Saturday, July 6, 2024

4520 - BLACKHOLES - at the Universe beginning?

-    4520  - BLACKHOLES  -   at the Universe beginning?  -   The feeding supermassive black hole, which powers a quasar at the heart of the galaxy J1120+0641, was seen as it was when the universe was just around 5% of its current age. It also has a mass that is over a billion times that of the sun.


------------------------------------  4520  -  BLACKHOLES  -   at the Universe beginning?

-    Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have spotted this supermassive black hole at "cosmic dawn" that seems to be impossibly massive. The confusion comes from the fact that it doesn't seem like this giant void was feasting on much surrounding matter during that time, but, in order to reach its immense size, one would expect it to have been ravenous when time began.


-    While it is relatively easy to explain how closer, and thus more recent, supermassive black holes have grown to have billions of solar masses, the merger and feeding processes that facilitate this growth are expected to take something like a billion years. That means finding such supermassive black holes existing before the 13.8 billion-year-old universe was a billion years old is a real dilemma.


-     The new observations only add to the mystery: Early quasars were shockingly normal.   No matter in which wavelengths we observe them, quasars are nearly identical at all epochs of the universe.


-   Finding supermassive black holes billions of years after the Big Bang is expected, but discovering them around the time the first stars formed is more surprising.   In the last           13.8 billion years of cosmic history, galaxies have grown in size by acquiring mass either by taking in surrounding gas and dust, by cannibalizing smaller galaxies, or by merging with larger galaxies.


-   Around 20 years ago, before the JWST and other telescopes began finding troubling supermassive black holes in the early universe, astronomers had assumed that the supermassive black holes at the hearts of galaxies grew gradually in lockstep with the processes that led to galactic growth.


-    Because of the conservation of angular momentum, matter can't fall directly into a black hole. Instead, a flattened cloud of matter called an accretion disk is formed around the black hole.


-     The immense gravity of the central black hole gives rise to powerful tidal forces that create turbulent conditions in the accretion disk, heating it and causing it to emit light across the electromagnetic spectrum. These emissions are so bright they often outshine the combined light of every star in the surrounding galaxy. The regions in which all this happens are called “quasars”, and they represent some of the brightest celestial objects.


-   This brightness has another function. Despite not having mass, light does exert pressure. That means that the light emitted by quasars pushes on surrounding matter. The faster the black hole powering the quasar feeds, the greater the radiation pressure and the more likely the black hole is to cut off its own food supply and stop growing. The point at which black holes, or any other accretor, starve themselves by pushing away surrounding matter is known as the "Eddington limit."


-   That means supermassive black holes can't just feed and grow as fast as they like. Thus, finding supermassive black holes with masses as great as 10 billion suns in the early universe, especially less than a billion years after the Big Bang, is a real problem.


-    Astronomers need to know more about early quasars to determine whether early supermassive black holes were able to overcome the Eddington limit and become so-called "super-Eddington accretors."


-    To do this, in January 2023, astronomers focused the JWST's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) on the quasar at the heart of J1120+0641, located 13 billion light-years away and seen as it was just 770 million years after the Big Bang. The investigation constitutes the first mid-infrared study of a quasar that existed at the cosmic dawn.


-   The spectrum of light from this early supermassive black hole revealed the properties of the large, ring-shaped "torus" of gas and dust that circles the accretion disk. This torus helps guide matter to the accretion disk, from where it is gradually fed to the supermassive black hole.


-    MIRI observations of this quasar showed that the cosmic supply chain functions similarly to that of "modern" quasars closer to Earth that therefore exist in later epochs of the universe. That's bad news for proponents of the theory that an enhanced feeding mechanism led to the quick growth of early black holes.


-   The JWST observations of this quasar did reveal one major difference between it and its modern counterparts. The dust in the torus around the accretion disk had a temperature of around 2,060 degrees Fahrenheit, which is around 100 degrees hotter than the dust rings around supermassive black hole-powered quasars seen closer to Earth.


