Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Neutrino - a history of discoveries

-  2223  -  -   Astronomers have learned much more about the Universe with their “microwave telescopes”.  They have determined the Universe to be 13,800,000,000 years old.  They have determined that only 5% or the Universe is visible or ordinary matter.  The rest is Dark Matter (25%) and Dark Energy (70%) .  To learn more astronomers want to be able to use “neutrino telescopes” and “gravity wave telescopes”. 

----------------------------- 2223  -  The Neutrino   -  a history of discoveries
-  January, 2019 the mysterious source for neutrino bombardment was found .  The source as a blazar that was 4 billion lightyears away.  Neutrino are the smallest sub-atomic particles and trillions of them pass through your body every second.  Blazars are energetic blackholes that are consuming orbiting material and shooting particles out the rotating poles at nearly the speed of light.
-  These neutrinos were discovered by the ICECUBE detectors located at our South Pole.   By combining data with Gamma Ray detectors the source could be located by astronomers.  The jets from this blazar not only accelerated neutrinos it accelerated protons as well.  Science long speculated that these protons would have to be produced along with the production of billions of neutrinos. 
-    If you could see neutrinos it is not just blazars that would become “visible”.  You could see back in time to 1 second after the Big Bang.  To see with visible light, we see with photons.  And, because the Universe is expanding seeing with visible light, near the red end of the spectrum, we can see back to when the Universe was 2.3 billion years old, 17 % its current size. 
-  By seeing with radio waves, in the microwave spectrum, we can see back to when the Universe was 380,000 years old. So, inventing a neutrino telescope will be a great benefit to science, allowing astronomers to see back to when the Universe was 1 second old. What will e see then?
-  Photons were first releases from the Big Bang’s plasma of gas at the point when the Universe expanded and cooled to 3,000 degrees Kelvin.  This occurred 380,000 years after the Big Bang.  Before that time it was so hot that photons bounced around the sphere of the expanding ionized gas and could not get out.  At 3,000 Kelvin the ionized nuclei slowed down enough to begin capturing electrons and becoming a neutral gas. Once the gas became neutral in charge the photons were released into space.
-  When the photons were first released they were high energy Gamma Rays.  Since then the Universe has expanded in size by 1,000 times and it has cooled down by 1,000 times.  The temperature cooled down from 3,000 K to 3 K ( actually 2.73 K). 
-  On there long journey to our eyes the Gamma Rays have cooled down to X-Rays, then cooling further to Ultraviolet rays, then to visible light waves, then to microwave radio wavelengths.  That is what we “see” today as Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.  The wavelengths of light have cooled and stretched in the expanding Universe:
------------------------------------ Wavelength--- Frequency --------- Temperature
------------------------------------ nanometers--- 3*10^8/w ---------    .0029/w Kelvin
--------  Gamma Rays  --------- .0001 --------- 3*10^21 ------------290,000,000,000 

--------    X- Rays        --------- .01     --------- 3*10^19 ------------       290,000,000 

--------  Ultraviolet Rays -------     10 --------- 3*10^16 ------------              290,000 

