Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Universe is a Computer.

-  2287 -  The quantum in space-time acts like a bit in a computer.  Space is not really space it is “information“.  And “time” is simply a clock.  If you have information and a clock you have a computer.  A computer does everything it does just using a switch between a one and a zero. 
---------------------------- -  2287  - The Universe is a Computer.
-  When we were in high school we learned about the elements in the Periodic Table and how elements were made of atoms with a different number of electrons orbiting the nucleus of the atom, the protons.  To our surprise the protons were not fundamental particles.  The electron was a fundamental particle but protons were made up of still more fundamental particles.
-  A lot of what we know about these new fundamental particles came from studying Cosmic Rays.  We have since learned that ordinary matter is made of Leptons and Quarks.  The lightest of these particles were discovered first:  We classify these as Leptons, which are the electron and the electron neutrino.
-  The protons were discovered to be made up of the more fundamental particles the Quarks.  There is the Down Quark and the Up Quark.  Two Up Quarks and a Down Quark make up a proton and Two Down Quarks and an Up Quark make up a neutron. (See Review 687 about “Cosmic Rays“)

- The next heavier family of Leptons and Quarks are the Muon, Muon Neutrino,  Strange Quark and Charm Quark.  The Muon is a “heavy electron” and it decays into an electron very rapidly. 

- The third still heavier family of Leptons and Quarks are  Tau, Tau-Neutrino, Bottom Quark, and Top Quark.

-  These twelve Leptons and Quarks are all held together by four Force Carriers called the
W- Boson, Z Boson, Gluon, and the Photon.  The photon is most familiar because it is the force carrier for the electromagnetic force which carries the electricity, magnetism, and light that we use every day. 
-  So what makes up these 12 fundamental particles?  There must be something more fundamental that we have not discovered yet?
-  Some mathematicians think they have found it.  The answer is that all “fundamental” particles are made of space-time.  The fundamental particles are really just twists and turns of space and time.  Remember Einstein says that gravity is simply the warping of space and time.
-  It is a hard concept to grasp but space and time come in quantum just like energy and light.   They  have linked up Einstein’s equations for Relativity and Heisenberg’s equations for Quantum Mechanics. 
-  The problem with studying the Big Bang’s creation of the Universe is that Einstein’s equations do not work when the Universe gets very, very small.  When time and space get down to the atomic level his equations generate a bunch of unworkable infinities.  Quantum Mechanics uses a totally different set of equations to describe the universe at the atomic level.  And, Quantum Mechanics math does not work when the universe is very, very large.  We are stuck right in the middle between the two.
-  The mathematicians’ theory called Loop Quantum Gravity is the attempt to merge the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics into a single consistent theory.  It starts with the idea that space is not smooth and continuous.  Instead space is indivisible chunks (quantum) , just 10^-35 meters in diameter. 
-  Then space-time becomes a network of links that connect these discrete volumes of space into braid-like structures.  This theory abandons the idea of point-like particles but theorizes that fundamental particles are ribbons with length and width and they interact by wrapping around each other.
-  The ribbons could cross over and under each other to form a braid.  The ribbons can twist clockwise and counterclockwise along their length.  Each twist corresponds to 1/3 of an electric charge.  The sign of the electric charge depends on the direction of the twist, clockwise or counterclockwise, positive or negative.
-  The braid is like a deformed pretzel.  The simplest configuration corresponds to an electron neutrino.  The mirror image is its anti-particle, the electron anti-neutrino.  If you have three clockwise twists you have an electron, with an electric charge of minus one.  The opposite twists is a positron which is the same weight as the electron but carries the opposite charge.
-  Twist one braid and you get a Down Quark.  Twist two braids and you get an Up Quark.  By reconfiguring all the twists and turns of these braids you can reconstruct all 12 of the “fundamental” particles.
-  The braids themselves are tangled plaits of space-time.  The braids in space are the source of all matter and energy.  One reason for believing this is that mathematicians have been able to generate Newton’s law of gravity from their equations for quantum sized space.
-  The math is getting more complicated but they hope to reproduce Einstein’s general relativity equations using this same theory.  I should point out that science has not yet (2019) constructed the math to accomplish this feat.  But, they are working on it.
-  We mentioned that the quantum of space was only 10^-35 meters in diameter.  The quantum of time is only 10^-44 seconds in duration.  How can something that short a time actually create anything?
-  The quantum in space-time acts like a bit in a computer.  Space is not really space it is “information“.  And “time” is simply a clock.  If you have information and a clock you have a computer.  A computer does everything it does just using a switch between a one and a zero. 
-  The magic is in the software, the programming of information in the computer.   So in summary God has programmed these qubits of space-time to do everything we see in the Universe.  The Universe is simply one giant computer the God put together.
-  Qubits operate like ones and zeros, except they can also be both at the same time.  That makes programming them very, very powerful.  And calculations show that the qubits would have the resilience to preserve the quantum braids in space-time.  This resilience allows particles to be long lived in the quantum world of space-time’s quantum turbulence and randomness.
-  Mathematicians have already recreated electric charges and spin orientation of particles and their anti-particles.  They are now working on calculating the masses of the fundamental particles.  Next, they hope to recreate the fundamental constants in nature. (See Review 619 “Constants in Nature“).
-  Testing the accuracy of this theory is challenging because no experiments work well at the quantum level.  But, maybe at the cosmology level it can be tested.  By studying the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation left over from the Big Bang maybe astronomers can find the link to quantum fluctuations that occurred at the very earliest moments of the Big Bang when all the energy and matter of the Universe was crammed into a singularity.
-  Space itself may not exist.  It may really be just a web of information.  A software program of qubits written by a higher intelligence.  The Standard Model of Particle Physics has for the most part been recreated in particle accelerators.  If Loop Quantum Gravity can recreate the same properties of the “fundamental” particles in the Standard Model this too would help prove the theory.
-   If the theory is right all atoms and people are simply made of dreadlocks of space-time that is all tangled together over the entire Universe.   Something to think about.  Could we really be living inside a giant computer?
-  Other Reviews available that tackle this subject further:
-  2282  -  The waves of matter.  The matter that makes up our world is only 5% of what is out there to make the Universe. What is the rest?
-  2266  -  The birth of quantum mechanics.
-  1548  -  The Universe - biggest smallest, from the Universe down to quantum fluctuations at the Planck Scale.
-  2098  -  Hubble Constant and the Quantum Gravity.  Understanding gravity in the framework of quantum mechanics is one of the great challenges of modern physics today.
-  2282  -  Quantum Mechanics and the waves of matter.
-  2266  -  The birth of quantum mechanics
-  2228  -  Quantum mechanics and the Theory of Relativity.
-  2204  -  The quest for reality.
-  2171 -  Quantum mechanics applied to astronomy.
-  2010  -  Quantum mechanics and gravity.
-  1982  -  Quantum physics of determinism
-  1606  -  Weird science versus real science.
-  1548  -  The Universe biggest to smallest.
-  1280  -  Is quantum mechanics controlling our reality?
-  1035  -  Biology using quantum mechanics.
-  67   -    Welcome to the quantum world.
-  February 27, 2019.                     688
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 ---------------------   Thursday, February 28, 2019  -------------------------

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Quasars - the hosts of super massive blackholes

