,280,000 years.  It contains 19 protons and 21 neutrons, and is unstable.  It decays into Calcium-40 , or , Argon -40.  It is used in radioactive dating of volcanic rocks where prehistoric bones are buried.  Layers of volcanic sediment above and below the bones have dated humanoids living 4,000,000 to 7,000,000 years ago.  See the Review #872 for the math involved.
-  Casimir Effect is a theory that a perfect vacuum of space still contains energy.  See Review #1413 to learn how vacuum fluctuations create a force in space.  The Casimir Force was first proposed trying to discover why syrup flowed so slowly.  How do neutral atoms have a mutual attraction causing syrup to flow so slowly.  There is math to support this too.
-  See Review #1237 about how Vacuum Energy is affecting nano-technology and expanding the Universe at the same time.  The big and small of what we can’t explain.
-  The Lamb Shift, named after, Willis Lamb ( 1913-2008) is the difference in energy levels in the hydrogen atom.  The difference is believed to be caused by the interaction between “ vacuum energy” and the  hydrogen electron.  The concept was used by Richard Hawking of how vacuum energy fluctuations allowed articles to escape Blackhole  (Hawking Radiation)
-  Quantum Electrodynamics ( QED) is the math used to calculate the fluctuations in the electric and magnetic fields inside the atom.  The energy shift is the fluctuations of the position of the electron.
-  The Lamb Shift provides a measurement of the Fine-Structure Constant which is one of nature’s fundamental constants.
-  Could there be an anti-gravity?  Anti-matter has the opposite electric charge and spin but we assume it has the same affects with gravity as Normal Matter.  But, experiments have not been able to prove this yet. Would anti-matter fall “ up”?
-  #1393  -  Anti-matter was first discovered mathematically in 1928.  It was discovered in the lab in 1932.  When an electron and anti-electron meet the annihilation releasing two Gamma Rays in the opposite direction at exactly 510,000 electron volts.
-  #1839  -  B-Mesons decay with asymmetry called “CP” voilation.  This may explain why matter outnumbers anti-matter.  CP  =  charge-parity breaking.
-  #1746  -  The asymmetry of the amount of anti-matter may be been due to the motion of the Higgs Field.
-  #1303 -  Antarctic Balloon experiments have mapped the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature.
-   #1272  -  Anti-hydrogen was first produced in 2011.  Science shows America’s education and media system is a failure.  Here’s why.
-  #1149  -  So far, Broken Symmetry is not near dominate enough to explain the dominate creation of Matter.
-  #971  -  Once they realized the Universe is expanding they had to accept that it has a past and will have a future.
-  #891  -  Does anti-energy exist.  Does anti-gravity exist.  Evidence is that for every 10,000,000,000 particles of matter there is on particle of anti-matter.
-  #730  -  Anti-matter is made of 12 fundamental anti-particles.
-  #607  -  Maybe Dark Matter is generating anti-matter in the Blackhole at the center of our galaxy?
-  #880  -  Anti-matter and Blackholes
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------   Friday, July 15, 2016  -----

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