Sunday, May 5, 2024

4457 - MERGING BLACKHOLES - the center of galaxies?


-    4457  -  MERGING  BLACKHOLES  -   the center of galaxies?  -  The hearts of galaxies can force black holes to collide.  At the hearts of all large galaxies lie cosmic monsters called supermassive black holes, enormous voids that swirl around everything in the galaxies themselves.

---------------  4457    -  MERGING  BLACKHOLES  -   the center of galaxies?

 The swirly behavior of blackholes influences things like the disks of matter the galactic titan feasts on, stars and their systems, and, even other black holes, smaller, stellar mass ones.


-     It would also appear that such behavior around supermassive black holes can cause cosmic "traffic jams," and that these jams could actually be integral in slowing down the orbits of stellar-mass black holes. And, no longer zipping around, the affected black holes can be forced to collide, merge and create a larger daughter black hole.


-   Then the immense gravitational influence of the traffic-jam supermassive black hole, a beast that can boast a mass millions (even billions) of times that of the sun, this process repeats. That results in even more black-hole collisions that create larger and larger stellar-mass black holes over time, with masses between three and a few hundred solar masses.


-   This means the environment around a supermassive black holes is perfect for facilitating the growth of other black holes.  Some supermassive black holes are surrounded by a disk of gas and dust called an accretion disk; it is this disk which gradually feeds the black hole. The gravity of supermassive black holes generates powerful tidal forces in those accretion disks that cause them to glow brightly, creating a region called an “Active Galactic Nucleus” (AGN).


-    When stellar-mass black holes sit in these accretion disks, their interactions with the gas surrounding them can cause them to migrate through the disk. This leads to stellar-mass black holes accumulating in regions they call "migration traps." This makes the possibility of two stellar mass black holes encountering each other, colliding and merging in these regions due to the traffic jam greater than anywhere else in the surrounding galaxy.


-    Thermal effects play a crucial role in this process, influencing the location and stability of migration traps. One implication is that we don’t see migration traps occurring in active galaxies with large luminosity.


-   Because these mergers create a burst of tiny ripples in spacetime called gravitational waves, the findings could help advance gravitational wave astronomy down the line, too.



May 4, 2024    MERGING  BLACKHOLES  -   the center of galaxies?         4457


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--------------------- ---  Sunday, May 5, 2024  ---------------------------------









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