Thursday, January 30, 2020

SUN - End of Humanity?

-  2599  -  SUN  -  End of Humanity?  The Sun is 4.6 billion years old.  It will live another 5 billion years then its hydrogen will have mostly burned off and the core of the Sun will be solid helium.  It will continue burning but it will be twice as hot.  Humanity will need to have found another home.
---------------------------------  2599  -  SUN  -  End of Humanity?
-  I just know I am going to die in an airplane crash.  If I don’t die of something else first.  That is the way it is.  Humanity on Earth will end.  That too is the way it is.  If humanity does not blow itself up starting with Iran, and if some super bug does not kill us off with an incurable disease, and if an asteroid does not hit us and turn Earth into a cemetery in an instant, then our Sun will eventually cook us. Time will tell.
-   We had better graduate smart students who can master technology and get us to another solar system in the next 10,000 years if humanity is going to have a chance.
-  The Sun is 4.6 billion years old.  It will live another 5 billion years then its hydrogen will have mostly burned off and the core of the Sun will be solid helium.  It will continue burning but it will be twice as hot.
-  The core shrinks but the outer layers of the Sun expand.  For the next billion years luminosity and heat continue to increase.  The Sun continues to grow into a Red Giant.  It will be 100 times larger and 1,000 times brighter.  Earth will be cooked.  All the water will have long evaporated and it will be a charred, burnt out rock.
-  The outer layers are expanding because there is only helium at the core and the only hydrogen remaining is in a shell near the surface.  The shell expands.  Heat builds up in the core until it reaches 100,000,000 Kelvin and at that temperature helium begins fusing into carbon.  The 3 helium-4 atoms fuse into one carbon-12 atom and energy is released according to the mass loss and E = mc^2.
-  After 100,000,000 years of helium burning the Sun’s core will be pure carbon.  The core temperature will continue to rise but the Sun is not big enough to create the gravity pressure and the temperature to get to the next stage.  It takes a core temperature of 600,000,000 Kelvin to fuse carbon.  Bigger stars can get there and can continue to fuse the heavier elements.  Our Sun will stop at carbon.
-  Picture what our Sun will look like.  It would be a planetary nebulae.  The nebulae stage will last 1,000,000 years then the nebulae will fade away leaving that white dot in the center, a White Dwarf.  White Dwarfs are the exposed cores of dead stars.
-  While the Sun is going through this process, what is happening to the Earth?  The Earth will be a desert 500,000 years from now  And, its population of humanity, if still here will be living at the poles.
-  The Antarctica will be a nice continent but those at the north pole in the Artic will need to be living on ships.  The ice has all melted and in the next 500,000 years the water will have evaporated all together.
-   In 5,000,000,000 years the Sun will have expanded into a Red Giant nearly engulfing the Earth.  The Earth’s surface will be 1,000 Kelvin.  The moon orbiting Saturn, Titan, will be 300 Kelvin and it still has water.  We humans had better be living there long before then.  Mars is a good stepping stone but it can not be a final destination because it has no atmosphere and no magnetosphere to retain liquid water and to protect us from the blazing Sun.
-  When our oceans increase 50 C all our liquid water will have evaporated on Earth.  Just like on Venus today.  Mars is too small with too thin an atmosphere and has already lost its liquid water on the surface.  When liquid water goes all large life goes with it.
-    Microbes may still be living under ground.  There are more microbes on your body than there are human cells in your body.  Microbes have been on Earth for 3,500,000 years and they will be the last to leave. 
-  Earth will continue to orbit the White Dwarf as a burnt rock.  From that point on the Solar System simply cools down, getting colder and colder until it reaches the cosmic background temperature, 2 Kelvin.  There is no energy left to sustain any warmth..
-  We need technology to get us to an asteroid, to strap a propulsion system on it so we can move it to just the right distance from a heat source,  to hollow out the inside of the asteroid so we can create an environment in which to plant a garden.  It will be a Garden of Eden, like we have on Mother Earth today.   You should think of it that way,
-  It is ours only to wonder.  Someone else will be making this journey.
-   January 24, 2020                                     918                                  2599                                              -                                                                           
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 ---------------------          Thursday, January 30, 2020    --------------------

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