--------  Visible Light  ---------    600 ---------- 500,000,000,000,000 -----        4,833
--------  Infrared          --------- 1,000-----------300,000,000,000,000 ------      2,900
--------  Microwaves  --------- 1,064,220 -------281,701,582,380 -----------      2.725
--------  Radio Waves  ------599,600,000 ----------500,000,000 ------------------.005
 -  As the Universe expands the wavelengths stretch out and become longer.  The frequencies become lower, and the temperature becomes lower.  So, to see these photons we have to look not with our eyes but with microwave receivers.  And, sure enough, they were there, discovered in 1965 as Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation permeating every direction we looked.
-   Astronomers have learned much more about the Universe with their “microwave telescopes”.  They have determined the Universe to be 13,800,000,000 years old.  They have determined that only 5% or the Universe is visible or ordinary matter.  The rest is Dark Matter (25%) and Dark Energy (70%) .
-  To learn more astronomers want to be able to use “neutrino telescopes” and “gravity wave telescopes”.  Neutrinos from the Big Bang are very hard to see because they only have energies of 1.75 Kelvin after their long journey to us.  The low energies make them very hard to see in all the background noise.  However, neutrinos are a billion times more abundant than photons.  They travel at the speed of light, or very nearly the speed of light.
-  Neutrinos are Leptons.   All fundamental particles that make up ordinary matter are either Quarks or Leptons.  There are 12 particles of matter, 6 are quarks and 6 are leptons.  Of the 6 leptons 3 are electrons and 3 are neutrinos.  ( See Reviews #731 and #732.).
 The 3 neutrinos are:
----------------------  Electron neutrinos  ------  less than 0.1 electron volts
----------------------  Muon neutrinos  -------     less than 170,000
----------------------  Tau neutrinos  ------------  less than 15,500,000
-  The 3 electrons are:
----------------------  electron  -----------  511,000 electron volts
----------------------   Muon  ----------    106,000,000
----------------------  Tau Lepton ------  1,777,100,000
-  The 3 neutrinos behave like neutrinos but they are different particles because of their different ‘weights“.  Same with electrons.  The weights of the neutrinos are all “less than”  because we do not know for certain if neutrinos have mass.  They could be massless like photons.
-   Recent theories think neutrinos have some mass and that allows them to change “flavors”, i.e.: change between the 3 types of neutrinos.  If massless then neutrinos travel at the speed of light, like photons.  If the have a small amount of mass, then they may still  travel at near the speed of light.
-  Note that the mass is expressed in electron volts, which are units of Energy.  That is because physicists are lazy and they really mean electron volts / c^2.  E=mc^2 and m = E/c^2.  But, they just leave off the c^2, which is 9*10^18 meters per second.
-  Neutrinos are electrically neutral so they pass through matter undetected.  They are passing through your body all the time because streams of neutrinos are created by the fusion process going on in the Sun. 
-  Neutrinos are also created by nuclear reactors, by cosmic rays, and by particle accelerators.  Antineutrinos, the equivalent particles in anti-matter, are created each time a neutron decays into a proton  in what is called “ Beta Decay”.  More than 50,000,000,000,000 neutrinos pass through your body every second.
-  The neutrinos existence was first predicted in 1930 by Wolfgang Pauli.  He was studying Beta Decay and his equations were missing some energy that he could not explain.  He believed in the Conservation of Energy so he theorized that the missing energy must be some kinetic energy streaming off with some invisible particle .  The invisible particle, the neutrino, was finally detected in 1956.  It was called the neutrino to mean the “little neutral one“.
-  In 1962 experiments showed that there was more than one type of neutrino and in 1975 the Stanford Linear Accelerator showed that three were 3 types of neutrinos.  The heaviest Tau neutrino was finally detected in the Fermi Lab in 2000.  In 1998 experiments gave us evidence that neutrinos had minuscule mass and that they change “ flavors” between the 3 types, (electron, muon, and Tau), on their way to us from the Sun.
-  Neutrinos have a half-integer spin, an angular momentum of ½ * h/2*pi.  Like electrons they are Fermions.  The neutrino is a Fermion because its spin is ½.  It is also a Lepton because it is electrically neutral and does not interact with the Strong force or the electromagnetic force. 
-  That is why it is so hard to detect.  The neutrino does interact with the Weak force and with Gravity.  All neutrinos observed to date have left-handed spin.  And, all antineutrinos have right-handed spin.
-  If we could only “see”  with neutrinos we could make exceptional probes into our environment.  Optical and radio observations are very limited by comparison.  If we could see using neutrinos we could see into the core of the Sun, not just to its surface.  We could see backwards in time to within 1 second after the Big Bang.  We could see to the core of the Milky Way which is completely obscured to us by dense gas and dust.
-  Supernova explosions release 99% of their energy in a 10 second burst of neutrinos.  Neutrino Astronomy is just in its infancy.  Three “telescopes” in the world are  currently observing neutrinos:
------------------ Super-Kamiokande in Japan is a neutrino telescope with 50,000 tons of water, 11,000 photo detectors, 1 kilometer under ground.
------------------  AMANDA -  Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector has 677 arrays in 1.5 to 2 kilometers deep, buried in glacial ice at the South Pole.
-----------------  DUMAND  -  Deep Underwater Muon and Neutrino Detector in the Pacific Ocean off Hawaii 1 kilometer below the ocean’s surface.
-  Expect some new discoveries from neutrino astronomy once these telescopes collect and analyze the data from their observations.
-----------  10^-45 seconds  ----------  BIG BANG
-----------  10^-43 seconds  ---------- Gravity splits off from the 4 combined forces
-----------  10^-36 seconds  ---------- Strong splits off from the 3 combined forces
------------  10^-35 seconds  ---------- 10^18 Kelvin -------  neutrinos created
-----------  10^-32 seconds  ---------- 10^-36 to 10^-32 Inflation occurs
-----------  10^-32 seconds  ----------   Plasma sea of quarks, anti-quarks and gluons
-----------  10^-12 seconds  ---------- 10^16 Kelvin -------  decoupling of the W-Z bosons.  The weak force splits of leaving the electromagnetic force.
-----------  10^-?? seconds  ---------- 10^13 Kelvin -------  matter, anti-matter annihilation
-----------  1   second  ---------------- 10^10 Kelvin -------  Cosmic Neutrino Background radiation forms
-----------  100    seconds  ----------- 10^9 Kelvin -------  Quarks form protons and neutrons.  Ionized nuclei and energetic electrons prevent photons from escaping.
-----------  1,000,000 years  ---------- 10,000 Kelvin -------  hydrogen gas becomes neutral atoms and photons can finally escape.
-----------  380,000 years     ---------- 3,000 Kelvin -------  Free photons released and seen as the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation today.
-----------  13,700,000,000 years ---- 2.728 Kelvin -------  today’s temperature of the Universe
---------------------------------------- ---------- 0 Kelvin -------  ABSOLUTE ZERO,  that is as cold as it gets.
(2)  The energy density of radiation as a function of frequency = a black body curve
----------------  black body curve  =   8*pi*h*f^2/c^3*e^(hf/kT) - 1  * df
----------------  E = kT
----------------  kT = 13.6 eV at 150,000 K
----------------  T = 2.728
----------------  eV * 11,605 = K
----------------  The average density of the Universe = one cubic meter contains 1 electron, 1 proton, 330,000,000 neutrinos, and 1,000,000,000 photons.
(3)  The Universe beyond redshift of 1000 is unobservable.  The speed of expansion is the same as the speed of light at that distance.  There is a photon barrier at a “z” of 1,000.
-   January 2,  2019            732
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