Tuesday, July 23, 2024

4529 - BLACKHOLES - discovered with gravity waves?


-    4529  -   BLACKHOLES  -  discovered with gravity waves?  -    Albert Einstein didn't believe we'd be able to detect gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes.   The James Webb Space Telescope finds ancient black holes.   The most fascinating and mysterious objects in the cosmos are “black holes”.  These  pockets in the fabric of spacetime are anchored by an infinitely dense and infinitesimally small concentration of mass: a “Singularity”.

-------------------------------------  4529  -  BLACKHOLES  -  discovered with gravity waves?

-    We simply do not know what lies beyond a black hole's event horizon, singularity, the boundary beyond which light can't cross.   In the 25 years since 1999, the science of black holes has come on leaps and bounds, especially as it relates to bringing them from their theoretical origins into observational reality.


-    Like all black holes, supermassive black holes at the hearts of galaxies are bounded by one-way, light-trapping surfaces called “event horizons”.    No light can escape a black hole, and no black hole can really ever be “seen”. What can be seen, however, is the shadow these voids cast on the glowing material surrounding them. It is upon this material that black holes gradually feed.


-    Capturing an image of a black hole is no small  feat. One project that endeavored to do this is the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a global network of observatories that coordinates to act like a telescope the size of Earth. In April 2019,  the EHT collaboration revealed to the public that they had succeeded in imaging a black hole using data collected in 2017.


-    The object in question was the supermassive black hole at the heart of the distant galaxy Messier 87 (M87).   The black hole is located around 55 million light-years away with a mass of about 6.5 billion suns, making it much more massive than our galaxy's supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*).


-    At the heart of the Milky Way, our home galaxy is the cosmic titan Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), which was first detected in strong radio waves by Karl Jansky in the 1930s and isolated to a more compact region in 1974 by astronomers Bruce Balick and Robert L. Brown. By the 1980s, astronomers had officially proposed this object was a tremendously large black hole, but Sgr A* remained somewhat shrouded in mystery.


-   That was until 2008, when astronomers Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez determined Sgr A* to be a supermassive black hole with a mass 4.3 million times that of the sun. The discovery was ingeniously made not by looking at Sgr A* directly, but by measuring the velocity of fast-moving stars called the "S-group" that whip around it.


-    Tracking these stars over two decades, looking at the signals of these stars as they approach this dark mass and leap away from it, Genzel and Ghez were able to measure the mass and size of this region to really great accuracy.


-    Since then, astronomers have also calculated the diameter of the Sgr A* to be around 14.6 million miles , which is extremely tiny compared to the Milky Way itself, which is 100,000 light-years wide and 1,000 light-years thick.


-   This discovery revealed that, like other galaxies, the Milky Way revolves around a black hole with an almost incomprehensible mass.


-   On May 12, 2022, the EHT Collaboration managed to reveal the first image of Sgr A* created using data collected in 2017. Despite Sgr A* being much closer to Earth, it was tougher to image because the material surrounding it also races around at near light-speed, but Sgr A* is much smaller than M87*, so full orbits were completed almost quicker than the eye of the EHT could see.


-    What's interesting about these two black holes is that, although they're both supermassive black holes, they're also quite different.    M87* lives inside the M87 galaxy, which is a giant elliptical galaxy. It's quite old. It's gone through many mergers, and it's very large. On the other hand, Sgr A* lives in our Milky Way, which is very common among galaxies and, in galactic terms, very small. It's a spiral galaxy that's not that old.


-    “J0529-4351” is a “quasar” powered by a supermassive black hole that is located so far from Earth its light has taken about 12 billion years to reach us. With a brightness equivalent to 500 trillion suns, this is the brightest quasar seen to date.


-   Existing when the universe was less than 2 billion years old, J0529-4351 has a mass between 17 billion and 19 billion suns, and it eats, or "accretes," at least one solar mass worth of gas and dust every single day.


-   Gravitational waves are tiny ripples in spacetime caused when objects accelerate; they were first suggested to exist by Albert Einstein's 1915 theory of gravity, general relativity. As binary black holes spiral around one another, they set the fabric of space ringing with gravitational waves. When they eventually collide, they create a high-frequency screech of gravitational waves, then a final gravitational wave "ringdown," lasting a fraction of a second.


-   However, Einstein believed that even the most intense gravitational waves would be too faint and emitted at a distance too great to ever be detected on Earth. Yet, on September 14, 2015, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detected the gravitational wave signal “GW150914”  from the merger of stellar mass black holes about one billion light years away. The detection proved Einstein's fears unnecessary, while the signal simultaneously proved his theory of general relativity correct.


-     Since 2015, LIGO and its collaborating instruments, Virgo in Italy and KAGRA in Japan, have detected a multitude of gravitational wave signals from colliding black hole pairs, merging neutron stars, and even mixed mergers between black holes and neutron stars.  Including seeing the ring-down signal, as predicted from the theory of two solar mass black holes merging together.


-    The discoveries discussed so far have concentrated on supermassive black holes, or black holes that sit at the hearts of galaxies and influence the realms' development. These cosmic titans are born from a merger chain of increasingly larger and larger black holes. This means they end up with incredibly huge masses.


-   There are more diminutive black holes.  Stellar-mass black holes are born when massive stars, with about eight times more mass than the sun or more, run out of the fuel supply needed for nuclear fusion in their cores and collapse, triggering a supernova.    The masses of these black holes start at about five solar masses and range up to 100 solar masses.


-    That means there is a vast mass gap between stellar mass black holes and supermassive black holes. But, in this gap, you'd expect the intermediate-mass black holes to dwell. Yet, much less is known about these medium-sized black holes, which should have a mass range of around a 100 solar masses to hundreds of thousands of solar masses.


-    Several potential intermediate black hole discoveries have been made over the last 25 years, including “GCIRS 13E” in 2004. This was suspected to be the first intermediate-mass black hole found in the Milky Way galaxy, orbiting Sgr A* at a distance of around three light-years away. This, like many other potential sightings of intermediate mass black holes, has been disputed.


-   The most well-founded evidence of the existence of intermediate black holes came in 2020, when LIGO detected its biggest gravitational signal to date. The source of the signal, designated “GW190521”, was a merger of two stellar-mass black holes birthing a 142-solar-mass black hole located around 7 billion light-years away.


-    Mergers of smaller black holes and black holes feeding on surrounding matter to become bigger black holes should take billions of years.     Explaining large black holes starts to get challenging is when we see black holes with millions or billions of solar masses that existed before the universe was 1 billion years old.   Finding supermassive black holes billions of years after the Big Bang is expected, but discovering them around the time the first stars formed is more surprising.


-   If scientists were worried when other telescopes were turning up with results of supermassive black holes existing 800 million years after the Big Bang, they started getting very concerned when the JWST found such ultramassive black holes as early as when the universe was only 500 million to 600 million years old.


-    The JWST launched just two years ago is seeing what we think are supermassive black holes at very, very early times.   The observations it's making are both electrifying and confusing. There are questions arising about black holes because we're probing into regions of the universe we haven't probed before.



July 21, 2024           BLACKHOLES  -  discovered with gravity waves?                 4529


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--------------------- ---  Tuesday, July 23, 2024  ---------------------------------









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