Monday, January 29, 2018

GRAVITY - a property of space and time

---------------------------  2014  - GRAVITY  -  a property of space and time

-  Gravity is a property of nature where by all things with energy are brought together with an attractive force.  Mass is concentrated energy and the greater the mass the greater the force of gravity bringing them together.  Gravity affects all mass from stars and galaxies to sub-atomic particles.
-  Gravity creates energy through the fusion of hydrogen gas in the cores of stars.  On the surface Earth’s gravity gives “weight “ to all masses and causes the tides in the oceans.

-  This attractive force of gravity decreases as the square of the distance of separation.  Although its range is infinite its effects get increasingly weaker on farther objects.  As a force, gravity is easier to recognize.  It was the genius of Albert Einstein that opened our minds to think of gravity as a curvature , warping, of space-time.  Objects falling due to the “ force” of gravity are actually following the path of least resistance in the warped medium of space and time.  It is hard to wrap your mind around that one.
-  This “curvature” occurs whenever there is an uneven distribution of mass-energy.  The result is a gravity time dilation whereby time slows down in lower, stronger, gravitational potentials.
-  This Einstein General Theory of Relativity becomes most relevant in strong energy-mass fields.  Isaac Newton’s approximation for the effects of gravity is adequately accurate for our everyday earthly activities.  Even for short journeys across our Solar System.  His equations worked fine to get us to the Moon and back.
-  Put simply:  The attractive force of gravity is directly proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
-------------------------  F  =  G * m * M  /  r^2
-  There are 4 fundamental forces in Nature known so far.  Gravity is by far the weakest.   The Strong Force that holds the nucleus of atoms together is 38 magnitudes stronger than the force of gravity, 10^38 times.  It is 10^29 times weaker that the Weak Force that holds Neutrons together in the nucleus.
-  That is:  0.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 weaker “force” of gravity.  For example: The electromagnetic force of the refrigerator magnet can easily overpower the gravity of the enormous mass of the Earth.
-  At the sub-atomic distances Gravity has negligible effects.  At macro scale levels of familiar masses Gravity becomes the dominant force of the interactions we routinely observe.
-  The “ Equivalence Principle” is the observation that all objects fall the same way and the effects are indistinguishable between gravity and the effects of acceleration ( a change in velocity).  This principle also equates the free-fall of inertial motion to the acceleration to the relative, non-inertial observers on the ground.
-  Einstein’s explanation is that free-falling objects are moving along locally straight lines that are curved by space-time.  These “straight lines “ in curved space-time are called “ geodesics”.
-  Einstein’s explanation also predicted that “ gravity waves” would propagate from the interactions of very massive objects ( like orbiting Neutron Stars, or Blackholes).  These waves were first detected by LIGO experiments in September, 2015.
-  Using Newton’s equations for Gravity can not explain why the distribution of velocities of stars in spiral galaxies are faster on the outskirts of the galaxies.  At the velocities measured these stars should be ejected from the galaxy like the water from a lawn sprinkler.
-  The same calculations apply to galaxies within a rotating cluster of galaxies.  The mystery is explained by the existence of “ Dark Matter” located in a “ halo” around the Normal visible matter.  It is the mass of Dark Matter that is holding everything together.
-  The devil is in the details and the closer and farther we extend our observations of gravity the more we are convinced we have more to learn.  For example:  The planetary orbits are widening faster than the Sun is losing mass by radiating energy.  We can not explain why?
-  Another example comes from photons traveling through the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation somehow carry twice as much energy as we calculate.
-  And, there is the proposal that the gravity force is weaker because it exists in extra dimensions beyond the three “space” dimensions and the one “time” dimension we are familiar with.  Maybe there are 6 more dimensions that gravity is leaking into?
-  Stay in school, we need more knowledge than we have if we are ever going to understand this stuff that we consider fundamental properties of Nature.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more about gravity:
-  #1875  -  Planck’s Constant, 6.625*10^-34 Joules*seconds, is the uniform ratio of the energy of one photon to electromagnetic radiation and the frequency of that radiation.
-  #1875  -  Footnotes  list 17 other reviews about gravity, mass, and light.
-  #1870  -  Are the smallest scales of gravity granular?  Are there force carrier particles called “ Gravitons”?
-  #1751  -  Einstein’s Theory of Gravity.  A spinning massive body pulls space-time along with it like a spoon stirring honey.  The spinning system can radiate gravity waves.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more about “space“:
-  #1861  -  Today the curvature of space tells us that 96% of the Universe is composed of unknown Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
-  #1861  -  Footnotes list 5 more reviews about space.
-  #1831  The space between galaxies contains only a few hydrogen atoms per cubic meter.
-  #1790  -  Space bends and time slows.
-  #1407 -   Space is anything but empty.
-  #1241  -  How can space and time even be related?  Space is what gives objects and events relative position and direction.  Space is part of a boundless 4 dimensional continuum of space-time
-  #1241 -  Footnotes lists 14 other reviews about “ space-time”. 
-  Request these Reviews to learn more about “time“:
-  #1774  -  Time, we can’t live without it.  Quantum uncertainties state the future is not determined until it happens.
-  #1758  -  Time is a mystery.  The events in our lives undeniable for a uni-directional sequence.
-  #1735  -  We are running out of time.  Optical clocks are so good we can see the effects of relativity slowing down time in the lab.
-  #1735  -  Footnotes lists 16 other reviews about “ time”.  Are we really expanding into space or are we falling into something else?  Time is a measure of change and if nothing changes time is done.  Can time even exist without space?
-  #842  Let’s say the Big Bang happened on January 1st and we compressed known history into the same year.  This review is the history of the Universe.
-  #743  -  Time is what God created to keep everything from happening all at once.
-  #1808  -  The Universal Calendar from 10^-43 seconds to 15 billion years in 5 pages.
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------   Monday, January 29, 2018  -----

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