Wednesday, August 31, 2022

3669 - DARK ENERGY - the James Webb survey?

  -  3669  -    DARK  ENERGY  -  the James Webb survey?  -  Because light from a background object can take different paths past a massive object like a galaxy gravitational lensing can make the source appear distorted, magnified or even in multiple places in the sky. It was gravitational lensing that smeared distant galaxies in the first image from the James Webb Space Telescope. 

---------------------  3669  -  DARK  ENERGY  -  the James Webb survey?

-  New research could help scientists use gravitational lensing, the warping of light from distant galaxies, to investigate the accelerating expansion of the universe.  Scientists are still coming up empty in the hunt for flaws in Einstein's theory of general relativity that could explain the mysterious force driving the accelerating expansion of the universe, called Dark Energy.


-  The researchers studied 100 million galaxies looking for signs that the strength of gravity has varied throughout the universe's history or over vast cosmic distances. Any sign of such a change would indicate that Einstein's theory of general relativity is incomplete or in need of revision. Variation could also shed light on what dark energy is, beyond that it's the name scientists give to whatever is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.


-  Despite finding no such variations in gravity's strength, the work will help two forthcoming space telescopes, the European Space Agency's Euclid mission and NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, also hunt for changes in the strength of gravity through space and back through time.


-  Scientists' think that the universe's expansion should be slowing after the initial push of the Big Bang. But it isn't. It's accelerating, and the term "dark energy" is a name given for the mysterious force driving this acceleration. 


-  As a result, dark energy is, in effect, working against the force of gravity, pushing cosmic objects apart as gravity draws them together. And, dark energy accounts for around 68% of the universe's energy and matter content. 


-  Light travels at a constant speed, meaning that astronomers see distant cosmic objects as they were in the past.   For example, light takes roughly seven minutes to travel from the sun to Earth, so from our planet we see our star as it was seven minutes ago.


-  When astronomers look at a Milky Way object one light-year away, they see as it was a year ago. And for some of the distant galaxies that the James Webb Telescope is studying, light has been traveling to us for tens of billions of years and we see the galaxies as they were when the 13.8 billion-year-old universe was in its relative infancy.


-  It isn't the observations of the galaxies themselves that could hint at changes in the strength of gravity, however, but rather what has happened to their light during its long journey.  

-  According to general relativity, mass curves the very fabric of spacetime, with objects of greater mass causing more extreme curvature.  Objects like galaxies warp spacetime so strongly that as light passes a galaxy, its path is curved. When this light reaches Earth, the object that emitted it shifts in apparent position in the sky. Astronomers call the effect “gravitational lensing“.


-  Light from a background object can take different paths past a massive object like a galaxy gravitational lensing can make the source appear distorted, magnified or even in multiple places in the sky. Gravitational lensing smears distant galaxies in the images from the James Webb Space Telescope. 


-  The effects of gravitational lensing can be more subtle, however, and these subtle effects are often caused by dark matter in the lensing object. And because dark matter interacts only with gravity, ignoring light and other matter altogether, its shape and structure are caused by this force alone.


-  The Dark Energy Survey scientists looked for these subtle distortions, called 'weak gravitational lensing,' in images of distant galaxies. The researchers reasoned that this would reveal changes in the distribution of dark matter in lensing galaxies, which would in turn hint at changes in the strength of gravity over time and space.


-  However, observations of the shape of dark matter in 100 million galaxies showed everything still in keeping with Einstein's general relativity.   Astronomers are turning to the “Euclid and Roman space telescopes“, set to launch in 2023 and 2027, to search for these variations in gravity in galaxies that are still more ancient, hoping to spot changes that may set a course toward the understanding of dark energy.


-  While this new study looked at galaxies as they were 5 billion years ago, Euclid will look back 8 billion years, and Roman will look back even further, observing galaxies as they were 11 billion years ago.


-  Stay in school there is much more to learn!


August  31, 2022     DARK  ENERGY  -  the James Webb survey?           3669                                                                                                                                      


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--------------------- ---  Wednesday, August 31, 2022  ---------------------------

3668 - ASTROPHYSICS - a timeline of discovery?

  -  3668  -  ASTROPHYSICS  -  a timeline of discovery?     “What is Astrophysics”?  Astrophysics is defined as the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of physics and chemistry to ascertain the nature of the astronomical objects, rather than their positions or motions in space.

---------------------  3668  -  ASTROPHYSICS  -  a timeline of discovery?  

-  Astrophysicists use the principles of physics to study the sun, stars and their evolution, galaxies and their evolution, the exoplanets, intergalactic medium, and the cosmic microwave background radiation. 


-  The most important tool to decode the universe is the “electromagnetic spectrum“. So astrophysicists analyze the spectrum of these systems and thus understand their dynamics. Topics such as dark energy, dark matter, and gravitational waves fall under modern astrophysics. 


------------------------  Timeline of Astrophysics


-    Dark Lines found in the Solar Spectrum (1802 and 1814).  Astrophysics began when Sir William Wollaston (in 1802) and Joseph Fraunhofer discovered dark lines (now known as Fraunhofer Lines) in the spectrum of the Sun .


-  When sunlight is passed through a prism, it splits into the colors of the rainbow. These colors are known as the spectrum of the Sun. But when observed, there are many dark lines in it. These are absorption lines caused by impurities such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, etc. 


-  The chief element present in the Sun is hydrogen, and the impurities in minuscule quantities absorb the light coming from the inside at specific wavelengths, resulting in the dark features.


-   Classification of stars ere made into 7 types by Pickering  (1885).  Pickering and his team included women such as Annie Jump Cannon and Antonia Maury, classified 400,000 stars into 7 major categories based on their spectrum. The system, known as the “Harvard Classification Scheme“, changed astrophysics and is still used today. It again showed the importance of the field of spectroscopy in astrophysics.


-   Back around 1920, the source of stellar energy was a complete mystery. Arthur Eddington used Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence to show that stars produce energy by fusing hydrogen into helium in their core.


-  Doctoral Thesis of Cecilia Payne (1925) is described as one of the most remarkable doctoral thesis in astrophysics, Payne hypothesized that hydrogen and helium are the stars’ major constituents. 


-     Hubble’s Law and the expanding Universe proposed in 1929.  For a long time, it was believed that the universe contains only one galaxy: the Milky Way. Of course, we had images of other galaxies such as the Andromeda galaxy, the Magellanic clouds, etc… They were believed to be stellar systems inside our own Milky Way. 


