Sunday, June 23, 2024

4508 - GRAVITY - can it exist without mass?


-    4508  -   GRAVITY  -  can it exist without mass?    If gravity can exist without mass, that could explain Dark Matter.  Dark Matter is Nature’s poltergeist. We can see its effects, but we can’t see it, and we don’t know what it is. It’s as if Nature is playing tricks on us, hiding most of its mass and confounding our efforts to determine what it is.


------------------------------------  4508  -   GRAVITY  -  can it exist without mass?


-    It’s all part of the Universe’s “missing mass” problem. Actually, it’s our problem. The Universe is what it is. It’s our understanding of the Universe, mass, and gravity that’s the problem. And a solution is proving to be elusive.


-    Whatever the missing mass is or whatever causes the effects we observe, we have a placeholder name for it: “dark matter”. And it makes up 85% of the matter in the Universe.


-   Could dark matter be primordial black holes? Could it be axions? How about WIMPS? Are dark photons its force carrier? There’s lots of theoretical thought but no conclusion.


-    Our hunt for dark matter may be off-track. Instead of looking for a type of particle, the solution might lie in a type of topological defect found throughout the Universe that has its roots in the Universe’s early stages.


-     Dark matter has a binding effect on structures like galaxies. Astronomers know that galaxies don’t have enough measurable mass to hold themselves together. By measuring the mass of the stars and gas in galaxies, it became clear that the visible components of the galaxies don’t provide enough mass to hold themselves together. They should simply dissipate into their constituent stars and clouds of gas.


-   But galaxies don’t dissipate, and scientists have concluded that something is missing. Another solution to the gravitational field equations of general relativity, the simplified version of which, applicable to the conditions of galaxies and clusters of galaxies, is known as the “Poisson equation”,  which gives a finite gravitation force in the absence of any detectable mass.


-    The nature of dark matter (DM), defined as an unknown component of the cosmic substratum responsible for the extra gravitational field that binds galaxies and clusters of galaxies, has been an enigma for more than a century.


-   Phase transitions in the Universe are episodes when the state of matter in the Universe changes. Not locally but across the entire cosmos. One example is when the Universe cooled enough to allow the strong force to bind quarks into protons and neutrons.


-   The topological defects could have formed during one of these phase transitions. These defects can take the shape of shell-like compact regions where matter density is much higher. When arranged in concentric rings, these defects behave like gravity but don’t have mass.


-    Topological effects are very compact regions of space with a very high density of matter, usually in the form of linear structures known as “cosmic strings”, although 2-D structures such as spherical shells are also possible. The shells consist of a thin inner layer of positive mass and a thin outer layer of negative mass; the total mass of both layers, which is all one could measure, mass-wise, is exactly zero, but when a star lies on this shell it experiences a large gravitational force pulling it towards the center of the shell.


-    So, despite our inability to measure the mass, it’s there, and other objects respond to it. Mass warps space-time and affects even massless photons. That fact underlies our ability to use gravitational lensing. We use the mass of galaxy clusters in gravitational lensing. A set of spherical shells could cause the same effect.


-    Gravitational bending of light by a set of concentric singular shells comprising a galaxy or cluster is due to a ray of light being deflected slightly inwards, towards the center of the large-scale structure, or the set of shells as it passes through one shell.     The sum total effect of passage through many shells is a finite and measurable total deflection which mimics the presence of a large amount of dark matter in much the same way as the velocity of stellar orbits.


-    Since astronomers measure galaxy and galaxy cluster masses by measuring the light they deflect and the way they affect the orbit of stars, astronomers could be measuring topological defects rather than particles that comprise dark matter.


-   Both the deflection of light and stellar orbital velocities is the only means by which one gauges the strength of the gravitational field in a large-scale structure.   In 2022, researchers discovered a giant arc in the sky. It spans 1 Gigaparsec and is nearly symmetrical. It’s one of several large-scale structures that seems to go against the Standard Model and the Cosmological Principle it’s based on.


-    The observation of giant arcs and rings could lend further support to the proposed alternative to the DM model.  If these shells exist, their alignment would also govern the formation and shape of galaxies and clusters. Future research will determine exactly how these shells form.


-   A contentious point is whether the shells were initially planes or even straight strings, but angular momentum winds them up. There is also the question of how to confirm or refute the proposed shells by dedicated observations.


-    Of course, the availability of a second solution, even if it is highly suggestive, is not by itself sufficient to discredit the dark matter hypothesis.   It could be an interesting mathematical exercise at best.   But it is the first proof that gravity can exist without mass.



June 23, 2024          GRAVITY  -  can it exist without mass?                   4508


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