-  2286 - -   Quasars are the most powerful radiating objects in the Universe.  They are exceedingly bright while at enormous distances.  Their distances are judged by the redshift of their light spectrum.  Greater distances mean farther back in time. Today they are called Active Galactic Nuclei  known to host super massive blackholes.
---------------------------- -  2286  -  Quasars -  the hosts of super massive blackholes
-  These distant Quasars emitted their light 1 to 2 billion years after the Big Bang.  Quasars appear different than stars because of the broad spectrum of their light.  Their spectrum covers the full range from radio waves to X-rays. 
-  The first Quasar was identified as 3C-273 in the Constellation Virgo.  It was found as a radio source and later with a light spectrum of 13th magnitude.  When the Doppler shift of the light was measured it was found to be 2 billion lightyears away yet with enough brightness to be seen by a backyard telescope.  This meant its brightness had to be several hundred times brighter than the whole Milky Way Galaxy.
-  Quasar stands for Q.S.R.S., quasi-stellar radio source, because that is how they were first discovered.  Today astronomers have cataloged over 13,000 Quasars.  They expect the list to grow to over 100,000.  Astronomers now believe that Quasars can be found at the center of every galaxy. 
-  Some are more active than others.  Some appear differently because of their orientation relative to our point of view.  Their energy level is well beyond all the energy that a supernova or a neutron stars emits over its entire lifetime.  They must be created by super massive blackholes at the center of these  galaxies.
-  The best model astronomers have come up with for Quasars works like this:  Gigantic Blackholes lie at the dense core of galaxies.  Their immense gravity consumes all the matter that is around them.  The matter in the form of gas and dust coming close to the blackhole orbit’s the horizon and flattens into a disk, called an accretion disk.
-  Collisions of atoms in this accretion disk heat up to very high energies.  Their orbital velocities can approach the speed of light.  Magnetic fields created by the rotating ionized atoms create magnetic poles that funnel the charged particles into twin jets exiting perpendicular to the disk.
-   We can calculate how big the Blackhole is that is consuming this mass if we know the velocity and the radius of the accretion disk.  M87 is an active galaxy with gas rotating at 800 kilometers / second at a distance of 60 lightyears from the center.  This velocity was determined by the Doppler Shift of light moving towards us (blue shifted) on one side of center and moving away from us (redshifted) on the opposite side of center.
---------------- mass = radius ( velocity)^2 / Gravitational Constant
----------------  m  =  r * v^2  /  G
----------------  m  =  60*9.46*10^15 meters ( 8*10^5 m/sec)^2  /  6.67 * 10^-11 m^2/kg*sec^2
----------------  m  =  5.4*10^39 kilograms
----------------  m  =  2,700,000,000 Solar Mass
-  This model can be used to explain the wide bandwidth of radiation emitted by the Quasar.  Nuclear fusion can convert mass-energy to photons with 1% efficiency.  Depending on the rotation velocity of the accretion disks these Quasars can convert mass-energy to photons with 10% to 40% efficiency. 
-   If rotating accretion disks can convert mass to energy with 10% to 40% efficiency, how much mass is consumed according to  Mass = Energy / speed of light squared?
------------------------------  E = mc^2
------------------------------    At 10% efficiency m = 0.10*E / c^2. 
------------------------------  The measured luminosity of a Quasar is 10^40 watts.
-  A watt is a joule of energy per second, and a joule of energy = a kilogram / meter^2 / sec^2.
-----------------------------   m  =  1.1*10^24 kilograms per second.
-----------------------------   There are 86,400 seconds in a day.
-----------------------------  There are 2*10^30 kilograms in the mass of the Sun.
-----------------------------   m  =  4.75% the mass of the Sun every day.
-----------------------------   m  =  17 Suns being consumed by the Quasar every year.
-  The wide bandwidths of the emitted radiation can come from many different processes.  Hot gases above the accretion disk produce ultraviolet and X-rays.  This radiation ionizing more interstellar gas produces visible light.  Dust clouds absorb radiation and re-emit infrared light.  High velocity electrons in the jet streams produce radio emissions.
-  The jets shoot far out to reach other interstellar gas.  The jets are concentrated into narrow beams by twisted magnetic field lines.  Charged particles are shot out of the rotating poles at high velocities in twirling strings along these field lines.
-  Ultimately all the energy comes from the gravitational energy of the mass of the blackhole.  Gravitational energy is converted into Kinetic energy in the rotating accretion disk.  Collisions between particles in the accretion disk converts kinetic energy into thermal energy.  Thermal energy emits intense radiation that we observe in light waves.
-  The earliest Quasars, and earliest galaxies, were made from hydrogen gas.  After billions of years of star formation in these galaxies many supernovae occurred spreading the heavier elements into the interstellar gas.  Later galaxies that are not so distant contain many of these higher level elements.  The birth of galaxies is still not well understood.  But, the role of massive Blackholes must play a major part.
-  The Quasars were first discovered in 1963 by the Dutch astronomer Maarten Schmidt.  Observing 3C273 from Palomar Observatory, California.  He recognized the spectrum of hydrogen shifted to redder wavelengths.  The redshift was 0.158 which meant the source must be 2 billion lightyears away.  To be a 13th magnitude it must be 100 times brighter than a normal galaxy.
-  Then another quasar was soon found to have a redshift of 0.3679 corresponding to a distance of 4 billion lightyears away.  In 1973 a paper was published concluding that all quasars were the nuclei of giant galaxies.
-  Many Quasars emit X-rays.  Some even shine in infrared light as the rotating dust re-emit’s a longer wavelength.  In 1969 Donald Lynden-Bell did the math to show that the gravitational potential energy around a blackhole with a mass of 10 billion Suns compressed into 10 light-hours diameter had the energy to explain the energy output of these quasars.   The gravitational potential energy is converted into radiation across the entire spectrum. 
-  It always pays to do the math.
-      February 26, 2019.                     944
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 ---------------------   Tuesday, February 26, 2019  -------------------------

Science - on the shoulders of pioneers?

-  2285  -  We are like walking on the beach picking up little pebbles of knowledge with the whole ocean of the unknown expanding in front of us.  Here are some of science’s great accomplishments from those shoulders we are standing on to see over the horizon of this ocean of the unknown that is still out there.
---------------------------- 2285   -  Science - on the shoulders of pioneers?
-   Andrea Cesalpino was born in 1519. He was a physician, philosopher and botanist at the University of Pisa until the pope, in need of a good doctor, called him to Rome. As a medical researcher Cesalpino studied the blood and had some sense about its circulation.
-  Cesalpino was most impressive as a botanist, generally credited with writing the first botany textbook. He described many plants accurately and classified them more systematically than previous researchers, who mostly regarded plants as a source for medicines.
-  Less than a month before Cesalpino was born, Leonardo da Vinci died on May 2, 1519. Leonardo is much more famous in the popular mind as an artist than a scientist, but he was also a serious anatomist, geologist, engineer and mathematician.
-   Leonardo’s role in the history of science was limited because so many of his ingenious ideas resided in notebooks that nobody read until long after his death. But he was a prolific and imaginative observer of the world. He developed elaborate geological views on river valleys and mountains.  He thought the peaks of the Alps had once been islands in a higher ocean.
-   As an engineer, Leonardo recognized that complex machines combined a few simple mechanical principles, and he insisted on the impossibility of perpetual motion. He formulated basic ideas about work, power and force that became cornerstones of modern physics when developed more precisely by Galileo and others more than a century later.  Leonardo would have invented the airplane if he had sufficient funding.
-   Petrus Peregrinus wrote a treatise on magnetism in 1269.  Magnetism had been known since ancient times as a property exhibited by certain iron-containing rocks known as lodestones. But nobody understood very much about it until Petrus Peregrinus came along in the 13th century.
-   He left behind very few clues about his personal life; nobody knows when he was born or died. But he must have been a talented mathematician and technician
-  Petrus explained the concept of magnetic poles. He even realized that if you broke a magnet into pieces, each piece became a new magnet with its own two poles — north and south.  But Petrus did not realize that compasses worked because the Earth itself is a giant magnet. Nor did he anticipate the laws of thermodynamics, designing what he thought was a magnetism-powered perpetual motion machine.  You can’t fault a guy for trying.
-   On September 20, 1519, Ferdinand Magellan set sail from southern Spain with five ships on a transoceanic trek that would require three years to circumnavigate the globe. But Magellan made it only halfway, killed in a skirmish in the Philippines.
- Juan Sebastián Elcano was commander of the Victoria, and the only ship of the original five to make it back to Spain.
 -  Alexander von Humboldt was born in Berlin on September 14, 1769.  Von Humboldt was not only a geographer, geologist, botanist and engineer, he was also a world-class explorer and one the most important writers of popular science of his century.
-   With the botanist Aimé Bonpland, von Humboldt spent five years scouring South America and Mexico for new plants while also recording 23 volumes’ worth of observations on geology and minerals, meteorology and climate, and other geophysical data.
-  Von Humbolt was both a deep and broad thinker, composing a five-volume work called Cosmos that essentially conveyed the totality of modern science to the general public.
-   Thomas Young was an Englishman famous for an experiment showing the wave nature of light, Young was also a physician and linguist.  In 1819 he wrote a paper on the math related to the probability of errors in scientific measurements. He commented on the use of probability theory to express the reliability of experimental results in a numerical form.
- Young warned that a trust in math without concern for other measurement considerations could lead to erroneous conclusions.  Same is true if you trust politicians who use the math to further their agendas. 
-   Johannes Kepler is one of the greatest physicist-astronomers of the 17th century, attempted to reconcile the ancient idea of the harmony of the spheres with the modern astronomy that he had helped to establish. The original idea, attributed to the Greek philosopher-mathematician Pythagoras, was that spheres carrying the heavenly bodies around the Earth generated a musical harmony.
-  Kepler believed the construction of the universe put the Sun rather than Earth at its center and he tried to observe these harmonious mathematical ratios. He had long sought to explain the architecture of the solar system as corresponding to nested geometrical solids, thereby prescribing the distances separating the elliptical planetary orbits.
- In his “Harmony of the World”  published in 1619, Kepler admitted that solids alone could not accurately account for the details of planetary orbits, additional principles were needed. Most of his book is no longer relevant to astronomy, but its lasting contribution was Kepler’s third law of planetary motion, which showed the mathematical relationship between a planet’s distance from the Sun and the time the planet takes to complete one orbit.
-  Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, completed in 1915, predicted that light from a distant star passing near the Sun would be bent by the Sun’s gravity, altering the apparent position of the star in the sky.
-  Newtonian physics could explain some such bending, but only half as much as Einstein had calculated. Observing such light seemed like a good way to test Einstein’s theory, except for the slight problem that you can’t see stars at all when the Sun is in the sky. This problem would be solved with the next solar eclipse making the stars near the edge of the Sun briefly visible and the measurements could be made.
-  British astrophysicist Arthur Eddington led an expedition to observe the eclipse from an island off the coast of West Africa in May 1919.  Eddington found that deviations for some stars from their previously recorded location matched general relativity’s forecast close enough to declare Einstein the winner.
-   Demitrii Mendeleev was not the first chemist to notice that several groups of elements had similar properties. But in 1869 he identified a guiding principle for classifying the elements.  If you list them in order of increasing atomic weight, elements with similar properties recur at regular periodic intervals in his table.
-   Using this insight he created the first periodic table of the elements, one of the grandest accomplishments in the history of chemistry.  The periodic table is a wall chart. It allows anybody to grasp at a glance the foundations of an entire scientific discipline. It remains the most versatile consolidation of profound scientific information ever constructed.
-   Jumping a few centuries later, the Apollo 11 contributed to the science of lunar geology by bringing back moon rocks, the Apollo astronauts deployed experiments to measure moonquakes, studied the lunar soils and the solar wind, and left behind a mirror as a target for Earth-based lasers to measure the distance to the moon with high precision.
-  The Apollo mission represented a celebration of past scientific achievements.  It contributed to our understanding of the laws of motion and gravity and chemistry and propulsion and mention electromagnetic communication
-  February 26, 2019                           
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Monday, February 25, 2019

