Monday, January 12, 2015

Dark Matter and Dark Energy, what is it?

-  1722  -  Dark Matter, Dark Energy What is it?  New instruments being developed and new theories being explored as to what this stuff is.  Or, isn’t?
----------------- -  1722  -  Dark Matter and Dark Energy, What is it?
-  Why is this important?  Because supposedly 95% of the Universe is made of this stuff.  Remember, matter and energy is the same thing.  E=mc^2 except that matter contains 90,000,000,000,000,000 times more energy.  Over 80% of all matter is Dark Matter. 20% is Ordinary Matter.
-  When a supernova explodes does its shockwave plow through an enormous amount of Dark Matter?  Dark Matter interacts with gravity, but , it does not interact with electromagnetism.  See Review # 827 about the Bullet Cluster where 2 galaxies collide and Dark Matter gets separated from ordinary matter.
-  The electromagnetic spectrum is how we communicate with our environment.  It is the source of almost all our knowledge.  This makes Dark Matter very difficult to detect even though there is so much of it, 80% of all matter.
-  The age of the Universe is now placed at 18,820,000,000 years old.  There was no light , electromagnetic radiation, releases until 378,000 years after the beginning.  That is when we can “see”.  And, what we can see is only 5% of all that is out there.  5% ordinary matter, 27% Dark Matter, 68% Dark Energy.
-  Because Dark Matter is so predominate it is suspected for being responsible for the large-scale structure of the Universe.  A structure of interconnected webs  and clumps of galaxies separated by giant bubbles of voids of space.  The bubbles are expanding at an accelerating rate.  Dark Energy is purported to be the force that is overcoming all gravity provided by mass in the Universe.  It is an anti-gravity force that is expanding the growth of the Universe at an ever accelerating rate.
-  Today the rate is 47,000 miles per hour for every million of lightyears of space.
-  One evidence for Dark Matter’s existence comes from the study of rotating galaxies.  Galaxies would fly apart if there were not 5 times more mass around than we can “see“.  More recent evidence shows that galaxies would never have even formed in the first place it were not for the predominate presence of Dark Matter.
-  Dark Matter is composed of invisible particles that astronomers have named “ WIMPS”, for Weakly, Interactive, Massive Particles”.
-  Billions of WIMPS pass through your body every second, ( theoretically).  Dark Matter is a mystery but an even deeper mystery is why all this matter is flying apart at an ever accelerating rate in an ever expanding Universe.  Sometime in the future , if all this continues, all the stars and galaxies outside our own gravitationally connected Local Group of Galaxies will disappear, out of sight.  They well reach such expanding speeds  that their light will never reach us.  In other words the expansion rate gets to become faster than the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second.
-  The evidence for Dark Energy’s existence comes from exploding supernovae in remote distant galaxies.  The distances are measured by the brightness of these explosions. Astronomers determined that the galaxies were moving  away faster and were further away than they were supposed to be.  Calculations using a constant rate of expansion said they should be closer.  To be further the expansion rate must be accelerating. The explosions were 25% fainter than they should be if the rate was constant. This acceleration rate has been going on for the past 6,000,000,000 years.
-  To measure this rate of accelerating expansion more accurately than the brightness of light from exploding supernovae astronomers are inventing new instruments.  One candidate is the “ Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey”, “ BAO Survey.
-  11-24-2014 Sonoma State University lecture by Dr. Claire Poppett was about the 5,000 robots used to conduct this BAO survey.  Baryon density is ionized hydrogen, which the charged nucleus of the hydrogen atom, a proton.  Neutrons and protons are called “ baryons”.   Oscillations occur in the density because the push and pull between gravity and electromagnetic attraction to the charges creates “ripples in the pond” of the expansion.  The separation of these ripples will tell astronomers how fast the expansion is occurring.
-  Dr. Poppett’s 5,000 robots will measure the distance to 24,000,000 galaxies.  5,000 robotic fiber glass positioners will focus on each assigned galaxy.  Each fiber is connected to one of ten spectrographs that will measure positions and redshifts of each point of light.  Each 170 micron diameter fiber has its own robot that will position the fiber to connect to the spectrograph to within 5 microns accuracy.  Once all these distances and velocities are measured astronomers can construct a 3-D picture of an expanding Universe.
-  In this 3-D picture we expect to see “pressure waves” similar to a spherical shell of sound waves propagating through the Universe.  The waves were generated by baryons, electrons, photons and Dark Matter particles sloshing around in a charged plasma.
-  When the protons cooled down enough after 370,000 years they grabbed hold of electrons and became neutral hydrogen atoms.  75% of the Universe is now this hydrogen.
-  At the point this plasma became neutral photons could escape the mix.  However, the imprint of the waves should remain as Baryon Acoustic Oscillations.  As the Universe expanded the waves spread out to where today they are 500 million lightyears radius, between peaks.
-  By using the wave oscillations as measuring sticks astronomers can more precisely measure the distance to galaxies.  Different distances in astronomy equates to different ages of the Universe.
-  By measuring how fast galaxies at different distances are expanding away from each other astronomer can calculate more accurately how fast the entire Universe is expanding due to Dark Energy
-  Expanding space may not be empty.  “ Quantum Fields” may be in control of the Universe.  A theory for space is that is the relaxation, lowest level,  of the energy field.  When energy is increased matter comes alive according to E=mc^2.
---------  Energy =  90,000,000,000,000,000 * mass   (kilograms * meters^2 / seconds^2)
-  Protons, electrons and others particles may themselves be some form of quantum fields.  In order to understand all this we need new theories in physics that merge this quantum theory of space and time with gravity being a warping of space and time.
-  Dark Energy is one theory for the expansion.  10-14-2014 Sonoma State lecture by Dr. Ken Freeman on Dark Matter introduced another theory which would require the laws of gravity to change over great distances.  We assume the force of gravity is a constant every where in the Universe.
---------------------  Force of Gravity  =  G * M * m  /  r^2
-  Maybe there is a more complex formula relating distance, “r”,  to gravity that we have not discovered yet?
Other Reviews:
- #1516  Dark Energy
-  #1499  Using supernovae to measure Dark Energy .  Brightness is inversely proportional to the square of the distances.
-  #1290  Expanding the Universe.
----------------------------  Acceleration of Gravity =  F/m  =  G.M/r^2
----------------------------  Density of the Universe  =  8*10^-27 kilograms / meter
----------------------------  Radius of the Universe  =  10^58 meters
---------------------------  Mass of the Universe =  8.4*10^147 kilograms
-  #1047  The Universe is like Swiss Cheese.
-  #  1083,  #1084  # 822, etc on Dark Energy
-  #1535 Gravity Lenses to find Dark Matter
-  # 1636, #1658, #1576, #1517, #1485 #1427, etc, on Dark Matter.
-  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RSVP, with comments, suggestions, corrections. Index of reviews available ---
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 ----  , “Jim Detrick” -----  ---
 ---- , ---   707-536-3272    ----   Monday, January 12, 2015  ---

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