-    The research favors another method of early supermassive black hole growth that suggests these cosmic titans got a head start in the early universe, forming from black hole "seeds" that were already massive These heavy seeds would have had masses at least a hundred thousand times that of the sun, forming directly via the collapse of early and massive clouds of gas


-    Gravity is the oldest known, but the least understood force in nature.   Black holes play important roles in galaxies, perhaps even in the large-scale behavior of the universe and more. The other thing to note about black holes is that they are very ‘simple’ especially when compared to stars and other astrophysical objects. This is a consequence of the so-called ‘no hair’ theorem that states that black holes can be fully characterized by only 3 attributes — their mass, charge and spin.


-    Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicted both the existence of black holes and gravitational waves, both of which continued to be scrutinized throughout the 20th century, which includes what’s called the “golden age of general relativity” during the 1960s and 1970s. -

-    The first object accepted by the scientific community as a black hole, called Cygnus X-1, which was discovered in 1964. However, it took another 52 years for the existence of gravitational waves to be confirmed through a black hole merger, which was accomplished by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration.


-    Studying black holes offers insight on the nature of gravity, space and time at the most fundamental levels. As physicists, we are yet to develop a complete understanding of the quantum nature of gravity, and black holes are the key to unlocking that mystery.


-    Black holes can only be observed indirectly. Unlike stars, since they don’t emit radiation themselves, it is difficult for astronomers to collect data on them. At best, we can observe their influence on their environment (like gas, stars, etc.) and infer their properties and behavior.


-    While it took over 100 years between Einstein introducing his theory of general relativity in 1915 and the confirmation of gravitational waves in 2016, it only took another three years for astronomers to publish the first direct image of a black hole at the center of the Messier 87 galaxy.


-  While Messier 87 is located approximately 53 million light-years from Earth, the closest hypothesized black hole, Gaia BH1, is located approximately 1,560 light-years from Earth.      In 2022, astronomers published a direct image of Sagittarius A*, which is the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.


-   Scientists hypothesize the number of black holes in our Milky Way Galaxy is in the hundreds of millions, despite only a few dozen known black holes having been confirmed, thus far.


-    Researchers use mathematical calculations and computer models to simulate what black holes might look like, and then have used powerful ground-based telescopes like EHT to obtain the few direct images of black holes.  These direct images don’t capture the black hole itself, but the gases that are encircling the black hole’s event horizon, or the unofficial boundary where light can’t escape the black hole.


-     How will black holes help us better understand our place in the universe in the coming years and decades? Only time will tell, and this is why we science!



July 5, 2024       BLACKHOLES  -   at the Universe beginning?             4520


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--------------------- ---  Saturday, July 6, 2024  ---------------------------------









Thursday, July 4, 2024

4519 - EARLIEST UNIVERSE - is not what we expected?


-    4519  -   EARLIEST  UNIVERSE  -  is not what we expected?  -     James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) confirmed that luminous, very red objects previously detected in the early universe upend conventional thinking about the origins and evolution of galaxies and their supermassive black holes.  They identified three mysterious objects in the early universe, about 600–800 million years after the Big Bang, when the universe was only 5% of its current age.

---------------------------------  4519  -   EARLIEST  UNIVERSE  -  is not what we expected?

-   The team studied spectral measurements, or intensity of different wavelengths of light emitted from the objects. Their analysis found signatures of "old" stars, hundreds of millions of years old, far older than expected in a young universe.


-   They were also surprised to discover signatures of huge supermassive black holes in the same objects, estimating that they are 100 to 1,000 times more massive than the supermassive black hole in our own Milky Way. Neither of these are expected in current models of galaxy growth and supermassive black hole formation, which expect galaxies and their black holes to grow together over billions of years of cosmic history.