Einstein‘s Theory of gravity?.

-  2284  -  Einstein ‘s Theory is a theory of gravity.  Gravity may be the weakest of the fundamental forces in nature, but it is ultimately what enabled life on Earth to evolve. Thanks to its weak attractiveness over long distances, mass in the early universe could clump together and form galaxies, stars and planets such as our own.
---------------------- 2284  -  Einstein‘s Theory of gravity?.
-  Our working theory for gravity comes from Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which states that gravity is a consequence of massive objects warping the very fabric of spacetime.
-  Scientists have validated the theory with great precision inside our solar system, but we haven’t been able to do the same on larger distances, like between galaxies.  This new study shows that general relativity holds true on the scale of entire galaxies.
-  The findings strengthen the popular view in cosmology that 95% of the universe is made up of invisible substances dubbed dark matter and dark energy , ruling out several other competing theories.
-  The first ever test of general relativity was carried out by Arthur Eddington in 1919. As massive objects bend spacetime, light rays should be deflected as they pass the object rather than traveling in a straight line.
-   Eddington managed to show that this was the case for light bending around the Sun during a solar eclipse. It has taken exactly 99 years for us to do the same test for an entire galaxy far beyond our solar system.
-  The galaxy, E325, located some 450,000,000 light years away,  is one of the closest examples of a rare cosmic alignment.  It just happens to be sitting directly between us and a second, more distant, galaxy. The background galaxy in this case is some 17,000,000,000  light years further behind. The centers of these two galaxies are aligned to better than one ten-thousandth of a degree.
-  Because light rays from the distant galaxy are deflected as they travel through the curved spacetime around E325, we see images of it that are slightly distorted from what we would otherwise see .  This effect is called gravitational lensing. It is like looking at an object through the stem of a wine glass.
-  The deflection of light passing E325 is about 1/1200 of a degree.  If the curvature of spacetime near the first galaxy is great enough  then multiple images of the background galaxy will form on either side of the lens galaxy when looking at it with a telescope.
-  The distorted image is called an “Einstein ring” and it can tell astronomers how much spatial curvature there is around E325.   Astronomers also measured the amount of mass in E325 by measuring how fast the stars are moving in the galaxy. Similar to the Earth orbiting the Sun, the stars in E325 orbit around the galaxy’s center of mass, with gravity holding them in their trajectories. More mass in the galaxy means a stronger gravitational force and so the stars orbit faster.
-  The “Doppler effect” is used to measure their speed towards us or away from us.. The Doppler Effect is created as wavelengths get stretched to wider bandwidths as they travel through expanding space.  The amount of stretching of waves is directly due to this motion.   If the bandwidth or frequency of the wave is moving towards us it is red shifted.  If it is moving away from us it is blue shifted. 
-  A similar effect can be experienced with a radar speed camera makes use of the Doppler Effect by detecting the change in the radio frequency from signals bounced off cars to measure their speed.  That radar gun behind the bushes can result in your getting a speeding ticket. 
-   In a similar way, we measure the change in frequency in the light from stars to estimate their speed. The light from stars moving towards us is slightly shifted to the blue end of the  frequency spectrum.  The stars moving away are shifted toward the red end of the frequency spectrum.. The faster they move, the bigger the shift.
-  Because E325 is so distant, it is not possible to measure the Doppler effect for individual stars. We instead measured the light from all the stars in a patch of the galaxy and estimate the different velocities using statistical methods. These observations were made using the Very Large Telescope in Chile.
-  The measured velocities of the stars and the radius of the “Einstein ring” are combined to calculate the amount of spatial curvature resulting from the total mass of the galaxy.  The calculation was determined to be very accurate and to have a 0.9% total uncertainty.
-   Much of our cosmological understanding comes from interpretation of observations of the universe that depend on general relativity being correct.  These calculations tell us that the vast majority of our universe is made up of dark matter and dark energy.
-   Dark matter is needed to explain the observed motions of stars in galaxies. While we can’t see it directly, we can see that it has a gravitational pull on stars. Dark energy is what exerts an expansive force on the universe.  This force is needed to explain the fact that the expansion of the universe is speeding up.
-  But, there are alternative theories of gravity that can explain away these mysterious conclusions. They typically change the formulas of  how gravity works over long distances so that dark energy isn’t needed to explain the observations. 
-  But, our results pose a problem for these alternative theories by showing that gravity does behave the way general relativity expects on scales of up to 6,000 light years. Not only does this result validate Einstein, it also shows that either dark energy and dark matter are real.  Or, maybe,  general relativity needs to be amended on distance scales that are larger than galaxies.  We need more observations to give us more data to analyze and more reviews for me to write.
-  New telescopes are under construction, the Euclid satellite and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, that will be able to detect deviations from general relativity on scales more than 1,000 times longer than probed in E325.
-  If general relativity also passes these tests we will know it is the right theory to describe gravity’s effects on the universe as a whole. So far, it is looking good for Einstein.
-   He figured this all out in his head without all this data from astronomical observations.  He believed his math.  Somehow this math is a language of the Universe.  So far, we can trust it until a better theory comes along.  Stay tuned.  Astronomy is fun stuff. 
-  February 25, 2019                           
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 --------------------------   Monday, February 25, 2019  --------------------------

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Quantum Mechanics -The Waves of Matter?

