Sunday, June 9, 2024



-    4496  -   WEBB  -  REWRITING  ASTRONOMY?  -    When the James Webb Space Telescope was launched at the end of 2021, we expected stunning images and illuminating scientific results. So far, the powerful space telescope has shown us things about the early universe we never anticipated.

-------------------------------  4496    -    WEBB  -  REWRITING  ASTRONOMY?

-    Some of those results are forcing a rewrite of astronomy textbooks.   Textbooks are regularly updated as new evidence works its way through the scientific process. But seldom does new evidence arrive at the speed the JWST is delivering it. Chapters on the early universe are in need of a significant changes.


-     The early universe is one of the JWST's primary scientific targets. Its infrared capabilities allow it to see the light from ancient galaxies with greater acuity than any other telescope. The telescope was designed to directly address confounding questions about the high-redshift universe.


-  What are the physical properties of the earliest galaxies?  The early universe and its transformations are fundamental to our understanding of the universe around us today. Galaxies were in their infancy, stars were forming, and black holes were forming and becoming more massive.


-   The Hubble Space Telescope was limited to observations at about z=11. The JWST current high-redshift observations have reached z=14.32.   Astronomers think that the JWST will eventually observe galaxies at z=20.


-   The first few hundred million years after the Big Bang is called the “Cosmic Dawn”. JWST showed us that ancient galaxies during the Cosmic Dawn were much more luminous and, therefore, larger than we expected. The galaxy the telescope found at z=14.32,  “JADES-GS-z14-0”, has several hundred million solar masses.


-   This raises the question: How can nature make such a bright, massive, and large galaxy in less than 300 million years?   It also showed us that they were differently shaped, that they contained more dust than expected, and that oxygen was present. The presence of oxygen indicates that generations of stars had already lived and died.


-    All of these observations, together, tell us that JADES-GS-z14-0 is not like the types of galaxies that have been predicted by theoretical models and computer simulations to exist in the very early universe.


-   Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are supermassive black holes (SMBHs) that are actively accreting material and emitting jets and winds.  Quasars are a sub-type of AGN that are extremely luminous and distant, and quasar observations show that SMBHs were present in the centers of galaxies as early as 700 million years after the Big Bang. But their origins were a mystery.


-   Astrophysicists think that these early SMBHs were created from black hole "seeds" that were either "light" or "heavy." Light seeds had about 10 to 100 solar masses and were stellar remnants. Heavy seeds had 10 to 105 solar masses and came from the direct collapse of gas clouds.


-   The JWST's ability to effectively look back in time has allowed it to spot an ancient black hole at about z=10.3 that contains between 107 to 108 solar masses.   Thanks to the JWST's power, astronomers know that the black hole at z=10.3 has about the same mass as the stellar mass of its entire galaxy. This is in stark contrast to modern galaxies, where the mass of the black hole is only about 0.1% of the entire stellar mass.


-   Such a massive black hole existing only about 500 million years after the Big Bang is proof that early black holes originated from heavy seeds. This is actually in line with theoretical predictions.


-    We know that in the early universe, hydrogen became ionized during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). Light from the first stars, accreting black holes, and galaxies heated and reionized the hydrogen gas in the intergalactic medium (IGM), removing the dense, hot, primordial fog that suffused the early universe.


-   Young stars were the primary light source for the reionization. They created expanding bubbles of ionized hydrogen that overlapped one another. Eventually, the bubbles expanded until the entire universe was ionized.


-   This was a critical phase in the development of the universe. It allowed future galaxies, especially dwarf galaxies, to cool their gas and form stars. But scientists aren't certain how black holes, stars, and galaxies contributed to the reionization or the exact time frame in which it took place.


-    We know that hydrogen reionization happened, but exactly when and how it happened has been a major missing piece in our understanding of the first billion years.   Astronomers knew that reionization ended about 1 billion years after the Big Bang, at about redshift z=5 to 6.


-   JWST has found spectroscopically confirmed galaxies up to z = 13.2, implying reionization may have started just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang.   This also show that accreting black holes and their AGN likely contributed no more than 25% of the UV light that caused reionization.


-     The JWST is not even halfway through its mission and has already transformed our understanding of the universe's first one billion years. It was built to address questions around the Epoch of Reionization, the first black holes, and the first galaxies and stars. There's definitely much more to come. Who knows what the sum total of its contributions will be?  



June 8, 2024           WEBB  -  REWRITING  ASTRONOMY?                 4496


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