-    The galaxies appear to be packed with ancient stars—hundreds of millions of years old—in a universe that is only 600–800 million years old. Remarkably, these objects hold the record for the earliest signatures of old starlight.


-    It was totally unexpected to find old stars in a very young universe. The standard models of cosmology and galaxy formation have been incredibly successful, yet, these luminous objects do not quite fit comfortably into those theories.


-   At the time, the researchers suspected the objects were galaxies, but followed up their analysis by taking spectra to better understand the true distances of the objects, as well as the sources powering their immense light.


-   The researchers then used the new data to draw a clearer picture of what the galaxies looked like and what was inside of them. Not only did the team confirm that the objects were indeed galaxies near the beginning of time, but they also found evidence of surprisingly large supermassive black holes and a surprisingly old population of stars.


-   It's very confusing.  You can make this uncomfortably fit in our current model of the universe, but only if we evoke some exotic, insanely rapid formation at the beginning of time.


-   The JWST is equipped with infrared-sensing instruments capable of detecting light that was emitted by the most ancient stars and galaxies.    The telescope allows scientists to see back in time roughly 13.5 billion years, near the beginning of the universe as we know it.


-    One challenge to analyzing ancient light is that it can be hard to differentiate between the types of objects that could have emitted the light. In the case of these early objects, they have clear characteristics of both supermassive black holes and old stars.


-    However, it's not yet clear how much of the observed light comes from each—meaning these could be early galaxies that are unexpectedly old and more massive even than our own Milky Way, forming far earlier than models predict, or they could be more normal-mass galaxies with "overmassive" black holes, roughly 100 to 1,000 times more massive than such a galaxy would have today.


-    Aside from their unexplainable mass and age, if part of the light is indeed from supermassive black holes, then they also aren't normal supermassive black holes. They produce far more ultraviolet photons than expected, and similar objects studied with other instruments lack the characteristic signatures of supermassive black holes, such as hot dust and bright X-ray emission.  The most surprising thing is how massive they seem to be.


-   Normally supermassive black holes are paired with galaxies.  They grow up together and go through all their major life experiences together. But here, we have a fully formed adult black hole living inside of what should be a baby galaxy. That doesn't really make sense, because these things should grow together, or at least that's what we thought.


-   The researchers were also perplexed by the incredibly small sizes of these systems, only a few hundred light years across, roughly 1,000 times smaller than our own Milky Way. The stars are approximately as numerous as in our own Milky Way galaxy—with somewhere between 10 billion and 1 trillion stars—but contained within a volume 1,000 times smaller than the Milky Way.


-    If you took the Milky Way and compressed it to the size of the galaxies they found, the nearest star would almost be in our solar system. The supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way, about 26,000 light years away, would only be about 26 light years away from Earth and visible in the sky as a giant pillar of light.


-   These early galaxies would be so dense with stars—stars that must have formed in a way we've never seen, under conditions we would never expect during a period in which we'd never expect to see them.  For whatever reason, the universe stopped making objects like these after just a couple of billion years. They are unique to the early universe.


-     There's another way that we could have a breakthrough, and that's just the right idea.  We have all these puzzle pieces and they only fit if we ignore the fact that some of them are breaking. This problem is amenable to a stroke of genius that has so far eluded us, all of our collaborators and the entire scientific community.



July 3, 2024           EARLIEST  UNIVERSE  -  is not what we expected?                 4519


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--------------------- ---  Thursday, July 4, 2024  ---------------------------------









Tuesday, July 2, 2024

4518 - FAST RADIO BURSTS - what causes them? -


-    4518  -  FAST  RADIO  BURSTS   -  what causes them?  -   What's more mysterious than explosions happening thousands of times per day all over the sky, and you have no idea what's causing them?   Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are intense, short-lived blasts of radio waves hailing from beyond the Milky Way that can emit the same amount of energy in just thousandths of a second that the sun takes three days to emit.

------------------------------- 4518  -  FAST  RADIO  BURSTS   -  what causes them?