-  But soon, it was realized that there are many more galaxies in the universe. Astrophysics took yet another important turn with the work of Edwin Hubble. Hubble’s law states that the farther a galaxy in deep space, the faster it moves away from us. This was solid proof of the fact that the universe is expanding.


-   The field of radio astronomy was pioneered by Karl Jansky in August 1932. At Bell Telephone Laboratories Jansky built an antenna designed to receive radio waves at a frequency of 20.5 MHz.


-  After recording signals from all directions for several months, Jansky eventually categorized them into three static types: nearby thunderstorms, distant thunderstorms, and a faint, steady hiss of unknown origin. He spent over a year investigating the source of the third type of static. The maximum intensity rose and fell once a day, leading Jansky to surmise that he was detecting radiation from the Sun initially.


-  After a few months of following the signal, however, the brightest point moved away from the position of the Sun. Jansky also determined that the signal repeated on a cycle of 23 hours and 56 minutes, the period of the Earth’s rotation relative to the stars (sidereal day), instead of relative to the sun (solar day).


-   By comparing his observations with optical astronomical maps, Jansky concluded that the radiation was coming from the Milky Way and was strongest in the direction of the center of the galaxy, in the constellation of Sagittarius.  Today radio astronomy is a very important branch of research. It is used to study high energy sources such as quasars.


- The Discovery of the first Black Hole occurred in 1971.  The black holes theory can be traced back to Einstein’s general relativity in the second decade of the 20th century. However, the first clues of these exotic objects from the sky came in 1971 from the constellation of Cygnus. 


-  The constellation is the home to Cygnus X-1, one of the most powerful X-ray sources seen from Earth. It was discovered in 1964.  In 1971, two groups of astronomers working independently detected radio emissions from Cygnus X-1, and their accurate radio position pinpointed the X-ray source to the star.


-  It is a supergiant star that is, by itself, incapable of emitting the observed quantities of X-rays. Hence, the star must have a companion that could heat the gas to the millions of degrees needed to produce the radiation source for Cygnus X-1. 


-  After 2 years of detailed analysis, astronomers surmised that the companion is indeed a black hole. Cygnus X-1 has since been studied extensively using observations by orbiting and ground-based instruments.


-  The first evidence of exoplanets, planets orbiting the stars other than the Sun, came way back in 1917 but wasn’t confirmed. On 9 January 1992, radio astronomers Aleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail announced two planets orbiting the pulsar PSR 1257+12.  There are over 5,000 confirmed exoplanets, over  3,139 systems, with 691 systems having more than one planet.


-  The discovery of gravitational waves ushered in a new era in astrophysics. Gravitational waves are produced when two compact objects such as black holes collide with each other. 


-   April 10, 2019, The Event Horizon Telescope released the first-ever image of the black hole at the heart of the M87 galaxy. Along with detecting the gravitational waves, it was the most remarkable event in astronomy so far in this century.


-  “Astronomy” is the branch of science that talks about motion and relative positions of heavenly bodies. This includes predicting the positions of planets, eclipses, meteor showers, etc. Astronomy mainly focuses on celestial mechanics and optics to learn the positions and composition of some celestial objects.


-  “Cosmology” is the study of the origin, evolution, and ultimate fate of the universe. Cosmology studies the universe on a larger scale. It studies the universe as a whole. Cosmology differs from astronomy in that the former is concerned with the Universe as a whole while the latter deals with individual celestial objects.


August  30, 2022         ASTROPHYSICS  -  a timeline of discovery?                    3663                                                                                                                                      


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--------------------- ---  Wednesday, August 31, 2022  ---------------------------

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

3667 - METEORS - life building blocks?

  -  3667  -    METEORS  -  life building blocks?  Friday, August 12, 2022.  The asteroid, “2015 FF“, has an estimated diameter between 42 and 92 feet, or about the body length of an adult blue whale, and it will zoom past the Earth at 20,512 mph.

---------------------  3667  -   METEORS  -  life building blocks?

-  A "potentially hazardous" asteroid the size of a blue whale is set to zip past Earth .  At its closest approach, the asteroid traveling at around than 27 times the speed of sound will come within about 2.67 million miles of Earth, a little more than eight times the average distance between Earth and the moon. 


-   Space objects that comes within 120 million miles of Earth as a "near-Earth object" and any fast-moving object within 4.65 million miles  is categorized as "potentially hazardous." 


-  Once the objects are flagged, astronomers closely monitor them, looking for any deviation from their predicted trajectories, such as an unexpected bounce off another asteroid, that could put them on a devastating collision course with Earth.  


-  NASA knows the location and orbit of roughly 28,000 asteroids, which it maps with the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS), an array of four telescopes capable of performing a complete scan of the entire night sky once every 24 hours. 


-  Since ATLAS came online in 2017, it has detected more than 700 near-Earth asteroids and 66 comets. Two of the asteroids detected by ATLAS actually hit Earth, one exploding off the southern coast of Puerto Rico and the other landing near the border of Botswana and South Africa.  


-  In March 2021, a bowling ball-sized meteor exploded over Vermont with the force of 440 pounds of TNT. Those fireworks have nothing on the most explosive recent meteor event, which occurred near the central Russian city of Chelyabinsk in 2013. As the Chelyabinsk meteor struck the atmosphere, it generated a blast roughly equal to around 400 to 500 kilotons of TNT, or 26 to 33 times the energy released by the Hiroshima bomb. Fireballs rained down over the city and its environs, damaging buildings, smashing windows and injuring approximately 1,200 people.


-  If astronomers were to ever spy an asteroid careening straight toward our planet, space agencies around the world are already working on possible ways to deflect the object. On November 24, 2021, NASA launched a spacecraft as a part of its Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, which plans to redirect the non-hazardous asteroid Dimorphos by ramming it off course in autumn 2022.


-   China is also in the early planning stages of an asteroid-redirect mission. By slamming “23 Long March 5” rockets into the asteroid Bennu, the country hopes to divert the space rock from a potentially catastrophic impact with Earth.


-  Every year, millions of rocky shards from outer space burn up in Earth's atmosphere, many briefly flaring and appearing in the sky as "shooting stars." But how many survive their high-speed plunges to strike the ground? 


-  Rocks from space that land on Earth are known as “meteorites“. Giant impacts, such as the one that likely ended the reign of the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago, caused by an asteroid or comet measuring about 6 miles across, are extraordinarily rare. Instead, most rocks that fall to Earth are very small, and relatively few survive their fiery plummet through Earth's atmosphere.


