Friday, December 2, 2022


  -  3768  -  BLACKHOLES  and  WORMHOLES  -   Blackholes are stars that get so big, their gravity so immense,  that they collapse into a single point, called a singularity. Wormholes are the other side of these blackholes.  Both are mysteries in science, but I’m still working on it.  

---------------------  3768  -  BLACKHOLES  and  WORMHOLES  

-  In 4.5 billion years our Sun will have burned all of its hydrogen and helium and will hve expanded enough to swallow Earth.  What is left behind is a “white dwarf star”.  It is only 16 miles diameter but has all the mass of the solar system.   


-  If this neutron star collects another neutron star the mass will be so great thst it could collapse into a blackhole.   The mass of the blackhole has so much gravity that even light photons cannot escape.  


-  If blackholes merge they could collapse into a wormhole.  Blackhole are real,  we have discovered many.  Wormholes are theoretical and exist only in your mind after you read this review.


- In neighboring galaxy astronomers have found the 2nd closest monster black hole to Earth.  They may finally have a way to hunt for a monstrous supermassive black hole they suspect lurks in the dwarf galaxy next to our Milky Way galaxy.


-  The behemoth blackhole would be the second closest supermassive black hole to Earth, after Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) at the heart of the Milky Way, in the companion galaxy Leo I. This neighboring supermassive black hole, named “ Leo I* “, was first proposed to exist in 2021, when astronomers noticed stars accelerating as they approached the heart of the dwarf galaxy.


-   While this is good evidence in favor of a supermassive black hole, astronomers couldn't get a direct image of emissions from Leo I* to prove it exists. Now, two researchers have proposed a solution.


-  Black holes are very elusive objects.  Rays of light cannot escape their “event horizons“, but the environment around them can be extremely bright, if enough material falls into their gravitational well. But if a black hole is not accreting mass, instead, it emits no light and becomes impossible to find with today’s telescopes.


-  This is the case with Leo I*: Its dwarf galaxy doesn't have enough gas to feed the supermassive black hole, leaving it inactive and in effect invisible. However, astronomers are suggesting that a small amount of mass lost from stars wandering around the black hole could provide the accretion rate needed to observe it.


-   Old stars become very big and red.  ‘red giant stars‘. Red giants typically have strong winds that carry a fraction of their mass to the environment. The space around Leo I* seems to contain enough of these ancient stars to make it observable.


-  If the technique works, the observation of Leo I* could be groundbreaking.  A detection would resolve another astronomical mystery, whether dwarf galaxies possess supermassive black holes of these tremendous masses at all.


-   Scientists estimate that Leo I* might be on the order of 3 million times more massive than the sun; the Milky Way's black hole, Sgr A*, is only a bit larger, at 4 million times the mass of the sun.


-  It would be the second-closest supermassive black hole after the one at the center of our galaxy, with a very similar mass but hosted by a galaxy that is a thousand times less massive than the Milky Way.   How did such an oversized baby end up being born from a slim parent?


-  In the case of the Milky Way and the supermassive black holes at the heart of most large galaxies, that central object contains about a 10th of the total mass of the sphere of stars that surround it. The existence of Leo I* in a dwarf galaxy would radically depart from this ratio. 


-  In the case of Leo I, we would expect a much smaller black hole.  Instead, Leo I appears to contain a black hole a few million times the mass of the sun, similar to that hosted by the Milky Way. 


-  Astronomers are still a long way from imaging Leo I*, but that he and his team have obtained time on the space-based Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico in the hope of uncovering this theorized cosmic monster.


-   Leo I* emits too much radiation to remain undetected for long.  The EHT is a consortium of more than 200 scientists that has been in the works for about two decades. The EHT project takes its name from a black hole's famed point of no return, the boundary beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape the object's gravitational clutches.


-   The EHT images the event horizon, mapping out the black hole's dark silhouette.  The disk of fast-moving gas swirling around and into black holes emits lots of radiation, so such silhouettes stand out.


