Monday, January 9, 2023

3816 - ATMOSPHERIC RIVERS - bringing us new weather?


          3816  -  ATMOSPHERIC  RIVERS  -  bringing us new weather?         Atmospheric river is bringing huge amounts of tropical moisture to      California, prompting weather forecasters to issue alerts for high risks of     flooding.


            ---------  3816  -   ATMOSPHERIC  RIVERS  -  bringing us new weather?

            -        Atmospheric rivers are channels that form in Earth's atmosphere and funnel water vapor from the typically humid tropical regions to drier areas farther away from the equator. These channels can transport huge amounts of water within a short period of time, causing deluges when they make landfall.


            -        The type of atmospheric river threatening California on January 4th and 5th, 2023 is a phenomenon that appears regularly. It's sometimes called the Pineapple Express, a reference to the fruit commonly grown in Hawai'i where this river originates.


            -        The current atmospheric river has combined with a region of low air pressure that swirls above the Pacific Ocean, together forming a powerful storm that threatens the usually sunny state.


            -        Satellites of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are monitoring the weather system, revealing its various aspects including wind speeds and expected amount of rain.


            -        In higher altitude regions, such as in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the rain will turn into heavy snow.


            -        This is not the first atmospheric river to hit California  recently. On the last day of December, a similar channel dumped a record-breaking 5.46 inches of rain on downtown San Francisco.


            -        The current storm system threatens to pour over 1 inch per hour on the already soaked ground, causing concerns that mudslides.   Over 11.6 inches  of rain fell in San Francisco in December,2022. That's more than twice the December average for the city, which is 4.76 inches.


            -        Scientists reaffirm the disastrous consequences that climate change’s effects will continue to have. They show that as the globe continues to warm, weather patterns are becoming more severe, the seas more unruly and disasters more unpredictable.


            -        These effects are even visible to Earth-observing satellites, watching from space. Satellites see climate change's impact in the form of wildfires, melting ice, shifts in the seasons, growing floods and much more.

            -   Of course climate changes.  That is what climate is.  There are many cycles that can be shown to have occurred over thousands of years. 


            January 1, 2022     ATMOSPHERIC  RIVERS  -  bringing us new weather?                     3804                                                                                                                              


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            --------------------- ---  Monday, January 9, 2023  ---------------------------















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