-  Scientists estimate that fewer than 10,000 meteorites collide into Earth's land or water, which is a drop in the bucket compared with the moon, which doesn't have an atmosphere and gets hit by varying sizes of space rocks: about 11 to 1,100 tons the mass of about 5.5 cars of space rock dust per day, and about 33,000 pingpong-ball-sized space rock collisions yearly.

-  The space rocks that typically end up as meteorites are known as “meteoroids” , small asteroids. These range in size from boulders measuring about 3 feet wide down to micrometeoroids the size of dust grains.


-  Meteoroids are generally fragments of asteroids or comets. However, some may be debris blasted off planets or moons. For example, there are more than 300 known meteorites that originated as pieces of Mars.


- As meteoroids plow through Earth's atmosphere, they burn up from air friction and produce streaks of light across the sky: these flaming, falling rocks are called “meteors“. Thousands of meteors blaze across Earth's sky each day, but most of these happen over the oceans and uninhabited regions, and a good many are masked by daylight.


-  Most of Earth's detected meteors "come from the meteor showers associated with the dust released by comets.  Meteor showers do not produce meteorites, as the meteoroids in such showers are typically too fragile to survive the fall to the ground.  From 2007 to to 2018, there were 95 reports of meteorites falling to Earth, averaging a rate of about 7.9 reports per year.


-  It's impossible to know for sure how many meteorites fall into the ocean and sink to the bottom undetected. However, 29% of Earth's surface is covered by land. Urban areas, in which about 55% of people live, cover about 0.44% of land.


-   There are probably about 6,100 meteorite falls per year over the entire Earth, and about 1,800 over the land.


-  Space rocks measuring about 33 feet wide are expected to enter Earth's atmosphere every six to 10 years. A rock big enough to generate an explosion like that of the 1908 Tunguska event in Russia  happens about every 500 years. A major cosmic impact from a rock about 3,280 feet wide is estimated to happen every 300,000 to 500,000 years, whereas a collision like the one that ended the Cretaceous period and obliterated the dinosaurs might take place once in 100 million to 200 million years.


-  Three meteorites contain the molecular building blocks of DNA and its cousin RNA, scientists recently discovered.   This discovery supports the idea that, some four billion years ago, a barrage of meteorites may have delivered the molecular ingredients needed to jump-start the emergence of the earliest life on Earth. 


-  A class of compounds known as “pyrimidines“, appeared in "extremely low concentrations" in the meteorites.  Components of DNA and RNA have been found in meteorites before.


-  Specifically, such space rocks have been found to contain nucleobases, the nitrogen-containing compounds that serve as the "letters" in the genetic code of our DNA and RNA. Nucleobases come in five primary flavors — adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and uracil (U) — but previously, only A, G and U had ever been identified in meteorites. 


-  Scientists reported finding all five nucleobases inside carbon-rich meteorites. This included trace amounts of all three pyrimidines: cytosine, uracil and thymine.  The detection of cytosine is of surprise, because cytosine is relatively unstable and likely to react with water. 


-   In lab settings, scientists have recreated the chemical conditions of interstellar space where immense clouds of gas and dust measure about 10 Kelvins or minus 441.67 degrees Fahrenheit and the parent asteroids of meteorites can be found. Through these experiments, researchers synthesized thymine, cytosine and the other primary nucleo-bases, suggesting that all of these compounds could theoretically be detectable in meteorites.


-  Hydrocarbons and the building blocks of proteins (amino acids) had been identified in the three meteorites. They detected an elusive molecule called “hexamethylenetetramine” (HMT), which is thought to be an important precursor to organic molecules.


-  Researchers used a technique called “high-performance liquid chromatography“, which involved using pressurized water to separate the meteorite samples into their component parts. In this way, the team extracted the nucleobases from each sample and then analyzed the bases using mass spectrometry, a technique that revealed the chemical makeup of the material in fine detail. This method "enabled us to detect nucleobases with very low concentrations, as low as parts per trillions.


-  The analysis revealed that all of the meteorites carried adenine and guanine. The Murchison samples also contained uracil, while the other meteorites carried at least one uracil isomer, meaning a compound that contains the same number and types of atoms as uracil but in a different spatial arrangement.


-   In addition, samples carried thymine, and  thymine isomers. All of the meteorites contained cytosine, along with various isomers of the compound.


-  By comparing the diversity of nucleobases found in the meteorite against that found in the soil, the team concluded that the compounds in the space rock formed in space. Because of this, they expect that the nucleobases "contributed to the emergence of genetic properties for the earliest life on Earth.  However, there's still some uncertainty. 


-  Astronomers plan to hunt for nucleobases in material collected directly from asteroids, rather than from meteorites on Earth.  This could minimize the issue of Earth-born contaminants.  The Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa2 recently brought the asteroid Ryugu down to Earth.   NASA's OSIRIS-REx probe is due to touch down with samples of the near-Earth asteroid Bennu in 2023.


-  We may still learn if the ingredients for life on Earth were delivered by meteors.  


August  30, 2022          METEORS  -  life building block ?                   3663                                                                                                                                      


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--------------------- ---  Tuesday, August 30, 2022  ---------------------------

Monday, August 29, 2022

3666 - JAMES WEBB - observes distant galaxies?

  -  3666  -    JAMES  WEBB  -  observes distant galaxies?    Recent 2022 observations by the James Webb Space Telescope have not disproved the big bang theory.  The latest Webb observations do reveal some strange and unexpected things about the universe that may adjust that theory.

---------------------  3666  -  JAMES  WEBB  -  observes distant galaxies?

-  Evidence for the Big Bang is centered around two facts: first, that more distant galaxies have a higher redshift than closer ones, and second, that the universe is filled with a cosmic background of microwave radiation.


-   The first suggests that the universe is expanding in all directions, while the second suggests that it was once in a very hot and dense state. These are two of the Three Pillars of data supporting the big bang, the third being the relative abundance of elements in the early universe.


-  The “LCDM model” for universe expansion states that it began with the big bang and is filled with matter, dark matter, and dark energy. Everything from the acceleration of cosmic expansion to the clustering of galaxies supports this model. 


-  JWST can see much deeper into space and time than Hubble.   One of these secondary test compares the apparent brightness of a galaxy with its apparent size. The ratio of brightness to size is known as surface brightness. Generally, the bigger a galaxy, the brighter it should be, so the surface brightness of every galaxy should be roughly the same.


