Wednesday, May 29, 2019

ENERGY - Where is Energy Going?

-   2380 -  ENERGY  -  where is it going?  Energy is expanding our Universe into an Island Galaxy in the middle of a void of space.  All the mass and energy in the universe will still be there.  It will just be so spread out and diluted so much that it becomes a cold vacuum.  All wavelengths of energy will be lightyears long.  The temperature of space will be near absolute zero. 
----------------------------- 2382 -   ENERGY  -  Where is Energy Going?
-  The Energy in the Universe is finite.  There is just so much of it and that’s it.  Both mass and energy, because they are the same thing, just different forms.  Energy is 90,000,000,000,000,000 times that of mass.  Mass is a very, very high form of energy.
-   A hamburger converted totally back to energy according to E=mc^2 would be powerful enough to blow up a small city.  You could say matter is a condensed form of energy.
-   Energy is never lost, never destroyed, and no more can be created.  It can only change forms, which it does all the time.  Chemical energy changes to potential energy when you pedal up a hill.  Potential energy changes into kinetic energy when you glide down the hill.  Thermal energy changes into light energy.  Electric energy changes into magnetic energy.  Etc……
-  The four fundamental forces are not energy.  They are a push or pull.  They can act through space over tremendous distances at the speed of light, or they can act over limited distances to the edge of an atom.
-   Gravity has no limit.  It is an attractive force that acts across the Universe, but gets weaker and weaker the greater the distance.  The Strong Nuclear Force acts over the radius of an atom.  It is what keeps neutrons and protons together in the nucleus.
-   The reason uranium is unstable is that it has 92 protons and it is too big.  The outside protons experience a weak Strong Force and fall out of the nucleus, changing into another element.
-  The Weak Nuclear Force also acts over a small distance, the radius of an atom.  The Electromagnetic Force is infinite in range like gravity but , unlike gravity, it comes in two forms, positive and negative.  When positive and negative come together they become neutral and the Force disappears.
-  As far as we know there is an equal amount of positive and negative charges in the Universe.  So, the Universe is net neutral.  Gravity, on the other hand, is always positive.  We have not found the negative equivalent of the Gravity Force, or the carrier of that force.  Dark Energy is a candidate.  It is vacuum energy that is repulsive, or anti-gravity, but it is yet to be discovered.  Evidence is that it is there, we just don’t know what it is.
-  When we see a star the light comes to us as oscillating electric and magnetic wave, or as quantum particles of photons.  When it reaches the retina of the eye it causes a biochemical reaction that gets transmitted as an electrical nerve impulse to the brain.  Light is not only what we see it is how we see.
-  Force and energy are two fundamental properties of physics.  We are still trying to understand where they are going in the Universe.  Gravity does not seen to be the force that will stop the Universe from expanding.  As the matter in the Universe gets spread further and further apart the force of gravity gets weaker and weaker in its ability to pull things back together.  So, mass and gravity are getting overcome by Dark energy and vacuum expansion pressure, neither of which we understand.
-  In a short time, a mere 5 billion years from now, gravity will win out in our Local Group of Galaxies.  About the time our Sun turns into a Red Giant and completely toasts the Earth, the Andromeda Galaxy will be colliding with the Milky Way.
-   We can barely see Andromeda today, a pair of binoculars helps, it is 2.3 million lightyears away in the northeast sky at night.  But, it will continue to get bigger and bigger in the night sky.  When it gets close enough the two galaxies will begin a dance of stars, swirling and merging together into a super cluster of stars, an enormous Elliptical Galaxy, yet to be named.  The two Blackholes at their centers will either become binaries or merge.
-  By the time that happens the rest of the galaxies that we can see through our telescopes will have faded to red, then to black, and disappeared beyond our horizon of observation.  They are expanding away faster and faster, their photons are being spread out in wavelength, redshifted, to the point we can no longer see them.
-   The same will happen the  Cosmic Microwave Background radiation.  These microwave photons will have redshifted to such a large radio wavelength as to have completely disappeared.
-  Our Universe will be an Island Galaxy in the middle of a void of space.  All the mass and energy in the universe will still be there.  It will just be so spread out and diluted that it becomes a cold vacuum.  All wavelengths will be lightyears long.  The temperature of space will be near absolute zero. 
-  It is equivalent to an energy death.  That is where energy is going. 
-  May 29, 2019                                                                                 923                                                                                 
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