-  2282  - -  The wave characteristics of matter and make up of the Universe is still leaving a lot for us to learn.  The matter that we are made of and that we can see makes up only 5% of the observable universe.  There is still 95% we call dark matter and dark energy because we don’t know what they are.  We are using the smallest things we know, the quantum, to help us explain the largest thing we know the Universe.  Go figure?
---------------------------- -  2282  -  The Waves of Matter?
-  The waves of matter started the early 1900.   There were four experiments that failed.  Physicists were trying to explain the Universe and were not getting the answers they expected.
-  The first experiment was Ernst Rutherford’s model for the atom.  The massive nucleus surrounding by orbiting electrons.  The nucleus and the electrons being held together by their opposite electric charges.   Nucleus having positive protons and the electrons having a negative charge.  Opposite charges attract, so what keeps them apart?  What is keeping the atom from collapsing into itself?
-  When you apply Maxwell’s equations to this model the atom it would always collapse.  The orbiting electron is a moving electric charge.  It is accelerating because it is moving in a circle.  A moving charge emits electromagnetic energy.  If it is loosing energy it should soon spiral down into the nucleus.  Obviously, this is not happening.  So, what is keeping the atoms from collapsing?
-  The next experiment had to do with measuring the light spectrum of all the elements in the periodic table.  Each element emits spectral lines at discrete wavelengths, or frequencies.  Each element atom has a distinct set of color lines in its spectra.  What causes these unique wavelengths to be generated?  (See Review #38  “Rainbows“)
-  The third experiment involved heating up objects.  If you heat an iron poker its atoms vibrate more and more vigorously and it turns red hot , yellow , then white hot.  Hot objects, since they are vibrating electric charges should give off electromagnetic waves.  However, using Maxwell’s equations again they should be giving off an infinite amount of electromagnetic radiation, concentrated at even  higher energies and shorter wavelengths, ultraviolet and X-rays.  Obviously this does not happen either.
-  The forth experiment fails the photoelectric effect.  This happens in a cathode ray tube, a vacuum tube.  Where you shine light on a particular  metal surface and electrons are emitted from the surface.  This is the same effect that is used in the electric eye that controls your automatic garage door closure.  Except modern electronics uses semiconductor instead of vacuum tubes.
-  Physicists experimenting with the original photocells would get more electrons if the light was made brighter.  Theoretically, the color of the light should not matter, just its amplitude or brightness.  However, that is not what happened.  If the color of the light was red fewer electrons were ejected.  As the color was made bluer, the energy of the electrons increased.  Why, what was causing this to happen?
-  These four experiments were not getting the results expected.  The math was not working. Something is missing.  That something was the “quantum”.  All of these effects can be explained once we realize that matter and energy is not continuously subdivided.  It comes in discrete chunks.  Each chuck is a quantum.
-  The quantum concept was first proposed in 1900 by Max Planck ( See review #8   “Time Comes to Us in Particles“).  Planck came up with this as a fudge factor, a constant, that he picked for each color of light to explain the amount of energy in the vibrating atom.  Planck said:
----------------------------------  Energy   =    Planck’s constant   *   frequency
----------------------------------   E  =   h  *   f
-  In 1905 Albert Einstein used this explanation for vibrating atoms to explain the photoelectric effect.  He declared that energy in a light wave is not spread uniformly over the wave but it is concentrated in particle-like bundles, called photons.
-------------------------------  Energy of a photon  =  h * f
-  Red light is lower frequency and when it is lower than required energy to eject electrons, none will be ejected.  Bluer light is higher frequency, therefore blue photons impart more energy to the surface and more electrons are ejected.
-  The structure of the atom and the orbiting electrons can now be explained because only certain discrete orbits are allowed.  Each orbit corresponds to a discrete value of the electron’s energy.  Instead of energy Niels Bohr in 1913 used angular momentum in his equation to explain these quantized orbits.
------------------  Orbiting Angular Momentum  =  Planck’s constant / 2  *  electron’s momentum
----------------------------------  Angular momentum  =   h   /  2*m*v
----------------------------------  Where m*v is mass * velocity  =  the momentum of the electron
-  Atom’s radiate electromagnetic waves only when electrons move between orbits.  This explains the spectra of atoms since each element has a unique atomic structure of electron orbits, each atom emit’s a unique color spectra.
-  So quantum’s explain the results we are seeing.  But, quantum’s, Planck’s constant is a very small number.
--------------------------------   “h”  =   6.625 * 10^-34 kilogram * meters^2   /  second
-  Round this up and put in fraction from then Planck’s constant is:
---------------  “h”  =  1 / 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 6625    kg*m^2/sec
-   It is a very small number.  That is the reason quantization effects are not noticeable in everyday events.  The effects of quantum are only noticeable at the atomic scale or smaller.
-  The amount of energy in a light beam can not be less than that of a single photon.  For a given color light there is a minimum amount of energy we can use to observe the world
----------------------------  Energy  =  h * f
-  This minimum energy is what causes the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle to exist.  (See review #40 “Life is Uncertain“).  This principle states that you can not measure the velocity and position of an atomic particle at the same time.  The measurement is always in determinant, it is a probability.
-  If you try to measure velocity when the photon of minimum energy hit’s the particle the particle’s velocity changes.  If you try to measure its position the same thing happens.  When the photon hit’s the particle the position changes.
-  Heisenberg’s formal statement is one of tradeoffs.  He says that the product of the particles mass, the uncertainty of its velocity, the uncertainty of its position can not be less than Planck’s constant.
----------------------------------  M * delta v * delta x  >  h
Again, because Planck’s constant is so small the principle has negligible effect in everyday life.  However, at the atomic scale it has enormous effect.
-  In order to make Maxwell’s equations work at the atomic scale the solutions must be given in the probabilities of detecting a photon.  The link between the wave equation and the particle becomes one of statistics and probabilities.
-  Small atomic structures like photons and electrons will behave like waves as well as like particles depending on the concentration of energies and the size of the probabilities.  In 1923 Louis De Borglie proposed that matter has waves, that a particles associated wave depends on the particles mass and velocity.  This is the same as the particle’s momentum, mass * velocity.
---------------------------  Wavelength  =  Planck’s constant /  mass * velocity
-  Again, because Planck’s constant is so small the wave-particle duality is not noticeable in everyday life.  At the atomic scale it explains a lot.
---------------------------------  Wavelength of an electron  =  h / m*v
---------------------------------  “h”  =  Planck’s constant  =  6.625*10^-34 kg*m^2/sec
---------------------------------  “m”  =  mass of electron  =  10^-30 kilograms
---------------------------------  “v”  =  velocity of electron  =  10^6 meters / second
---------------------------------  “v” =   2,236,936 miles/hour
---------------------------------  Wavelength    =  6.625 * 10^-34 / 1^-30 * 10^6
---------------------------------  Wavelength   =  6.625 * 10^-10 meters
---------------------------------  This is about the same as the diameter of the atom, 10^-10 meters.
--------------------------------    The diameter of an electron is 5.6 * 10^-15 meters.
-  The wavelength of the electron is in the same ballpark as the atomic structure.  In fact the allowed orbits of electrons within the atom can be explained as the “ standing wave” that can just fit in a specific orbit.  Just as a standing wave of a particular note played on a violin string are those that can just fit on the string at each specific length.
-  All matter has waves.  My brother is 180 pounds of matter and he has waves.  A baseball has waves.  Let’s see what happens when we calculate the wavelength of a baseball:
------------------------------  Wavelength of a baseball  =  h / m*v
------------------------------  “h”  = Planck’s constant
------------------------------ “m”  =  mass of baseball = 0.1 kilograms
------------------------------  “v”  =  velocity of baseball  =  10 meters / second (22 miles per hour)
------------------------  Wavelength of baseball  =  6.625*10^-34 kg*m^2/sec  /  0.1kg * 10 m/sec
------------------------  Wavelength of baseball  =  6.625 * 10-34 meters
-  Granted it was a slow pitch but the wavelength of the baseball is so minuscule that it could never be used to explain the number of strike outs in the major leagues.
-  What we have shown is that at the quantum level matter is both waves and particles.  In fact, we could consider the particle to be the concentration of energy in the wave.
-  If you do your own experiment, take a glass slide, paint it black, hold two razor blades together tightly, and make two small scratches on the glass slide.  Now, shine a light through the glass slide and project the image on the wall.  The light emitting from the slots will project a circular interference pattern on the wall.
-  The wave characteristic of the photons will pass through both slots and begin emanating from the slide as two waves adding and subtracting as their peaks and troughs interfere with each other.  This will happen even if you shine one photon at a time on the slide.  The buildup of interference will eventually plot the same interference pattern.
-  Amazingly, the same experiment can be conducted using electrons instead of light photons.  These are thought of as particles with known mass.  We need to use the closely spread atoms of a crystal instead of slits on a glass slide, but the exact same interference pattern will be generated.  The electrons will behave as waves.
-  If all matter is waves then this could explain how matter interacts with all other matter in the Universe.  Maybe some day we will understand how gravity is produced by matter.  If all matter in the Universe is interconnected how big should the Universe be?
-  The minimum size of a wave-particle is 10^-14 meter radius.  The number of particles in the Universe is 10^80.  If all these particles were connected in a sphere the surface area of the sphere would be:
----------------------------  Area of one wave-particle  =  pi* radius^2  =  3.14 * (10^-14)^2
---------------------------   All interconnected the total area  =  10^80 * 3.14 * (10^-14)^2
---------------------------  The surface area of any sphere is   =  4 * pi * radius^2
-  If we set these two surface areas equal to each other we can calculate the radius of the Universe:
---------------------------  4 * pi * radius^2  =  10^80 * 3.14 * (10^-14)^2
--------------------------   Radius  =  0.5 * 10^26 meters.
-  The Coma-Virgo Cluster of galaxies is measured at 1.2 * 10^23 meters in radius.  It is just one of many galaxy clusters the trace the structure of the Universe.  This radius we calculated is about 1000 times bigger.  So it is in the ballpark for the observable universe, if not on the low side.
-  The wave characteristics of matter and make up of the Universe is still leaving a lot for us to learn.  The matter that we are made of and that we can see makes up only 5% of the observable universe.  There is still 95% we call dark matter and dark energy because we don’t know what they are.  It is so interesting that we are using the smallest things we know, the quantum, to help us explain the largest thing we know the Universe.
-  February 23, 2019.                     51   
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 ---------------------   Saturday, February 23, 2019  -------------------------

Life in the Universe?.