-   More distant galaxies would appear dimmer, but they’d also have a smaller apparent size, so the surface brightness would still be the same. The test predicts that in a static, non-expanding universe the surface brightness of all galaxies should be about the same, regardless of distance.


-  This isn’t what we see. What we observe is that more distant galaxies have a dimmer surface brightness than closer ones. The amount of dimming is proportional to the amount of redshift the galaxy has. You might think this proves that all those distant galaxies are speeding away from us, but it actually doesn’t.


-   If those distant galaxies were speeding away, you’d have two dimming effects. The red shift and the ever-increasing distance. The test predicts that in a simple expanding universe the surface brightness of galaxies should diminish proportional to both redshift and distance. We only see the effects of redshift.


-  This fact has led some to propose a static universe where light spontaneously loses energy over time. It’s the so-called “tired light hypothesis“, and it’s very popular among big bang opponents. If the universe is static and light is tired, then the test predicts exactly what we observe. Hence no big bang.

-  The CMB disproves this “tired light theory“.   It’s a common misconception that redshift proves that galaxies are speeding away from us. They aren’t. Distant galaxies aren’t speeding through space. Space itself is expanding, putting greater distance between us. 


-  It’s a subtle difference, but it means that galactic redshift is caused by “cosmic expansion“, not relative motion. It also means that distant galaxies appear a bit larger than they would in a static universe. They are distant and tiny, but the expansion of space gives the illusion of them being larger. As a result, the surface brightness of distant galaxies dims only proportional to redshift.


-  We know tired light is wrong because of the cosmic microwave background. A static, tired-light universe wouldn’t have any remnant heat from a primordial fireball. Not to mention the fact that distant galaxies would appear blurred, and distant supernovae wouldn’t be time-dilated by cosmic expansion. The only model that supports all the evidence is the Big Bang Theory


-  Still the James Webb Space Telescope has found some unusual things. Most significantly, it has found more galaxies and more distant galaxies than there should be, and that could lead to some revolutionary changes in our standard model. 


-  Our current understanding is that after the big bang the universe went through a period known as the “dark ages“. During this period the first light of the cosmos had faded, and the first stars and galaxies hadn’t yet formed.


-   Webb is so sensitive it can see some of the youngest galaxies that formed just after the dark ages. We would expect those young galaxies to be less numerous and less developed than later galaxies. But the Webb observations have found very red shifted, very young galaxies that are both common and surprisingly mature.


-  The Webb telescope tells us that while the big bang model isn’t wrong, some of our assumptions about it might be.  We still have more ton learn, stay tuned!


August  28, 2022        JAMES  WEBB  -  observes distant galaxies?            3666                                                                                                                                      


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Sunday, August 28, 2022

3665 - EXOPLANET - covered in water?

  -  3665  -   EXOPLANET  -  covered in water?    As of  August , 2022, there are 5,125 confirmed exoplanets in 3,794 planetary systems, with 829 systems having more than one planet. Most of these were discovered by the Kepler space telescope.  There is much anticipation about discoveries coming from the new James Webb Telescope. 

---------------------  3665  -  EXOPLANET  -  covered in water?

-  After years of preparation and anticipation, exoplanet researchers are ecstatic. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has captured an astonishingly detailed rainbow of near-infrared starlight filtered through the atmosphere of a hot gas giant 700 light-years away. 


-  The transmission spectrum of exoplanet “WASP-39 b“, based on a single set of measurements made using Webb’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph and analyzed by dozens of scientists, represents a hat trick of firsts: 


-----------------  Webb’s first official scientific observation of an exoplanet; 


----------------  The first detailed exoplanet spectrum covering this range of near-infrared colors; 


----------------   The first indisputable evidence for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a planet orbiting a distant star.


-   The results are indicative of Webb’s ability to spot key molecules like carbon dioxide in a wide variety of exoplanets, including smaller, cooler, rocky planets, providing insights into the composition, formation, and evolution of planets across the galaxy.


-  A transmission spectrum of the hot gas giant exoplanet WASP-39 b captured by Webb’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on July 10, 2022, reveals the first clear evidence for carbon dioxide in a planet outside the solar system. 


-  This is also the first detailed exoplanet transmission spectrum ever captured that covers wavelengths between 3 and 5.5 microns. 


-   This observation of a gas giant planet orbiting a Sun-like star 700 light-years away provides important insights into the composition and formation of the planet. The finding is also indicative of Webb’s unique ability to detect and measure carbon dioxide in the thinner atmospheres of smaller, rocky planets.


-  WASP-39 b is a hot gas giant with a mass roughly one-quarter that of Jupiter, about the same as Saturn, and a diameter 1.3 times greater than Jupiter. Its extreme puffiness is related in part to its high temperature, 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit. 


-  Unlike the cooler, more compact gas giants in our solar system, WASP-39 b orbits very close to its star, only about one-eighth the distance between the Sun and Mercury, completing one circuit in just over four Earth-days. The planet’s discovery was made based on ground-based detections of the subtle, periodic dimming of light from its host star as the planet transits, or passes in front of the star.


-  A series of light curves from Webb’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) shows the change in brightness of three different wavelengths (colors) of light from the WASP-39 star system over time as the planet transited the star on July 10, 2022.


-   A transit occurs when an orbiting planet moves between the star and the telescope, blocking some of the light from the star. This observation was made using the NIRSpec PRISM bright object time-series mode, which involves using a prism to spread out light from a single bright object (like the star WASP-39) and measure the brightness of each wavelength at set intervals of time.


-   To capture these data, Webb stared at the WASP-39 star system for more than eight hours, beginning about three hours before the transit and ending about two hours after the transit was complete. The transit itself lasted about three hours. 


-  Each light curve includes a total of 500 individual brightness measurements, about one per minute. Although all colors are blocked to some extent by the planet, some colors are blocked more than others. This occurs because each gas in the atmosphere absorbs different amounts of specific wavelengths.   As a result, each color has a slightly different light curve.


-  Previous observations from other telescopes, including NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes, revealed the presence of water vapor, sodium, and potassium in the planet’s atmosphere. Webb’s unmatched infrared sensitivity has now confirmed the presence of carbon dioxide on this planet as well.


-  Astronomers have also discovered an exoplanet that could be completely covered in water.  The Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx), has announced the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting “TOI-1452“, one of two small stars in a binary system located in the Draco constellation about 100 light-years from Earth.


