Sunday, September 8, 2024

4549 - LASERS - how small in our future?


-    4549 -  LASERS  -  how small in our future?  -   High-powered titanium sapphire lasers have been shrunk down with scientists planning to cram hundreds or thousands onto a four-inch wafer in a new chip.   Researchers have built a titanium-sapphire (Ti:Sa) lasers that are 10,000 times smaller than any previous similar device and fit them onto a chip.

-------------------------------------------  4549  -  LASERS  -  how small in our future?


-   Until now, such lasers have cost upwards of $100,000. But with a new approach scientists believe the cost could drop to $100 per laser.  They also claimed that thousands of lasers could be built onto one four-inch wafer in the future and the cost per laser could become minimal. These small-scale lasers could be used in future quantum computers, in neuroscience and even in micro-level surgeries.


-   The experimental laser relies on two crucial processes. First, they ground a sapphire crystal down to a layer just a few hundred nanometers thick. They then fashioned a swirling vortex of tiny ridges, into which they shone a green laser pointer. With each rotation within that vortex, the laser’s intensity increased.


-    Sapphire is a very tough material. And when you grind it down, oftentimes, it doesn’t like it, it cracks, or it damages what you’re using to try to grind out.   Once this problem was solved,  the process as "smooth sailing."


-   One reason the team is so optimistic is that its lasers can be tuned to different wavelengths; specifically, from 700 to 1,000 nanometers, or red to infrared.  The laser’s intensity is increased via a series of vortexes within the crystal’s surface.


-   The miniature lasers could be used in quantum computers helping to make them much smaller in the process. They could also revolutionize the field of optogenetics where scientists control neurons with light guided inside the brain; currently, they use chunky optical fiber technology.   Miniature Ti:Sa lasers can be used in laser surgery.


-    Hundreds, or even thousands, of lasers can fit on one four-inch wafer.  The first "tunable laser" for academic users could go on sale within two years. The potential applications of these miniaturized lasers are vast.



September 8, 2024            LASERS  -  how small in our future?                4549


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