Tuesday, August 16, 2022

3653 - Black Holes are Everywhere -

  -  3653  -  Black Holes are Everywhere.    Several years ago astronomers were not even certain that Black Holes even existed.  The indirect evidence was inconclusive then.  Yet, the preponderance of indirect evidence today has astronomers convinced that Black Holes are everywhere. 

---------------------  3653  -  Black Holes are Everywhere

-   Astronomers believe that enormous Black Holes are at the center of every galaxy, including our own.  The Milky Way Black Hole in Sagittarius is believed to be several billion times more massive than our Sun. 


-   Every star that is 4 to 15 times more massive than our Sun will turn into a Black Hole whenever it exhausts its fuel and explodes as a supernova.  That means the center of galaxies contain billions of spent supernovae.


-  Over the last 50 years astronomers have been cataloging all sorts of celestial objects:


------------  (1)  Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)

------------  (2)  Quasars

------------  (3)  Blazars

------------  (4)  Seyfert galaxies

------------  (5)  BL Lacertae objects

------------  (6)  Optically Violently Variable quasars (OVV)

------------  (7)  Magnetars

------------  (8)  X-Ray Pulsars

------------  (9)  Gamma Ray Bursters


-  Each of these could be a separate Review with a unique description of wondrous celestial objects.  But,  they are likely all simply Black Holes with different sizes, viewed with different orientations, and inside different cosmic structures.


-   AGN’s are energy active galaxies with a super massive Black Hole at their centers.  Quasars are distant radio sources of enormous energy powered by a Black Hole.  Blazers are a subset of Quasars that have brightness 1000 times greater than their galaxy.  Seyfert Galaxies are spiral galaxies that fluctuate in brightness.  BL Lacertae objects are a subclass of Blazars that fluctuate rapidly in brightness and have polarized visible light.  OVV’s are the same as BL Lacertae objects except not all the visible wavelengths are polarized.  Magnetars are Quasars with extreme magnetic fields.  X-Ray Pulsars and Gamma Ray Bursters are Black Holes with rotating accretion disks that create jets and immense radiation beams.


-  All active galaxy cores are Black Holes with rotating accretion disks having jets of material shooting out perpendicular from the poles.  Looking down the throat of a jet and we see a Blazar.  Looking at another angle at the accretion disk and we see a Quasar.  Blazars and Quasars seem to be long living objects.  Once the jets are turned on by the accretion disks they are not easy to turn off.  The electrons in the jets continue to radiate for hundreds of millions of years.


-  The most active Black Holes seem to have been formed by galaxy collisions.  Binary Neutron Stars can also become Black Holes by one star accreting matter off the other star.  One of these systems has been found that is so compact the stars orbit each other in only 11 minutes (4U-1820-30).  


-  The in falling matter gets heated to over 10 million Kelvin,  radiating in X-rays.  If the Neutron Star has a strong magnetic field jets will form at its magnetic poles and the star becomes a rotating X-ray Pulsar.


-  Neutron stars are so crushed they have a diameter of only 12 miles.  The closest known Neutron Star is only 380 lightyears away.  (RX-J185635-3754).  So far, about 80 of these Neutron Stars have been found to be binaries and to have X-Ray Bursters.  These bursts are thermal nuclear explosion having brightness of 100,000 Suns lasting for 20 seconds.  


-  When these bursts are detected astronomers can measure the spin of the hot spot on the star’s surface.  Some Neutron Stars have been found to rotate as fast as 620 times/second. (4U-1728-34).  With a 12 mile diameter, rotating at this rate, the surface velocity is 10% to 20% the speed of light.


-  Neutron Stars are precursors to Black Holes and are a lot easier to study because we can see them.  By measuring the “ redshift” and “blushift” of the star’s X-rays we can determine its period of orbit, and its size.  Periods range from 40 minutes to several hours.  The companion stars masses in binaries range from 10 to 15 Jupiters.


-  When a star becomes 1.44 Solar Mass the electromagnetic force between electrons and protons gives way to gravity and the star collapses into a Neutron Star.  When a star becomes 3.0 Solar Mass the strong nuclear force gives way to gravity and the star collapses into a Black Hole.  The center becomes a singularity of  Quark soup, or into a dot of pure energy.  We just do not know because nothing escapes a Black Hole to tell us what is going on.


-  Our Sun will not become a Black Hole because it is too small.  Our Sun will not become a supernova either unless it finds a way to gather 44% more mass.  Our Sun is destined to become a Red Dwarf planetary nebula and eventually into an inactive White Dwarf.


-  A star that collapses into a Neutron core if greater than 3 Solar Mass will collapse even further in to a Black Hole.  We say if a supernovae is 4 to 15 Solar Mass it will collapse into a Black Hole because a supernovae will loose 25% to 80% of its mass when it explodes.  Only when the core that remains is 3 Solar Mass will it collapse all the way to a Black Hole.


-  Black Holes do not suck in material.  They remain a center of the same amount of gravity as before with a radius that depends on their mass according to this formula:


-----------  Radius of a Black Hole  =  2 * G * M  /  c^2


-----------  G = the force of gravity =  6.67*10^-11   m^3/(kg*sec^2)


------------  M  = mass in kilograms


-----------  c^2  =  speed of light squared  =  9 * 10^16   m^2/sec^2


-  G and c^2 are constants and if you measure mass as a ratio to the constant Solar Mass of 2*10^30 kilograms then this whole formula reduces to :


-----------  Radius of Black Hole  =  3 M / Msun 


-  So if our Sun was compressed to a radius of 3 kilometers it would become a Black Hole.  And, the Earth and the planets would be orbiting as if nothing and changed, except the lights would go out.


-  If the Earth was compressed to a radius of ¾ inch it too would become a Black Hole with the Moon orbiting the same as usual, except it would no longer be responsible for the tides.


-  We are familiar with the idea that the thermal nuclear explosions of stars in supernovae create all the heavier elements above hydrogen and helium.  But, recent discoveries (PG112+059) have found Quasars with jets shooting off their accretion disks containing ingredients that make up glass, sand, marble, rubies, and sapphires.  These minerals were not expected coming from Quasars. 


-   It means that you may not just be made of stardust, you may be made of Quasar dust as well. 


August  16, 2022            Black Holes are Everywhere             848       3653                                                                                                                                       


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--------------------- ---  Tuesday, August 16, 2022  ---------------------------

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