Thursday, June 24, 2021

UNIVERSE - mass and energy ratios.

  -  3199  -   UNIVERSE  -  mass and energy ratios.  How do we know the ratios.   With the latest observations and experiments, it’s clear that time has passed. The Universe has only 4.7-5.0% normal matter in it, and the rest, in some form or other, is truly dark matter and dark energy.

All that we see is only 5%bof what is there??
-------------------------  3199  -   UNIVERSE  -  mass and energy ratios.    

-  The Universe is made up of only 5% normal matter that we see and understand.  All matter and energy are two forms of the same thing according to E = mc^2.   “c^2” is constant and the it is the constant speed of light squared, that is , times itself.   Therefore “E” =  a constant times “m”   Dark Matter is 20% of the Universe and Dark Energy is 70% of the Universe.  How did we every come up with these numbers?  It all started 100 years ago.


-  100 years ago, we began to understand the true nature of the Universe for the very first time. The grand spirals and elliptical galaxies in the sky were determined to be enormous, distant collections of stars well outside of the Milky Way.  They were a variety of galaxies some very similar to our own.  Some very different configuration of stars.  But all moving away from us in an expanding universe.  


- These distant galaxies were receding away with more distant galaxies exhibiting faster recession speeds.  This was evidence that the Universe was expanding at an ever increasing rate. 


-   If space is expanding today, that means the Universe was smaller, denser, and even hotter in the past. Extrapolate back far enough, and you’ll predict that the Universe began a finite amount of time ago in an event known as the hot “Big Bang“.


-  If the Universe was hotter and denser in the past, but cooled, that means there was once a time where neutral atoms couldn’t form, because things were too hot, but then did as the Universe cooled. 


-  That expanding cooling condition leads to a prediction of a now cold, but mostly uniform background of radiation which was discovered in the 1960s, validating the picture of the hot Big Bang and ruling out many alternatives. 


-  There is an entirely independent way to validate this hot Big Bang theory using the nuclear reactions that must have occurred when the Universe was just minutes old. These predictions are imprinted in the hydrogen gas throughout our Universe, and help us understand the Big Bang from a totally different theory.


-  If we were to go back to the very early stages of the hot Big Bang, to when the Universe was just a fraction-of-a-second old, we wouldd see a very different Universe from the one we recognize today. 


-  There were lots of free protons and neutrons, at temperatures and densities greater than we find in the Sun’s core.   There were no heavier nuclei, as the photons that were around at the time were so energetic that they would immediately blast a heavier nucleus apart. In order to stably form them, we would have to wait for the Universe to expand and cool. 


-   As time went on  electrons and positrons, the lightest charged particles, annihilated away, leaving only enough electrons to balance out the protons (and their positive and negative electric charges) in the Universe.


-  Neutrinos stopped interacting with protons and neutrons, causing them to “free stream,” or travel without colliding with other particles.  A fraction of the remnant free neutrons, with a half-life of around 10 minutes, decayed into protons, electrons, and anti-electron neutrinos.


-  Only after 3-4 minutes, has the Universe cooled down  enough to successfully take the first step in forming heavy elements: fusing a proton and a neutron into deuterium, the first heavy isotope of hydrogen.


-  By the time that 3-to-4 minutes have passed since the hot Big Bang, the Universe is a lot cooler and less dense than it once was. Temperatures are still high enough to initiate nuclear fusion, but the density, due to the expansion of the Universe is only about 0.0000001% of what it is in today’s Sun’s center.


-   As a result, most of the neutrons that still remain wind up combining with protons to form helium-4, with a small amount of helium-3, deuterium, tritium (which decays to helium-3), and isotopes of lithium and beryllium (which eventually decay to lithium) also remaining.


-  Given the Standard Model of particle physics, and how nuclear processes are known to work, there should be a particular ratio of the light elements that survive today dependent only on the ratio of baryons (protons and neutrons combined) to photons.


-   Even completely independent of the radiation from the Cosmic Microwave Background, measuring the relative abundances of the light elements will tell us what the total amount of “normal matter” present in the Universe must be. We can see that measuring deuterium’s abundance will reveal to us the baryon-to-photon ratio of the Universe.


-  The problem is that these are predictions for what the Universe was born with, but that’s not the Universe we see today. By the time we get to the stars and galaxies we can observe, the normal matter that exists has gone through processing: stars have formed, lived, burned through their nuclear fuel, transmuted light elements into heavy ones, and have recycled those processed elements back into the interstellar medium. 


