Thursday, May 23, 2024

4477 - BLACKHOLES - what have we learned?


-  4477   -  BLACKHOLES  -  what have we learned?  -    James Webb Telescope detects most distant black hole merger to date.   Astronomers find evidence for an ongoing merger of two galaxies and their massive black holes when the universe was only 740 million years old. This marks the most distant detection of a black hole merger ever obtained and the first time that this phenomenon has been detected so early in the universe.


-----------------------------------  4477    -   BLACKHOLES  -  what have we learned?

-   Astronomers have found supermassive black holes with masses of millions to billions times that of the sun in most massive galaxies in the local universe, including in our Milky Way galaxy. These black holes have likely had a major impact on the evolution of the galaxies they reside in. Scientists still don't fully understand how these objects grew to become so massive.


-    The finding of gargantuan black holes already in place in the first billion years after the Big Bang indicates that such growth must have happened very rapidly, and very early.   These observations have provided evidence for an ongoing merger of two galaxies and their massive black holes when the universe was just 740 million years old. The system is known as “ZS7”.


-   Massive black holes that are actively accreting matter have distinctive spectrographic features that allow astronomers to identify them. They found evidence for very dense gas with fast motions in the vicinity of the black hole, as well as hot and highly ionized gas illuminated by the energetic radiation typically produced by black holes in their accretion episodes.  Webb also allowed astronomers to spatially separate the two black holes.


-  They found that one of the two black holes has a mass that is 50 million times the mass of the sun.  The mass of the other black hole is likely similar, although it is much harder to measure because this second black hole is buried in dense gas.


-    These findings suggest that merging is an important route through which black holes can rapidly grow, even at cosmic dawn.   Active, massive black holes in the distant universe show that massive black holes have been shaping the evolution of galaxies from the very beginning.


-    Once the two black holes merge, they will also generate gravitational waves. Events like this will be detectable with the next generation of gravitational wave observatories, the upcoming Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission, which was recently approved by the European Space Agency and will be the first space-based observatory dedicated to studying gravitational waves.


-    Physicists consider black holes one of the most mysterious objects that exist. Ironically, they're also considered one of the simplest. For years, physicists have been looking to prove that black holes are more complex than they seem. And, LISA will help us with this hunt.


-    Research from the 1970s suggests that you can comprehensively describe a black hole using only three physical attributes—their mass, charge and spin. All the other properties of these massive dying stars, like their detailed composition, density and temperature profiles, disappear as they transform into a black hole.


-   The idea that black holes have only three attributes is called the "no-hair" theorem, implying that they don't have any "hairy" details that make them complicated.   For decades, researchers in the astrophysics community have exploited loopholes or work-arounds within the no-hair theorem's assumptions to come up with potential hairy black hole scenarios. A hairy black hole has a physical property that scientists can measure that's beyond its mass, charge or spin. This property has to be a permanent part of its structure.


-    A black hole containing the maximum charge it could hold—called an “extremal charged black hole”—would develop "hair" at its horizon. A black hole's horizon is the boundary where anything that crosses it, even light, can't escape.


-     Since astrophysical objects such as stars and planets are known to spin, scientists expect that black holes would spin as well, based on how they form. Astronomical evidence has shown that black holes do have spin, though researchers don't know what the typical spin value is for an astrophysical black hole.


-    A gravitational wave is a tiny disturbance in space-time typically caused by violent astrophysical events in the universe. The collisions of compact astrophysical objects such as black holes and neutron stars emit strong gravitational waves.


-    They can measure these hairy attributes from gravitational wave data for fast-spinning black holes. Looking at the gravitational wave data offers an opportunity for a signature of sorts that could indicate whether the black hole has this type of hair.


-      LISA will look for gravitational waves, and the data from the mission could help with the  hairy black hole questions.   LISA consists of three spacecrafts configured in a perfect equilateral triangle that will trail behind the Earth around the sun. The spacecrafts will each be 1.6 million miles apart, and they will exchange laser beams to measure the distance between each other down to about a billionth of an inch.


-    LISA will detect gravitational waves from supermassive black holes that are millions or even billions of times more massive than our sun.   It will build a map of the space-time around rotating black holes, which will help physicists understand how gravity works in the close vicinity of black holes to an unprecedented level of accuracy.