-  This project has been scrutinizing two Blackholes: the M87 behemoth, which harbors about 6.5 billion times the mass of Earth's sun, and our own Milky Way galaxy's central black hole, known as Sagittarius A*. This object, while still a supermassive black hole, is a runt compared to M87's beast, containing a mere 4.3 million solar masses.


-  Sagittarius A* lies about 26,000 light-years from us, and M87's black hole is 53.5 million light-years away.  From our perspective, Sagittarius A*'s event horizon is so small that it's the equivalent of seeing an orange on the moon or being able to read the newspaper in Los Angeles while you're sitting in New York City.


-  No single telescope on Earth can make that observation. The researchers have linked up radio telescopes in Arizona, Spain, Mexico, Antarctica and other places around the world, forming a virtual telescope the size of Earth. 


-  The EHT team has used this “mega scope” to study the two supermassive black holes for two weeklong stretches to date, once in April 2017 and again 2018.   There are good reasons why it's taken two years for the project's first result to come out. For one thing, each night of observing generated about 1 petabyte of data, resulting in such so much that the team has to move its information from place to place the old-fashioned way.


-  There's no way that we can transfer this data through the internet.  So, we take our hard drives and we FedEx them from place to place. This is much faster than any cable that you can ever find.


-  This slows and complicates analysis, of course. Data from the EHT scope near the South Pole, for example, couldn't get off Antarctica until December 2017, when it was warm enough for planes to go in and out.


-  The EHT project has two main goals, to image an event horizon for the first time ever and to help determine if Einstein's theory of general relativity needs any revisions.  Before Einstein came along, gravity was generally regarded as a mysterious force at a distance. 


-  But “general relativity” describes it as the warping of space-time: Massive objects such as planets, stars and black holes create a sort of sag in space-time, much as a bowling ball would if placed on a trampoline. Nearby objects follow this curve and get funneled toward the central mass. 


-  General relativity has held up incredibly well over the century since its introduction, passing every test that scientists have thrown at it. But the EHT's observations provide another trial, in an extreme realm where predictions may not match reality. That's because astronomers can calculate the expected size and shape of an event horizon using general relativity. 


-    EHT's M87 observations are consistent with general relativity. Namely, the event horizon is nearly circular and is the "right" size for a black hole of that immense mass.


-  The new results should also help scientists get a better handle on Black holes.  EHT imagery will likely shine significant light on how gas spirals down into a black hole's maw. This accretion process, which can lead to the generation of powerful jets of radiation, is poorly understood.


-  In addition, the shape of an event horizon can reveal whether a black hole is spinning.  EHT's data revealed the M87 black hole is spinning clockwise. 


-   EHT observations could eventually teach astronomers a great deal about how supermassive black holes shape the evolution of their host galaxies over long time scales.

These results also mesh well with those of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), which has detected the space-time ripples generated by mergers involving black holes just a few dozen times more massive than the sun.


-   Seeing a real-life blackhole, or its silhouette,  is the stuff of science fiction, and we've seen just the project's first few photos.  Quantum experiment conducted on Google's Sycamore 2 computer transferred data across two simulated black holes, adding weight to the holographic principle of the universe


-    Physicists have used a quantum computer to simulate the first-ever holographic wormhole and transport information through it.  The "baby" wormhole, created on Google's Sycamore 2 quantum computer was not created with gravity, but through quantum entanglement, the linking of two particles such that measuring one instantaneously affects the other. 


-   By entangling qubits, or quantum bits, in minuscule superconducting circuits physicists were able to create a portal through which information was sent. The experiment has the potential to further the hypothesis that our universe is a hologram stitched together by quantum information. 


-  Otherworldly 'time crystal' made inside Google quantum computer could change physics forever.  Wormholes are hypothetical tunnels through space-time connected by black holes at either end. In nature, the immense gravity of the two black holes is what helps create the conditions of the wormhole.


-   The wormhole simulated in the experiment is a little different: It is a toy model that relies on a process called quantum teleportation to imitate two black holes and send the information through the portal. These processes appear to be pretty distinct, but according to the researchers, they may not be that different after all. 