-  2280  -  -  We know there is life in the Universe.  We are living proof of that.  But is there life on exoplanets which are planets around other suns outside our own solar system?   Exoplanets are common, we have found over 4,000 but as for life we are the only evidence so far. 
---------------------- 2280  -  Life in the Universe?.
-   Exoplanets are common, we have found over 4,000 but as for life we are the only evidence so far.  But, we do have the math correct and we do have this equation complete.  This is the  equation that estimates the chances of detecting life on another planet.  What are the odds?
-  There are many planets known as hot super-Earths whizzing about so close to their stars that a year lasts less than a day. These planets are so hot, they probably have giant lava lakes, which are melted rock that will not be supporting life.
-  We have discovered  planets that circle their stars in hours and others that take almost a million years to orbit their stars.  And, thousands of orbits in between these extremes.  We have discovered planets that revolve around two stars.  We have discovered rogue planets that don’t orbit any star but just wander about in space.
-  The very first exoplanet found, 51 Pegasi b, was discovered in 1955.   It is a giant planet orbiting so close to its star it swings around it in just four days.
-  Today we have confirmed over 4,000 exoplanets. The majority were discovered by the Kepler space telescope, launched in 2009. Kepler’s mission was to see how many planets it could find orbiting some 150,000 stars in one tiny patch of sky. 
-  -  (See Review 2145 for more details about the Kepler space telescope)
-  Kepler’s patch of sky was about as much as you can cover with your hand with your arm outstretched. Kepler simply staired at this patch looking at stars hoping to see planets passing in front of their light.
-   Are places where life might evolve common in the universe or vanishingly rare, leaving us effectively without hope of ever knowing whether another living world exists?
-  Kepler’s discoveries showed us that there are more planets than there are stars, and at least a quarter are Earth-size planets in their star’s so-called habitable zone, where conditions are neither too hot nor too cold for life.   They are called the “Goldielocks Zones”
-  With a minimum of 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, that means there are at least 25 billion places where life could conceivably take hold in our galaxy alone, and,  our galaxy is one among trillions of galaxies in the Observable Universe.
- Kepler’s discoveries have changed the way we approach one of the great mysteries of existence. The question is no longer, is there life beyond Earth? It’s a pretty sure bet there is. The question now is, how do we find it?
-  -  The Kepler telescope, after detecting thousands of exoplanets, was retired last year when it ran out of fuel, but new telescopes promise dramatic improvements in the hunt.
-  The revelation that the galaxy is teeming with planets has reenergized the search for life.  TESS is a satellite designed to find an Earth-like planet orbiting a sunlike star.  The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) space telescope was launched last year , 2018. Like Kepler, TESS looks for a slight dimming in the luminosity of a star when a planet passes, or transits, in front of it.
-  {See Review 2223 for more of the details about the TESS spac3 mission.}
-  TESS is scanning nearly the whole sky, with the goal of identifying about 50 exoplanets with rocky surfaces like Earth’s that could be investigated by more powerful telescopes coming on line, beginning with the James Webb Space Telescope to be launched in  2021.
-  The spectral signatures of the elements are like colored bar codes. Every chemical compound absorbs a unique set of wavelengths of light. (We see leaves as green, for instance, because chlorophyll is a light-hungry molecule that absorbs red and blue, so the only light reflected is green.)
-  Chemical compounds in a transiting planet’s upper atmosphere might leave their spectral fingerprints in starlight passing through. Theoretically, if there are gases in a planet’s atmosphere from living creatures, we could see the evidence in the light that reaches us.
-  There’s an outside chance a rocky planet orbits a star close enough for the Webb telescope to capture sufficient light to investigate it for signs of life.
-   In addition to a planet’s size and distance from its star, they might be able to study its terrain and check for cloud cover.  Here are some other planet hunters:
-  ELT, Extremely Large Telescope Captures visible and near- infrared spectrum images
16  times as sharp as those of the Hubble Space Telescope.
-  SUBARU telescope  Coronagraphic removes distant starlight reaching the Subaru telescope, allowing astronomers to directly image exoplanets.
-  Ground-based scopes can hold heavy, powerful optics that are comparatively easy to maintain. But Earth’s atmosphere filters and distorts starlight, limiting what these telescopes can see in outer space.
-  STARSHADE  is a flower-shaped light shield more than a hundred feet in diameter, the Starshade will work in tandem with a telescope. It will block a host star’s light, allowing astronomers a direct view of its exo­planets.
-   Deployed in space a shade of a space telescope ,more than 100 feet in diameter, would block the light from a star. The telescope would capture an image of a planet when it’s between Star shade’s petals, seeking evidence that life may exist on the planet.
-  TESS, Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Detects small planets orbiting bright stars, which could be good candidates for more in-depth habitability studies.
- James Webb Space Telescope.  Studies distant stars and exoplanets using four instruments, including infrared cameras and spectrographs.
-  The SUBARU observatory, along with 12 others, sits atop the summit of Mauna Kea, on Hawaii’s Big Island. The Subaru’s 8.2-meter (27 feet) reflector is among the largest single-piece mirrors in the world.  (Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster.)
-  At 13,796 feet above sea level, Mauna Kea affords one of the highest, clearest views of the universe.   An exoplanet orbits in front of a star much like the sun. One way to find out if a planet might contain life is to look for telltale signs called biosignatures. As starlight reflects off a planet or passes through its atmosphere, the gases absorb specific wavelengths. The spectrum observed through a telescope could show whether gases associated with life, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, or methane, are present.
-  On Earth, chlorophyll in photosynthesizing plants absorbs red and blue light, so vegetation appears green. On other living worlds, though, photosynthesis might use a different pigment. The lavender hue of this hypothetical exoplanet, viewed from its icy moon, derives from a pigment called retinal, which is also able to convert light to metabolic energy and may have preceded chlorophyll in Earth’s early history.
-  A sharp contrast in a spectrum between the absorption of red light and reflection of near-infrared light, known as the vegetation red edge, indicates the presence of plants.
-  Until now, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence has focused on detecting an incoming radio signal. With increasing computational power and more sensitive telescopes, researchers are expanding the search to optical and infrared emissions, targeting the technology of advanced civilizations. These could include laser pulses, polluting gases, or mega structures built around a nearby star to harness its energy.
-  The light from the star swamps out the shadow from the transit planet.  Trying to separate the light of a rocky, Earth-size planet from that of its star is like squinting hard enough to make out a fruit fly hovering inches in front of a floodlight. It doesn’t seem possible?
-  Earth supports life in part because its terrain is rocky, it doesn’t receive too much solar radiation, and its distance from the sun allows water to be in a liquid state. So far, 47 exoplanets have been found that fit this profile. But that number will grow as new telescopes search for planets in broader swaths of the galaxy than ever before.