-  The exoplanet is slightly greater in size and mass than Earth and is located at distance from its star where its temperature would be neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist on its surface. The astronomers believe it could be an “ocean planet,” a planet completely covered by a thick layer of water, similar to some of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moons.


-    It was NASA’s space telescope TESS, which surveys the entire sky in search of planetary systems similar to our own, that put the researchers on the trail of TOI-1452 b. Based on the TESS signal, which showed a slight decrease in brightness every 11 days, astronomers predicted a planet that has a diameter about 70% larger than that of Earth.


-  After confirming the nature of their signal and estimating the planet’s radius astronomers made sure the signal detected by TESS was really caused by an exoplanet circling TOI-1452, the largest of the two stars in that binary system.


-  The host star is much smaller than our Sun and is one of two of similar size stars in a binary system. The two stars orbit each other and are separated by such a small distance, 97 astronomical units, or about two and a half times the distance between the Sun and Pluto.


-   With resolution is high enough to distinguish the two objects, and the images showed that the exoplanet does orbit TOI-1452.  To determine the planet’s mass, the researchers then observed the system with SPIRou, an instrument installed on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawai’i.   SPIRou is ideal for studying low-mass stars because it operates in the infrared spectrum, where these stars are brightest.


-   Even then, it took more than 50 hours of observation to estimate the planet’s mass, which is believed to be nearly five times that of Earth.  Astronomers cleaned the data obtained with SPIRou of many parasite signals to reveal the weak signature of planets.


-  The watery world is probably rocky like Earth, but its radius, mass, and density suggest a world very different from our own. Earth is essentially a very dry planet; even though we sometimes call it the Blue Planet because about 70% of its surface is covered by ocean, water actually only makes up only a negligible fraction of its mass, less than 1%.


-  Water may be much more abundant on some exoplanets. In recent years, astronomers have identified and determined the radius and mass of many exoplanets with a size between that of Earth and Neptune which is 3.8 times larger than Earth. 


-  Some of these planets have a density that can only be explained if a large fraction of their mass is made up of volatiles such as water. 


-  This planet is one of the best candidates for an ocean planet that we have found to date. Its radius and mass suggest a much lower density than what one would expect for a planet that is basically made up of metal and rock, like Earth.


-   Water may make up as much as 30% of its mass, a proportion similar to that of some natural satellites in our Solar System, such as Jupiter’s moons Ganymede and Callisto, and Saturn’s moons Titan and Enceladus.


-  This exoplanet is a perfect candidate for further observation with the James Webb Space Telescope. It is one of the few known temperate planets that exhibit characteristics consistent with an ocean planet. It is close enough to Earth that researchers can hope to study its atmosphere and test this hypothesis. And,  it is located in a region of the sky that the telescope can observe year round.


-  Observations with the Webb Telescope will be essential to better understanding TOI-1452 b.  As soon as astronomers  can, they will book time on the Webb to observe this strange and wonderful world.  More news to follow shortly.  


August  27, 2022          EXOPLANET  -  covered in water?          3663                                                                                                                                      


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--------------------- ---  Sunday, August 28, 2022  ---------------------------

Saturday, August 27, 2022

3664 - STARS - why are they all about the same size?

  -  3664  -  STARS  -  why are they all about the same size?   In wildly different environments, stars end up roughly the same?  When you look at a region of the sky where stars are born, you see a cloud of gas and dust and a bunch of stars.  In most places, the stars all end up being about the same mass. 

---------------------  3664  -  STARS  -  why are they all about the same size? 

-  That stellar mass is probably the most important factor you want to know about a star. It directs how long the star will live and what its future will be like. But, what determines its mass and the mass of its siblings in a stellar nursery? Is there some governing force that tells them how massive they’ll be? It turns out that the stars do it for themselves.


-  Years of observations show that no matter where we look in our galaxy, stars in clusters have similar masses. They could be clusters of sun-like stars all the way up to groupings of massive stellar behemoths. And, this is true whether they’re hot and young in the modern epoch, or are billions of years old.


-   Astronomers wanted to know how that could be?


-    Astronomers have discovered that star formation is a self-regulating process.  Stars that form in wildly different environments have a similar mass, because stellar feedback, which opposes gravity, acts differently, pushing stellar masses toward the same mass distribution.


-  This phenomenon is called ‘stellar feedback’ and it’s part of the self-regulating mechanism that governs the stellar masses.  Stars are born in batches inside giant clouds of gas and dust. Over time, gravitational attraction pulls the dust grains together along with the gas. That forms dense clumps that falls inwards toward the center of the clouds and compresses them. As densities rise, temperatures rise. Eventually, a star is born.


-  Each star has a rotating disk of gas and dust around it, and that’s where planets can form. If they do, that raises the question of whether they can become life-supporting worlds.


-  Whether those planets could host life is dependent on the star’s mass and how it formed. Therefore, understanding the formation and the masses of the stars that get created in a given cloud is crucial to determining where life can form in the universe.


-  Stars are the atoms of the galaxy.  Their mass distribution dictates whether planets will be born and if life could develop.  The self-regulatory process of mass among newly forming stars isn’t just important to understand planet and life formation in our own galaxy. That knowledge can now be used to study other galaxies and help astronomers get a better handle on the same processes in distant galaxies.


-  Our Sun is the source of life on Earth. Its calm glow across billions of years has allowed life to evolve and flourish on our world. This does not mean our Sun doesn’t have an active side. 


-  We have observed massive solar flares, such as the “1859 Carrington event“, which produced northern lights as far south as the Caribbean, and drove electrical currents in telegraph lines. If such a flare occurred in Earth’s direction today, it would devastate our electrical infrastructure. But fortunately for us, the Sun is mostly calm. Unusually calm when compared to other stars.


-  Astronomers have only recently studied the activity of the Sun. The oldest study, undertaken since the 1600s, follows counts the number of spots seen on the Sun’s surface. It has shown us that the Sun goes through cycles of active and quiet periods. A four-century study is long in human terms, but is barely a moment of cosmic time.


-  Longer studies have looked at isotopes of carbon and other elements in ice cores and tree rings. When the Sun is particularly active, high-energy protons can strike atoms in the upper atmosphere, converting them into radioactive isotopes. They can then become trapped in ice and wood. This gives us an idea of solar activity across nearly 10,000 years.