-    Despite their power and the fact that around 10,000 FRBs could erupt in the sky over Earth every day, these blasts of radiowaves remain mysterious. One of the biggest puzzles surrounding FRBs is why most flash once and then disappear while a tiny minority (less than 3 percent) repeat the flash.


-    This has led scientists on a quest to discover the mechanisms that launch FRBs. Some even believe different celestial objects can produce both repeating and non-repeating FRBs.


-     The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) to focus on properties of polarized light associated with 128 non-repeating FRBs. This revealed the one-off FRBs seem to originate in faraway galaxies that are much like our own Milky Way, as opposed to the extreme environments that launch their repeating cousins. The results could bring scientists closer to cracking the lingering celestial puzzle of FRBs at last.


-    So far, when we've thought about FRBs, we've only looked at them in the same way that we would look at a star in the sky, thinking about how bright it is, maybe figuring out how away far it is, things like that.  However, FRBs are special because they also emit polarized light, meaning the light coming from these sources is all oriented in one direction.


-   Polarized light is made up of waves that are orientated in the same way, vertically, horizontally, or at an angle between those two directions. Changes in polarization could explain the mechanism that launched the FRB and thus reveal what its source was. Polarization can also reveal details about what environments the FRB needed to traverse before reaching our detectors on Earth. This study represented the first large-scale look at the non-repeating 97% of FRBs in polarized light.


-    There has been a gap in non-repeating FRB research because it is much easier to observe repeating FRBs as astronomers already know where they are going to occur, meaning it is possible to point any radio telescope at that patch of sky and wait. With non-repeating FRBs, astronomers must have a telescope that can look at a large area of the sky all at once because they don't really know where the signal will come from.


-    They could pop up anywhere in the sky. CHIME is unique in that sense because it looks at such a large patch of the sky all at once.   Also, people have not really looked at that polarization yet because it's much harder to detect just on a technical level.


-   Other studies have looked at the polarization of 10 non-repeating FRBs, but this is the first time where we've looked at more than 100. It allows us to reconsider what we think FRBs are and see how repeating and non-repeating FRBs may be different.


-    In 2007 a non-repeating burst of energy is now commonly referred to as the "Lorimer Burst." Five years after this, in 2012, astronomers discovered the first repeating FRB.                “FRB 121102”. Then, more repeating bursts gradually revealed themselves.


-    Astronomers naturally wonder whether there is a different phenomenon behind these two types of FRBs.   Non-repeating FRBs seem to be a little different from repeating FRBs, as most of the former seem to come from galaxies like our own Milky Way.


-   While the origins of FRBs are shrouded in mystery, these bursts of radiowaves can act as messengers of the environments they pass through while racing to Earth. That information is encoded in their polarization.


-   If the polarized light passes through electrons and magnetic fields, the angle at which it's polarized rotates, and we can measure that rotation.   So if an FRB passes through more material, it'll rotate more. If it passes through less, it'll rotate less.


-   The fact that the polarization of non-repeating FRBs is less than that of repeating FRBs indicates the former seems to pass through less material or weaker magnetic fields than the latter.   While repeating blasts of radiation seem to be coming from more extreme environments (like the remains of stars that have died in supernova explosions) their non-repeating brethren seem to emerge in slightly less violent environments.


-   Non-repeating FRBs tend to come from environments that have either weaker magnetic fields or less stuff around them than repeating FRBs.  So repeating FRBs seem to be a little bit more extreme.


-    The polarization of non-repeating FRBs seems to clear one of the major suspects behind their launch: highly magnetized, rapidly spinning neutron stars, or "pulsars."   We know how pulsars work and we know the types of polarized light we expect to see from a pulsar system. -


-      Surprisingly, we don't see that much similarity between FRBs and pulsar light.  If these things are coming from the same type of object, you might expect that they have some similarities, but it seems that they're actually pretty different.