-  “Kepler-1638 b” is an exoplanet that is 2,867 light-years from Earth  It is a planets in the habitable zone because it is likely to have liquid surface water
-  Scientists use our solar system to help determine the habitable zone around a star. To support life, planets must receive no more energy from their stars than Venus did when it had liquid surface water and no less energy than Mars did when it had water.
-  The TESS space telescope is now fully operational. It is able to survey 85 percent of the night sky, an area 400 times as large as that covered by its predecessor, Kepler.
-  Ground telescopes like the Subaru are much more powerful light-gatherers than space telescopes like the Hubble, chiefly because nobody has yet figured out how to squeeze a 27-foot mirror into a rocket and blast it into space.
-  But,  ground telescopes have a serious drawback: They sit under miles of our atmosphere. Fluctuations in the air’s temperature cause light to bend erratically like a twinkling star, or the wavy air above an asphalt road in the summertime.
-  The first task is to iron out those wrinkles in the image. This is accomplished by directing the light from a star onto a shape-shifting mirror, smaller than a quarter, activated by 2,000 tiny motors.
- Using information from a camera, the motors deform the mirror 3,000 times a second to precisely counter the atmospheric aberrations.  The result a beam of starlight can be viewed that is as close as possible to what it was before our atmosphere messed it up.
-  Then send this light on to a spectrometer A spectrometer separates the  light into its wavelengths, and the light spectrum becomes a biological signature to identify the various chemical elements.
-  On Earth, plants and certain bacteria produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. Oxygen is a  molecule that reacts and bonds with just about everything on a planet’s surface. So if we can find evidence of it accumulating in an atmosphere something is creating it.  Plants.
-   Most convincing of all would be to find oxygen along with methane, because those two gases from living organisms destroy each other. Finding them both would mean there must be constant replenishment.
-   Life could take forms other than photosynthesizing plants, and indeed even here on Earth, anaerobic life existed for billions of years before oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere.
-   As long as some basic requirements are met, energy, nutrients, and a liquid medium, life could evolve in ways that would produce any number of different gases. The key is finding gases in excess of what should be there.
-  There are other sorts of biological signatures we can look for too. The chlorophyll in vegetation reflects near-infrared light invisible to human eyes but easily observable with infrared telescopes. Find it in a planet’s biological signature, and you may well have found an extraterrestrial forest.
-   But the vegetation on other planets might absorb different wavelengths of light, there could be planets with Black Forests that are truly black, or planets where roses are red, and so is everything else.
- And why stick to plants.   The spectral characteristics of 137 microorganisms, including ones in extreme Earth environments that, on another planet, might be the norm. It’s no wonder the next generation of telescopes is so eagerly anticipated.
-  The first and most powerful of the next-generastion ground telescopes, Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) in the Atacama Desert of Chile, is scheduled to start operation in 2024. The light-gathering capacity of its 39-meter (128 feet) mirror will exceed all existing Subaru-size telescopes combined.
-   Outfitted with the ELT will be fully capable of imaging rocky planets in the habitable zone of red dwarf stars, the most common stars in the galaxy. They are smaller and dimmer than our sun, a yellow dwarf, so their habitable zones are closer to the star. The nearer a planet is to its star, the more light it reflects.
-   Red dwarfs are highly energetic, frequently hurtling flares out into space. There might be ways an atmosphere could evolve that would protect nascent life from being fried by these solar tantrums. But planets around red dwarfs are also likely to be tidally locked This means they are always presenting one side to the star, in the same way our moon shows only one face to the Earth. This would render half the planet too hot for life, the other half too cold. The midline, though, might be temperate enough for life.
-  As it happens, there’s a rocky planet, called Proxima Centauri b, orbiting in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf that’s the nearest star to our own, about 4.2 light-years, or 25 trillion miles, away.
-   Even those giant ground telescopes won’t be able to separate the light of a planet from that of a star 10 billion times brighter.
-  “Starshot” is an ambitious plan in development to send tiny probes on a 20-year journey to the exoplanet Proxima Centauri b. But even a featherweight spacecraft needs fuel. The farther it goes, the more it needs. The proposed solution?  Launch it from an orbiting satellite and propel it with Earth-based lasers.
-  The mother ship Situated in low Earth orbit, a satellite houses thousands of probes. When the individual probes are released, their sails automatically unfurl. Phased lasers on Earth, nearly a billion laser beams are directed at a probe to create a pulse with the power of 100 gigawatts, lasting several minutes.
-  Those few minutes are just enough to accelerate the probe to one-fifth the speed of light and into the vacuum of space, where it is able to glide.  The probe reaches Proxima b after a voyage of more than 20 years. During its high-speed flyby, it takes images and records a range of data.
-  The probe beams the information back using a laser embedded in its chip. Each transmission takes about four years to reach the Earth. Each probe has a quarter-inch chip weighing five grams or less that performs the roles of a camera, computers, and navigational equipment. Images and data are beamed to Earth via laser.
-  Starshade consists of 28 panels arranged around a center hub like a giant sunflower, more than 100 feet across. The petals are precisely shaped and rippled to deflect the light from a star, leaving a super-dark shadow trailing behind. If a telescope is positioned far back in that tunnel of darkness, it will be able to capture the glimmer from an Earth-like planet visible just beyond the Starshade’s edge.
-  Starshade’s earliest likely partner is called the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope  scheduled to be finished by the mid-2020s. The two spacecraft will work together. Starshade will move into position to block the light from a star so it can detect any planets around it and potentially sample their spectra for signs of life.

-  SETI Institute has one of the units in the Allen Telescope Array, the only facility on Earth built specifically to look for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence.  The telescope array, located in the Cascade mountains in Northern California, was supposed to have 350 radio telescopes,  42 have been built to date. 
-   The hope is to find an anomalous signal: one emanating neither from a natural source in the cosmos, nor from earthly interference, such as a satellite or airplane. Radio emissions captured by the ATA’s dishes are focused onto the feed, which then amplifies the signals, digitizes them, and sends them via a fiber optic cable to the facilities’ signal-processing room.
-  The first Voyager spacecraft, launched in 1977, took 35 years to enter interstellar space. Traveling at that speed, Voyager would need some 75,000 years to reach Alpha Centauri. In the current vision for Starshot, a fleet of pebble-size spaceships hurtling through space at one-fifth the speed of light could reach Alpha Centauri in a mere 20 years.

- These tiny Niñas, Pintas, and Santa Marías would be propelled by a ground-based laser array, more powerful than a million suns.
-  The MeerKAT telescope in South Africa, an array of 64 radio dishes, each more than twice the size of the ATA’s. By piggybacking on observations conducted by other scientists.  It will conduct a 24/7 stakeout of a million stars, dwarfing previous SETI radio searches.
-   Powerful as it is, MeerKAT is just a precursor to radio astronomy’s dream machine: the Square Kilometre Array, which sometime in the next decade will link hundreds of dishes in South Africa with thousands of antennas in Australia, creating the collecting area of a single dish more than a square kilometer, or about 247 acres.
-  Most important, empowered and inspired by the accelerating rate of technological development in our own civilization, we are coming to see the target of the quest in a different light. For 60 years we’ve been waiting for ET to phone Earth. 
-  What we should be looking for is not a message from ET, but signs of ET just going about the business of being ET, alien and intelligent in ways that we may not yet comprehend but may still be able to perceive, by looking for evidence of technology.
-  The most obvious evidence of technology would be ones we’ve produced, or can imagine producing, ourselves.  If another civilization were using similar laser propulsion to sail through space, its Starshot-like beacons would be visible to the edge of the universe.
-  Other reviews available:
-  2223  - for more of the details about the TESS spac3 mission.
-  2145 -   for more details about the Kepler space telescope.  There are nearly 1 trillion stars in our galaxy.  20% pf them are similar to our Sun.  So, there could be 20,000,000,000 earth-like planets with liquid water on the surface.   
- 2119  -   Math discovers exoplanets.   Detecting sinusoidal wobbles in the light spectrum will detect earth-like terrestrial planets orbiting other stars.
-  2107  -  Planets outside our own.  This Review lists 8 more reviews about exoplanets.
-  February 22, 2019                           
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 --------------------------   Saturday, February 23, 2019  --------------------------

Monday, February 18, 2019

SPACE - Inventions for Earthlings?.

-  2279  -  Many inventions and other benefits have come from the development of the space programs.  Here are a few that affected healthcare technologies and are already being used:
---------------------- 2279  -  SPACE   -  Inventions for Earthlings?.
-  1. A robotic arm  attached to the outside of the International Space Station is used for many tasks outside the space station to avoid astronauts having to complete high-risk space walks. This technology led to the creation of neuroArm, that can perform precision surgery inside MRI scanners, such as removing brain tumors.
-  2.  In space, the lack of gravity changes the way the eyes move and perceive motion. High-tech eye trackers were developed to see where astronauts look during their normal work in micro-gravity. Eye movements are a problem faced in corrective laser eye surgery. Eye trackers developed for spaceflight are now being used in corrective laser eye surgery to ensure correct laser beam positioning.
-  3. Nitric oxide is a commonly found pollutant in the air, both on Earth and on the International Space Station. When a person has inflamed airways, as seen in asthmatics, an increase in nitric oxide is seen in exhaled air.
-  The European Space Agency has developed a device that accurately measures nitric oxide in the exhaled air of astronauts to detect potential inflammation. This way, astronauts can be treated before the situation becomes more serious. This technology is now being used in asthmatics to detect the amount of nitric oxide in their exhaled air caused by inflammation in their lungs.
-  4.  Without gravity acting on their bodies, astronauts experience massive loss in bone density that is similar to the bone loss seen in elderly people with osteoporosis. Attempts are made to reduce this bone loss through daily exercise.
-  Astronauts have also shown that taking a small amount of bisphosphonate, weekly, further reduces bone loss. Pharmaceutical discoveries like this are already benefiting the Earth’s ageing population.
-  5.  Infrared technologies were developed many decades ago in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to measure the temperature of planets and stars. In 1991, this technology was turned into in-ear thermometers. In-ear thermometers provide temperature readings in just a few seconds and have been shown to provide accurate temperature readings, making them ideal for use in hospitals, doctors surgeries and even at home
-  6.   While investigating vision changes in astronauts, scientists discovered they occurred due to increased pressure inside the skull, which, in turn, is the result of an increase in cerebrospinal fluid volume. Flight surgeons needed ways to monitor these pressure changes easily.
-   Research in the UK has led to a device that can measure the pressure inside the skull using displacement of the ear drum, which is non-invasive, quicker and can be done anywhere.