-  That is still only a fraction of the Sun’s lifetime. Is the past few thousand years a good sample of solar activity? What if the Sun just happens to be going through an unusually calm period, and is usually far more active?


-  Using data from the “Gaia spacecraft“, astronomers looked for stars very similar to the Sun. They found stars of similar mass, age, and surface temperature. From these they chose stars that not only had a similar metallicity, but also a similar rotational speed. They were left with 369 stars that are nearly twins of our Sun.


-  They then compared the Sun’s variation in activity over four years to the activity of these other stars. They found that the Sun’s activity is much lower than the others. The variability of other stars is five times stronger than our Sun. Solar flares such as the Carrington event are much more common on other stars.


-  This could mean that our Sun has been usually calm during the span of human civilization. If that’s the case, it could become more active in the future, which could have serious consequences for our civilization. It is also possible that there is some unknown factor that keeps our Sun so calm.


-  At the moment, there is no indication that the Sun might enter a hyperactive period. For now and for the foreseeable future we can continue to enjoy the calm of the Sun. But, we are entering a period of more solar flares. That lucky ol Sun got nothing to do but to roam around heaven all day and shoot flares at us.


August  27, 2022         STARS  -  why are they all about the same size?              3664                                                                                                                                      


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--------------------- ---  Saturday, August 27, 2022  ---------------------------

3663 - ASTRONOMY - has some myths followed by facts?

  -  3663  -    ASTRONOMY  -  has some myths followed By facts?   Some of the things we believe or that seem obvious are not exactly facts.  Here are some examples we have found in space exploration.    Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.  You would think that Mercury is the hottest planet in the solar system? Do black holes suck matter into their cores?

--------------  3663  -  ASTRONOMY  -  has some myths followed by facts? 

-  Black holes have a gravitational pull so intense that not even light can escape their grip. They drain the life out of stars, ripping away layers of gas and shredding the component atoms. They are often portrayed as vast cosmic vacuum cleaners, capable of clearing huge areas of space. However, the black holes of science fact and science fiction are not entirely alike. 


-  In reality, black holes behave almost exactly like any other massive object in the universe. The speed required to escape the gravitational pull of an object, whether it's a planet or a black hole, is known as the escape velocity. 


-  For an object like the Sun, with a modest gravitational pull, an object only needs to travel at a speed of 384 miles per second to escape. If this speed cannot be achieved, the object will fall back down toward the solar surface.


-  At the event horizon of a black hole, even something traveling at the speed of light, almost 186,411 miles per second would not be fast enough to escape and the only option would be to continue inward to the center of the black hoe.


-  The further away from an object you go, the lower the escape velocity and far from the event horizon, black holes behave just like stars. Objects passing far enough away and at a high enough speed are in no danger of being pulled into the center and if the sun were swapped with a black hole of the same mass today, Earth would continue to orbit as normal.


-  Most people know that the Earth doesn't travel around the sun in a perfect circle, so it is easy to see why some make the leap and assume that the seasons are caused by the distance to the sun. But the idea doesn't hold up when you think that the northern and southern hemispheres experience summer at different times of the year.


-  Earth's orbit isn't as elliptical as people imagine and over the course of a year, the distance between Earth and the sun varies by just 3.1 million miles, about three percent. What's more, during winter in the northern hemisphere, we are actually closer to the sun than we are in the summer.


-  The real reason for the seasons is the axial tilt of the Earth. As the year progresses, light hits the northern and southern hemispheres at proportionally different angles and for different amounts of time every day.


-  During the winter, the days are short and the light strikes the atmosphere at a low angle, glancing through the gases as it travels toward the surface and spreading out as it reaches the ground, distributing the energy. During the summer the days are much longer and the sunlight hits the Earth at a steep angle, taking a more direct path toward the floor and concentrating the energy into a smaller area.


-  Fire needs three things to survive: fuel, heat and oxygen. The sun has fuel as it is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium gas. Helium is an inert element and does not burn like some of its volatile neighbors on the periodic table, but hydrogen is highly flammable. 


-  The sun also generates an enormous amount of heat energy and its surface is about 9,932 degrees Fahrenheit. However, there is no oxygen in space, so the “fire triangle” is incomplete for the sun. 


-  In reality, the sun isn't actually a ball of fire and instead, the heat and light that it produces are the results of thermonuclear fusion. Inside the high-pressure, high-heat environment of our star, high-speed hydrogen atoms come within one femtometer of each other (that's 0.000,000,000,000,001 meters). 


-  A collision at this distance allows the two nuclei to fuse together, forming helium and releasing huge quantities of energy as gamma-ray radiation. Every second inside the sun, 700 million tons of hydrogen smash together to form 650,000 tons of helium, which triggers more fusion in a chain reaction and keeps this natural nuclear reactor going.


-  There is a lot of rock in the area of our solar system known as the asteroid belt. Sitting between Mars and Jupiter, this band of fragments contains over 3,000 minor planets and more than 750,000 separate asteroids measuring more than 3,280 feet across. The larger asteroids sometimes collide, spraying smaller fragments into the belt and, according to the myth, endangering any spacecraft that dares to weave its way through. 


-  This myth has been fuelled by science fiction. When Han Solo takes the Millennium Falcon into an asteroid field in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, C-3PO warns, "Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to one". If the Hoth asteroid field was anything like our own, he couldn't have been more wrong.


-  In the 1970s, NASA's Pioneer 10 became the first spacecraft to navigate its way through the asteroid belt. Only a layer of aluminum honeycomb protected Pioneer, but despite the apparent danger, it made it through with no trouble. Not because of careful evasion, but because the distance between asteroids is huge. 


-  The belt spans an area of space approximately 140 million miles  across. On average, there is a distance of around 600,000 miles  between the asteroids, which is more than twice the distance from the Earth to the moon. When compared to the crowded space imagined in the movies, the asteroid belt is actually relatively empty.


-  A much bigger danger in the asteroid belt is the dust-sized particles that form when asteroids collide. These tiny grains could definitely cause damage to the spacecraft, but evading rocks the size of a grain of sand doesn't make for very good television.


-  Sunsets  appear red because the light from the sun has traveled further through the atmosphere and most of the shorter wavelengths (blues and violets) have been scattered away.  The sky is blue and the sun is yellow. 


-  Even though you should never look directly at the sun, photographs reveal a yellowish hue and when you look up on a sunny day, a distinctive orange tinge appears as the sun dips over the horizon at night. However, this yellowness is just an illusion. 