-    With LIGO making new observations every day and LISA to offer a glimpse into the space-time around black holes, now is one of the most exciting times to be a black hole physicist.

Is there anything stranger in the universe than black holes?


-    Black holes might have hair.    In the 1960s, physicist John Wheeler suggested that black holes "have no hair," meaning that each particular cosmic object could only be distinguished from its brethren by its spin, angular momentum and mass. Any other differentiating information about a black hole is considered "hair," and is thought to disappear behind a black hole's impenetrable event horizon, a boundary around the black hole beyond which nothing, including light, can escape.


-    In 2016, when famed physicist Stephen Hawking proposed that black holes actually sport a hairdo made of ghostly, zero-energy particles, and that this contains information about material the black hole has consumed. This hypothesis has not been proven, but could help solve a longstanding paradox about what happens to gas and dust that has fallen into a black hole's maw.


-    Nothing is supposed to be able to escape a black hole's powerful gravitational grip. But that only applies to material that has gotten extremely close to the hole's edge. Many black holes are, in fact, surrounded by streams of gas and dust, which circle around the hole, like water going down a drain.


-     Friction in this material generates heat, which creates churning, storm-like structures in the gas and dust. Recent observations suggest that this motion also produces arching rings that surround inner columns of matter, which shoots straight into the air, strongly resembling fountains.


-    Quantum mechanics provides another way for particles to escape a black hole. According to theory, pairs of subatomic particles are constantly blinking in and out of existence around a black hole's event horizon. Every so often, the configuration is aligned in just the right way to cause one of the partners to fall into the black hole. The particle's identical associate is then propelled away at extremely high speed, robbing the black hole of a tiny bit of energy.


-    This produces what's known as “Hawking radiation”, after Stephen Hawking, who discovered the phenomenon. Because energy equals mass, this process actually can cause a black hole to shrink and eventually evaporate away over very long periods of time.


-    One of the problems with Hawking radiation is that it causes conundrums for physicists. The subatomic particles produced by this radiation are entangled, meaning that what happens to one is immediately felt by the other. So what does the partner that didn't fall into the black hole feel as its associate gets crushed into an infinitely dense point? Nobody knows.


-     One theory holds that the black hole severs the particles' entanglement, an outcome that — according to the laws of quantum mechanics – would produce an insane amount of energy. That, in turn, would mean that all black holes are surrounded by roiling walls of fire.


-     It's hard to square black holes' crushing mass with the laws of quantum mechanics, which hold that information about particles can never be destroyed. But material that slips beyond a black hole's edge should become forever lost to the universe. This conundrum is known as the “black hole information paradox”.


-     Recent research suggests that information that gets scrambled within a black hole could be passed to the outgoing particle partners in Hawking radiation; however, no definitive answer to this paradox has been found, to date.


-    Shortly after the Big Bang, the universe should have produced a multitude of tiny black holes. Because these features would be massive objects that give off no light, some physicists have conjectured that these “primordial black holes” could account for dark matter, that mysterious material that the vast majority of matter in the cosmos is made of.


-     But the idea is controversial, given that data from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) has ruled out a universe filled with many minuscule black holes. Perhaps medium-size black holes might still be lurking out there, though observations suggest they would only make up, at most, 1% to 10% of dark matter.


-    Black holes run into the problem of 'infinity”.  A black hole's mass is crushed to an infinitely dense point that's infinitely small in size. Physically, this doesn't make any sense, so researchers have searched for alternative frameworks to get a handle on black holes.


-       One proposal is known as “quantum loop gravity”, suggests that the fabric of space-time is curved very strongly near the center of the black hole. This would result in part of the hole extending into the future, meaning that matter getting sucked into it would time travel forward.


-     One highly-controversial observation suggests that our universe is a latecomer. Earlier universes might have existed before ours, and would have contained black holes. Prominent Oxford University mathematical physicist Roger Penrose has argued that cosmic background radiation contains imprints of these black holes from before time.