-  7.   Being in space increases the risk of kidney stones forming. In astronauts, kidney stones can cause infections and complications severe enough to require crew evacuation.
-  Research with NASA has developed Star Trek-like hand-held ultrasound techniques that can detect, move and then pulverise stones making them easier to pass. This technology could benefit people with kidney stones.
-  8.  Translucent polycrystalline alumina is an advanced high-strength, maximum-translucent, shatter-resistant ceramic developed for defense and aerospace. It was suggested the material could be used for making translucent brackets for braces that would appear tooth colored. It became one of the most successful orthodontic products in history.
-  9.  Processing digital signals can be tricky. NASA pioneered high-tech digital-signal processing to help enhance lunar images to find the best Moon landing sites in the Apollo era.
-  These signal processing techniques are now widely used in CT and MRI scanners to help doctors find injuries and cancers without needing to cut patients open to look inside.
-  10.  Water is heavy, so astronauts need to reduce the amount that has to be taken up to space from Earth. They achieve this by recycling and purifying most liquids on the International Space Station , including their urine.
-  While developing these filtration systems, scientists applied the same technology to removing toxic waste from used dialysis fluid. This led to new dialysis machines that no longer need continuous water and drain connections, meaning they use less power and are portable, which enables use at home.
-  11.  Astronauts on the International Space Station are growing crystals that could help develop new drugs for use on Earth.
-  February 17, 2019                             
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 --------------------------   Monday, February 18, 2019  --------------------------

Hertzsprung -Russell Diagram

-  2278  - Hertzsprung -Russell Diagram. One of the most famous diagrams and most useful in astronomy is the  HR Diagram .  It was created from a simple idea.  Plot the characteristics of stars in brightness versus their color.  Brightness is a measure of luminosity, or intensity of radiation.  Color is the surface temperature of the star.
---------------------- 2278  -  Astronomer’s most Famous Diagram
-  One of the most famous diagrams and most useful in astronomy is the Hertzsprung -Russell Diagram.  ( HR Diagram ).  It was created from a simple idea.  Plot the characteristics of stars in brightness versus their color.  Brightness is a measure of luminosity, or intensity of radiation.  Color is the surface temperature of the star.
-  Published in 1908 and in 1911 the HR Diagram reveals the lifetime of stars.  Each star has a predetermined lifetime and evolution depending on its mass.  The diagram successfully grouped the stars according to their stage in life.
-  The plot displayed a distinct diagonal line of dots (stars ) from the upper right (hot and blue stars )  to the lower left ( cold and red stars ).  The diagram plotted descending temperatures on the x-axis from 31,000 Kelvin (blue) to 2,200 Kelvin (red)  And, plotted ascending brightness on the y-axis from 1/100,000 Sun’s brightness to 100,000 times the Sun’s brightness.
-  The diagonal line became known as the “ Main Sequence” line for star evolution.  All stars generate electromagnetic energy, the light spectrum from radio waves to Gamma Rays.  All stars do this be converting Hydrogen into Helium in nuclear fusion at the core of the star.
-  The more massive the star, the stronger the gravity, and the hotter the core, the faster the nuclear reaction, the brighter the star, and the shorter its lifetime.
-  There are some groups of stars that are off this Main Sequence diagonal line.  The stars in the upper right corner are stars that are cooler yet brighter than our Sun.  Our Sun is on the Main Sequence line and about in the middle at 6000 Kelvin.
-   How can a cooler star be brighter, 100 to 1,000 times brighter than our Sun?
-  Answer:  These stars are enormous.  Supergiants.  They are so big they produce less light for every square inch of their surface.
-  There is another group of stars off the diagonal line in the lower left corner that are dimmer and hotter.  These stars are tiny.  The are called White Dwarfs.  White hot and tiny.  This is what our Sun will be in 5,000,000,000 years from now.
-  The Pleiades Cluster is a group of stars that include bright blue stars.  The cluster is in the Constellation Taurus the Bull and is often called the “ Seven Sisters”.  In Japan it is called “ Subaru”.  The Hyades Cluster , also in the Constellation Taurus, is missing blue stars.  Therefore, the Hyades Cluster must be older stars.  The bright blue stars in the Hyades Cluster have all exploded as supernovae and died off.
-  The bottom-right of the diagonal line are the dimmest, reddest, and least massive stars.  the smallest is about 8% the mass of the Sun.  These are called Brown Dwarfs and are too lightweight to sustain nuclear fusion.  They are 1/100,000 the Sun’s brightness and 3,000 Kelvin.
- The upper-left of the diagonal line are the brightest, hottest and most  massive stars.  Up to 100,000 the Sun’s brightness and 30,000 Kelvin.  The bright stars are the rarest because they do not live long, maybe only a few million years before they explode in a supernova.
-  The largest star might be 150 times the Sun’s mass.  However, some astronomers claim they have found stars up to 320 times the Sun’s mass.  The very first stars in the Universe may have been this massive.
-  Early evolution stars were made of only Hydrogen and Helium.  Second and third generation stars contain Carbon and Oxygen that were created in the earlier supernovae explosions.  Carbon and Oxygen emit infrared light (heat energy).  This allows them to cool faster. 
-  Today’s  stars are  second and third generation stars and likely not as massive , only 100 times the Sun’s mass.  Any star that is greater than 8 Solar Mass will end its life  exploding as a supernova. Smaller stars like our Sun will die as Planetary Nebulae and then White Dwarfs.  They will not explode as supernovae.
-  In our Milky Way Galaxy, out to 20,000 lightyears away, there are only a few stars that might explode as supernovae.  1604 was the year of the last one recorded.  It is now know as Kepler’s Supernova. 
-   Betelgeuse and Antares are the nearest and brightest stars likely to explode next.  They are 640 and 550 lightyears away respectively.   When they explode they will be as bright as the Full Moon in the sky, but, they are far enough away that the explosion itself will not reach us.
-  The 1987 Supernova explosion occurred in our sister galaxy, the Large Megellanic Cloud galaxy,  But, it was not a red super giant star, it was a blue star that went supernova.  Two stars that are similar in this way in our galaxy are Deneb and Rigel.
-  Other types of supernovae come from binary stars.  One star steals mass from its orbiting companion star until it reaches 1.4 Solar Mass and explodes.  Unfortunately these exploding White Dwarfs are so dim before they go supernova it is hard to predict how many are out there as binary stars.  Almost 60% of all stars are binaries.
-  Can you believe all this was learned from a simple diagram invented in 1908.  There is still more to learn:
-  In this case the HR Diagram is used to determine the age of a Globular Cluster of stars.   We can assume the stars formed at about the same time and are all the same distance away.  The distance was measured to be 7,800 lightyears away.
-  All the stars in the cluster do not have the same mass.  The mass of each star determines its longevity.  The more massive stars are the color blue, have higher luminosity and have the shortest lives.  The smaller stars are red in color , have the lowest luminosity and live the longest. 
-  After plotting the temperature, which is the color, versus the luminosity, which is the intrinsic brightness, we see that the HR Diagram comes to diagonal and a main sequence turnoff.  The diagram shows that the blue stars run our of fuel first. 
-  When a star runs out of fuel , or hydrogen burning, it begins fusing helium.  Because this happens at a much higher temperature the star expands into a Red Giant.  The blue star has evolved into a bright red star.  These main sequence stars trace a diagonal line that ends with a horizontal line called the red giant branch and the top of the branch disappears.  The stars die.
-  This end of life is the turnoff on the diagram and it can be used to determine the age of the cluster of stars.  A bright O-star will live 1 million years.  A G-type star, like our Sun, will live 8 billion years.  A faint, red M-star will live 56 billion years. 
-  This cluster being studied , NGC6397, contains 400,000 stars.  The color and magnitude of each star plotted on the HR Diagram identifies the main sequence turnoff.  This point in turn can be used to determine the age of the cluster to be 13.4 billion years.
-  The light we receive is 7,800 years old which is only 0.000,058 percent of the age of the cluster.  7,800 years is how long it took the light to reach us.  And, the HR diagram told us the age of the cluster.  This diagram has taught us a lot about stellar evolution.  Stay tuned, there is a lot more to learn.
-  February 17, 2019                     1283       
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Sunday, February 17, 2019

