Wednesday, May 6, 2020

DECOHERENCE -the affects of the very small?

-  2734  -  DECOHERENCE  -the affects of the very small?  -  Quantum Mechanics is the science of the very small.  It studies the behavior of fundamental particles the size of the atom or smaller.  The physics of the very small produces some very strange results.  Particles and waves interchange.
----------------------  2734  - DECOHERENCE  -the affects of the very small?
-    Particle behavior and wave behavior can be observed for the same particle depending upon the circumstances.  As a wave it can be in two places at once.  A particle can be only in one location at once but its location can only be determined by statistical probabilities.  That probability being the square of the amplitude of the corresponding wave.
-  The “Heisenberg Uncertainty principle” states that certain parameter pairs can never be known with certainty better than 6.627*10^-34 Kg*m^2/sec / 4 * pi.  The pairs are position and momentum.  Momentum being the product of mass and velocity. 
-  Another pair is energy and time.  Because of the uncertainty principle it is impossible to fully predict the behavior of a system.  Cause and effect can not apply at the atomic level except by statistical probabilities.  A statistical description of the system’s behavior is the only accurate way to describe what to expect.
-  But,  this brings up a curious question.  We are made of atoms.  Why don’t we experience some of these quantum effects.  Is it possible that our bodies could walk through two doors at once? 
-  The rules of quantum mechanics physics apply to electrons, then to protons, which are 1,800 times bigger, then to atoms which are 100,000,000 times bigger, then even to buckyballs, carbon 60, which are 1,000,000,000 times bigger.  At what point do quantum mechanics physics stop applying and Isaac Newton’s classical physics start applying?
----------------------------  Electron  -------------  10^-18 meters
----------------------------  Proton  ----------------  10^-15 meters
----------------------------  Atom Nucleus --------  10^-14 meters
----------------------------  Atom  ------------------  10^-10 meters
----------------------------  Buckyball  -------------  10^-9 meters
----------------------------  Virus--------------------  10^-7 meters
----------------------------  Dust  -------------------  10^-7 meters
----------------------------  Bigger dust  ------------  10^-8 meters
----------------------------  Human hair  ------------  10^-4 meters
----------------------------  Computer chip  ---------10^-2 meters
----------------------------  Human  -----------------  10^0 meters
-  Where does this size scale stop being quantum and start being Newtonian?  What would create or activate such a boundary?  We do not see everyday objects in two states at once unless we have had too much to drink.  Is it possible that two states exist and we just don’t see them?  Or, is there a threshold where quantum reality collapses into everyday classical reality?
-  There is a theory called, “ Decoherence”  which says that quantum effects disappear as soon as an object ceases to be isolated from its environment.
-  Experiments are being run on larger and larger objects to learn what is really happening.   Physicists are trying to pass large buckminsterfullerene molecules, made up  of 60 carbon atoms, through two slits on to a screen just like that done with photons and electrons.  If that works they will try the same thing with viruses.
-  Another attempt is to pass electric current both clockwise and counter-clockwise around a super conducing circuit at the same time.  Still another attempt is to get a Bose-Einstein condensation ( See Review 2135 Atoms at Absolute Zero.  )  , which is a large number of super cooled atoms in a quantum state behaving like a giant single atom.
-  A theory has it that it is because of our coarseness of our detectors that determines why we can not see existing quantum states.  Newton’s laws become a blurred image of the quantum world in this case.

-  So, the conclusion so far is that reality is quantum but looks classical to us because of Decoherence , or, the coarseness of our detectors, our eyes and instruments.
-    You could get your body into two places at once if you had absurdly high resolution and were able to isolation yourself from your environment.  In the meantime do not expect to be able to walk through two doors at once with out hitting a wall.
----------------------------------  Other Reviews available:
-  2721  -  QUANTUM  MECHANICS  -  controlling our reality?  This review discuss the strange world of Quantum Mechanics and suggests that it is really controlling our reality below the surface.  Quantum behavior may be what allows birds to fly thousands of miles with precise navigation.  It may be what allows plants to synthesize sunlight.  It may be what links your brain to eyesight.
-  2505  -  QUANTUM  MECHANICS  -  Biology Using it.  Biology has always been the study of molecules, proteins, and DNA.  Quantum Mechanics is the study of electrons, protons, muons, and quarks.  Quantum Mechanics studies such small particles that they can not be distinguished from waves of energy.  At the Quantum Mechanic dimensions everything has a wave-particle duality.
-  2287  -  The Universe is a computer.  The quantum in space-time acts like a bit in a computer.  Space is not really space it is “information“.  And “time” is simply a clock.  If you have information and a clock you have a computer.  A computer does everything it does just using a switch between a one and a zero. 
-  2282  -  The waves of matter.  The matter that makes up our world is only 5% of what is out there to make the Universe. What is the rest?
-  2266  -  The birth of quantum mechanics.
-  2282  -  Quantum Mechanics and the waves of matter.
-  2228  -  Quantum mechanics and the Theory of Relativity.
-  2204  -  The quest for reality.
-  2171 -  Quantum mechanics applied to astronomy.
-  2098  -  Hubble Constant and the Quantum Gravity.  Understanding gravity in the framework of quantum mechanics is one of the great challenges of modern physics today.
-  2010  -  Quantum mechanics and gravity.
-  1982  -  Quantum physics of determinism
-  1606  -  Weird science versus real science.
-  1548  -  The Universe - biggest smallest, from the Universe down to quantum fluctuations at the Planck Scale.
-  1280  -  Is quantum mechanics controlling our reality?
-  1035  -  Biology using quantum mechanics.
-  1032  -  The Atom’s Stability with Uncertainty
-  1026  -  The Uncertainty Principle in Quantum Mechanics
-  1027 -  The Exclusion Principle in Quantum Mechanics.
-  May 6, 2020                            754                                                  2734           
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 ---------------------   Wednesday, May 6, 2020  -------------------------

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