-   Is there a way to disentangle polarization of FRBs that occurred in the Milky Way from those that occurred in their other galaxies and closer to the source of their emission?  This should help us better understand the mechanisms behind the launch of FRBs.


-    What's more mysterious than explosions happening thousands of times per day all over the sky, and you have no idea what's causing them?   FRBs are just a mystery that is just begging to be solved.



July 1, 2024        FAST  RADIO  BURSTS   -  what causes them?                 4518


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--------------------- ---  Tuesday, July 2, 2024  ---------------------------------









4517 - WEBB TELESCOPE - new discoveries in astronomy?


-    4517  -   WEBB  TELESCOPE  -  new discoveries in astronomy?  -    On Christmas morning two years ago was the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the world's biggest, most daring endeavor to probe the earliest stars and galaxies in the universe.


------------------------------  4517  -  WEBB  TELESCOPE  -  new discoveries in astronomy?


----  1. The JWST takes a fresh look at our solar system

----  2. Nearby exoplanet has abundant life-supporting molecules

----  3. The JWST discovers its smallest object yet

----  4. The JWST finds massive, mysterious galaxies in the infant universe

----  5. An intensifying debate over the universe's expansion rate

----  6. Shining a spotlight on the first supermassive black holes

----  7. Complex organic molecules in a primordial galaxy

----  8. Maisie's galaxy is among the earliest ever spotted

----  9. The most distant supermassive black hole ever seen

----  10. The JWST rediscovers an ancient ghostly galaxy

----  11. The JWST spots 3 possible fabled "dark stars"

----  12. The earliest galaxies looked surprisingly similar to our Milky Way




-    Although the JWST's purpose is to see some of the first stars and galaxies in the universe, its fresh look at our own solar system has been nothing short of breathtaking.  The JWST identified carbon dioxide in the salty liquid oceans of Jupiter's icy moon Europa for the first time.


-    The space observatory also offered a new look at Saturn captures the gas giant's delicate ring system and three of its 146 known moons. The gas giant is eerily dark when seen through the JWST's infrared eyes, because in this wavelength, methane gas absorbs almost all of the sunlight falling on the atmosphere.




-    JWST discovered methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a fairly nearby exoplanet named “K2-18 b”, which circles a cool star 120 light-years from Earth and is larger than our planet but smaller than the giant planets in our solar system.


-   Previous observations with the Hubble Space Telescope had indicated that K2-18 b may be  a "Hycean world," an exoplanet that hosts thick, hydrogen-rich atmospheres with oceans of liquid water underneath. Recent observations with the JWST support that hypothesis, as the new data shows evidence for abundant methane and carbon dioxide but little ammonia.




-     JWST's unexpected discovery of a small asteroid embedded in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Like most residents of that region, the space rock, which is about as tall as the Washington Monument, is thought to be a remnant of the formation of the solar system and thus contains tantalizing history about its evolution.


-   Asteroids less than a mile long are difficult to spot with other telescopes, so the find underscored the telescope's usefulness closer to home.




-   The discovery of galaxies as massive as the Milky Way sprinkled across the JWST's images of the universe just 500 million to 700 million years after the Big Bang. From what existing theories and models tell us, the galaxies the JWST found are too big, and the mature red stars in them too old, that the study authors said the find "creates problems for science."


-   It calls the whole picture of early galaxy formation into question.




-    A large galaxy takes up the entirety of the image. The galaxy has a bright white core, and several large spiral arms extending out from that core, rotating clockwise. The arms are light blue with many pink speckles and clumps littering the arms. The background is also filled with a smattering of white and pink dots.


-    Combined observations from NASA’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and Hubble’s WFC3 (Wide Field Camera 3) show spiral galaxy NGC 5584, which resides 72 million light-years away from Earth.


-    We know that the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate, but we don't know precisely how fast. The issue has become a debate centered on resolving the correct value of the “Hubble constant”, an important number for estimating the universe's expansion rate. Right now, model estimates for the Hubble constant don't agree with values based on telescope observations.