-  The sun produces all wavelengths of visible light and therefore its true color is white, but as sunlight travels through the atmosphere it changes. The wavelengths of light at the blue end of the spectrum are much shorter than those at the red, so collisions with particles in the air are more likely. During the day, blue light scatters high in the atmosphere, giving the sky its blue color and making the sun appear yellow. 


-  In the morning and evening, the light that hits the ground has farther to travel and this effect becomes more extreme. Most of the shorter blue wavelengths scatter before they hit the ground, giving the sunrise and sunset its characteristic red-orange hue.


-  The stars in the night sky are arranged into 88 constellations that represent, among other things, 29 inanimate objects, 19 land animals, nine birds and a dragon. These recognizable groupings have guided farmers and travelers for thousands of years, but in terms of proximity, they are not really groups of stars at all.


-  Despite appearing to be close together, the stars that form the constellations are often separated by tens or hundreds of light years, extending backward into space. From our vantage point on the surface of the Earth, Orion might look like a warrior with a shield, but from elsewhere in the galaxy, the stars would look distant and unconnected. They vary in age, size, type and brightness and it is by chance that we see them in groups.


-   We only see one side of the moon from Earth, but just because we can't see the other side, it doesn't mean that it is dark.  Looking at the phases of the moon easily disproves this myth. During a full moon, the side that we can see is fully illuminated and the other side really is in complete darkness, but at any other time of the month, we can only see part of the moon. The rest of the light is falling on the far side, or the so-called dark side.


-  It seems plausible that the lunar phases are the result of Earth's shadow, but the moon is often visible alongside the sun during the day, so what's really causing the lunar phases?


-  They are actually the result of the sun rising and setting over the visible side of the moon as it orbits Earth. During a full moon, our satellite is on the opposite side of Earth to the sun, so we see the sunlight illuminating its entire visible surface, while during a new moon, the moon comes between Earth and the sun, so the light falls on the side that we cannot see. In the intervening days, the amount of light that we can see on the lunar surface gradually increases and decreases with the orbit of the moon.


-  A lunar eclipse is the only time that Earth casts a shadow on the moon and these rare events only occur if Earth comes exactly between the sun and the moon, temporarily blocking out the light. 


-  Gravity is an attractive force between two objects with mass and light and is transmitted by light photons, which have no mass, so light can't possibly be affected by gravity. But, if this is true, how is it that black holes can prevent light from escaping?


-  The laws of gravity that we know were the work of Isaac Newton, who said that gravity is a pulling force that works when both objects involved have mass. However, Albert Einstein overhauled this theory by suggesting it was the result of the shape of the space-time fabric of the universe.


-   Black holes create space-time curves that bend toward infinity, so not even light can climb out the other side.


-  The sun shines with an incredible 3.8x10^26 Joules of energy every second and Mercury is right in the firing line, orbiting at an average distance of just 36 million miles, almost three times closer than Earth's solar orbit. 


-  During the day temperatures soar to around 800 degrees Fahrenheit, so surely it must be the hottest planet in the solar system. Not quite. Venus, which orbits nearly twice as far from the sun has an average temperature of 864 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough to melt lead. 


-  The difference depends on the atmospheres. On Venus, the atmosphere is thick and composed mainly of carbon dioxide, trapping the heat in an insulating bubble, while Mercury has a very thin atmosphere. When it turns from the sun at night the temperature plummets to -292 degrees Fahrenheit. 


-   When most people think of planets with rings, there is only one that springs to mind — Saturn. The gas giant is well known for its seven main rings and there's no denying that they are incredibly photogenic, but they aren't the only ones in the solar system. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune all boast their own set of rings, although nobody could be certain they existed until the Voyager flybys in the 1970s and 1980s. 


-  The rings are much thinner and less visible from Earth, but astronomers think that this might not always have been the case. Saturn's own rings may have been around since the formation of the planet itself, and it is thought that these incredible structures have changed over time.


-  Although Saturn has the most stunning rings at the moment, in the next 100 million years, Neptune's moon Triton may even be torn apart by tidal forces, creating a dramatic new ring system of its own.


-  When returning spacecraft re-enter the atmosphere, they are traveling faster than the speed of sound and the temperature rises rapidly from around -250 degrees Fahrenheit to nearly 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Could friction be responsible for all that heat?


-  Friction in spacecraft is a major problem for engineers, particularly when designing streamlined supersonic rockets. The more air that is in contact with the surface, the more frictional heating occurs. However, vehicles designed for descent are not streamlined and friction is not the main reason for the incredible molten temperatures during re-entry.


-  As a wide, blunt spacecraft plummets through the atmosphere, molecules of gas cannot move out of the way fast enough and they start to stack up, forming a cushion beneath the craft. This keeps most of the gas away from the surface, preventing heat from transferring to the vehicle.


-  Frictional heating contributes to the temperature rise, but the pressure achieves the real heating. The closer the compressed molecules come to one another, the higher the temperature climbs. Eventually, the pressure becomes so intense that the molecules start to tear apart, creating a layer of charged plasma and producing a searing plasma corona.


-  A famous nursery rhyme is responsible for this myth, but although stars appear to twinkle in the sky, the flickering is just an illusion. It might seem plausible that a star would twinkle as it shines but at this distance, the light that we see from them is actually very steady. 


-  As light travels toward Earth, it passes through the gas molecules that make up our atmosphere. These are not static and they swirl as turbulence stirs the atmosphere. This deflects some of the light, making it look like the light is shifting and twinkling. The more atmosphere the light has to pass through, the more likely these shifts are to occur, making stars near the horizon appear to twinkle more.


-   Comets are essentially lumps of dirty ice. As they approach the sun they heat up, releasing gas and dust. On Earth, we would expect the resulting tail to point backward, like the streak of a falling meteor, but in space, there is no air. Comets are shaped and blown by radiation pressure and solar winds, so they always point away from the sun.


-  High-energy ultraviolet light crashes into the evaporating gas of the comet, stripping away electrons and forming charged ions. These get caught up in magnetic field lines and shoot directly away from the sun in a blue ion tail.


-  At the same time, dust is released into space, forming a tail of particles as fine as smoke. Photons of light from the sun create an intense bubble of pressure, which pushes against the dust, guiding it into a wide streak that curves around the path of the comet's speedy orbit.