-  When we look at stars today, they don’t exhibit these predicted ratios, but significantly altered ones. In addition to these light elements, there are also heavy ones showing up in all of the heavier elements, like oxygen, carbon, and iron, etc.


-  In a Universe without pristine stars, how could you possibly try and reconstruct how much deuterium was present immediately following the Big Bang?  


-  One method is to measure the ratios of elements in a variety of stellar populations. If you measure the oxygen-to-hydrogen , or iron-to-hydrogen ratios, and also measure the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio, you could graph them together, and use that information to extrapolate backwards to a zero oxygen or iron abundance. 


-  This will give an estimate for how much deuterium would be present at a time before heavy elements, like oxygen or iron, had formed.


-    Clouds of gas can absorb light, imprinting their unique signature onto it. The brightest, most luminous light sources from the distant universe are “quasars“, supermassive blackholes that are actively feeding in galaxies at great distances. 


-  Everywhere there’s an intervening cloud of gas, a portion of that quasar light gets absorbed, as whatever atoms, molecules, or ions that are present will absorb that light at those explicit quantum frequencies particular to whatever particles are present at whatever “redshift” distance they are located at.  


-  You would think that deuterium, being an isotope of hydrogen, would be indistinguishable from hydrogen itself. But when it comes to the frequencies that atoms emit or absorb light at, they’re determined by the energy levels of the electrons in that atom, which depend on not just the charge of the atomic nucleus, but on the ratio of the electron mass to the mass of the nucleus itself. 


-  With an extra neutron in its nucleus, the deuterium absorption line overlaps with, but its peak is off-center from, the peak of the normal hydrogen.


-  By looking at the best quasar data we have in the Universe, and finding the closest-to-unpolluted molecular clouds that exist along their lines-of-sight, we can reconstruct the primordial deuterium abundance to extreme precision. 


-  The latest results tell us that the amount of deuterium in the Universe, by mass, was 0.00253% of the initial hydrogen abundance, with an uncertainty of only ±0.00004%.


-  This corresponds to a Universe that’s made up of about “4.9% normal matter” which is  consistent within 1% of what the Cosmic Microwave Background reveals, but completely independent of that result. 


-   In 2020, at an underground laboratory in Italy, a plasma physics experiment at the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics (LUNA),  recreated the high temperatures and densities that were present during the hot Big Bang, and went to observe the reactions between deuterium and protons directly. 


-  It took three years to measure enough different conditions to high-enough precisions to recreate the necessary temperature ranges until they had the best measurement of this particular reaction rate ever with an uncertainty of just 1.6%.


-  The results confirmed our expectations. Although the uncertainties were larger, previously, the central value determined the Universe really is made of about 5% normal matter, and no more than that.


-  This is a conclusion whose importance cannot be overstated. There’s an awful lot we don’t understand about our Universe today, including why we live in a Universe where so much of what exists lies beyond the reach of our observation. 


-  There are a lot of reasons to be skeptical of dark matter and dark energy because  they are tremendously counterintuitive. Just because the Cosmic Microwave Background tells us they must be there doesn’t mean they necessarily exist. 


-   The science of Big Bang “Nucleosynthesis” is one of those incredibly important cross-checks. It’s an independent test not only of the Big Bang model of the early Universe, but of our concordance cosmological model.


-   It tells us, all on its own, what the total amount of normal matter in the Universe is. Since the other lines of evidence, like colliding galaxy clusters or the large-scale structure of the Universe, require far more matter than the early deuterium tells us can exist, we can be much more confident that dark matter is real.


-  When it comes to the Universe, simply starting from the known laws of physics and extrapolating back from our direct observations can get us extremely far. Start with redshifts and distances of galaxies, and General Relativity will give the expanding Universe. Start with the expanding Universe, and the Cosmic Microwave Background can give you the Big Bang. 


-  Start with the Big Bang, and the nuclear physics of the light elements will give the total amount of “normal matter” in the Universe. And take the normal matter and our astrophysical observations of how galaxies cluster and merge, and we get a Universe requiring dark matter.


-  If we confidently want to know what the Universe is made of, we have to ensure we test it in every way plausible. Although it was one of the earliest predictions to arise from the hot Big Bang scenario, the nucleosynthesis of the light elements is an independent method. 


- With the latest observations and experiments, it’s clear that time has passed. The Universe has only 4.7-5.0% normal matter in it, and the rest, in some form or other, is truly dark matter and dark energy.  We have a lot more to learn.


-  June 24, 2021        UNIVERSE  -  mass and energy ratios.              3199                                                                                                                                                       


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