-  In a hypothesis called the “holographic principle“, the theory of gravity that breaks down around black hole singularities (Einstein's general relativity) could actually emerge from the weird rules governing very small objects like qubits (quantum mechanics)  and their experiment might provide the first clues that this is the case. 


-  The idea of wormholes first emerged from the work of Albert Einstein and his colleague Nathan Rosen, who, in 1935, demonstrated in a famous paper that the theory of general relativity permitted black holes to be linked in bridges that could connect vast distances. 


-  The theory was an attempt to offer an alternative explanation to points in space called “singularities“: The cores of black holes where mass has become infinitely concentrated at a single point, creating a gravitational field so powerful that space-time is warped to infinity and Einstein's equations collapse. 


-   If the rules of quantum mechanics were true, the physicists outlined, the properties of two particles could become inextricably linked such that measuring one would instantaneously affect the other, even if the two were separated by an enormous gap. Einstein scoffed at the process, known now as “quantum entanglement“, dubbing it "spooky action at a distance," but it has since been observed and is commonly used by physicists.


-  By separating general relativity and quantum theory, physicists have been left with no understanding of the realms where gravity and quantum effects collide, such as the interiors of black holes or the infinitesimal point into which the universe was concentrated at the moment of the Big Bang.


-  Since Einstein reached this impasse, the search for where the big and small stitch together, a theory of everything, has led physicists to come up with all kinds of colorful propositions. One is the “holographic principle“, which posits that the entire universe is a 3D holographic projection of processes playing out on a remote 2D surface.


-  This idea finds its roots in Stephen Hawking’s work in the 1970s, which posed the apparent paradox that if black holes did indeed radiate “Hawking radiation“, which is radiation from virtual particles randomly popping into existence near event horizons, they would eventually evaporate, breaking a major rule of quantum mechanics that information cannot be destroyed.


-  To solve this problem, proponents of string theory, who aimed to reconcile quantum mechanics and relativity, used observations that the information contained by a black hole was linked with the 2D surface area of its “event horizon”,  the point beyond which not even light can escape its gravitational pull. Even the information about the star that collapsed into the black hole was woven into fluctuations on this horizon surface, before being encoded onto Hawking radiation and sent away prior to the black hole’s evaporation. 


-  In the 1990s, theoretical physicists Leonard Susskind and Gerard ‘t Hooft realized the idea needn’t stop there. If all the information of a 3D star could be represented on a 2D event horizon, perhaps the universe, which has its own expanding horizon, was the same: A 3D projection of 2D information.


-  From this perspective, the two disjointed theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics might not be separate at all. Space-time's gravitational warping, along with everything else we see, could instead emerge like a holographic projection, shimmering into being from the minute interactions of tiny particles on the lower-dimensional surface of a remote horizon.

-  To put these ideas to the test, the researchers turned to Google's Sycamore 2 computer, loading it with a bare-bones model of a simple holographic universe that contained two quantum entangled black holes on either end. After encoding an input message into the first qubit, the researchers saw the message get scrambled into gibberish, a parallel to being swallowed by the first blackhole, before popping out unscrambled and intact at the other end, as if it were spat out by the second. 


-  The physics that's going on here, in principle, is if we had two quantum computers that were on different sides of the Earth, and if we improve this technology a little bit, you could do a very similar experiment where the quantum information disappeared in our laboratory at Harvard, and appeared at the laboratory and Caltech.  That would be more impressive than what we actually did on a single chip. But really, the physics we're talking about is the same in both cases.


-  The surprising aspect of the “wormhole” trick isn't that the message made it through in some form but that it emerged completely intact and in the same order it went in, key clues that the experiment was behaving like a physical wormhole and that physical wormholes, in turn, could be powered by “entanglement“. 


-   While going from sending information through their wormhole to sending something physical, like a subatomic particle, doesn't take much of a theoretical leap,  it would need a density of qubits great enough to create a real mini black hole.  More work to be done.


 November 31, 2022        BLACKHOLES  and  WORMHOLES                  3768                                                                                                                                  


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