-  As meteorites pass through the atmosphere they heat up so rapidly that the surface rock begins to melt. However, it is a bit like searing a steak: although the outside becomes intensely hot, the inside remains cool. The melted rock forms a crust just 0.04 inch thick and by the time the meteorite hits the Earth, it is likely to be only slightly warm to the human touch. 


-  The sound of an exploding vehicle on Earth is transmitted by a pressure wave, which travels through fluids like air or water when vibrating particles bump into one another and pass some of their energy on.   In space, the particles are so far apart that sound waves cannot propagate, so although the source of an explosion would vibrate, the movements have nowhere to go. Outside of Earth, only on planets with atmospheres would we hear sound.


-  Outer space is the closest place to a true vacuum in the universe and is far emptier of any particles than anything we can produce on Earth. However, there is so much hydrogen in the universe that a few atoms can still be found in every cubic meter of space. 


-  To all intents and purposes, space is a vacuum, especially compared to the atom-rich atmosphere of Earth, but it's not perfect and nowhere in space can be guaranteed to be a true vacuum in the strictest sense. 


-  Actually, craft like the International Space Station is constantly under the influence of Earth's gravity, that's what keeps them in orbit. The weightlessness that the astronauts experience is because they are falling gradually toward Earth. 


-  Gravity compels the ISS toward the ground, but the station is moving so quickly that it shoots over the horizon, falling around the curvature of the planet instead of coming back down to Earth. Essentially the astronauts inside are in a constant free-fall.


-   Our bodies are adapted to exist under the pressure of Earth's atmosphere and when this is removed, water in the tissues starts to evaporate and the body starts to swell.   Human skin is stretchy enough that this does not lead to an explosion, but after around ten seconds of exposure in space, people become unconscious.


August  26, 2022        ASTRONOMY  -  has some myths followed by facts?            3663                                                                                                                                      


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--------------------- ---  Saturday, August 27, 2022  ---------------------------

Thursday, August 25, 2022

3662 - SUN - how dangerous can it be?

  -  3662  -  SUN  -  how dangerous can it be?   We have sun spots, solar flares, or Sun’s Coronal mass ejections depending on ho big of an explosions occurs on the Sun.  And, in what direction the ejections are pointing.  Someday a big one might be pointing directly at us.  

---------------------  3662  -   SUN  -  how dangerous can it be? 

-   When conditions are right, or wrong,  coronal mass ejections (CMEs), magnetic loops drenched in hot plasma, can be fired directly toward Earth. This has happened before, and we refer to them now as “Carrington Events“. If a Carrington Event happened today, most experts agree it would fry our power, GPS, and communication systems, leaving us cold, in the dark, and alone.


-   Our ancestors worshiped the Sun as a god, with good reason. As the fundamental source of light and warmth, it is also the fundamental source of life. These days we don’t give the Sun much thought except in relation to the weather, or maybe in our dreams of a beach vacation.


-  Everyone knows not to stare into the Sun because its light output is so strong it will fry your eyeballs, even from 149,000,000 kilometers away. We also know that the shorter wavelengths of light from the Sun, those in the ultraviolet spectrum, can damage your skin tissue, leading to everything from sunburns to skin cancer. 


-  But these are not the biggest dangers. In some 5 billion years, the Sun will swell into a Red Giant, swallowing the Earth entirely, or at best, boiling off the oceans and leaving our planet a toasted cinder. 


-   The super solar flares called “coronal mass ejections“, or CMEs. If you rely on electricity for your daily life, then the Sun is waiting to use a CME to make hour life miserable. 


-  The surface of the Sun is a violent roiling nightmare of superheated plasma, magnetic fields, and light so intense it would strip away your every atom. The magnetic fields are formed deep within the Sun, drawing their energy from the rotation of its ionized gases.


-   These fields are highly volatile. They change form and character on timescales ranging from minutes to decades. While they are created deeper in the Sun, magnetic field lines emerge at the solar surface in vast arcs like breaching whales.


-   Usually, the arcs will rise upward from the surface only to fall back down. But sometimes, when conditions are right, magnetic loops drenched in hot plasma will separate from the solar surface and get blown into space. This is a “Coronal Mass Ejection“.   When one gets fired toward our planet, it can cause big trouble.


-  A typical CME will drive a billion tons of plasma into space at energies equivalent to that of a 200 aircraft carriers moving at 500 km per second. On any given day, the Sun may fire a few CMEs into space. Most are harmless to us. Occasionally, though, a CME will hit the Earth. When it does, it leads to what space scientists now call “space weather“. 


-  The collision of a CME with Earth might produce beautiful auroral displays.   Auroras are emissions of light caused by the flow of charged particles along Earth’s own magnetic field. 


-  But now that we rely so heavily on electricity, the massive flow of charged particles in a CME is no longer so harmless. CMEs can affect us in different ways. In the near-space environment of Earth’s orbit, the ionizing radiation from CMEs has the power to knock out satellites and space stations. 


-  These space storms are strong enough to be fatal to astronauts, which is why the space station has a special shielded compartment for them to hide in if a CME hits. 


-  The real problem is the electrical power grid. The magnetism in these space storms can load up power lines, causing outages. A particularly potent example of this effect occurred on March 13, 1989, when a severe space storm caused a system-wide failure in Quebec. The time from the onset of the storm hitting Earth to total blackout was 90 seconds, and 6 million people were left without power. 


-  The nightmare scenario, then, is a super CME hitting the planet and overwhelming power grids across the continent. If something like this were to happen, experts warn that it could take months or longer to get power back. That long recovery time is because there is no large-scale set of back-ups for all the transformers that would need replacing. Imagine six months with no electricity across the entire country.


-  We do know that such super CMEs do occur. In fact, we may be overdue for one. On September 1, 1859, telegraphs around the planet, all connected by electrical lines, began spraying sparks as a huge CME crashed into the Earth. Scientists now call this a “Carrington Event,” after the astronomer who observed the CME that caused this global glitch. 


-  If a Carrington Event happened today, most experts agree it would fry our power, GPS, and communication systems, leaving us cold, in the dark, and alone. Luckily, we can prepare for something like this, and hopefully we will do so, before “the big one” hits.


-  But the lesson for today is simple. If you are tired of worrying about global warming, pandemics, or political instability, it is good to know that the Sun, our forgotten god, is still out there ready to smite us.  Add CME’s to your worry list.  


August  25, 2022            SUN  -  how dangerous can it be?           3662                                                                                                                                       


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--------------------- ---  Thursday, August 25, 2022  ---------------------------