Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Do statistical forces control Nature?

-  1855  -  Cosmology -  astronomy studying energy flows and the force of statistics.  Chaos ensues and stuff happens.  Do statistical forces create Nature?  Are we just a product of large numbers?
--------  1855  -  Cosmology -  astronomy studying energy flows and statistics.  -
-  Everything in our world, every atom in your body, is made of elements found in the Periodic Table of Elements.  These elements range from the lightest, Hydrogen with one proton, to one of the heaviest, uranium with 92 protons.  Your body is mostly water, which is hydrogen and oxygen, H2O, oxygen with 8 protons and carbon with 6 protons.
-  The lightest elements hydrogen and helium were born in the Big Bang.  All the rest were made by fusion to heavier elements in the center core of stars.  Stars like our Sun but larger.  Our bodies are essentially the by-products of a nuclear furnace.
-  The intense temperatures and pressures at the core of these large stars molded the elements heavier that helium.  When this fusion furnace ran out of the lighter elements to fuse into heavier elements the fusion stops, the star collapses to the core and rebounds into a giant explosion.
-  The violent death of a star is called a “ supernova”.  The explosion spreads these heavier elements into space.  They form clouds of atoms and molecules that are gathered up by gravity and eventually create another star causing the process to repeat. If the star is big enough another supernova ensues.
-  The heavier elements like the ones of your body ( like calcium) required a few of these cycles of supernova explosions.  The Big Bang started the process 13.7 billion years ago.  Our Earth has been around 4.6 billion years.  The planets formed with a build up of atoms that were orbiting in the Accretion Disks around several generations of suns.
-  Life swept up a sub-set of these atoms to become our mortal selves.  It all came from the exploding dust of stars.
-  What explains this extraordinary complexity out of total simplicity?  How do we go from the Quarks in protons to an accelerating Universe carrying galaxies and planets along for the ride?
-  God made Nature to have a “ natural instability”, energy flows and chaos ensues.
-  Instabilities create “ phase changes”.  Like water vapor ( simplicity) can go through energy flows to produce snowflakes ( complexity).  No two snowflakes discovered to date have been exactly alike.
-  The Big Bang started with an instability of a “false vacuum” decaying into an “ordinary vacuum”  (I have no idea what this means?)  The hot plasma contained Quarks (positive charges) and Gluons ( force particles to hold positive charges together that would normally repel each other) and electrons and neutrinos.
-  When the Universe expanded and cooled enough Quarks bound together to produce protons and Neutrons.  Another phase transition with neutral atoms the Universe became “ transparent” and photons were released to spread electromagnetic energy through out space.  This happened 380,000 years after the Big Bang.
-  Gravity pulled clouds of atoms together to form stars and galaxies.  The next instability occurred when hydrogen and helium fused at the core of stars releasing energy that lasted for billions of years.  Our Sun will release its energy for 10 billion years  When the fuel runs out the larger stars release their energy as supernovae.  Smaller stars go through a Red Giant Star phase and eventually become White Dwarf stars.
-   Planets like Earth have instabilities and energy flows too.  Gravity pulls the heavier elements into the core.  Water and air are left on the surface.  The heat from the Sun makes energy flow from the equator to the poles in constant weather circulation.
-  The energy flows create chemical laboratories.  Somehow this complexity transformed from chemistry into biology.
-  Today we know that there are at least as many planets as there are stars.  All are dealing with these same or similar instabilities, constantly evolving.  Could life simply be a “statistical force”?  This is the theory of large numbers.  If the numbers are large enough anything can happen given enough time.  We have billions of stars in billions of galaxies and 13,700,000,000 years, which should be enough numbers and time for statistics to work.
-  Just like rolling 5 die.  Enough rolls taken will produce 5 sixes.  It is simply the result of statistical force.  It is hard to comprehend.  All this life came from star dust. Where did the star dust come from?  I am trying to comprehend it?  Where did I come from?  Statistics should tell us that complexity is everywhere.  Somewhere else there must be biology. Stay tuned as announcement will be made shortly.
-  Request these Reviews to learn more about Cosmology:
-    There 12 reviews available upon request:  #1849,   #1775 (May 4, 2015),  1771, 1697 ,1602, 1601, 1215, 767, 759, 713, 50, 14( to May 31 2003)
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 -----   707-536-3272    ----------------   Wednesday, May 4, 2016  -----

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