Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Velocity - Your motion in the Universe?

-  2294  -  Velocity  -  Your motion in the Universe?  It is more complicated than you can imagine.  And, it is all relative.  Motion is where you are to where you get to divided by the time it takes.  Each of those variables depends on “Relativity“.
---------------------- 2294  -  Velocity  -  Your motion in the Universe? 
-  The Teacher says to the students, “ Sit down and remain perfectly still.”
-  The Student replies:  “That is hard to do.”  “Relative to what?”
-  In the time it took the student  to say that we have already moved 224 miles.
-   It takes the student 2 seconds to tell the teacher his reply.  The Earth is traveling around the Sagittarius A, center of the Milky Way Galaxy, at a radius of 28,000 lightyears.  The time to complete on orbit is 220,000,000 years.  The Milky Way Galaxy is 10,000,000,000 years old so this is the 45th orbit.
------------------  Radius  =  2.8*10^4 lightyears  *  5.88*10^12 miles / LY
------------------- Radius  =  16.46 *10^16 lightyears
------------------  Circumference  =  2*pi * radius  =  103.4*10^16 miles
------------------- Velocity  =  distance / time  =  1.034*10^18 / 2.2*10^8  =  0.47*10^10 miles / year  =  404,000 miles / hour  =  112 miles / second.
-------------------    In 2 seconds you travel 224 miles.
-  I know that you did not feel a thing.  That is because you are traveling at a constant velocity.  You feel motion when you are accelerating or decelerating, i.e. “changing” velocity.  Moving at a constant velocity is the same as being at rest as far as you can tell.  Remember the bodies at rest tend to stay at rest and bodies in motion tend to stay in motion and the bodies can’t tell the difference.
-  You are also traveling 470,000 miles per hour around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.  That is 130 miles per second.  This is our 21st trip around the galaxy.  The Earth was born 4,500 million years ago.  Since one orbit takes 220 million years this is only our 21st trip around the Milky Way.
-  From the time homo sapiens first appeared on the Earth we have swept around the galaxy less than the comparable sweep of a second hand around the clock with a single tick.   The first homo sapiens  appeared on Earth 2,000,000 years ago.  Since one galactic orbit takes 220,000,000 years we have completed only 0.9 % of one orbit.  A one second tick competes 1/60 = 1.7% of its orbit around the clock.
-  That is not all.  You are gliding along at 67,000 miles per  hour in a circular orbit around the Sun.  It takes one year, 316,000,000 seconds, to complete one trip and return to where you are today.  The journey covered 580,00,000 miles. In 2 seconds you traveled 37 miles. 
-    The radius of Earth’s orbit around the Sun is 93,000,000 miles.  The circumference is 584,000,000 miles.  It takes one year or 8,760 hours to complete one orbit. 
-------------------  Velocity  =  5.84*10^8  /  8.76*10^3  =  0.66*10^5
-------------------  Velocity around the Sun  =  66,666 miles per hour.
-  That is not all.  The Earth is spinning.  The equator travels 24,902 miles in 24 hours.  If you were on the equator you would be moving 1,038 miles per hour.  If you are standing in Santa Rosa you are spinning in a smaller circle.  At 37.7 degrees latitude and 122.42 degrees longitude the circumference of the circle you are traveling is :
-------------------  Earth Radius  =  3,958.7 miles * cosine 37.77 degrees * 2 * pi  =  19,661 miles in 24 hours  =  819 miles per hour heading east in a daily circle.  That is 0.23 miles per second so in 2 seconds you traveled one half mile due east.
-  Also during these 2 seconds the Universe has been expanding adding 70,000 miles of additional space between the Milky Way Galaxy and the cluster of galaxies in the Hydra, Taurus, 150 lightyears away.
-  The Observable Universe contains at least as many galaxies as there are stars in the Milky Way.  Our Milky Way is 12,000,000,000 years old and during that time has produced 400,000,000,000 stars.  And , there are an equal number of planets around those stars, somewhere.
-  If we look outside our Milky Way Galaxy into deep space we have found other galaxies speeding away from us at 26,000 miles per second.  That is 93,600,000 miles per hour or 14% the speed of light.  The fastest photon in the Universe in free space is traveling 670,633,500 miles per hour.
-  Of course, by now you realize it is all “relative“. We could just as easily say we are speeding away from those other galaxies at 26,000 miles per second.  In that case you can tell the teacher in 2 seconds we moved another 52,000 miles.
-  The first stars began shinning 13,700,000,000 years ago.  That is the farthest distance a line of sight can be extended and still run into a star.  The whole reason the night sky is black is because when we look far out into space we are looking far back in time, to a point in time when stars had not started to shine yet.  In a dark sky we are looking back in time before there was anything to see.
