Friday, October 30, 2020

Index of recent Reviews .


-  Index of recent Reviews .  Just request ye number or go on blog.

--  2860  -  DINOSAURS  -  more about Triceratops.  This dinosaur's had those iconic horns and a spiky head plate.  “Triceratops horridus” must have been an intimidating presence as it trampled across western North America in the late Cretaceous period, some 69,000,000 years ago. 

-  2861  -  DARK  MATTER  - how we know it is there? -  The big idea of dark matter is that there’s something other than these known particles contributing in a significant way to the total amounts of matter in the Universe.  We look at the motions of these objects, we look at the gravitational rules that govern orbiting bodies, whether something is bound or not, how it rotates, how structure forms, and we get a number for how much matter there has to be in there.

-  2862  -  POCAHONTAS -  don’t change history, learn from it.  Pocahontas might be a household name, but that wasn’t her actual name. She was born in 1596, her real name was Amonute, and she also had the name Matoaka. Pocahontas was her nickname, which depending on who you ask means “playful one" or “ill-behaved child.”

-  2863  -  MARS  EXPLORATION -  visits made to the red planet.  NASA sent the Mars InSight to the Red Planet in 2018, and the spacecraft safely landed that November. As of early 2019, the lander was setting up its instruments to examine the interior of Mars.  The next tranche of ExoMars is the Rosalind Franklin rover and its companion lander, which are scheduled to leave Earth in 2020.

-  2864  -  ENCELADUS  -  Saturn’s moon?  -  Enceladus, named after one of the Giants in Greek mythology, has an icy surface that reflects 81 percent of the light falling on it.  Saturn’s sixth-largest moon, Enceladus has a diameter of only 310 miles, and a mass less than 1/50,000 that of Earth. 

-  2865  -  BIG  BANG  -  what really happened?  For more than 50 years, we have had definitive scientific evidence that our Universe, as we know it, began with the hot Big Bang. The Universe is expanding, cooling, and full of clumps (like planets, stars, and galaxies) today because it was smaller, hotter, denser, and more uniform in the past. 

-  2866  -  BIG  BANG  -  creations.  -  When I was first in school science believed that the universe has always existed and always will. Few people challenged this or even suspected it might not be true.  That started to change in 1910 with the publication of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity.   This review discusses the discoveries this all started.

-  2867  -  ATOM  - and the electron cloud?  The picture of the atom you were taught in high school is wrong, mainly because electrons aren’t point-like particles.  Electrons are a‘fuzzy’ . They are tough to pin down due to their ‘Quantum Wave Function’, which is a complicated way of saying they exist as a field of “probability“, not as an individual particle.  

-  2868  - PREHISTORIC  ANIMALS  -   warm blooded success?  -  Mammals and birds today are warm-blooded, and this is often taken as the reason for their great success.  The ancestors of both mammals and birds became warm-blooded at the same time,  250,000,000 years ago, in the time when life was recovering from the greatest mass extinction of all time.

-  2869  -  EARTH  -  waster, water everywhere?   There remains a number of mysteries on our planet including the elusive origin of  the blue water on the Earth.  Scientists have found the interstellar organic matter could produce an abundant supply of water by heating, suggesting that “organic matter” could be the source of terrestrial water.

-  2870  -  WANKEL -  new auto engine? Wankel rotary engine, invented in the 1950s and used today in sports cars, boats, and some aircraft.  In the Wankel, a rounded triangle rotor spins in an eccentric orbit within an oval chamber, with each rotation producing three power strokes, where the engine generates force.  New versions of this engine are on the horizon today

-  2871  -  NOAH’S  ARK  -  biblical story?   Noah's Ark, set against God's decision to return Earth to its pre-creation state of watery chaos, has mystified generations.  Some argue that a global flood had actually occurred at one point in ancient history

-  2872  -  EXOPLANETS  -  discovering more planets.   On October 20, 2020,  scientists revealed a series of new discoveries made by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The telescope that has spotted a number of strange new worlds circling star systems.

-  2873  -  GAMMA  RAYS  -  are photons Cosmic “Rays” are particles.  Gamma ray mystery covering years of research?  Gamma Rays are essentially high energy light.  They started out with the Big Bang and have been loosing energy as they travel though an expanding Universe.  But, they also include processes created by cosmic ray interactions with interstellar gas, supernova explosions and interactions of energetic electrons with magnetic fields. 

-  2874  -  ASTRONOMY  -  is universe expansion real?  -  When we study the Universe, there is a whole lot that doesn’t add up. All the matter we observe and infer, from planets, stars, dust, gas, plasma, and exotic states and objects,  can’t account for the gravitational effects we see. 

-  2875   -  EARTH   -   climate change got us here?  A coupled increase in atmospheric CO2 and decrease in surface ocean pH, global warming, changes in productivity and oxygen depletion have been reported worldwide, which suggests that the scenario outlined here may be relevant to understanding future environmental and climatic trends

.-  2876  -  REDSHIFT  -  found in orbiting neutron stars?  A theory in physics and astronomy predicted by Albert Einstein in 1906 has been verified using a double star system about 29,000 light years from Earth.  This phenomenon in physics, called a 'gravitational redshift,' has been well documented in our Solar System, but it's been more elusive for the stars.

-  2877  -  X-RAYS   -  from microscopes to telescopes.  -   Let’s look at a protein’s atom.  A three-dimensional arrangement of atoms within a protein helps us to understand how it can perform its functions. The electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) has developed as a structural biology technique in  X-ray crystallography and has been the only technique able to visualize individual atoms. 

-  2878  -  GRAVITY  -  mysteries in astronomy?  -   Gravity creates the supernovae.  Supernova creates all the elements necessary for life.  Explosions spread the life creating elements all over the cosmos.  Gravity creates solar systems of stars and planets.  Stars give us the energy for life.  Life evolves on the rich elements in the planets.  And the beat goes on!

-  2879  -  REDSHIFTS  -  seeing back in time.  The redshift tells us how old it is?  The age of the Universe is 13,700,000,000 years.   The oldest galaxy we can see formed 13,000,000,000 years ago. The Universe was only 5% of its current age when this galaxy formed.  If a human was 80 years old it would be analogous to her viewing a picture of herself when she was only 4 years old.  The most distant quasar galaxy had a redshift of 7.  That means the signal left the galaxy 770,000,000 years after the Big Bang

-  2880  -  ZEPTOSECONDS  -  how time flies?  Since the spatial orientation of the hydrogen molecule was known the interference of the two electron waves was used to precisely calculate when the photon reached the first and when it reached the second hydrogen atom.  That time? Two hundred and forty-seven zeptoseconds. The measurement is essentially capturing the speed of light within the molecule. 

-  2882  -  PHYSICS  -  the way I learned it?    Physics is the science of nature.  It is the study of the Universe’s matter, energy, motion and force.  Matter and Energy are the same thing. 

  Energy = 90,000,000,000,000,000 * mass.      ( E=mc^2).   

-  2883  -  BLACKHOLES  -   Black holes are scary?  If you fell into a black hole left over when a star died, you would be shredded. The massive black holes seen at the center of all galaxies have insatiable appetites. Black holes are places where the laws of physics are obliterated.


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