Monday, January 26, 2015

Collaborative Government????

-  1730  -  Collaborative Government.  Pass it on to your representative if you agree.
----------------- 1730  -  Collaborative Government
-  In astronomy we get to the Moon, to Venus, to Pluto with a collaborative team, thousands of individual contributors.  If we could do the same in our nation’s government as we achieve in space, we should take a lesson.
-  How to fix the State of the Union
--------------------  The Bill of Rights
-  There is no question that we have a divided government.  That is by design.  But, the design was to require that the teams also work together.  Our President and many other politicians achieve their political power by dividing the nation, not by bringing it together.  That’s Wrong!  Pin one section against the other to get the support of the constituents ( donors ) needed to retain power.  Divide and conquer!  Votes and money!
-  My hope is we can someday elect a different President who is skilled at “ collaboration”, not politics.  The President caters his speech to the middle class while 6 years of his leadership the middle class average earned income has decreased, -11%, and their net worth has decreased, -28%.  Success is touted in a lower unemployment rate, but, a fair depictions would show that there are fewer workers today, and lower wages for those that do have a job. I do not sense the government is working together to help the middle class, or the poverty class.  I sense they are only working for themselves.  Every class should benefit if we had “no classes“.
-  A collaborative leader does not try to dominate the organization.  Instead he sees his job as a stage setter for a team, a visionary, a director of a team pursuing ideas and goals.  A true leader turns loose the creativity of his organization.  In the President’s case the team is that established by the Constitution, ( not just his staff, or his political party).
-  Problems are too complex not to have a team of representatives of diversity, of creativity, of participation and of compromise.
-  A collaborative leader seeks an environment of cooperation, not competition.  A team shares the goals together.  Compromises are viewed as progress toward mutual goals.
-  A leader offers goals for a team of “doers“.  His vision is unclear in its details, it sets direction and limits, it deals with the “what” but restrains from engaging in the “ how”.  The team is responsible for the strategy of “ how” the goals can best be met.  If it is not inclusive it will not succeed.
-  A collaborative leader suppresses his own ideas in the process.  The leader tolerates a messy process because people need an environment to explore.  Free thinking can take of in many different directions.  A leader’s process goal is to harvest diverse viewpoints while keeping an eye on the ultimate goals.
-  Working groups put pride and egos aside.  There is a willingness of forgiveness to preserve relationships.
-  A great leader never takes advantage of his or her position.  Remains vulnerable but confident.  Leadership must still demand cooperation.  Selfish solitary grandstanding cannot be allowed to undermine the culture of trust among the team members.  Leaders set the tone.
-  A President who models the art of collaboration represents the most effective leadership for out great country, as well as for any great company or organization.  Things in Washington would work better if we had more of it.  Collaboration!
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------------   Monday, January 26, 2015  -----

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