-    Physicists are set to release the first-ever image of a black hole. This supermassive beast lurks at the heart of our Milky Way galaxy; capturing a photo of it has been the aim of the Event Horizon Telescope. This instrument is actually a global network of radio telescopes all over the Earth, which have combined their powers to zoom in closer to the galactic center than ever before. The telescope should be able to spot the black hole's shadow across its material surrounding, and images are expected in 2024.


-    Black hole singularities continue to defy physics.  New research presents a bold solution to this puzzle: Black holes may actually be a theoretical type of star called a 'gravastar,' filled with universe-expanding dark energy.


-   “Gravastars” are hypothetical astronomical objects that were introduced in 2001 as alternatives to black holes.   They can be interpreted as stars made of vacuum energy or dark energy: the same type of energy that propels the accelerated expansion of the universe.


-    A black hole is predicted to be a point of infinitely high density, called a “singularity”, where all the mass of the black hole is concentrated, but fundamental physics teaches us that infinities do not exist, and their appearance in any theory signals its inaccuracy or incompleteness.


-    The main advantage of gravastars is that they do not have singularities.   “Dark energy” is the strange phenomenon thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe, but could it also be holding black holes together, as gravatar theory suggests?


-    Like ordinary black holes, gravastars should arise at the final stage of the evolution of massive stars, when the energy released during thermonuclear combustion of the matter inside them is no longer enough to overcome the force of gravity, and the star collapses into a much denser object.


-     But in contrast to black holes, gravastars are not expected to have any singularities and are thought to be thin spheres of matter whose stability is maintained by the dark energy contained within them.   Using Einstein's theory,  the huge masses of hot matter that surround supermassive black holes would appear if these black holes were actually gravastars. They also scrutinized the properties of "hot spots", gigantic gas bubbles orbiting black holes at near-light speeds.


-   Their findings revealed striking similarities between the matter emissions of gravastars and black holes, suggesting that gravastars don't contradict scientists' experimental observations of the universe. They discovered that a gravastar itself should appear almost like a singular black hole, creating a visible shadow.


-    This shadow is not caused by the trapping of light in the event horizon, but by a slightly different phenomenon called the 'gravitational redshift,' causing light to lose energy when it moves through a region with a strong gravitational field.  When the light emitted from regions close to these alternative objects reaches our telescopes, most of its energy would have been lost to the gravitational field, causing the appearance of this shadow.


-    The Event Horizon Telescope traceing the lines of powerful magnetic fields spiraling out from the edge of the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy suggests that strong magnetism may be common to all supermassive black holes.


-    Sagittarius A* wasn’t the first black hole whose shadow was imaged by the EHT. Back in 2019, astronomers showed off a similar picture of the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy M87, which is more than a thousand times bigger and farther away than the Milky Way’s black hole.


-    In 2021, the EHT team charted the magnetic field lines around M87’s black hole by taking a close look at the black hole in polarized light, which reflects the patterns of particles whirling around magnetic field lines. Researchers used the same technique to determine the magnetic signature of Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A* .


-    Getting the image wasn’t easy, largely due to the fact that Sgr A* was harder to pin down than M87. The EHT team had to combine multiple views to produce a composite image.  What we’re seeing now is that there are strong, twisted and organized magnetic fields near the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.


-   Along with Sgr A* having a strikingly similar polarization structure to that seen in the much larger and more powerful M87* black hole, we’ve learned that strong and ordered magnetic fields are critical to how black holes interact with the gas and matter around them.


-    The structure of the magnetic fields around Sgr A* suggests that the black hole is launching a jet of material into the surrounding environment. Previous research has shown that to be the case for M87’s black hole.


-    The fact that the magnetic field structure of M87* is so similar to that of Sgr A* is significant because it suggests that the physical processes that govern how a black hole feeds and launches a jet might be universal among supermassive black holes, despite differences in mass, size and surrounding environment.


-    In the seven years since the EHT began gathering observations, the collaboration has been adding to its array of radio telescopes, which is resulting in the production of higher-quality imagery. The researchers aim to produce high-fidelity movies of Sgr A* that may reveal a hidden jet. They’ll also look for evidence of similar polarization features around other supermassive black holes.



May 22, 2024            BLACKHOLES  -  what have we learned?                  4477


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