-   JWST observed a class of stars known as Cepheid variables, which are usually humongous stars some 100,000 times brighter than the sun and the most reliable source to measure cosmic distances (and thus to tease out the universe's expansion rate). But instead of resolving the debate, the JWST's data only deepened the ongoing debate over the Hubble constant.


-   We want to understand why our best tools — our gold standard tools — are not agreeing with each other.    James Webb Space Telescope deepens major debate over universe's expansion rate




-    The JWST helped astronomers see starlight from two early galaxies where they think one of the first supermassive black holes emerged. The JWST observed the galaxies as they were when the universe was younger than 1 billion years, showing how, over time, black holes gain unfathomable masses — often millions or billions of times that of the sun.




-    Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope discovered evidence of complex organic molecules similar to smoke or smog in the distant galaxy shown here. The galaxy, more than 12 billion light years away, happens to line up almost perfectly with a second galaxy only 3 billion light years away from our perspective on Earth.


-    Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope discovered evidence of complex organic molecules similar to smoke or smog in the distant galaxy shown here.   JWST had detected intriguing carbon-based molecules, similar to the ones found in oil and coal deposits on Earth, from over 12 billion years ago, when the universe was just 10% of its current age. In space, these molecules link to minuscule dust grains.




-    The blurry orange blob, imaged by the JWST in summer 2022, is known as Maisie's galaxy, and in August 2023, astronomers announced that it's one of the earliest galaxies ever discovered. The galaxy seems to have existed when the universe was only 390 million years old, making it one of the four earliest galaxies ever seen.


-    This was the undiscovered frontier where we really didn't know how the galaxies formed or what they looked like until we went and looked for them with the JWST.



in a deep view of space showing thousands of galaxies


-     JWST had detected the most distant active supermassive black hole ever seen, whose host galaxy formed just 570 million years after the Big Bang. However, this ancient black hole has puzzlingly low mass, just 9 million times that of the sun. For comparison, most of these cosmic beasts weigh over 1 billion solar masses.  It is still difficult to explain how it formed so soon after the universe began.



a blurry, pixelated red and green splotch dissipates outward to black.


-   The JWST's sighting of a fuzzy galaxy embedded deep inside a dust cloud has been of recent interest to astronomers, in part because it is seen as it appeared just 900 million years after the Big Bang, when the very first stars were appearing. But astronomers are also interested in the science lessons this galaxy is waiting to reveal, "potentially telling us there's a whole population of galaxies that have been hiding from us.




-     JWST had found three bright objects that could possibly be "dark stars," a reference to the Grateful Dead song "Dark Star." The "stars" were originally tagged as galaxies by the JWST in 2022.


-    When we look at the James Webb data, there are two competing possibilities for these objects.   One is that they are galaxies containing millions of ordinary, population-III stars. The other is that they are dark stars.   One dark star has enough light to compete with an entire galaxy of stars.


-    Astronomers think these types of stars are powered by dark matter, the elusive substance that makes up 85% of the matter in our universe but is invisible to telescopes. If dark stars really do exist, their presence would help solve the puzzling observations of how a very young universe grew to host so many large galaxies as observed by the JWST.




-    Galaxy evolution theories have predicted that the earliest galaxies in our universe were too young to flaunt any noticeable features, like spiral arms, bars or rings; astronomers have thought these more complex structures began appearing about 6 billion years after the Big Bang. But this year, the JWST found that galaxies with such delicate shapes could have existed as early as 3.7 billion years after the Big Bang.


-   Astronomers must rethink our understanding of the formation of the first galaxies and how galaxy evolution occurred over the past 10 billion years.



July 1, 2024         WEBB  TELESCOPE  -  new discoveries in astronomy?             4517


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--------------------- ---  Tuesday, July 2, 2024  ---------------------------------