-  Even if we ignore our movement through the sky we are also moving standing on solid ground.  Continental drift is still happening .  You are moving away from Europe and Africa at a break neck speed of 3 centimeters / year.  ( 0.00000021 miles per hour).  This is caused by the great rift in the Atlantic ocean.  If you are in Santa Rosa and standing at the San Andreas fault you are moving 1.3 centimeters per year
-  During the course of the school year we moved 1.08 centimeters to the northwest.  If you go back in time at that speed, 47,000,000 years ago, you would be standing where Los Angeles is today.  Of course , at that time , you would be the only humanoid.
-   The San Andreas fault is 600 miles long and moving north west at 1.3 centimeters per year.  This is 0.000,000,000,922 miles per hour.  (9.22*10^-10 mph).  Los Angeles is 377 is south.  Time =  distance / velocity.  Time  =  377 miles  /8.078 *10^-6 miles per year  =  47 million years before my time.
-  The rest of the humanoids will not appear for another 30 million years.  This was in the Eocene epoch of the Cenozoic era when whales, penguins, roses, bats, camels, early elephants, dogs, cats, and weasels first arrived.  Homo Habilis , the first human species, mammoths, giant sloth’s and armadillos will not arrive for another 40 million years.
-   As we humans came on board the planet, the tectonic plate was drifting from Los Angeles to San Francisco at 0.000,000,000,922 miles per hour.  A Velocity you can hardly notice, until an earthquake happens.
-  Astronomers have observed infant galaxies, called Quasars, that are 12 billion lightyears away traveling at 90% the speed of light  So we see them as they were 12 billion years ago.  And, we could just as accurately say that the Quasar is stationary and we are traveling 603,570,150 miles per hour in the opposite direction.  If we were traveling much faster we would be going backwards in time to when the Universe first turned on the lights. 
-   If Isaac Newton blasted off from Earth on a spaceship traveling at the speed of light, we would observe him alive today through the telescope.  He could be waving at us at the porthole of the spaceship through the telescope at the same time we know he is buried in Westminster Abbey. 
-  The same is true of the infant galaxies , we call Quasars, that we observe through the telescope.  We see childhood galaxies 12 billion years in the past.  We do not know what these galaxies are like when they are mature adults.  We assume they are like our Milky Way Galaxy that is 10 billion years old.  To find out for sure we would have to wait another 12 billion years and invent much  more powerful telescope.
-  I warned you it was hard standing perfectly still.  All motion is relative.  There is nowhere you can stand still and measure everything else.  Wait, there is something that may work to measure against.  The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, the CMB.  Every direction we look the CMB is 2.725 Kelvin.  That is the radiation background left over from the Big Bang.
-  The CMB is “ stationary” because it happened everywhere at once in space 13.8 billion years ago.  The Universe has been expanding and cooling ever since.  The photons have spread out to a density of 400 per cubic centimeter, equivalent to the 2.725 Kelvin temperature.
-  But, the CMB is not completely uniform.  The CMB in the relative direction we are moving is hotter, 2.728 Kelvin.  The opposite direction from which we are moving is measured at 2.722 Kelvin.  Light and microwave radiation gets blue shifted towards higher energies when it is moving towards you.  Light gets redshifted to lower energies when the source is moving away from you.
-  Therefore, measuring this velocity of our movement through CMB space is 823,193 miles per hour.  Now, you add to that our  motion in the Local Group of Galaxies and we get our velocity in our region of space to be 1,404,559 miles per hour  + or - 49,000 mph.  That large uncertainty of 3.5% is due to measurement uncertainties in our motion about the Milky Way center.
-  As we approach the speed of light space shrinks and time slows.  God created time so everything didn’t happen at once.  When time stops is everything all happening at once?  Or, is nothing happening?  With greater expertise we are learning more and more about less and less until we know everything about nothing.
-  “So you see teacher, I can not sit here perfectly still if everything I am a part of is in motion.  My velocity is always relative to something else.”
-  Request these Reviews to learn more:
-  #4  -  Speed of light, has been found to be “constant” to one part in 10^20.
-  #684  -  Velocity is space / time.  The only thing going faster than light is the expansion of space itself.  Today the edge of the Observable Universe is 45 billion lightyears away even though the Universe is only 13.7 billion years old.  Those galaxies “appear” to be traveling faster than light because the space between us is expanding.
-  #628  -  Velocity from the very slow to the very fast.  Bamboo can grow 3 feet per day.  0.0000237 miles per hour.  Electric cars have been clocked at 314.96 miles per hour.
-  March 4, 2019                     1851         399
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 --------------------------   Tuesday, March 5, 2019  --------------------------

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