Saturday, June 1, 2019

Index of reviews

-  Here is an index of recent Reviews available if you want:
--   2275 -   QUANTUM  -  Welcome to the Natural World. All the laws of physics that we discover and all the natural constants that we encounter are so precisely tuned and, somehow, ideally suited for life on Earth.  The probability of all this happening on Earth by mere chance is totally beyond reason.
-   2376  -   ANTI-MATTER  - Why does it exist?  Present theory suggests that if particles outnumbered antiparticles in the Big Bang by as little as one part in 100 million, then the present universe could be explained by those extra particles that were not annihilated by an antiparticle counterpart.
-   2377 - ATOM  -  defining the atom  All the other elements in the periodic table above hydrogen and helium were created in the nuclear fusion of the stars  The first stars formed with only hydrogen and helium.  When they burned all their fuel and exploded as supernova they splattered the surrounding space with all the atoms in the higher level elements.
-  2378  - PROTONS -  Atoms are composed of electrons, protons and neutrons.  A neutral atom has the same  number of protons and electrons, and  there is a different number of protons and electrons for each element.  This Review delves into the inside of the proton to discover the even more elementary particles, quarks and gluons.
-   2379 - TIME  -   Deriving Time Dilation -  Time Dilation is a concept that says, to a stationary observer a moving clock seemingly runs slow.  This concept falls out of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.  Einstein’s brilliant thought needed to make his equations work out was to make the speed of light constant and let time and space be variables.  This is counterintuitive because we think of space as constant and just always there, unchanging.  And, we think of time as constant, continuous and the same everywhere.
-   2380 -ASTRONOMY  -   The interesting thing about learning astronomy is that you keep running into these things that are too weird to ponder.  Black Holes can make your head hurt.  Black Holes have so much mass and so much gravity that the escape velocity needed to get away from  them exceeds the speed of light.  Nothing escapes.
-   2381  - TIME  -   Pressed for Time?  Let’s say the Big Bang happened on January 1st and we compressed our history into that same year.  What would the age of the Universe look like compressed in this way.  Each month would be a little over 1 billion years.
-   2382 -  ENERGY  -  where is it going?  Energy is expanding our Universe into an Island Galaxy in the middle of a void of space.  All the mass and energy in the universe will still be there.  It will just be so spread out and diluted so much that it becomes a cold vacuum.  All wavelengths of energy will be lightyears long.  The temperature of space will be near absolute zero.
-   2384  - INDIANA  -  home of the Earliest Americans.  13,500 years ago peoples from Siberia crossed a land bridge that emerged when sea levels plunged during the last ice age.  The land bridge was an inland corridor between the two huge ice sheets.  Within a thousand years their descendents had spread throughout North and South America.
-   2385 -  GLOBALIZATION - Globalization is changing the world in India and China and, in contrast,  it is changing for the worst in Al-Quada and terrorism.  Here we are 15 years later and our President Donald Trump is dealing with Flat World results. This Review describes the changing world in 2005.
-   2386  -  KEPLER’s  -  laws of motion.  Johan Kelper in 1596 came up with three laws for planetary motion.  This third law says that if we multiply the radius of orbit by itself two times it will always equal the time of orbit multiplied by itself one time.  Now, how does this make any sense?
----  Comments appreciated and Pass it on to whomever is interested. ----
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 -------------------------   Saturday, June 1, 2019   --------------------------------

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