the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

-  2277 -  Life is Uncertain ?  Life is a physical thing.  Right down to the atomic level.  Cause and effect can not be certain.  In fact, there is a mathematical relationship that describes this degree of uncertainty.  It is called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
---------------------------- -  2277  -   Life is Uncertain ?
-  No really.  It is uncertain.  Life is a physical thing right down to the atomic level.  Cause and effect can not be certain and there is a mathematical relationship that describes this degree of uncertainty.  It is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle you are about to learn.
-  This uncertainty is not intuitive.  We think that we can measure mass and velocity with as much precision as our measurement instruments will allow.  However, there is a physical limit, or at least a “physics limit“. 
-  We can only measure mass and velocity as precise as nature will allow.  When you get down to the smallest dimensions the measurement itself always disturbs the system.  Ultimately the measurement becomes part of the system and can not be separated.
-  We say we can measure mass to be so many grams plus or minus a certain amount of uncertainty in grams.  The same with measuring velocity in meters per second.  Distance in meters and time in seconds can only be measured with a certain amount of accuracy, or uncertainty, depending on the precision of the instruments used in the measurement.  To get a more accurate measurement you simply need a more accurate instrument.
-  At the atomic level of measurement you get down to the photon as the carrier of any measurement information.  If you are trying to measure an electron the photon will bump into the electron and bounce back telling you the electron is in one place but it just bumped it into a different place and you no longer know exactly where the electron is or how fast it is moving.
-    If you are trying to measure the electron’s velocity when the photon bumps into it the velocity will change.  What the photon tells you when it comes back will not be the right answer.
-  We can not measure more precisely than the wavelength of the radiation we use to locate it.  Visible light has a wavelength of 0.0005 millimeters.  Sound has a wavelength of one meter. So how can a bat catch a bug if his measurement error is one meter?
-   That is why the bat uses a high pitched squeak.  Bats use 35,000 cycles per second in the search mode, giving them 1 centimeter wavelength resolution.  When they go into the kill mode they go up to 90,000 cycles per second, which gets them to 4 millimeters of their target.
-  There is a formula that describes the uncertainty trade off being made between knowing the momentum, which is mass times velocity, and the position of an atomic particle.  Position is a distance measurement.  An action is momentum moving over some distance.  Therefore, Planck’s Constant becomes the minimum possible uncertainty of any atomic action:
---------------------     Momentum Uncertainty * Position Uncertainty  >=  Planck’s Constant
---------------------    Momentum Uncertainty * Position Uncertainty  >=  h / 4 * pi
--------------------    A photon’s momentum  =  Planck’s Constant / Wavelength
 -------------------   “h” is Planck’s constant.  It is a very small number.
---------------------    h = 4.136^10-15 electron-volt-seconds
--------------------  Or, h = 6.625 * 10^-34 kg * m^2 / seconds
--------------------  Pi is 3.1416 from the geometry of a circle
-------------------  Uncertainty is measured in standard deviations
--------------------  Momentum Uncertainty * Position Uncertainty   >=
--------------------  0.00000000000000000000000000000000005272 kilogram * meter^2 / seconds
-   Standard deviation is the difference between observation and the true value ( or, the nearest known value).  It is mathematically the square root of the average of squares of the deviations of all the measurements. 
-  The uncertainties are the range of results you get when you make the measurement over and over again.  For example, let’s measure the book on your desk.  You get 23.6 centimeters.  You measure it again and get 23.7 centimeters. Since the markings on your ruler are only 1 millimeter intervals repeated measurements will be between 23.5 and 23.7 centimeters with 23.6 as the average value after many measurements. The measurement uncertainty is plus or minus one millimeter.
-   The distribution of measurements will be a normal distribution.  Sometimes this is called the bell curve.  It is the same distribution you expect to get when you grade your tests at school.  You create the bell curve of the class’s distribution of scores before you divide up the scores between A,B,C,D,F.  I always wondered why the left out the E?
-   A normal distribution is considered a random distribution.  Mathematically, one standard deviation about the class average encompasses 68% of the scores.  Two standard deviations around the average takes in 95% of the scores and three standard deviations 99.7% of the scores.  If you are not within three standard deviations of the class average you are pretty much off the curve.
-   With these definitions, let’s go back and look at the Uncertainty formula:
----------------------  Momentum Uncertainty * Position Uncertainty  >=  h / 4 * pi
------------------  (Momentum Uncertainty * Position Uncertainty) -  (Momentum Uncertainty *   Position Uncertainty) does not equal zero, it equals Planck’s Constant
-   You should be able to subtract something from itself and get zero.  But not, at the atomic scale.  Here you always get this small constant Planck number.
-  Let’s say we measure the position of an electron with great accuracy, so the Position Uncertainty is a very small number.  Since Position Uncertainty is in an inverse relationship and the Momentum Uncertainty becomes a very large uncertainty in order for their product to remain the small Planck‘s Constant.
-   In fact, if your position measurement gets so accurate approaching zero uncertainty the Mass*Velocity Uncertainty becomes infinitely large.  Once you approach infinity, momentum uncertainty becomes completely undefined.
-  The mass of an electron may remain 9.9 * 10^-31 kilograms, but you have completely lost track of its velocity, and therefore its momentum.
-  All measurements must involve some exchange of energy, some exchange of information.  It is a little like measuring the tire pressure on your bicycle.  When you get the pounds per square inch you lose a little air due to the use of the tire gage.  So, the pressure in the tire ends up being a little less in order to determine what it is.
-   A thermometer measuring temperature warms up in order to take a measurement thus removing a little heat from what it is measuring.  These measurement errors are so small you can ignore them.  However, at the atomic level they have a significant affect.
-  The effect on a single electron is enormous.  If we were to measure the position of a free electron to within the width of an atom, the momentum uncertainty would instantly fling the electron away at such a high speed in one second the electron could be anywhere in several miles radius.
-  When you delve into this uncertainty relationship you run into some very strange things.  One result is that you can not absolutely predict where a particle will be with 100% certainty.  A mathematical description of position of a particle must always be given in probabilities.  The electron is in this position with 99% probability.  But, there is still a 1% probability that it will be somewhere else.
-  Momentum and position are a pair of trade-offs.  You must always trade-off one against the other when making precise atomic measurements.  This same trade-off relationship occurs between measuring energy and time, or mass and time, since Einstein showed that mass and energy were different forms of the same thing.
-----------------------------  Energy Uncertainty * Time Uncertainty  =  h / 4 * pi
-  We use probabilities to describe these trade-offs in uncertainties, and that works for modeling and describing what is actually going on.  But, scientists are not certain this is how the Universe actually works.  We can model it with probabilities but maybe there is a deeper understanding still needed to explain how the Universe is working in this probabilistic manner.
-   The effects of Uncertainty Principle are not apparent with large systems because Planck’s constant is extremely small.  However, at the atomic scale it becomes fundamentally important in understanding the behavior of atoms.
---------------------  The diameter of electron is 0.000000000000005.6  meters (5.6*10^-15 m).
--------------  The Planck length is 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001 meters (10^-34 m)
-------The Planck time interval is 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds
------------------------------  ( 10^-42 seconds)
-  So, you see we are dealing with some really small numbers here.  Here are one of the formulas in physics that lead up to the Uncertainty Principle.
---------------------------  Position = distance measurement
---------------------------   Momentum  = mass * velocity  =  mass * distance / time
--------------------------  Action  =  distance * momentum  =  distance * mass * distance / time
--------------------------  Photon’s momentum  =  Planck’s constant / wavelength
-  The Uncertainty Principle and the wave properties of light are two expressions for the same thing.  But, it applies to all particles, not just light.
-  The Uncertainty Principle is used to explain the inherent width of spectral lines ( See Review 36 “The Electromagnetic Spectrum” ).  If the lifetime of a particular atom is very short in the excited state there is a large uncertainty in its energy and the spectral line is broad. 
-  In contrast if the lifetime in the excited state is long the energy uncertainty is small and the spectral line is fine.  Stephen Hawkings used the Uncertainty Principle to show that blackholes eventually evaporate and have a finite lifetime.  The principle was used to show why White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars do not collapse into a single point.  The Uncertainty Principle keeps the electrons applying an outward pressure that prevents the collapse.
-  What happens to gravity in these small dimensions?  There is a fifth grader somewhere that will probably be telling us the answer to this question in another 20 years.
-  Professor Richard Feynman said,” If anyone claims to know what the quantum theory is all about, they haven’t understood it.”
-   Werner Karl Heisenberg was a German physicist born in 1901.  His father was a history and humanities professor.  Werner got his Ph.D. from University of Munich in 1923. At that time there was much debate about the structure of the atom and whether to treat electrons and particles of waves.  Physicists were studying the elements using spectral lines.  No one at that time could explain how the spectral lines were created. 
-  In 1927 Werner went on vacation to a North Sea island to escape the discomfort of his hay fever.  While on vacation he developed the mathematics that define the wavelengths of an elements spectral lines. 
-  Shortly after that he developed the uncertainty principle which states the uncertainties of the determination of momentum and position, when multiplied yielded a value approximately that of Planck’s constant.  His principle of uncertainties and the need to use probabilities to explain natural events threw a big uproar in the scientific community.
-   Tradition had taught scientists that there was a direct relationship between cause and effect.  Werner’s principle was counter to that.  Even Einstein had problems with using probabilities.  As he said, “ God does not play dice” to show his distrust in these theories. 
-  Heisenberg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932.  He worked for the Nazi’s in WWII and was in charge of the German research on the atomic bomb.  In February 1940 Heisenberg had completed a full report on how to construct a workable atomic bomb.  It is an amazing story how the allies prevented him from being successful ( Let me know if you want to learn it).  After the war he became the director of the Max Planck Institute for Physics.
-  See Review 2198 for more on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
-  February 17, 2019.                     40
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