Sunday, June 7, 2020

Index of recent Reviews:

---------------------------  Index of recent Reviews:
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 -------------------------   Sunday, June 7, 2020   --------------------------------
--  2743  -  ASTRONOMY  -  discoveries in astronomy?  The last 50 years have brought many new discoveries to astronomy.  This review starts in 1973 and brings us to 2020. 
-  2744  - LIFE  - will we find it on other planets?  One of the driving forces in human curiosity is finding life on other planets.  Will it be more advanced or will it be more primitive.  The basic question is, “ Are we alone?”  Whatever is out there, speak up!
-  2745  -  PLANCK  -   satellite measures an expanding universe?  Astronomers using X-ray data from these orbiting observatories studied hundreds of galaxy clusters, the largest structures in the universe held together by gravity, and how their apparent properties differ across the sky.  This new discovery flies in the face of one of the pillars of cosmology, the study of the history and fate of the entire universe.  Cosmology up to now maintained that the universe is ‘isotropic,’ meaning the same in all directions.
-  2746  -  ASTRONOMICAL  LADDER  -  How far does it reach?  The astronomical ladder is the method the astronomers learned to estimate the distance to the stars.  The foundation of the ladder started 300 years before the birth of Christ.  It was Eratosthenes the Greek who first figured out the Earth was a round sphere and had a circumference of 25,000 miles. 
- 2747  -   FORCE  =  mass  *  acceleration?  -  This relation was discovered by Isaac Newton in 1687 in his studies to understand the force of gravity.  Newton concluded that the force of gravity was the same everywhere in the Universe.  It was “universal“.
-  2748  -  MATTER  -  missing matter in the Universe?    Remember matter and energy are two forms of the same thing.  Energy = matter *  (speed of light)^2.  ‘Ordinary matter’ is everything that is known in “our world“.  It is all that we see, feel, and know in our Universe.  Well, that was until this decade when  science started  proposing that there is a lot more that we can not see and to this day remains unknown.
-  2749  -  GRAVITY  -  does it travel at the speed of light?  The theory of special relativity showed that particles of light, photons, travel through a vacuum at a constant pace of 670,616,629 miles per hour.   All across space, from black holes to our near-Earth environment, “particles” are, in fact, being accelerated to incredible speeds, some even reaching 99.9% the speed of light.  Is gravity traveling at light speeds too?
-  2750  -  LAGRANGE  POINTS  -  in space travel? -  What are Lagrange Points and how are the used in space travel?   The Lagrange Points are where two sources of gravity meet and cancel each other out to create a zero gravity environment in space.  This Review uses the Earth and the Moon as the two sources of gravity.
-  2751  - LIGHT  -   Interferometers? The light wave interferometer is one of the most accurate instruments known.  The new comb generators will make them more accurate then today’s atomic clocks.  Light interferometers and atom interferometers are ultra-precise measurements that will be used to discover many new things. 
-  2752  -  MOON  -  mining the Moon?   Forty-five years have passed since humans last set foot on an extraterrestrial body. Now, the moon is back at the center of efforts not only to explore space, but to create a permanent, independent space-faring society.
-  2753  -  UNIVERSE  -  how big is it?  We can't feel special about our place in the universe, it's probably the same wherever you go. But we can feel special about our time in the universe. Future astronomers will never understand the cosmology and history of the cosmos the way you do after reading this. ?
-  2754 -   PERIODIC  TABLE  -  why is gold yellow?  Why is a mirror silver?  It all depends on where the element is on the Periodic Table.  The Periodic Table of Elements has been around since 1860. It started out as a stacking of the atomic weights for each element, lightest to heaviest, then, grouping those elements with similar properties
-  2755  - BRAIN  -  be thankful for your brain?  It took 1.5 million years of evolution.  How did it get to be as good as it gets.  You may be surprised at the answer
-  2756 -  METEOR  -  Chicxulup Mexico meteor?  Impact-generated hydrothermal systems were prominent features on early Earth and wherever water exists in a planetary crust.  This model is transferrable to an early Mars and any exoplanetary system with similar conditions.  Maybe we should be looking for exoplanets with ancient impact craters if we want to find life.
-  2757  -  COMETS  -  visiting us and visiting them.  For billions of years Earth and the Moon were pummeled by incoming comets and asteroids.  You can see the results today on the Moon’s surface.  It is pock marked with millions of craters that you can easily see with binoculars.

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