Thursday, October 31, 2013

Cosmology tells us the composition of the Universe

-1602 -  Cosmology tells us Composition.  The light traveling with the expansion of the Universe looses energy.  The temperature drops.  Sound waves  in the expansion vary densities that we see today.  How the density waves travel tells us the composition of the Universe.
-----------------------  # 1602  -  Cosmology tells us Composition of the Universe
-  In Review #1601 we earned about the expansion and cooling of the Universe created two separate phase transitions.  When the expansion and cooling reached 3,000 Kelvin in the second transition neutral hydrogen atoms were formed and the photons were allowed to escape the charged plasma, exiting at light speed into the Cosmos.
-  These photons started their journey in the infrared wavelengths at 3,000 Kelvin temperatures.  After traveling 81,100,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles across an expanding space the wavelengths of the photons was stretched out to microwave wavelengths.
-  The energy of light is inversely proportional to wavelengths.  The longer the wavelengths the lower the energy.  The higher the frequencies ,”f”,  the higher the energy, “E“.
-----------------------------------------  E  =  h  *  f
----------------------------------------  h  =  Planck’s constant ( see footnote 1 )
----------------------------------------   E  =  h * c  /  w
----------------------------------------  c  =  the speed of light which is frequency times wavelength.
----------------------------------------  c  =  f   *  w
-  Due to the widening wavelengths there was a consequential loss of energy and the temperature dropped from 3,000 Kelvin to less than 3 Kelvin.  The temperature lowered by a factor of 1,000 as the Universe expanded by a factor of 1,000.
-  When the microwave background radiation that reached us is analyzed it at first looks perfectly uniform.  But, at higher and higher resolutions we can see variations.  When the resolution reaches 1 part in 100,000 the lumpiness in this background radiation becomes visible. Different sized spots ( densities , also temperatures ) appear across the images.  Scanning across the sky astronomers can identify 2 degree, 1 degree, and ½ degree wide clumps of denser and slightly hotter clumps.  The temperature variation is small, varying from - 2.723 to -2.727 Kelvin.
-  When astronomers plot these temperature variations as a function of their angular size they create an angular power spectrum.
-------------------------- ^
-------------------------- l  -----  1 degree maximum
-------------------------- l
--- Temperature  -----  l
--------------------------  l
--------------------------  l
--------------------------  +--------------------> angular size
- The peak power occurs when the angular size is 1 degree wide.
-  When  the Cosmic Microwave Background  ( CMB) was first released from the plasma of charged particles the density of particles was very small.  Only a few million particles per cubic meter.  The atoms were only the lightest, simplest elements, hydrogen, helium, deuterium, tritium and lithium.  That’s it.
-  Astronomers can use the equations in physics for electromagnetic interactions ( light ), the interactions with gravity ( mass ) and Dark Matter’s interaction with gravity and the Weak Nuclear Force.   Then , by treating the plot of the varying density as a function of angular scale as a dampening sound wave ( density wave ) having a fundamental frequency and dampening harmonic frequencies, and , running computer simulations with different proportions starting with the CMB and ending with the structure of galaxies and voids we observe today:  Here is what works out as the closest fit:
-------------------  the time duration is 13,820,000,000 years
------------------- the ordinary matter that interacts with the electromagnetic force is 4.9% of the total mass-energy available.
------------------  the Dark Matter that interacts with gravity but not the electromagnetic force is 26.8%.
-----------------  the Dark Energy that is anti-gravity expanding space and carrying galaxies farther and farther apart is 68.3%
---------------------------------------   4.9%  atoms and photons
---------------------------------------  26.8 %  Dark Matter
---------------------------------------  68,3%  Dark Energy
--------------------------------------  100%  Total mass-energy in the Universe.
-  Most of the 4.9% ordinary matter is not the stars and planets, but, the hot interstellar gas held between the galaxies in the galaxy clusters.
-  The CMB will surely reveal some additional secrets.  New instruments will study the CMB polarization of photons.  Polarized light is different if it reflects off electrons then if it is interacting with gravitational waves.  New instruments will study “ gravitational lensing”.  As light travels through the Cosmos its path is bent by mass that warps space-time.  Astronomers can use these distorted images to map the intervening matter in the Cosmos.
-  An announcement will be made shortly, stay tuned.
- (1)   Max Planck was born April 23, 1858.  He graduated with a doctorate in physics, University of Munich in 1879.  In 1888 to 1927 he was on the faculty of the University of Berlin.  He died in 1947.  In 1900 he presented his research concluding that light comes in energy of distinct quanta, depending on its frequency.
-------------------------------------  Energy  =  h  *  frequency
-----------------------------------  h  =  a constant value  =  6.62606957 * 10^-34 joule*seconds.
-  (2)  The temperature average of the CMB is 2,725  +  or -  0.002 Kelvin.  The Planck Spacecraft instruments can measure temperature variation of 2 millionths Kelvin and resolve angles as small as 5 arc seconds.  ( 1/12 degree ).
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